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WordPress Customize Widgets classes
File Size: | 2211 lines (71 kb) |
Included or required: | 1 time |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
__construct( $manager ) X-Ref |
Initial loader. since: 3.9.0 param: WP_Customize_Manager $manager Customizer bootstrap instance. |
get_selective_refreshable_widgets() X-Ref |
List whether each registered widget can be use selective refresh. If the theme does not support the customize-selective-refresh-widgets feature, then this will always return an empty array. return: array Mapping of id_base to support. If theme doesn't support since: 4.5.0 |
is_widget_selective_refreshable( $id_base ) X-Ref |
Determines if a widget supports selective refresh. return: bool Whether the widget can be selective refreshed. since: 4.5.0 param: string $id_base Widget ID Base. |
get_setting_type( $setting_id ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the widget setting type given a setting ID. return: string|void Setting type. since: 4.2.0 param: string $setting_id Setting ID. |
register_settings() X-Ref |
Inspects the incoming customized data for any widget settings, and dynamically adds them up-front so widgets will be initialized properly. since: 4.2.0 |
filter_customize_dynamic_setting_args( $args, $setting_id ) X-Ref |
Determines the arguments for a dynamically-created setting. return: array|false Setting arguments, false otherwise. since: 4.2.0 param: false|array $args The arguments to the WP_Customize_Setting constructor. param: string $setting_id ID for dynamic setting, usually coming from `$_POST['customized']`. |
get_post_value( $name, $default_value = null ) X-Ref |
Retrieves an unslashed post value or return a default. return: mixed Unslashed post value or default value. since: 3.9.0 param: string $name Post value. param: mixed $default_value Default post value. |
override_sidebars_widgets_for_theme_switch() X-Ref |
Override sidebars_widgets for theme switch. When switching a theme via the Customizer, supply any previously-configured sidebars_widgets from the target theme as the initial sidebars_widgets setting. Also store the old theme's existing settings so that they can be passed along for storing in the sidebars_widgets theme_mod when the theme gets switched. since: 3.9.0 |
filter_customize_value_old_sidebars_widgets_data( $old_sidebars_widgets ) X-Ref |
Filters old_sidebars_widgets_data Customizer setting. When switching themes, filter the Customizer setting old_sidebars_widgets_data to supply initial $sidebars_widgets before they were overridden by retrieve_widgets(). The value for old_sidebars_widgets_data gets set in the old theme's sidebars_widgets theme_mod. return: array since: 3.9.0 param: array $old_sidebars_widgets |
filter_option_sidebars_widgets_for_theme_switch( $sidebars_widgets ) X-Ref |
Filters sidebars_widgets option for theme switch. When switching themes, the retrieve_widgets() function is run when the Customizer initializes, and then the new sidebars_widgets here get supplied as the default value for the sidebars_widgets option. return: array since: 3.9.0 param: array $sidebars_widgets |
customize_controls_init() X-Ref |
Ensures all widgets get loaded into the Customizer. Note: these actions are also fired in wp_ajax_update_widget(). since: 3.9.0 |
schedule_customize_register() X-Ref |
Ensures widgets are available for all types of previews. When in preview, hook to {@see 'customize_register'} for settings after WordPress is loaded so that all filters have been initialized (e.g. Widget Visibility). since: 3.9.0 |
customize_register() X-Ref |
Registers Customizer settings and controls for all sidebars and widgets. since: 3.9.0 |
is_panel_active() X-Ref |
Determines whether the widgets panel is active, based on whether there are sidebars registered. return: bool Active. since: 4.4.0 |
get_setting_id( $widget_id ) X-Ref |
Converts a widget_id into its corresponding Customizer setting ID (option name). return: string Maybe-parsed widget ID. since: 3.9.0 param: string $widget_id Widget ID. |
is_wide_widget( $widget_id ) X-Ref |
Determines whether the widget is considered "wide". Core widgets which may have controls wider than 250, but can still be shown in the narrow Customizer panel. The RSS and Text widgets in Core, for example, have widths of 400 and yet they still render fine in the Customizer panel. This method will return all Core widgets as being not wide, but this can be overridden with the {@see 'is_wide_widget_in_customizer'} filter. return: bool Whether or not the widget is a "wide" widget. since: 3.9.0 param: string $widget_id Widget ID. |
parse_widget_id( $widget_id ) X-Ref |
Converts a widget ID into its id_base and number components. return: array Array containing a widget's id_base and number components. since: 3.9.0 param: string $widget_id Widget ID. |
parse_widget_setting_id( $setting_id ) X-Ref |
Converts a widget setting ID (option path) to its id_base and number components. return: array|WP_Error Array containing a widget's id_base and number components, since: 3.9.0 param: string $setting_id Widget setting ID. |
print_styles() X-Ref |
Calls admin_print_styles-widgets.php and admin_print_styles hooks to allow custom styles from plugins. since: 3.9.0 |
print_scripts() X-Ref |
Calls admin_print_scripts-widgets.php and admin_print_scripts hooks to allow custom scripts from plugins. since: 3.9.0 |
enqueue_scripts() X-Ref |
Enqueues scripts and styles for Customizer panel and export data to JavaScript. since: 3.9.0 |
output_widget_control_templates() X-Ref |
Renders the widget form control templates into the DOM. since: 3.9.0 |
print_footer_scripts() X-Ref |
Calls admin_print_footer_scripts and admin_print_scripts hooks to allow custom scripts from plugins. since: 3.9.0 |
get_setting_args( $id, $overrides = array() X-Ref |
Retrieves common arguments to supply when constructing a Customizer setting. return: array Possibly modified setting arguments. since: 3.9.0 param: string $id Widget setting ID. param: array $overrides Array of setting overrides. |
sanitize_sidebar_widgets( $widget_ids ) X-Ref |
Ensures sidebar widget arrays only ever contain widget IDS. Used as the 'sanitize_callback' for each $sidebars_widgets setting. return: string[] Array of sanitized widget IDs. since: 3.9.0 param: string[] $widget_ids Array of widget IDs. |
get_available_widgets() X-Ref |
Builds up an index of all available widgets for use in Backbone models. return: array List of available widgets. since: 3.9.0 |
_sort_name_callback( $widget_a, $widget_b ) X-Ref |
Naturally orders available widgets by name. return: int Reorder position for the current widget comparison. since: 3.9.0 param: array $widget_a The first widget to compare. param: array $widget_b The second widget to compare. |
get_widget_control( $args ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the widget control markup. return: string Widget control form HTML markup. since: 3.9.0 param: array $args Widget control arguments. |
get_widget_control_parts( $args ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the widget control markup parts. return: array { since: 4.4.0 param: array $args Widget control arguments. |
customize_preview_init() X-Ref |
Adds hooks for the Customizer preview. since: 3.9.0 |
refresh_nonces( $nonces ) X-Ref |
Refreshes the nonce for widget updates. return: array Array of nonces. since: 4.2.0 param: array $nonces Array of nonces. |
should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles( $is_block_editor_screen ) X-Ref |
Tells the script loader to load the scripts and styles of custom blocks if the widgets block editor is enabled. return: bool Filtered decision about loading block assets. since: 5.8.0 param: bool $is_block_editor_screen Current decision about loading block assets. |
preview_sidebars_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) X-Ref |
When previewing, ensures the proper previewing widgets are used. Because wp_get_sidebars_widgets() gets called early at {@see 'init' } (via wp_convert_widget_settings()) and can set global variable `$_wp_sidebars_widgets` to the value of `get_option( 'sidebars_widgets' )` before the Customizer preview filter is added, it has to be reset after the filter has been added. return: array since: 3.9.0 param: array $sidebars_widgets List of widgets for the current sidebar. |
customize_preview_enqueue() X-Ref |
Enqueues scripts for the Customizer preview. since: 3.9.0 |
print_preview_css() X-Ref |
Inserts default style for highlighted widget at early point so theme stylesheet can override. since: 3.9.0 |
export_preview_data() X-Ref |
Communicates the sidebars that appeared on the page at the very end of the page, and at the very end of the wp_footer, since: 3.9.0 |
tally_rendered_widgets( $widget ) X-Ref |
Tracks the widgets that were rendered. since: 3.9.0 param: array $widget Rendered widget to tally. |
is_widget_rendered( $widget_id ) X-Ref |
Determine if a widget is rendered on the page. return: bool Whether the widget is rendered. since: 4.0.0 param: string $widget_id Widget ID to check. |
is_sidebar_rendered( $sidebar_id ) X-Ref |
Determines if a sidebar is rendered on the page. return: bool Whether the sidebar is rendered. since: 4.0.0 param: string $sidebar_id Sidebar ID to check. |
tally_sidebars_via_is_active_sidebar_calls( $is_active, $sidebar_id ) X-Ref |
Tallies the sidebars rendered via is_active_sidebar(). Keep track of the times that is_active_sidebar() is called in the template, and assume that this means that the sidebar would be rendered on the template if there were widgets populating it. return: bool Whether the sidebar is active. since: 3.9.0 param: bool $is_active Whether the sidebar is active. param: string $sidebar_id Sidebar ID. |
tally_sidebars_via_dynamic_sidebar_calls( $has_widgets, $sidebar_id ) X-Ref |
Tallies the sidebars rendered via dynamic_sidebar(). Keep track of the times that dynamic_sidebar() is called in the template, and assume this means the sidebar would be rendered on the template if there were widgets populating it. return: bool Whether the current sidebar has widgets. since: 3.9.0 param: bool $has_widgets Whether the current sidebar has widgets. param: string $sidebar_id Sidebar ID. |
get_instance_hash_key( $serialized_instance ) X-Ref |
Retrieves MAC for a serialized widget instance string. Allows values posted back from JS to be rejected if any tampering of the data has occurred. return: string MAC for serialized widget instance. since: 3.9.0 param: string $serialized_instance Widget instance. |
sanitize_widget_instance( $value, $id_base = null ) X-Ref |
Sanitizes a widget instance. Unserialize the JS-instance for storing in the options. It's important that this filter only get applied to an instance *once*. return: array|void Sanitized widget instance. since: 3.9.0 since: 5.8.0 Added the `$id_base` parameter. param: array $value Widget instance to sanitize. param: string $id_base Optional. Base of the ID of the widget being sanitized. Default null. |
sanitize_widget_js_instance( $value, $id_base = null ) X-Ref |
Converts a widget instance into JSON-representable format. return: array JSON-converted widget instance. since: 3.9.0 since: 5.8.0 Added the `$id_base` parameter. param: array $value Widget instance to convert to JSON. param: string $id_base Optional. Base of the ID of the widget being sanitized. Default null. |
sanitize_sidebar_widgets_js_instance( $widget_ids ) X-Ref |
Strips out widget IDs for widgets which are no longer registered. One example where this might happen is when a plugin orphans a widget in a sidebar upon deactivation. return: array Parsed list of widget IDs. since: 3.9.0 param: array $widget_ids List of widget IDs. |
call_widget_update( $widget_id ) X-Ref |
Finds and invokes the widget update and control callbacks. Requires that `$_POST` be populated with the instance data. return: array|WP_Error Array containing the updated widget information. since: 3.9.0 param: string $widget_id Widget ID. |
wp_ajax_update_widget() X-Ref |
Updates widget settings asynchronously. Allows the Customizer to update a widget using its form, but return the new instance info via Ajax instead of saving it to the options table. Most code here copied from wp_ajax_save_widget(). since: 3.9.0 |
customize_dynamic_partial_args( $partial_args, $partial_id ) X-Ref |
Filters arguments for dynamic widget partials. return: array (Maybe) modified partial arguments. since: 4.5.0 param: array|false $partial_args Partial arguments. param: string $partial_id Partial ID. |
selective_refresh_init() X-Ref |
Adds hooks for selective refresh. since: 4.5.0 |
filter_dynamic_sidebar_params( $params ) X-Ref |
Inject selective refresh data attributes into widget container elements. return: array Params. since: 4.5.0 param: array $params { |
filter_wp_kses_allowed_data_attributes( $allowed_html ) X-Ref |
Ensures the HTML data-* attributes for selective refresh are allowed by kses. This is needed in case the `$before_widget` is run through wp_kses() when printed. return: array (Maybe) modified allowed HTML. since: 4.5.0 param: array $allowed_html Allowed HTML. |
start_dynamic_sidebar( $index ) X-Ref |
Begins keeping track of the current sidebar being rendered. Insert marker before widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar. since: 4.5.0 param: int|string $index Index, name, or ID of the dynamic sidebar. |
end_dynamic_sidebar( $index ) X-Ref |
Finishes keeping track of the current sidebar being rendered. Inserts a marker after widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar. since: 4.5.0 param: int|string $index Index, name, or ID of the dynamic sidebar. |
filter_sidebars_widgets_for_rendering_widget( $sidebars_widgets ) X-Ref |
Filters sidebars_widgets to ensure the currently-rendered widget is the only widget in the current sidebar. return: array Filtered sidebars widgets. since: 4.5.0 param: array $sidebars_widgets Sidebars widgets. |
render_widget_partial( $partial, $context ) X-Ref |
Renders a specific widget using the supplied sidebar arguments. return: string|false since: 4.5.0 param: WP_Customize_Partial $partial Partial. param: array $context { |
is_option_capture_ignored( $option_name ) X-Ref |
Determines whether the captured option update should be ignored. return: bool Whether the option capture is ignored. since: 3.9.0 param: string $option_name Option name. |
get_captured_options() X-Ref |
Retrieves captured widget option updates. return: array Array of captured options. since: 3.9.0 |
get_captured_option( $option_name, $default_value = false ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the option that was captured from being saved. return: mixed Value set for the option. since: 4.2.0 param: string $option_name Option name. param: mixed $default_value Optional. Default value to return if the option does not exist. Default false. |
count_captured_options() X-Ref |
Retrieves the number of captured widget option updates. return: int Number of updated options. since: 3.9.0 |
start_capturing_option_updates() X-Ref |
Begins keeping track of changes to widget options, caching new values. since: 3.9.0 |
capture_filter_pre_update_option( $new_value, $option_name, $old_value ) X-Ref |
Pre-filters captured option values before updating. return: mixed Filtered option value. since: 3.9.0 param: mixed $new_value The new option value. param: string $option_name Name of the option. param: mixed $old_value The old option value. |
capture_filter_pre_get_option( $value ) X-Ref |
Pre-filters captured option values before retrieving. return: mixed Filtered option value. since: 3.9.0 param: mixed $value Value to return instead of the option value. |
stop_capturing_option_updates() X-Ref |
Undoes any changes to the options since options capture began. since: 3.9.0 |
setup_widget_addition_previews() X-Ref |
{@internal Missing Summary} See the {@see 'customize_dynamic_setting_args'} filter. since: 3.9.0 |
prepreview_added_sidebars_widgets() X-Ref |
{@internal Missing Summary} See the {@see 'customize_dynamic_setting_args'} filter. since: 3.9.0 |
prepreview_added_widget_instance() X-Ref |
{@internal Missing Summary} See the {@see 'customize_dynamic_setting_args'} filter. since: 3.9.0 |
remove_prepreview_filters() X-Ref |
{@internal Missing Summary} See the {@see 'customize_dynamic_setting_args'} filter. since: 3.9.0 |
Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |