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Filebyte_safe_strings.php             [source] [195 lines]   Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Filecast_to_int.php                   [source] [77 lines]    Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Fileerror_polyfill.php                [source] [49 lines]    Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects
Filerandom.php                        [source] [226 lines]   Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects
Filerandom_bytes_com_dotnet.php       [source] [91 lines]    Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Filerandom_bytes_dev_urandom.php      [source] [190 lines]   Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Filerandom_bytes_libsodium.php        [source] [91 lines]    Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Filerandom_bytes_libsodium_legacy.php [source] [93 lines]    Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Filerandom_bytes_mcrypt.php           [source] [79 lines]    Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)
Filerandom_int.php                    [source] [204 lines]   Random_* Compatibility Library for using the new PHP 7 random_* API in PHP 5 projects The MIT License (MIT)

Generated: Sun Jul 9 01:00:02 2023 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1