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PHP Cross Reference of GlotPress




/gp-includes/ -> template.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 689 lines (21 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 35 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

gp_tmpl_load( $template, $args = array()   X-Ref
No description

gp_tmpl_get_output( ...$args )   X-Ref
Retrieves content of a template via output buffering.

since: 1.0.0
param: mixed ...$args Arguments to be passed to gp_tmpl_load().
return: string|false

gp_tmpl_header( $args = array()   X-Ref
No description

gp_tmpl_footer( $args = array()   X-Ref
No description

gp_head()   X-Ref
No description

gp_footer()   X-Ref
No description

gp_nav_menu( $location = 'main' )   X-Ref
No description

gp_nav_menu_items( $location = 'main' )   X-Ref
No description

gp_tmpl_filter_args( $args )   X-Ref
No description

gp_tmpl_404( $args = array()   X-Ref
No description

gp_title( $title = null )   X-Ref
No description

gp_breadcrumb( $breadcrumb = null, $args = array()   X-Ref
No description

gp_project_names_from_root( $leaf_project )   X-Ref
No description

gp_project_links_from_root( $leaf_project )   X-Ref
No description

gp_breadcrumb_project( $project )   X-Ref
No description

gp_js_focus_on( $html_id )   X-Ref
No description

gp_select( $name_and_id, $options, $selected_key, $attrs = array()   X-Ref
No description

gp_radio_buttons( $name, $radio_buttons, $checked_key )   X-Ref
No description

gp_pagination( $page, $per_page, $objects )   X-Ref
No description

gp_html_attributes( $attrs )   X-Ref
No description

gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, $class_name )   X-Ref
No description

gp_locales_by_project_dropdown( $project_id, $name_and_id, $selected_slug = null, $attrs = array()   X-Ref
Returns HTML markup for a select element for all locales of a project.

since: 1.0.0
param: int    $project_id    ID of a project.
param: string $name_and_id   Name and ID of the select element.
param: string $selected_slug Slug of the current selected locale.
param: array  $attrs         Extra attributes.
return: string HTML markup for a select element.

gp_locales_dropdown( $name_and_id, $selected_slug = null, $attrs = array()   X-Ref
Returns HTML markup for a select element for all locales.

since: 1.0.0
param: string $name_and_id   Name and ID of the select element.
param: string $selected_slug Slug of the current selected locale.
param: array  $attrs         Extra attributes.
return: string HTML markup for a select element.

gp_projects_dropdown( $name_and_id, $selected_project_id = null, $attrs = array()   X-Ref
Returns HTML markup for a select element for projects.

since: 1.0.0
param: string $name_and_id         Name and ID of the select element.
param: string $selected_project_id The project id to mark as the currently selected.
param: array  $attrs               Extra attributes.
param: array  $exclude             An array of project IDs to exclude from the list.
param: array  $exclude_no_parent   Exclude the "No Parent" option from the list of projects.
return: string HTML markup for a select element.

gp_array_of_things_to_json( $array )   X-Ref
No description

gp_array_of_array_of_things_to_json( $array )   X-Ref
No description

things_to_fields( $data )   X-Ref
No description

gp_preferred_sans_serif_style_tag( $locale )   X-Ref
No description

gp_html_excerpt( $str, $count, $ellipsis = '…' )   X-Ref
No description

gp_checked( $checked )   X-Ref
No description

gp_project_actions( $project, $translation_sets )   X-Ref
No description

gp_project_options_form( $project )   X-Ref
No description

gp_entry_actions( $seperator = ' • ' )   X-Ref
No description

gp_get_translation_row_classes( $translation )   X-Ref
Generates a list of classes to be added to the translation row, based on translation entry properties.

since: 2.2.0
param: Translation_Entry $translation The translation entry object for the row.
return: array

gp_translation_row_classes( $translation )   X-Ref
Outputs space separated list of classes for the translation row, based on translation entry properties.

since: 2.2.0
param: Translation_Entry $translation The translation entry object for the row.
return: void

Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:12 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1