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/wp-includes/ -> comment.php (summary)

Core Comment API

File Size: 3912 lines (126 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 2 files

Defines 72 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

check_comment( $author, $email, $url, $comment, $user_ip, $user_agent, $comment_type )   X-Ref
Checks whether a comment passes internal checks to be allowed to add.

If manual comment moderation is set in the administration, then all checks,
regardless of their type and substance, will fail and the function will
return false.

If the number of links exceeds the amount in the administration, then the
check fails. If any of the parameter contents contain any disallowed words,
then the check fails.

If the comment author was approved before, then the comment is automatically

If all checks pass, the function will return true.

since: 1.2.0
return: bool If all checks pass, true, otherwise false.
param: string $author       Comment author name.
param: string $email        Comment author email.
param: string $url          Comment author URL.
param: string $comment      Content of the comment.
param: string $user_ip      Comment author IP address.
param: string $user_agent   Comment author User-Agent.
param: string $comment_type Comment type, either user-submitted comment,

get_approved_comments( $post_id, $args = array()   X-Ref
Retrieves the approved comments for post $post_id.

since: 2.0.0
since: 4.1.0 Refactored to leverage WP_Comment_Query over a direct query.
return: WP_Comment[]|int[]|int The approved comments, or number of comments if `$count`
param: int   $post_id The ID of the post.
param: array $args    Optional. See WP_Comment_Query::__construct() for information on accepted arguments.

get_comment( $comment = null, $output = OBJECT )   X-Ref
Retrieves comment data given a comment ID or comment object.

If an object is passed then the comment data will be cached and then returned
after being passed through a filter. If the comment is empty, then the global
comment variable will be used, if it is set.

since: 2.0.0
return: WP_Comment|array|null Depends on $output value.
param: WP_Comment|string|int $comment Comment to retrieve.
param: string                $output  Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N, which

get_comments( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Retrieves a list of comments.

The comment list can be for the blog as a whole or for an individual post.

since: 2.7.0
return: WP_Comment[]|int[]|int List of comments or number of found comments if `$count` argument is true.
param: string|array $args Optional. Array or string of arguments. See WP_Comment_Query::__construct()

get_comment_statuses()   X-Ref
Retrieves all of the WordPress supported comment statuses.

Comments have a limited set of valid status values, this provides the comment
status values and descriptions.

since: 2.7.0
return: string[] List of comment status labels keyed by status.

get_default_comment_status( $post_type = 'post', $comment_type = 'comment' )   X-Ref
Gets the default comment status for a post type.

since: 4.3.0
return: string Expected return value is 'open' or 'closed'.
param: string $post_type    Optional. Post type. Default 'post'.
param: string $comment_type Optional. Comment type. Default 'comment'.

get_lastcommentmodified( $timezone = 'server' )   X-Ref
Retrieves the date the last comment was modified.

since: 1.5.0
since: 4.7.0 Replaced caching the modified date in a local static variable
return: string|false Last comment modified date on success, false on failure.
param: string $timezone Which timezone to use in reference to 'gmt', 'blog', or 'server' locations.

get_comment_count( $post_id = 0 )   X-Ref
Retrieves the total comment counts for the whole site or a single post.

since: 2.0.0
return: int[] {
param: int $post_id Optional. Restrict the comment counts to the given post. Default 0, which indicates that

add_comment_meta( $comment_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique = false )   X-Ref
Adds meta data field to a comment.

since: 2.9.0
return: int|false Meta ID on success, false on failure.
param: int    $comment_id Comment ID.
param: string $meta_key   Metadata name.
param: mixed  $meta_value Metadata value. Must be serializable if non-scalar.
param: bool   $unique     Optional. Whether the same key should not be added.

delete_comment_meta( $comment_id, $meta_key, $meta_value = '' )   X-Ref
Removes metadata matching criteria from a comment.

You can match based on the key, or key and value. Removing based on key and
value, will keep from removing duplicate metadata with the same key. It also
allows removing all metadata matching key, if needed.

since: 2.9.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int    $comment_id Comment ID.
param: string $meta_key   Metadata name.
param: mixed  $meta_value Optional. Metadata value. If provided,

get_comment_meta( $comment_id, $key = '', $single = false )   X-Ref
Retrieves comment meta field for a comment.

since: 2.9.0
return: mixed An array of values if `$single` is false.
param: int    $comment_id Comment ID.
param: string $key        Optional. The meta key to retrieve. By default,
param: bool   $single     Optional. Whether to return a single value.

update_comment_meta( $comment_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value = '' )   X-Ref
Updates comment meta field based on comment ID.

Use the $prev_value parameter to differentiate between meta fields with the
same key and comment ID.

If the meta field for the comment does not exist, it will be added.

since: 2.9.0
return: int|bool Meta ID if the key didn't exist, true on successful update,
param: int    $comment_id Comment ID.
param: string $meta_key   Metadata key.
param: mixed  $meta_value Metadata value. Must be serializable if non-scalar.
param: mixed  $prev_value Optional. Previous value to check before updating.

wp_queue_comments_for_comment_meta_lazyload( $comments )   X-Ref
Queues comments for metadata lazy-loading.

since: 4.5.0
param: WP_Comment[] $comments Array of comment objects.

wp_set_comment_cookies( $comment, $user, $cookies_consent = true )   X-Ref
Sets the cookies used to store an unauthenticated commentator's identity. Typically used
to recall previous comments by this commentator that are still held in moderation.

since: 3.4.0
since: 4.9.6 The `$cookies_consent` parameter was added.
param: WP_Comment $comment         Comment object.
param: WP_User    $user            Comment author's user object. The user may not exist.
param: bool       $cookies_consent Optional. Comment author's consent to store cookies. Default true.

sanitize_comment_cookies()   X-Ref
Sanitizes the cookies sent to the user already.

Will only do anything if the cookies have already been created for the user.
Mostly used after cookies had been sent to use elsewhere.

since: 2.0.4

wp_allow_comment( $commentdata, $wp_error = false )   X-Ref
Validates whether this comment is allowed to be made.

since: 2.0.0
since: 4.7.0 The `$avoid_die` parameter was added, allowing the function
since: 5.5.0 The `$avoid_die` parameter was renamed to `$wp_error`.
return: int|string|WP_Error Allowed comments return the approval status (0|1|'spam'|'trash').
param: array $commentdata Contains information on the comment.
param: bool  $wp_error    When true, a disallowed comment will result in the function

check_comment_flood_db()   X-Ref
Hooks WP's native database-based comment-flood check.

This wrapper maintains backward compatibility with plugins that expect to
be able to unhook the legacy check_comment_flood_db() function from
'check_comment_flood' using remove_action().

since: 2.3.0
since: 4.7.0 Converted to be an add_filter() wrapper.

wp_check_comment_flood( $is_flood, $ip, $email, $date, $avoid_die = false )   X-Ref
Checks whether comment flooding is occurring.

Won't run, if current user can manage options, so to not block

since: 4.7.0
return: bool Whether comment flooding is occurring.
param: bool   $is_flood  Is a comment flooding occurring?
param: string $ip        Comment author's IP address.
param: string $email     Comment author's email address.
param: string $date      MySQL time string.
param: bool   $avoid_die When true, a disallowed comment will result in the function

separate_comments( &$comments )   X-Ref
Separates an array of comments into an array keyed by comment_type.

since: 2.7.0
return: WP_Comment[] Array of comments keyed by comment_type.
param: WP_Comment[] $comments Array of comments

get_comment_pages_count( $comments = null, $per_page = null, $threaded = null )   X-Ref
Calculates the total number of comment pages.

since: 2.7.0
return: int Number of comment pages.
param: WP_Comment[] $comments Optional. Array of WP_Comment objects. Defaults to `$wp_query->comments`.
param: int          $per_page Optional. Comments per page.
param: bool         $threaded Optional. Control over flat or threaded comments.

get_page_of_comment( $comment_ID, $args = array()   X-Ref
Calculates what page number a comment will appear on for comment paging.

since: 2.7.0
return: int|null Comment page number or null on error.
param: int   $comment_ID Comment ID.
param: array $args {

wp_get_comment_fields_max_lengths()   X-Ref
Retrieves the maximum character lengths for the comment form fields.

since: 4.5.0
return: int[] Array of maximum lengths keyed by field name.

wp_check_comment_data_max_lengths( $comment_data )   X-Ref
Compares the lengths of comment data against the maximum character limits.

since: 4.7.0
return: WP_Error|true WP_Error when a comment field exceeds the limit,
param: array $comment_data Array of arguments for inserting a comment.

wp_check_comment_disallowed_list( $author, $email, $url, $comment, $user_ip, $user_agent )   X-Ref
Checks if a comment contains disallowed characters or words.

since: 5.5.0
return: bool True if comment contains disallowed content, false if comment does not
param: string $author The author of the comment
param: string $email The email of the comment
param: string $url The url used in the comment
param: string $comment The comment content
param: string $user_ip The comment author's IP address
param: string $user_agent The author's browser user agent

wp_count_comments( $post_id = 0 )   X-Ref
Retrieves the total comment counts for the whole site or a single post.

The comment stats are cached and then retrieved, if they already exist in the

since: 2.5.0
return: stdClass {
param: int $post_id Optional. Restrict the comment counts to the given post. Default 0, which indicates that

wp_delete_comment( $comment_id, $force_delete = false )   X-Ref
Trashes or deletes a comment.

The comment is moved to Trash instead of permanently deleted unless Trash is
disabled, item is already in the Trash, or $force_delete is true.

The post comment count will be updated if the comment was approved and has a
post ID available.

since: 2.0.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id   Comment ID or WP_Comment object.
param: bool           $force_delete Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion. Default false.

wp_trash_comment( $comment_id )   X-Ref
Moves a comment to the Trash

If Trash is disabled, comment is permanently deleted.

since: 2.9.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Comment ID or WP_Comment object.

wp_untrash_comment( $comment_id )   X-Ref
Removes a comment from the Trash

since: 2.9.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Comment ID or WP_Comment object.

wp_spam_comment( $comment_id )   X-Ref
Marks a comment as Spam.

since: 2.9.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Comment ID or WP_Comment object.

wp_unspam_comment( $comment_id )   X-Ref
Removes a comment from the Spam.

since: 2.9.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Comment ID or WP_Comment object.

wp_get_comment_status( $comment_id )   X-Ref
Retrieves the status of a comment by comment ID.

since: 1.0.0
return: string|false Status might be 'trash', 'approved', 'unapproved', 'spam'. False on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Comment ID or WP_Comment object

wp_transition_comment_status( $new_status, $old_status, $comment )   X-Ref
Calls hooks for when a comment status transition occurs.

Calls hooks for comment status transitions. If the new comment status is not the same
as the previous comment status, then two hooks will be ran, the first is
{@see 'transition_comment_status'} with new status, old status, and comment data.
The next action called is {@see 'comment_$old_status_to_$new_status'}. It has
the comment data.

The final action will run whether or not the comment statuses are the same.
The action is named {@see 'comment_$new_status_$comment->comment_type'}.

since: 2.7.0
param: string     $new_status New comment status.
param: string     $old_status Previous comment status.
param: WP_Comment $comment    Comment object.

_clear_modified_cache_on_transition_comment_status( $new_status, $old_status )   X-Ref
Clears the lastcommentmodified cached value when a comment status is changed.

Deletes the lastcommentmodified cache key when a comment enters or leaves
'approved' status.

since: 4.7.0
param: string $new_status The new comment status.
param: string $old_status The old comment status.

wp_get_current_commenter()   X-Ref
Gets current commenter's name, email, and URL.

Expects cookies content to already be sanitized. User of this function might
wish to recheck the returned array for validity.

since: 2.0.4
return: array {

wp_get_unapproved_comment_author_email()   X-Ref
Gets unapproved comment author's email.

Used to allow the commenter to see their pending comment.

since: 5.1.0
since: 5.7.0 The window within which the author email for an unapproved comment
return: string The unapproved comment author's email (when supplied).

wp_insert_comment( $commentdata )   X-Ref
Inserts a comment into the database.

since: 2.0.0
since: 4.4.0 Introduced the `$comment_meta` argument.
since: 5.5.0 Default value for `$comment_type` argument changed to `comment`.
return: int|false The new comment's ID on success, false on failure.
param: array $commentdata {

wp_filter_comment( $commentdata )   X-Ref
Filters and sanitizes comment data.

Sets the comment data 'filtered' field to true when finished. This can be
checked as to whether the comment should be filtered and to keep from
filtering the same comment more than once.

since: 2.0.0
return: array Parsed comment information.
param: array $commentdata Contains information on the comment.

wp_throttle_comment_flood( $block, $time_lastcomment, $time_newcomment )   X-Ref
Determines whether a comment should be blocked because of comment flood.

since: 2.1.0
return: bool Whether comment should be blocked.
param: bool $block            Whether plugin has already blocked comment.
param: int  $time_lastcomment Timestamp for last comment.
param: int  $time_newcomment  Timestamp for new comment.

wp_new_comment( $commentdata, $wp_error = false )   X-Ref
Adds a new comment to the database.

Filters new comment to ensure that the fields are sanitized and valid before
inserting comment into database. Calls {@see 'comment_post'} action with comment ID
and whether comment is approved by WordPress. Also has {@see 'preprocess_comment'}
filter for processing the comment data before the function handles it.

We use `REMOTE_ADDR` here directly. If you are behind a proxy, you should ensure
that it is properly set, such as in wp-config.php, for your environment.

See {@link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/9235}

since: 1.5.0
since: 4.3.0 Introduced the `comment_agent` and `comment_author_IP` arguments.
since: 4.7.0 The `$avoid_die` parameter was added, allowing the function
since: 5.5.0 The `$avoid_die` parameter was renamed to `$wp_error`.
since: 5.5.0 Introduced the `comment_type` argument.
return: int|false|WP_Error The ID of the comment on success, false or WP_Error on failure.
param: array $commentdata {
param: bool  $wp_error Should errors be returned as WP_Error objects instead of

wp_new_comment_notify_moderator( $comment_ID )   X-Ref
Sends a comment moderation notification to the comment moderator.

since: 4.4.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int $comment_ID ID of the comment.

wp_new_comment_notify_postauthor( $comment_ID )   X-Ref
Sends a notification of a new comment to the post author.

since: 4.4.0
return: bool True on success, false on failure.
param: int $comment_ID Comment ID.

wp_set_comment_status( $comment_id, $comment_status, $wp_error = false )   X-Ref
Sets the status of a comment.

The {@see 'wp_set_comment_status'} action is called after the comment is handled.
If the comment status is not in the list, then false is returned.

since: 1.0.0
return: bool|WP_Error True on success, false or WP_Error on failure.
param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id     Comment ID or WP_Comment object.
param: string         $comment_status New comment status, either 'hold', 'approve', 'spam', or 'trash'.
param: bool           $wp_error       Whether to return a WP_Error object if there is a failure. Default false.

wp_update_comment( $commentarr, $wp_error = false )   X-Ref
Updates an existing comment in the database.

Filters the comment and makes sure certain fields are valid before updating.

since: 2.0.0
since: 4.9.0 Add updating comment meta during comment update.
since: 5.5.0 The `$wp_error` parameter was added.
since: 5.5.0 The return values for an invalid comment or post ID
return: int|false|WP_Error The value 1 if the comment was updated, 0 if not updated.
param: array $commentarr Contains information on the comment.
param: bool  $wp_error   Optional. Whether to return a WP_Error on failure. Default false.

wp_defer_comment_counting( $defer = null )   X-Ref
Determines whether to defer comment counting.

When setting $defer to true, all post comment counts will not be updated
until $defer is set to false. When $defer is set to false, then all
previously deferred updated post comment counts will then be automatically
updated without having to call wp_update_comment_count() after.

since: 2.5.0
return: bool
param: bool $defer

wp_update_comment_count( $post_id, $do_deferred = false )   X-Ref
Updates the comment count for post(s).

When $do_deferred is false (is by default) and the comments have been set to
be deferred, the post_id will be added to a queue, which will be updated at a
later date and only updated once per post ID.

If the comments have not be set up to be deferred, then the post will be
updated. When $do_deferred is set to true, then all previous deferred post
IDs will be updated along with the current $post_id.

since: 2.1.0
return: bool|void True on success, false on failure or if post with ID does
param: int|null $post_id     Post ID.
param: bool     $do_deferred Optional. Whether to process previously deferred

wp_update_comment_count_now( $post_id )   X-Ref
Updates the comment count for the post.

since: 2.5.0
return: bool True on success, false if the post does not exist.
param: int $post_id Post ID

discover_pingback_server_uri( $url, $deprecated = '' )   X-Ref
Finds a pingback server URI based on the given URL.

Checks the HTML for the rel="pingback" link and x-pingback headers. It does
a check for the x-pingback headers first and returns that, if available. The
check for the rel="pingback" has more overhead than just the header.

since: 1.5.0
return: string|false String containing URI on success, false on failure.
param: string $url        URL to ping.
param: string $deprecated Not Used.

do_all_pings()   X-Ref
Performs all pingbacks, enclosures, trackbacks, and sends to pingback services.

since: 2.1.0
since: 5.6.0 Introduced `do_all_pings` action hook for individual services.

do_all_pingbacks()   X-Ref
Performs all pingbacks.

since: 5.6.0

do_all_enclosures()   X-Ref
Performs all enclosures.

since: 5.6.0

do_all_trackbacks()   X-Ref
Performs all trackbacks.

since: 5.6.0

do_trackbacks( $post_id )   X-Ref
Performs trackbacks.

since: 1.5.0
since: 4.7.0 `$post_id` can be a WP_Post object.
param: int|WP_Post $post_id Post object or ID to do trackbacks on.

generic_ping( $post_id = 0 )   X-Ref
Sends pings to all of the ping site services.

since: 1.2.0
return: int Same as Post ID from parameter
param: int $post_id Post ID.

pingback( $content, $post_id )   X-Ref
Pings back the links found in a post.

since: 0.71
since: 4.7.0 `$post_id` can be a WP_Post object.
param: string      $content Post content to check for links. If empty will retrieve from post.
param: int|WP_Post $post_id Post Object or ID.

privacy_ping_filter( $sites )   X-Ref
Checks whether blog is public before returning sites.

since: 2.1.0
return: mixed Empty string if blog is not public, returns $sites, if site is public.
param: mixed $sites Will return if blog is public, will not return if not public.

trackback( $trackback_url, $title, $excerpt, $ID )   X-Ref
Sends a Trackback.

Updates database when sending trackback to prevent duplicates.

since: 0.71
return: int|false|void Database query from update.
param: string $trackback_url URL to send trackbacks.
param: string $title         Title of post.
param: string $excerpt       Excerpt of post.
param: int    $ID            Post ID.

weblog_ping( $server = '', $path = '' )   X-Ref
Sends a pingback.

since: 1.2.0
param: string $server Host of blog to connect to.
param: string $path Path to send the ping.

pingback_ping_source_uri( $source_uri )   X-Ref
Default filter attached to pingback_ping_source_uri to validate the pingback's Source URI.

since: 3.5.1
return: string
param: string $source_uri

xmlrpc_pingback_error( $ixr_error )   X-Ref
Default filter attached to xmlrpc_pingback_error.

Returns a generic pingback error code unless the error code is 48,
which reports that the pingback is already registered.

since: 3.5.1
return: IXR_Error
param: IXR_Error $ixr_error

clean_comment_cache( $ids )   X-Ref
Removes a comment from the object cache.

since: 2.3.0
param: int|array $ids Comment ID or an array of comment IDs to remove from cache.

update_comment_cache( $comments, $update_meta_cache = true )   X-Ref
Updates the comment cache of given comments.

Will add the comments in $comments to the cache. If comment ID already exists
in the comment cache then it will not be updated. The comment is added to the
cache using the comment group with the key using the ID of the comments.

since: 2.3.0
since: 4.4.0 Introduced the `$update_meta_cache` parameter.
param: WP_Comment[] $comments          Array of comment objects
param: bool         $update_meta_cache Whether to update commentmeta cache. Default true.

_prime_comment_caches( $comment_ids, $update_meta_cache = true )   X-Ref
Adds any comments from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache.

since: 4.4.0
param: int[] $comment_ids       Array of comment IDs.
param: bool  $update_meta_cache Optional. Whether to update the meta cache. Default true.

_close_comments_for_old_posts( $posts, $query )   X-Ref
Closes comments on old posts on the fly, without any extra DB queries. Hooked to the_posts.

since: 2.7.0
return: array
param: WP_Post  $posts Post data object.
param: WP_Query $query Query object.

_close_comments_for_old_post( $open, $post_id )   X-Ref
Closes comments on an old post. Hooked to comments_open and pings_open.

since: 2.7.0
return: bool $open
param: bool $open    Comments open or closed.
param: int  $post_id Post ID.

wp_handle_comment_submission( $comment_data )   X-Ref
Handles the submission of a comment, usually posted to wp-comments-post.php via a comment form.

This function expects unslashed data, as opposed to functions such as `wp_new_comment()` which
expect slashed data.

since: 4.4.0
return: WP_Comment|WP_Error A WP_Comment object on success, a WP_Error object on failure.
param: array $comment_data {

wp_register_comment_personal_data_exporter( $exporters )   X-Ref
Registers the personal data exporter for comments.

since: 4.9.6
return: array An array of personal data exporters.
param: array $exporters An array of personal data exporters.

wp_comments_personal_data_exporter( $email_address, $page = 1 )   X-Ref
Finds and exports personal data associated with an email address from the comments table.

since: 4.9.6
return: array An array of personal data.
param: string $email_address The comment author email address.
param: int    $page          Comment page.

wp_register_comment_personal_data_eraser( $erasers )   X-Ref
Registers the personal data eraser for comments.

since: 4.9.6
return: array An array of personal data erasers.
param: array $erasers An array of personal data erasers.

wp_comments_personal_data_eraser( $email_address, $page = 1 )   X-Ref
Erases personal data associated with an email address from the comments table.

since: 4.9.6
return: array
param: string $email_address The comment author email address.
param: int    $page          Comment page.

wp_cache_set_comments_last_changed()   X-Ref
Sets the last changed time for the 'comment' cache group.

since: 5.0.0

_wp_batch_update_comment_type()   X-Ref
Updates the comment type for a batch of comments.

since: 5.5.0

_wp_check_for_scheduled_update_comment_type()   X-Ref
In order to avoid the _wp_batch_update_comment_type() job being accidentally removed,
check that it's still scheduled while we haven't finished updating comment types.

since: 5.5.0

Generated: Sat Feb 8 01:00:03 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1