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WordPress Customize Manager classes
__construct( $args = array() X-Ref |
Constructor. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.7.0 Added `$args` parameter. param: array $args { |
doing_ajax( $action = null ) X-Ref |
Returns true if it's an Ajax request. return: bool True if it's an Ajax request, false otherwise. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.2.0 Added `$action` param. param: string|null $action Whether the supplied Ajax action is being run. |
wp_die( $ajax_message, $message = null ) X-Ref |
Custom wp_die wrapper. Returns either the standard message for UI or the Ajax message. since: 3.4.0 param: string|WP_Error $ajax_message Ajax return. param: string $message Optional. UI message. |
wp_die_handler() X-Ref |
Returns the Ajax wp_die() handler if it's a customized request. return: callable Die handler. since: 3.4.0 |
setup_theme() X-Ref |
Starts preview and customize theme. Check if customize query variable exist. Init filters to filter the active theme. since: 3.4.0 |
establish_loaded_changeset() X-Ref |
Establishes the loaded changeset. This method runs right at after_setup_theme and applies the 'customize_changeset_branching' filter to determine whether concurrent changesets are allowed. Then if the Customizer is not initialized with a `changeset_uuid` param, this method will determine which UUID should be used. If changeset branching is disabled, then the most saved changeset will be loaded by default. Otherwise, if there are no existing saved changesets or if changeset branching is enabled, then a new UUID will be generated. since: 4.9.0 |
after_setup_theme() X-Ref |
Callback to validate a theme once it is loaded since: 3.4.0 |
start_previewing_theme() X-Ref |
If the theme to be previewed isn't the active theme, add filter callbacks to swap it out at runtime. since: 3.4.0 |
stop_previewing_theme() X-Ref |
Stops previewing the selected theme. Removes filters to change the active theme. since: 3.4.0 |
settings_previewed() X-Ref |
Gets whether settings are or will be previewed. return: bool since: 4.9.0 |
autosaved() X-Ref |
Gets whether data from a changeset's autosaved revision should be loaded if it exists. return: bool Is using autosaved changeset revision. since: 4.9.0 |
branching() X-Ref |
Whether the changeset branching is allowed. return: bool Is changeset branching. since: 4.9.0 |
changeset_uuid() X-Ref |
Gets the changeset UUID. return: string UUID. since: 4.7.0 |
theme() X-Ref |
Gets the theme being customized. return: WP_Theme since: 3.4.0 |
settings() X-Ref |
Gets the registered settings. return: array since: 3.4.0 |
controls() X-Ref |
Gets the registered controls. return: array since: 3.4.0 |
containers() X-Ref |
Gets the registered containers. return: array since: 4.0.0 |
sections() X-Ref |
Gets the registered sections. return: array since: 3.4.0 |
panels() X-Ref |
Gets the registered panels. return: array Panels. since: 4.0.0 |
is_theme_active() X-Ref |
Checks if the current theme is active. return: bool since: 3.4.0 |
wp_loaded() X-Ref |
Registers styles/scripts and initialize the preview of each setting since: 3.4.0 |
wp_redirect_status( $status ) X-Ref |
Prevents Ajax requests from following redirects when previewing a theme by issuing a 200 response instead of a 30x. Instead, the JS will sniff out the location header. return: int since: 3.4.0 param: int $status Status. |
find_changeset_post_id( $uuid ) X-Ref |
Finds the changeset post ID for a given changeset UUID. return: int|null Returns post ID on success and null on failure. since: 4.7.0 param: string $uuid Changeset UUID. |
get_changeset_posts( $args = array() X-Ref |
Gets changeset posts. return: WP_Post[] Auto-draft changesets. since: 4.9.0 param: array $args { |
dismiss_user_auto_draft_changesets() X-Ref |
Dismisses all of the current user's auto-drafts (other than the present one). return: int The number of auto-drafts that were dismissed. since: 4.9.0 |
changeset_post_id() X-Ref |
Gets the changeset post ID for the loaded changeset. return: int|null Post ID on success or null if there is no post yet saved. since: 4.7.0 |
get_changeset_post_data( $post_id ) X-Ref |
Gets the data stored in a changeset post. return: array|WP_Error Changeset data or WP_Error on error. since: 4.7.0 param: int $post_id Changeset post ID. |
changeset_data() X-Ref |
Gets changeset data. return: array Changeset data. since: 4.7.0 since: 4.9.0 This will return the changeset's data with a user's autosave revision merged on top, if one exists and $autosaved is true. |
import_theme_starter_content( $starter_content = array() X-Ref |
Imports theme starter content into the customized state. since: 4.7.0 param: array $starter_content Starter content. Defaults to `get_theme_starter_content()`. |
prepare_starter_content_attachments( $attachments ) X-Ref |
Prepares starter content attachments. Ensure that the attachments are valid and that they have slugs and file name/path. return: array Prepared attachments. since: 4.7.0 param: array $attachments Attachments. |
_save_starter_content_changeset() X-Ref |
Saves starter content changeset. since: 4.7.0 |
unsanitized_post_values( $args = array() X-Ref |
Gets dirty pre-sanitized setting values in the current customized state. The returned array consists of a merge of three sources: 1. If the theme is not currently active, then the base array is any stashed theme mods that were modified previously but never published. 2. The values from the current changeset, if it exists. 3. If the user can customize, the values parsed from the incoming `$_POST['customized']` JSON data. 4. Any programmatically-set post values via `WP_Customize_Manager::set_post_value()`. The name "unsanitized_post_values" is a carry-over from when the customized state was exclusively sourced from `$_POST['customized']`. Nevertheless, the value returned will come from the current changeset post and from the incoming post data. return: array since: 4.1.1 since: 4.7.0 Added `$args` parameter and merging with changeset values and stashed theme mods. param: array $args { |
post_value( $setting, $default_value = null ) X-Ref |
Returns the sanitized value for a given setting from the current customized state. The name "post_value" is a carry-over from when the customized state was exclusively sourced from `$_POST['customized']`. Nevertheless, the value returned will come from the current changeset post and from the incoming post data. return: string|mixed Sanitized value or the `$default_value` provided. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.1.1 Introduced the `$default_value` parameter. since: 4.6.0 `$default_value` is now returned early when the setting post value is invalid. param: WP_Customize_Setting $setting A WP_Customize_Setting derived object. param: mixed $default_value Value returned if `$setting` has no post value (added in 4.2.0) |
set_post_value( $setting_id, $value ) X-Ref |
Overrides a setting's value in the current customized state. The name "post_value" is a carry-over from when the customized state was exclusively sourced from `$_POST['customized']`. since: 4.2.0 param: string $setting_id ID for the WP_Customize_Setting instance. param: mixed $value Post value. |
customize_preview_init() X-Ref |
Prints JavaScript settings. since: 3.4.0 |
filter_iframe_security_headers( $headers ) X-Ref |
Filters the X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy headers to ensure frontend can load in customizer. return: array Headers. since: 4.7.0 param: array $headers Headers. |
add_state_query_params( $url ) X-Ref |
Adds customize state query params to a given URL if preview is allowed. return: string URL. since: 4.7.0 param: string $url URL. |
customize_preview_override_404_status() X-Ref |
Prevents sending a 404 status when returning the response for the customize preview, since it causes the jQuery Ajax to fail. Send 200 instead. since: 4.0.0 |
customize_preview_base() X-Ref |
Prints base element for preview frame. since: 3.4.0 |
customize_preview_html5() X-Ref |
Prints a workaround to handle HTML5 tags in IE < 9. since: 3.4.0 |
customize_preview_loading_style() X-Ref |
Prints CSS for loading indicators for the Customizer preview. since: 4.2.0 |
remove_frameless_preview_messenger_channel() X-Ref |
Removes customize_messenger_channel query parameter from the preview window when it is not in an iframe. This ensures that the admin bar will be shown. It also ensures that link navigation will work as expected since the parent frame is not being sent the URL to navigate to. since: 4.7.0 |
customize_preview_settings() X-Ref |
Prints JavaScript settings for preview frame. since: 3.4.0 |
customize_preview_signature() X-Ref |
Prints a signature so we can ensure the Customizer was properly executed. since: 3.4.0 |
remove_preview_signature( $callback = null ) X-Ref |
Removes the signature in case we experience a case where the Customizer was not properly executed. return: callable|null Value passed through for {@see 'wp_die_handler'} filter. since: 3.4.0 param: callable|null $callback Optional. Value passed through for {@see 'wp_die_handler'} filter. |
is_preview() X-Ref |
Determines whether it is a theme preview or not. return: bool True if it's a preview, false if not. since: 3.4.0 |
get_template() X-Ref |
Retrieves the template name of the previewed theme. return: string Template name. since: 3.4.0 |
get_stylesheet() X-Ref |
Retrieves the stylesheet name of the previewed theme. return: string Stylesheet name. since: 3.4.0 |
get_template_root() X-Ref |
Retrieves the template root of the previewed theme. return: string Theme root. since: 3.4.0 |
get_stylesheet_root() X-Ref |
Retrieves the stylesheet root of the previewed theme. return: string Theme root. since: 3.4.0 |
current_theme( $current_theme ) X-Ref |
Filters the active theme and return the name of the previewed theme. return: string Theme name. since: 3.4.0 param: mixed $current_theme {@internal Parameter is not used} |
validate_setting_values( $setting_values, $options = array() X-Ref |
Validates setting values. Validation is skipped for unregistered settings or for values that are already null since they will be skipped anyway. Sanitization is applied to values that pass validation, and values that become null or `WP_Error` after sanitizing are marked invalid. return: array Mapping of setting IDs to return value of validate method calls, either `true` or `WP_Error`. since: 4.6.0 param: array $setting_values Mapping of setting IDs to values to validate and sanitize. param: array $options { |
prepare_setting_validity_for_js( $validity ) X-Ref |
Prepares setting validity for exporting to the client (JS). Converts `WP_Error` instance into array suitable for passing into the `wp.customize.Notification` JS model. return: true|array If `$validity` was a WP_Error, the error codes will be array-mapped since: 4.6.0 param: true|WP_Error $validity Setting validity. |
save() X-Ref |
Handles customize_save WP Ajax request to save/update a changeset. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.7.0 The semantics of this method have changed to update a changeset, optionally to also change the status and other attributes. |
save_changeset_post( $args = array() X-Ref |
Saves the post for the loaded changeset. return: array|WP_Error Returns array on success and WP_Error with array data on error. since: 4.7.0 param: array $args { |
preserve_insert_changeset_post_content( $data, $postarr, $unsanitized_postarr ) X-Ref |
Preserves the initial JSON post_content passed to save into the post. This is needed to prevent KSES and other {@see 'content_save_pre'} filters from corrupting JSON data. Note that WP_Customize_Manager::validate_setting_values() have already run on the setting values being serialized as JSON into the post content so it is pre-sanitized. Also, the sanitization logic is re-run through the respective WP_Customize_Setting::sanitize() method when being read out of the changeset, via WP_Customize_Manager::post_value(), and this sanitized value will also be sent into WP_Customize_Setting::update() for persisting to the DB. Multiple users can collaborate on a single changeset, where one user may have the unfiltered_html capability but another may not. A user with unfiltered_html may add a script tag to some field which needs to be kept intact even when another user updates the changeset to modify another field when they do not have unfiltered_html. return: array Filtered post data. since: 5.4.1 param: array $data An array of slashed and processed post data. param: array $postarr An array of sanitized (and slashed) but otherwise unmodified post data. param: array $unsanitized_postarr An array of slashed yet *unsanitized* and unprocessed post data as originally passed to wp_insert_post(). |
trash_changeset_post( $post ) X-Ref |
Trashes or deletes a changeset post. The following re-formulates the logic from `wp_trash_post()` as done in `wp_publish_post()`. The reason for bypassing `wp_trash_post()` is that it will mutate the the `post_content` and the `post_name` when they should be untouched. return: mixed A WP_Post object for the trashed post or an empty value on failure. since: 4.9.0 param: int|WP_Post $post The changeset post. |
handle_changeset_trash_request() X-Ref |
Handles request to trash a changeset. since: 4.9.0 |
grant_edit_post_capability_for_changeset( $caps, $cap, $user_id, $args ) X-Ref |
Re-maps 'edit_post' meta cap for a customize_changeset post to be the same as 'customize' maps. There is essentially a "meta meta" cap in play here, where 'edit_post' meta cap maps to the 'customize' meta cap which then maps to 'edit_theme_options'. This is currently required in core for `wp_create_post_autosave()` because it will call `_wp_translate_postdata()` which in turn will check if a user can 'edit_post', but the the caps for the customize_changeset post type are all mapping to the meta capability. This should be able to be removed once #40922 is addressed in core. return: array Capabilities. since: 4.9.0 param: string[] $caps Array of the user's capabilities. param: string $cap Capability name. param: int $user_id The user ID. param: array $args Adds the context to the cap. Typically the object ID. |
set_changeset_lock( $changeset_post_id, $take_over = false ) X-Ref |
Marks the changeset post as being currently edited by the current user. since: 4.9.0 param: int $changeset_post_id Changeset post ID. param: bool $take_over Whether to take over the changeset. Default false. |
refresh_changeset_lock( $changeset_post_id ) X-Ref |
Refreshes changeset lock with the current time if current user edited the changeset before. since: 4.9.0 param: int $changeset_post_id Changeset post ID. |
add_customize_screen_to_heartbeat_settings( $settings ) X-Ref |
Filters heartbeat settings for the Customizer. return: array Heartbeat settings. since: 4.9.0 param: array $settings Current settings to filter. |
get_lock_user_data( $user_id ) X-Ref |
Gets lock user data. return: array|null User data formatted for client. since: 4.9.0 param: int $user_id User ID. |
check_changeset_lock_with_heartbeat( $response, $data, $screen_id ) X-Ref |
Checks locked changeset with heartbeat API. return: array The Heartbeat response. since: 4.9.0 param: array $response The Heartbeat response. param: array $data The $_POST data sent. param: string $screen_id The screen id. |
handle_override_changeset_lock_request() X-Ref |
Removes changeset lock when take over request is sent via Ajax. since: 4.9.0 |
_filter_revision_post_has_changed( $post_has_changed, $last_revision, $post ) X-Ref |
Filters whether a changeset has changed to create a new revision. Note that this will not be called while a changeset post remains in auto-draft status. return: bool Whether a revision should be made. since: 4.7.0 param: bool $post_has_changed Whether the post has changed. param: WP_Post $last_revision The last revision post object. param: WP_Post $post The post object. |
_publish_changeset_values( $changeset_post_id ) X-Ref |
Publishes the values of a changeset. This will publish the values contained in a changeset, even changesets that do not correspond to current manager instance. This is called by `_wp_customize_publish_changeset()` when a customize_changeset post is transitioned to the `publish` status. As such, this method should not be called directly and instead `wp_publish_post()` should be used. Please note that if the settings in the changeset are for a non-activated theme, the theme must first be switched to (via `switch_theme()`) before invoking this method. return: true|WP_Error True or error info. since: 4.7.0 param: int $changeset_post_id ID for customize_changeset post. Defaults to the changeset for the current manager instance. |
update_stashed_theme_mod_settings( $inactive_theme_mod_settings ) X-Ref |
Updates stashed theme mod settings. return: array|false Returns array of updated stashed theme mods or false if the update failed or there were no changes. since: 4.7.0 param: array $inactive_theme_mod_settings Mapping of stylesheet to arrays of theme mod settings. |
refresh_nonces() X-Ref |
Refreshes nonces for the current preview. since: 4.2.0 |
handle_dismiss_autosave_or_lock_request() X-Ref |
Deletes a given auto-draft changeset or the autosave revision for a given changeset or delete changeset lock. since: 4.9.0 |
add_setting( $id, $args = array() X-Ref |
Adds a customize setting. return: WP_Customize_Setting The instance of the setting that was added. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.5.0 Return added WP_Customize_Setting instance. param: WP_Customize_Setting|string $id Customize Setting object, or ID. param: array $args Optional. Array of properties for the new Setting object. |
add_dynamic_settings( $setting_ids ) X-Ref |
Registers any dynamically-created settings, such as those from $_POST['customized'] that have no corresponding setting created. This is a mechanism to "wake up" settings that have been dynamically created on the front end and have been sent to WordPress in `$_POST['customized']`. When WP loads, the dynamically-created settings then will get created and previewed even though they are not directly created statically with code. return: array The WP_Customize_Setting objects added. since: 4.2.0 param: array $setting_ids The setting IDs to add. |
get_setting( $id ) X-Ref |
Retrieves a customize setting. return: WP_Customize_Setting|void The setting, if set. since: 3.4.0 param: string $id Customize Setting ID. |
remove_setting( $id ) X-Ref |
Removes a customize setting. Note that removing the setting doesn't destroy the WP_Customize_Setting instance or remove its filters. since: 3.4.0 param: string $id Customize Setting ID. |
add_panel( $id, $args = array() X-Ref |
Adds a customize panel. return: WP_Customize_Panel The instance of the panel that was added. since: 4.0.0 since: 4.5.0 Return added WP_Customize_Panel instance. param: WP_Customize_Panel|string $id Customize Panel object, or ID. param: array $args Optional. Array of properties for the new Panel object. |
get_panel( $id ) X-Ref |
Retrieves a customize panel. return: WP_Customize_Panel|void Requested panel instance, if set. since: 4.0.0 param: string $id Panel ID to get. |
remove_panel( $id ) X-Ref |
Removes a customize panel. Note that removing the panel doesn't destroy the WP_Customize_Panel instance or remove its filters. since: 4.0.0 param: string $id Panel ID to remove. |
register_panel_type( $panel ) X-Ref |
Registers a customize panel type. Registered types are eligible to be rendered via JS and created dynamically. since: 4.3.0 param: string $panel Name of a custom panel which is a subclass of WP_Customize_Panel. |
render_panel_templates() X-Ref |
Renders JS templates for all registered panel types. since: 4.3.0 |
add_section( $id, $args = array() X-Ref |
Adds a customize section. return: WP_Customize_Section The instance of the section that was added. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.5.0 Return added WP_Customize_Section instance. param: WP_Customize_Section|string $id Customize Section object, or ID. param: array $args Optional. Array of properties for the new Section object. |
get_section( $id ) X-Ref |
Retrieves a customize section. return: WP_Customize_Section|void The section, if set. since: 3.4.0 param: string $id Section ID. |
remove_section( $id ) X-Ref |
Removes a customize section. Note that removing the section doesn't destroy the WP_Customize_Section instance or remove its filters. since: 3.4.0 param: string $id Section ID. |
register_section_type( $section ) X-Ref |
Registers a customize section type. Registered types are eligible to be rendered via JS and created dynamically. since: 4.3.0 param: string $section Name of a custom section which is a subclass of WP_Customize_Section. |
render_section_templates() X-Ref |
Renders JS templates for all registered section types. since: 4.3.0 |
add_control( $id, $args = array() X-Ref |
Adds a customize control. return: WP_Customize_Control The instance of the control that was added. since: 3.4.0 since: 4.5.0 Return added WP_Customize_Control instance. param: WP_Customize_Control|string $id Customize Control object, or ID. param: array $args Optional. Array of properties for the new Control object. |
get_control( $id ) X-Ref |
Retrieves a customize control. return: WP_Customize_Control|void The control object, if set. since: 3.4.0 param: string $id ID of the control. |
remove_control( $id ) X-Ref |
Removes a customize control. Note that removing the control doesn't destroy the WP_Customize_Control instance or remove its filters. since: 3.4.0 param: string $id ID of the control. |
register_control_type( $control ) X-Ref |
Registers a customize control type. Registered types are eligible to be rendered via JS and created dynamically. since: 4.1.0 param: string $control Name of a custom control which is a subclass of |
render_control_templates() X-Ref |
Renders JS templates for all registered control types. since: 4.1.0 |
_cmp_priority( $a, $b ) X-Ref |
Helper function to compare two objects by priority, ensuring sort stability via instance_number. return: int since: 3.4.0 param: WP_Customize_Panel|WP_Customize_Section|WP_Customize_Control $a Object A. param: WP_Customize_Panel|WP_Customize_Section|WP_Customize_Control $b Object B. |
prepare_controls() X-Ref |
Prepares panels, sections, and controls. For each, check if required related components exist, whether the user has the necessary capabilities, and sort by priority. since: 3.4.0 |
enqueue_control_scripts() X-Ref |
Enqueues scripts for customize controls. since: 3.4.0 |
is_ios() X-Ref |
Determines whether the user agent is iOS. return: bool Whether the user agent is iOS. since: 4.4.0 |
get_document_title_template() X-Ref |
Gets the template string for the Customizer pane document title. return: string The template string for the document title. since: 4.4.0 |
set_preview_url( $preview_url ) X-Ref |
Sets the initial URL to be previewed. URL is validated. since: 4.4.0 param: string $preview_url URL to be previewed. |
get_preview_url() X-Ref |
Gets the initial URL to be previewed. return: string URL being previewed. since: 4.4.0 |
is_cross_domain() X-Ref |
Determines whether the admin and the frontend are on different domains. return: bool Whether cross-domain. since: 4.7.0 |
get_allowed_urls() X-Ref |
Gets URLs allowed to be previewed. If the front end and the admin are served from the same domain, load the preview over ssl if the Customizer is being loaded over ssl. This avoids insecure content warnings. This is not attempted if the admin and front end are on different domains to avoid the case where the front end doesn't have ssl certs. Domain mapping plugins can allow other urls in these conditions using the customize_allowed_urls filter. return: array Allowed URLs. since: 4.7.0 |
get_messenger_channel() X-Ref |
Gets messenger channel. return: string Messenger channel. since: 4.7.0 |
set_return_url( $return_url ) X-Ref |
Sets URL to link the user to when closing the Customizer. URL is validated. since: 4.4.0 param: string $return_url URL for return link. |
get_return_url() X-Ref |
Gets URL to link the user to when closing the Customizer. return: string URL for link to close Customizer. since: 4.4.0 |
set_autofocus( $autofocus ) X-Ref |
Sets the autofocused constructs. since: 4.4.0 param: array $autofocus { |
get_autofocus() X-Ref |
Gets the autofocused constructs. return: string[] { since: 4.4.0 |
get_nonces() X-Ref |
Gets nonces for the Customizer. return: array Nonces. since: 4.5.0 |
customize_pane_settings() X-Ref |
Prints JavaScript settings for parent window. since: 4.4.0 |
get_previewable_devices() X-Ref |
Returns a list of devices to allow previewing. return: array List of devices with labels and default setting. since: 4.5.0 |
register_controls() X-Ref |
Registers some default controls. since: 3.4.0 |
has_published_pages() X-Ref |
Returns whether there are published pages. Used as active callback for static front page section and controls. return: bool Whether there are published (or to be published) pages. since: 4.7.0 |
register_dynamic_settings() X-Ref |
Adds settings from the POST data that were not added with code, e.g. dynamically-created settings for Widgets since: 4.2.0 |
handle_load_themes_request() X-Ref |
Loads themes into the theme browsing/installation UI. since: 4.9.0 |
_sanitize_header_textcolor( $color ) X-Ref |
Callback for validating the header_textcolor value. Accepts 'blank', and otherwise uses sanitize_hex_color_no_hash(). Returns default text color if hex color is empty. return: mixed since: 3.4.0 param: string $color |
_sanitize_background_setting( $value, $setting ) X-Ref |
Callback for validating a background setting value. return: string|WP_Error Background value or validation error. since: 4.7.0 param: string $value Repeat value. param: WP_Customize_Setting $setting Setting. |
export_header_video_settings( $response, $selective_refresh, $partials ) X-Ref |
Exports header video settings to facilitate selective refresh. return: array since: 4.7.0 param: array $response Response. param: WP_Customize_Selective_Refresh $selective_refresh Selective refresh component. param: array $partials Array of partials. |
_validate_header_video( $validity, $value ) X-Ref |
Callback for validating the header_video value. Ensures that the selected video is less than 8MB and provides an error message. return: mixed since: 4.7.0 param: WP_Error $validity param: mixed $value |
_validate_external_header_video( $validity, $value ) X-Ref |
Callback for validating the external_header_video value. Ensures that the provided URL is supported. return: mixed since: 4.7.0 param: WP_Error $validity param: mixed $value |
_sanitize_external_header_video( $value ) X-Ref |
Callback for sanitizing the external_header_video value. return: string Sanitized URL. since: 4.7.1 param: string $value URL. |
_render_custom_logo_partial() X-Ref |
Callback for rendering the custom logo, used in the custom_logo partial. This method exists because the partial object and context data are passed into a partial's render_callback so we cannot use get_custom_logo() as the render_callback directly since it expects a blog ID as the first argument. When WP no longer supports PHP 5.3, this method can be removed in favor of an anonymous function. return: string Custom logo. since: 4.5.0 |
Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |