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1 <?php 2 function gp_tmpl_load( $template, $args = array(), $template_path = null ) { 3 $args = gp_tmpl_filter_args( $args ); 4 5 /** 6 * Fires before a template is loaded. 7 * 8 * @since 1.0.0 9 * 10 * @param string $template The template name. 11 * @param array $args Arguments passed to the template. Passed by reference. 12 */ 13 do_action_ref_array( 'gp_pre_tmpl_load', array( $template, &$args ) ); 14 require_once GP_TMPL_PATH . 'helper-functions.php'; 15 $locations = array( GP_TMPL_PATH ); 16 if ( ! is_null( $template_path ) ) { 17 array_unshift( $locations, untrailingslashit( $template_path ) . '/' ); 18 } 19 20 /** 21 * Filter the locations to load template files from. 22 * 23 * @since 1.0.0 24 * 25 * @param array $locations File paths of template locations. 26 * @param string $template The template name. 27 * @param array $args Arguments passed to the template. 28 * @param string|null $template_path Priority template location, if any. 29 */ 30 $locations = apply_filters( 'gp_tmpl_load_locations', $locations, $template, $args, $template_path ); 31 if ( isset( $args['http_status'] ) ) { 32 status_header( $args['http_status'] ); 33 } 34 foreach ( $locations as $location ) { 35 $file = $location . "$template.php"; 36 if ( is_readable( $file ) ) { 37 extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP ); 38 include $file; 39 break; 40 } 41 } 42 43 /** 44 * Fires after a template was loaded. 45 * 46 * @since 1.0.0 47 * 48 * @param string $template The template name. 49 * @param array $args Arguments passed to the template. Passed by reference. 50 */ 51 do_action_ref_array( 'gp_post_tmpl_load', array( $template, &$args ) ); 52 } 53 54 /** 55 * Retrieves content of a template via output buffering. 56 * 57 * @since 1.0.0 58 * 59 * @see gp_tmpl_load() 60 * 61 * @param mixed ...$args Arguments to be passed to gp_tmpl_load(). 62 * @return string|false 63 */ 64 function gp_tmpl_get_output( ...$args ) { 65 ob_start(); 66 gp_tmpl_load( ...$args ); 67 return ob_get_clean(); 68 } 69 70 function gp_tmpl_header( $args = array() ) { 71 gp_tmpl_load( 'header', $args ); 72 } 73 74 function gp_tmpl_footer( $args = array() ) { 75 gp_tmpl_load( 'footer', $args ); 76 } 77 78 function gp_head() { 79 /** 80 * Fires inside the head element on the header template. 81 * 82 * @since 1.0.0 83 */ 84 do_action( 'gp_head' ); 85 } 86 87 function gp_footer() { 88 /** 89 * Fires at the end of the page, on the footer template. 90 * 91 * @since 1.0.0 92 */ 93 do_action( 'gp_footer' ); 94 } 95 96 function gp_nav_menu( $location = 'main' ) { 97 $html = ''; 98 $items = gp_nav_menu_items( $location ); 99 100 // Get the current URI. 101 $current_uri = str_replace( home_url(), '', gp_url_current() ); 102 103 foreach ( $items as $link => $title ) { 104 // Check if the link matches the current URI base, if true, add 'current' class. 105 $class = gp_startswith( $current_uri, $link ) ? 'current' : ''; 106 $html .= '<a class="' . $class . '" href="' . $link . '">' . $title . '</a>'; 107 } 108 109 return $html; 110 } 111 112 function gp_nav_menu_items( $location = 'main' ) { 113 $items = array(); 114 115 if ( 'main' === $location ) { 116 $items[ gp_url( '/projects' ) ] = __( 'Projects', 'glotpress' ); 117 $items[ gp_url( '/languages' ) ] = __( 'Locales', 'glotpress' ); 118 } elseif ( 'side' === $location ) { 119 if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { 120 $user = wp_get_current_user(); 121 $items[ gp_url_profile( $user->user_nicename ) ] = __( 'Profile', 'glotpress' ); 122 $items[ gp_url( '/settings' ) ] = __( 'Settings', 'glotpress' ); 123 $items[ esc_url( wp_logout_url( gp_url_current() ) ) ] = __( 'Log out', 'glotpress' ); 124 } else { 125 $items[ esc_url( wp_login_url( gp_url_current() ) ) ] = __( 'Log in', 'glotpress' ); 126 } 127 } 128 129 /** 130 * Filter the list of navigation menu items. 131 * 132 * @since 1.0.0 133 * 134 * @param array $items Menu items. URL as the key, menu label as the value. 135 * @param string $location Location of the menu. 136 */ 137 return apply_filters( 'gp_nav_menu_items', $items, $location ); 138 } 139 140 function gp_tmpl_filter_args( $args ) { 141 $clean_args = array(); 142 foreach ( $args as $k => $v ) { 143 if ( '_' != $k[0] && 'GLOBALS' != $k && ! gp_startswith( $k, 'HTTP' ) && ! gp_startswith( $k, 'PHP' ) ) { 144 $clean_args[ $k ] = $v; 145 } 146 } 147 return $clean_args; 148 } 149 150 function gp_tmpl_404( $args = array() ) { 151 gp_tmpl_load( 152 '404', 153 $args + array( 154 'title' => __( 'Not Found', 'glotpress' ), 155 'http_status' => 404, 156 ) 157 ); 158 exit(); 159 } 160 161 function gp_title( $title = null ) { 162 if ( ! is_null( $title ) ) { 163 add_filter( 164 'gp_title', 165 function() use ( $title ) { 166 return $title; 167 }, 168 5 169 ); 170 } else { 171 172 /** 173 * Filter the title of a page. 174 * 175 * @since 1.0.0 176 * 177 * @param string $title The title of a page. 178 */ 179 return apply_filters( 'gp_title', '' ); 180 } 181 } 182 183 function gp_breadcrumb( $breadcrumb = null, $args = array() ) { 184 if ( $breadcrumb ) { 185 $breadcrumb = gp_array_flatten( $breadcrumb ); 186 187 add_filter( 188 'gp_breadcrumb_items', 189 function( $breadcrumbs ) use ( $breadcrumb ) { 190 return array_merge( $breadcrumbs, $breadcrumb ); 191 }, 192 1 193 ); 194 } else { 195 196 /** 197 * Filter the list of breadcrumb navigation items. 198 * 199 * @since 1.0.0 200 * 201 * @param array $breadcrumb_items Breadcrumb items as HTML string. 202 */ 203 $breadcrumbs = apply_filters( 'gp_breadcrumb_items', array() ); 204 205 if ( $breadcrumbs ) { 206 $defaults = array( 207 /* translators: separates links in the navigation breadcrumb */ 208 'before' => '<li>', 209 'after' => '</li>', 210 'breadcrumb-template' => '<ul class="breadcrumb">{breadcrumb}</ul>', 211 ); 212 213 $args = array_merge( $defaults, $args ); 214 215 $whole_breadcrumb = ''; 216 217 foreach ( $breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb ) { 218 $whole_breadcrumb .= $args['before'] . $breadcrumb . $args['after']; 219 } 220 221 $whole_breadcrumb = str_replace( '{breadcrumb}', $whole_breadcrumb, $args['breadcrumb-template'] ); 222 223 /** 224 * Filter the breadcrumb HTML output. 225 * 226 * @since 1.0.0 227 * 228 * @param string $whole_breadcrumb Breadcrumb HTML. 229 */ 230 return apply_filters( 'gp_breadcrumb', $whole_breadcrumb ); 231 } 232 } 233 } 234 235 function gp_project_names_from_root( $leaf_project ) { 236 $names = array(); 237 $path_from_root = array_reverse( $leaf_project->path_to_root() ); 238 239 foreach ( $path_from_root as $project ) { 240 $names[] = esc_html( $project->name ); 241 } 242 243 $project_path = implode( ' | ', $names ); 244 245 return $project_path; 246 } 247 248 function gp_project_links_from_root( $leaf_project ) { 249 if ( 0 === $leaf_project->id ) { 250 return array(); 251 } 252 $links = array(); 253 $path_from_root = array_reverse( $leaf_project->path_to_root() ); 254 $links[] = empty( $path_from_root ) ? __( 'Projects', 'glotpress' ) : gp_link_get( gp_url( '/projects' ), __( 'Projects', 'glotpress' ) ); 255 foreach ( $path_from_root as $project ) { 256 $links[] = gp_link_project_get( $project, esc_html( $project->name ) ); 257 } 258 return $links; 259 } 260 261 function gp_breadcrumb_project( $project ) { 262 return gp_breadcrumb( gp_project_links_from_root( $project ) ); 263 } 264 265 function gp_js_focus_on( $html_id ) { 266 return '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById(\'' . esc_js( $html_id ) . '\').focus();</script>'; 267 } 268 269 function gp_select( $name_and_id, $options, $selected_key, $attrs = array() ) { 270 $attributes = gp_html_attributes( $attrs ); 271 $attributes = $attributes ? " $attributes" : ''; 272 $res = "<select name='" . esc_attr( $name_and_id ) . "' id='" . esc_attr( $name_and_id ) . "' $attributes>\n"; 273 $labels = array( 274 'hidden' => _x( 'hidden', 'Priority', 'glotpress' ), 275 'low' => _x( 'low', 'Priority', 'glotpress' ), 276 'normal' => _x( 'normal', 'Priority', 'glotpress' ), 277 'high' => _x( 'high', 'Priority', 'glotpress' ), 278 ); 279 foreach ( $options as $value => $label ) { 280 if ( isset( $labels[ $label ] ) ) { 281 $label = $labels[ $label ]; 282 } 283 $selected = selected( $value, $selected_key, false ); 284 $res .= "\t<option value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "'$selected>" . esc_html( $label ) . "</option>\n"; 285 } 286 $res .= "</select>\n"; 287 return $res; 288 } 289 290 function gp_radio_buttons( $name, $radio_buttons, $checked_key ) { 291 $res = ''; 292 foreach ( $radio_buttons as $value => $label ) { 293 $checked = checked( $value, $checked_key, false ); 294 // TODO: something more flexible than <br /> 295 $res .= "\t<input type='radio' id='" . esc_attr( "{$name}[{$value}]" ) . "' name='" . esc_attr( $name ) . "' value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "'$checked/> "; 296 $res .= "<label for='" . esc_attr( "{$name}[{$value}]" ) . "'>" . esc_html( $label ) . "</label><br />\n"; 297 } 298 return $res; 299 } 300 301 function gp_pagination( $page, $per_page, $objects ) { 302 $surrounding = 2; 303 $first = $prev_dots = $prev_pages = $next_pages = $next_dots = $last = ''; 304 $page = intval( $page ) ? intval( $page ) : 1; 305 $pages = ceil( $objects / $per_page ); 306 if ( $page > $pages ) { 307 return ''; 308 } 309 310 if ( $page > 1 ) { 311 $prev = gp_link_get( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $page - 1 ) ), '←', array( 'class' => 'previous' ) ); 312 } else { 313 $prev = '<span class="previous disabled">←</span>'; 314 } 315 316 if ( $page < $pages ) { 317 $next = gp_link_get( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $page + 1 ) ), '→', array( 'class' => 'next' ) ); 318 } else { 319 $next = '<span class="next disabled">→</span>'; 320 } 321 322 $current = '<span class="current">' . $page . '</span>'; 323 if ( $page > 1 ) { 324 $prev_pages = array(); 325 foreach ( range( max( 1, $page - $surrounding ), $page - 1 ) as $prev_page ) { 326 $prev_pages[] = gp_link_get( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $prev_page ) ), $prev_page ); 327 } 328 $prev_pages = implode( ' ', $prev_pages ); 329 if ( $page - $surrounding > 1 ) { 330 $prev_dots = '<span class="dots">…</span>'; 331 } 332 } 333 if ( $page < $pages ) { 334 $next_pages = array(); 335 foreach ( range( $page + 1, min( $pages, $page + $surrounding ) ) as $next_page ) { 336 $next_pages[] = gp_link_get( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $next_page ) ), $next_page ); 337 } 338 $next_pages = implode( ' ', $next_pages ); 339 if ( $page + $surrounding < $pages ) { 340 $next_dots = '<span class="dots">…</span>'; 341 } 342 } 343 if ( $prev_dots ) { 344 $first = gp_link_get( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 1 ) ), 1 ); 345 } 346 if ( $next_dots ) { 347 $last = gp_link_get( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $pages ) ), $pages ); 348 } 349 350 $html = <<<HTML 351 <div class="paging"> 352 $prev 353 $first 354 $prev_dots 355 $prev_pages 356 $current 357 $next_pages 358 $next_dots 359 $last 360 $next 361 </div> 362 HTML; 363 364 /** 365 * Filter the pagination HTML output. 366 * 367 * @since 1.0.0 368 * 369 * @param string $html The pagination HTML. 370 * @param int $page Current page number. 371 * @param int $per_page Objects per page. 372 * @param int $objects Total number of objects to page. 373 */ 374 return apply_filters( 'gp_pagination', $html, $page, $per_page, $objects ); 375 } 376 377 function gp_html_attributes( $attrs ) { 378 $attrs = wp_parse_args( $attrs ); 379 $strings = array(); 380 foreach ( $attrs as $key => $value ) { 381 $strings[] = $key . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"'; 382 } 383 return implode( ' ', $strings ); 384 } 385 386 function gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, $class_name ) { 387 $attrs['class'] = isset( $attrs['class'] ) ? $attrs['class'] . ' ' . $class_name : $class_name; 388 return $attrs; 389 } 390 391 /** 392 * Returns HTML markup for a select element for all locales of a project. 393 * 394 * @since 1.0.0 395 * 396 * @param int $project_id ID of a project. 397 * @param string $name_and_id Name and ID of the select element. 398 * @param string $selected_slug Slug of the current selected locale. 399 * @param array $attrs Extra attributes. 400 * 401 * @return string HTML markup for a select element. 402 */ 403 function gp_locales_by_project_dropdown( $project_id, $name_and_id, $selected_slug = null, $attrs = array() ) { 404 $locales = GP_Locales::locales(); 405 if ( null != $project_id ) { 406 $sets = GP::$translation_set->by_project_id( $project_id ); 407 408 $temp_locales = array(); 409 410 foreach ( $sets as $set ) { 411 $temp_locales[ $set->locale ] = $locales[ $set->locale ]; 412 } 413 414 if ( count( $temp_locales ) > 0 ) { 415 $locales = $temp_locales; 416 } 417 } 418 ksort( $locales ); 419 420 $options = array( '' => __( '— Locale —', 'glotpress' ) ); 421 foreach ( $locales as $key => $locale ) { 422 $options[ $key ] = sprintf( '%s — %s', $locale->slug, $locale->english_name ); 423 } 424 425 return gp_select( $name_and_id, $options, $selected_slug, $attrs ); 426 } 427 428 /** 429 * Returns HTML markup for a select element for all locales. 430 * 431 * @since 1.0.0 432 * 433 * @param string $name_and_id Name and ID of the select element. 434 * @param string $selected_slug Slug of the current selected locale. 435 * @param array $attrs Extra attributes. 436 * 437 * @return string HTML markup for a select element. 438 */ 439 function gp_locales_dropdown( $name_and_id, $selected_slug = null, $attrs = array() ) { 440 return gp_locales_by_project_dropdown( null, $name_and_id, $selected_slug, $attrs ); 441 } 442 443 /** 444 * Returns HTML markup for a select element for projects. 445 * 446 * @since 1.0.0 447 * 448 * @param string $name_and_id Name and ID of the select element. 449 * @param string $selected_project_id The project id to mark as the currently selected. 450 * @param array $attrs Extra attributes. 451 * @param array $exclude An array of project IDs to exclude from the list. 452 * @param array $exclude_no_parent Exclude the "No Parent" option from the list of projects. 453 * 454 * @return string HTML markup for a select element. 455 */ 456 function gp_projects_dropdown( $name_and_id, $selected_project_id = null, $attrs = array(), $exclude = array(), $exclude_no_parent = false ) { 457 if ( ! is_array( $exclude ) ) { 458 $exclude = array( $exclude ); 459 } 460 461 $projects = GP::$project->all(); 462 // TODO: mark which nodes are editable by the current user 463 $tree = array(); 464 $top = array(); 465 foreach ( $projects as $p ) { 466 $tree[ $p->id ]['self'] = $p; 467 if ( $p->parent_project_id ) { 468 $tree[ $p->parent_project_id ]['children'][] = $p->id; 469 } else { 470 $top[] = $p->id; 471 } 472 } 473 474 if ( ! $exclude_no_parent ) { 475 $options = array( '' => __( '— No parent —', 'glotpress' ) ); 476 } else { 477 $options = array(); 478 } 479 480 foreach ( $top as $top_id ) { 481 $stack = array( $top_id ); 482 483 while ( ! empty( $stack ) ) { 484 $id = array_pop( $stack ); 485 486 if ( in_array( $id, $exclude, true ) ) { 487 continue; 488 } 489 490 $tree[ $id ]['level'] = gp_array_get( $tree[ $id ], 'level', 0 ); 491 $options[ $id ] = str_repeat( '-', $tree[ $id ]['level'] ) . $tree[ $id ]['self']->name; 492 foreach ( gp_array_get( $tree[ $id ], 'children', array() ) as $child_id ) { 493 $stack[] = $child_id; 494 $tree[ $child_id ]['level'] = $tree[ $id ]['level'] + 1; 495 } 496 } 497 } 498 499 return gp_select( $name_and_id, $options, $selected_project_id, $attrs ); 500 } 501 502 function gp_array_of_things_to_json( $array ) { 503 return wp_json_encode( 504 array_map( 505 function( $thing ) { 506 return $thing->fields(); 507 }, 508 $array 509 ) 510 ); 511 } 512 513 function gp_array_of_array_of_things_to_json( $array ) { 514 $map_to_fields = function( $array ) { 515 return array_map( 516 function( $thing ) { 517 return $thing->fields(); 518 }, 519 $array 520 ); 521 }; 522 523 return wp_json_encode( array_map( $map_to_fields, $array ) ); 524 } 525 526 function things_to_fields( $data ) { 527 if ( is_array( $data ) ) { 528 foreach ( $data as $item_id => $item ) { 529 $data[ $item_id ] = things_to_fields( $item ); 530 } 531 } elseif ( $data instanceof GP_Thing ) { 532 $data = $data->fields(); 533 } 534 535 return $data; 536 } 537 538 function gp_preferred_sans_serif_style_tag( $locale ) { 539 if ( ! $locale->preferred_sans_serif_font_family ) { 540 return; 541 } 542 543 ?> 544 <style type="text/css"> 545 .foreign-text { 546 font-family: "<?php echo esc_attr( $locale->preferred_sans_serif_font_family ); ?>", inherit; 547 } 548 </style> 549 <?php 550 } 551 552 function gp_html_excerpt( $str, $count, $ellipsis = '…' ) { 553 $excerpt = trim( wp_html_excerpt( $str, $count ) ); 554 if ( $str != $excerpt ) { 555 $excerpt .= $ellipsis; 556 } 557 return $excerpt; 558 } 559 560 function gp_checked( $checked ) { 561 if ( $checked ) { 562 echo 'checked="checked"'; 563 } 564 } 565 566 function gp_project_actions( $project, $translation_sets ) { 567 $actions = array( 568 gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, 'import-originals' ), __( 'Import Originals', 'glotpress' ) ), 569 gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, array( '-permissions' ) ), __( 'Permissions', 'glotpress' ) ), 570 gp_link_get( gp_url_project( '', '-new', array( 'parent_project_id' => $project->id ) ), __( 'New Sub-Project', 'glotpress' ) ), 571 gp_link_get( gp_url( '/sets/-new', array( 'project_id' => $project->id ) ), __( 'New Translation Set', 'glotpress' ) ), 572 gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, array( '-mass-create-sets' ) ), __( 'Mass-create Translation Sets', 'glotpress' ) ), 573 gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, '-branch' ), __( 'Branch project', 'glotpress' ) ), 574 gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, '-delete' ), __( 'Delete project', 'glotpress' ) ), 575 ); 576 577 /** 578 * Project action links. 579 * 580 * @since 1.0.0 581 * 582 * @param array $actions Links as HTML strings. 583 * @param GP_Project $project The project. 584 */ 585 $actions = apply_filters( 'gp_project_actions', $actions, $project ); 586 587 echo '<ul>'; 588 589 foreach ( $actions as $action ) { 590 // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped 591 echo '<li>' . $action . '</li>'; 592 } 593 594 if ( $translation_sets ) { 595 echo '<li>' . gp_project_options_form( $project ) . '</li>'; 596 } 597 598 echo '</ul>'; 599 } 600 601 function gp_project_options_form( $project ) { 602 return ' 603 <a href="#" class="personal-options" id="personal-options-toggle"> ' . __( 'Personal project options', 'glotpress' ) . ' ↓</a> 604 <div class="personal-options"> 605 <form action="' . gp_url_project( $project, '-personal' ) . '" method="post"> 606 <dl> 607 <dt><label for="source-url-template">' . __( 'Source file URL', 'glotpress' ) . '</label></dt> 608 <dd> 609 <input type="text" value="' . esc_html( $project->source_url_template() ) . '" name="source-url-template" id="source-url-template" /> 610 <small>' . sprintf( 611 /* translators: 1: %file%, 2: %line%, 3: https://trac.example.org/browser/%file%#L%line% */ 612 __( 'URL to a source file in the project. You can use %1$s and %2$s. Ex. %3$s', 'glotpress' ), 613 '<code>%file%</code>', 614 '<code>%line%</code>', 615 '<code>https://trac.example.org/browser/%file%#L%line%</code>' 616 ) . '</small> 617 </dd> 618 </dl> 619 <div class="button-group"> 620 <input class="button is-primary" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . esc_attr__( 'Save', 'glotpress' ) . '" id="save" /> 621 <a class="button is-link" href="#" onclick="jQuery(\'#personal-options-toggle\').click();return false;">' . __( 'Cancel', 'glotpress' ) . '</a> 622 </div> 623 ' . gp_route_nonce_field( 'set-personal-options_' . $project->id, false ) . ' 624 </form> 625 </div>'; 626 } 627 628 function gp_entry_actions( $seperator = ' • ' ) { 629 $actions = array( 630 '<div class="button-group entry-actions"><button type="button" class="button is-small copy" tabindex="-1" title="' . __( 'Copy the original string to the translation area (overwrites existing text).', 'glotpress' ) . '">' . __( 'Copy from original', 'glotpress' ) . '</button> ' . 631 '<button type="button" class="button is-small inserttab" tabindex="-1" title="' . __( 'Insert tab (\t) at the current cursor position.', 'glotpress' ) . '">' . __( 'Insert tab', 'glotpress' ) . '</button> ' . 632 '<button type="button" class="button is-small insertnl" tabindex="-1" title="' . __( 'Insert newline (\n) at the current cursor position.', 'glotpress' ) . '">' . __( 'Insert newline', 'glotpress' ) . '</button></div>', 633 ); 634 635 /** 636 * Filters entry action links. 637 * 638 * @since 1.0.0 639 * 640 * @param array $actions Links as HTML strings. 641 */ 642 $actions = apply_filters( 'gp_entry_actions', $actions ); 643 644 // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped 645 echo implode( $seperator, $actions ); 646 } 647 648 /** 649 * Generates a list of classes to be added to the translation row, based on translation entry properties. 650 * 651 * @since 2.2.0 652 * 653 * @param Translation_Entry $translation The translation entry object for the row. 654 * 655 * @return array 656 */ 657 function gp_get_translation_row_classes( $translation ) { 658 $classes = array(); 659 $classes[] = $translation->translation_status ? 'status-' . $translation->translation_status : 'untranslated'; 660 $classes[] = 'priority-' . gp_array_get( GP::$original->get_static( 'priorities' ), $translation->priority ); 661 $classes[] = $translation->warnings ? 'has-warnings' : 'no-warnings'; 662 $classes[] = count( array_filter( $translation->translations, 'gp_is_not_null' ) ) > 0 ? 'has-translations' : 'no-translations'; 663 664 /** 665 * Filters the list of CSS classes for a translation row 666 * 667 * @since 2.2.0 668 * 669 * @param array $classes An array of translation row classes. 670 * @param Translation_Entry $translation The translation entry object. 671 */ 672 $classes = apply_filters( 'gp_translation_row_classes', $classes, $translation ); 673 674 return $classes; 675 } 676 677 /** 678 * Outputs space separated list of classes for the translation row, based on translation entry properties. 679 * 680 * @since 2.2.0 681 * 682 * @param Translation_Entry $translation The translation entry object for the row. 683 * 684 * @return void 685 */ 686 function gp_translation_row_classes( $translation ) { 687 $classes = gp_get_translation_row_classes( $translation ); 688 echo esc_attr( implode( ' ', $classes ) ); 689 }
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:12 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |