[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of GlotPress




/gp-includes/ -> template-links.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Link Template Functions
   4   *
   5   * @package GlotPress
   6   * @subpackage Template
   7   */
   9  /**
  10   * Creates a HTML link.
  11   *
  12   * @since 1.0.0
  13   *
  14   * @param string $url   The URL to link to.
  15   * @param string $text  The text to use for the link.
  16   * @param array  $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use
  17   *                      to determine the classes for the link.
  18   * @return string The HTML link.
  19   */
  20  function gp_link_get( $url, $text, $attrs = array() ) {
  21      $before = '';
  22      $after  = '';
  23      foreach ( array( 'before', 'after' ) as $key ) {
  24          if ( isset( $attrs[ $key ] ) ) {
  25              $$key = $attrs[ $key ];
  26              unset( $attrs[ $key ] );
  27          }
  28      }
  29      $attributes = gp_html_attributes( $attrs );
  30      $attributes = $attributes ? " $attributes" : '';
  32      return sprintf(
  33          '%1$s<a href="%2$s"%3$s>%4$s</a>%5$s',
  34          $before,
  35          esc_url( $url ),
  36          $attributes,
  37          $text,
  38          $after
  39      );
  40  }
  42  /**
  43   * Creates a HTML link.
  44   *
  45   * @since 1.0.0
  46   *
  47   * @see gp_link_get()
  48   *
  49   * @param string $url   The URL to link to.
  50   * @param string $text  The text to use for the link.
  51   * @param array  $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use
  52   *                      to determine the classes for the link.
  53   */
  54  function gp_link( $url, $text, $attrs = array() ) {
  55      echo gp_link_get( $url, $text, $attrs );
  56  }
  58  /**
  59   * Creates a HTML link with a confirmation request.
  60   *
  61   * Uses the `window.confirm()` method to display a modal dialog for confirmation.
  62   *
  63   * @since 1.0.0
  64   *
  65   * @param string $url   The URL to link to.
  66   * @param string $text  The text to use for the link.
  67   * @param array  $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use
  68   *                      to determine the classes for the link.
  69   * @return string The HTML link.
  70   */
  71  function gp_link_with_ays_get( $url, $text, $attrs = array() ) {
  72      $ays_text = $attrs['ays-text'];
  73      unset( $attrs['ays-text'] );
  74      $attrs['onclick'] = "return confirm('" . esc_js( $ays_text ) . "');";
  75      return gp_link_get( $url, $text, $attrs );
  76  }
  78  /**
  79   * Creates a HTML link with a confirmation request.
  80   *
  81   * Uses the `window.confirm()` method to display a modal dialog for confirmation.
  82   *
  83   * @since 1.0.0
  84   *
  85   * @see gp_link_with_ays_get()
  86   *
  87   * @param string $url   The URL to link to.
  88   * @param string $text  The text to use for the link.
  89   * @param array  $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use
  90   *                      to determine the classes for the link.
  91   */
  92  function gp_link_with_ays( $url, $text, $attrs = array() ) {
  93      echo gp_link_with_ays_get( $url, $text, $attrs );
  94  }
  96  /**
  97   * Creates a HTML link to the page of a project.
  98   *
  99   * @since 1.0.0
 100   *
 101   * @param GP_Project|string $project_or_path The project to link to.
 102   * @param string            $text            The text to use for the link.
 103   * @param array             $attrs           Optional. Additional attributes to use
 104   *                                           to determine the classes for the link.
 105   * @return string The HTML link.
 106   */
 107  function gp_link_project_get( $project_or_path, $text, $attrs = array() ) {
 108      return gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project_or_path ), $text, $attrs );
 109  }
 111  /**
 112   * Outputs a HTML link to the page of a project.
 113   *
 114   * @since 1.0.0
 115   *
 116   * @see gp_link_project_get()
 117   *
 118   * @param GP_Project|string $project_or_path The project to link to.
 119   * @param string            $text            The text to use for the link.
 120   * @param array             $attrs           Optional. Additional attributes to use
 121   *                                           to determine the classes for the link.
 122   */
 123  function gp_link_project( $project_or_path, $text, $attrs = array() ) {
 124      echo gp_link_project_get( $project_or_path, $text, $attrs );
 125  }
 127  /**
 128   * Creates a HTML link to the edit page for projects.
 129   *
 130   * @since 1.0.0
 131   *
 132   * @param GP_Project $project The project to link to.
 133   * @param string     $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'.
 134   * @param array      $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 135   * @return string The HTML link.
 136   */
 137  function gp_link_project_edit_get( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 138      if ( ! GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'write', 'project', $project->id ) ) {
 139          return '';
 140      }
 141      $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Edit', 'glotpress' );
 142      return gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, '-edit' ), $text, gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, 'action edit' ) );
 143  }
 145  /**
 146   * Outputs a HTML link to the edit page for projects.
 147   *
 148   * @since 1.0.0
 149   *
 150   * @see gp_link_project_edit_get()
 151   *
 152   * @param GP_Project $project The project to link to.
 153   * @param string     $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'.
 154   * @param array      $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 155   */
 156  function gp_link_project_edit( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 157      echo gp_link_project_edit_get( $project, $text, $attrs );
 158  }
 160  /**
 161   * Creates a HTML link to the delete page for projects.
 162   *
 163   * @since 1.0.0
 164   *
 165   * @param GP_Project $project The project to link to.
 166   * @param string     $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'.
 167   * @param array      $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 168   * @return string The HTML link.
 169   */
 170  function gp_link_project_delete_get( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 171      if ( ! GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'delete', 'project', $project->id ) ) {
 172          return '';
 173      }
 174      $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Delete', 'glotpress' );
 175      return gp_link_get( gp_url_project( $project, '-delete' ), $text, gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, 'action edit' ) );
 176  }
 178  /**
 179   * Outputs a HTML link to the delete page for projects.
 180   *
 181   * @since 1.0.0
 182   *
 183   * @see gp_link_project_delete_get()
 184   *
 185   * @param GP_Project $project The project to link to.
 186   * @param string     $text    Optional. The text to use for the link.
 187   * @param array      $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 188   */
 189  function gp_link_project_delete( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 190      echo gp_link_project_delete_get( $project, $text, $attrs );
 191  }
 193  /**
 194   * Creates a HTML link to the home page of GlotPress.
 195   *
 196   * @since 1.0.0
 197   *
 198   * @return string The HTML link.
 199   */
 200  function gp_link_home_get() {
 201      return gp_link_get( gp_url( '/' ), __( 'Home', 'glotpress' ) );
 202  }
 204  /**
 205   * Outputs a HTML link to the home page of GlotPress.
 206   *
 207   * @since 1.0.0
 208   *
 209   * @see gp_link_home_get()
 210   */
 211  function gp_link_home() {
 212      echo gp_link_home_get();
 213  }
 215  /**
 216   * Creates a HTML link to the delete page for translations sets.
 217   *
 218   * @since 1.0.0
 219   *
 220   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set     The translation set to link to.
 221   * @param GP_Project         $project The project the translation set belongs to.
 222   * @param string             $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'.
 223   * @param array              $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 224   * @return string The HTML link.
 225   */
 226  function gp_link_set_edit_get( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 227      if ( ! GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'write', 'project', $project->id ) ) {
 228          return '';
 229      }
 231      $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Edit', 'glotpress' );
 232      return gp_link_get( gp_url( gp_url_join( '/sets', $set->id, '-edit' ) ), $text, gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, 'action edit' ) );
 233  }
 235  /**
 236   * Outputs a HTML link to the edit page for translations sets.
 237   *
 238   * @since 1.0.0
 239   *
 240   * @see gp_link_set_edit_get()
 241   *
 242   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set     The translation set to link to.
 243   * @param GP_Project         $project The project the translation set belongs to.
 244   * @param string             $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'.
 245   * @param array              $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 246   */
 247  function gp_link_set_edit( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 248      echo gp_link_set_edit_get( $set, $project, $text, $attrs );
 249  }
 251  /**
 252   * Creates a HTML link to the delete page for translations sets.
 253   *
 254   * @since 2.0.0
 255   *
 256   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set     The translation set to link to.
 257   * @param GP_Project         $project The project the translation set belongs to.
 258   * @param string             $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'.
 259   * @param array              $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 260   * @return string The HTML link.
 261   */
 262  function gp_link_set_delete_get( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 263      if ( ! GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'delete', 'project', $project->id ) ) {
 264          return '';
 265      }
 267      $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Delete', 'glotpress' );
 268      return gp_link_get( gp_url( gp_url_join( '/sets', $set->id, '-delete' ) ), $text, gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, 'action edit' ) );
 269  }
 271  /**
 272   * Outputs a HTML link to the delete page for translations sets.
 273   *
 274   * @since 2.0.0
 275   *
 276   * @see gp_link_set_delete_get()
 277   *
 278   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set     The translation set to link to.
 279   * @param GP_Project         $project The project the translation set belongs to.
 280   * @param string             $text    Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'.
 281   * @param array              $attrs   Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 282   */
 283  function gp_link_set_delete( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 284      echo gp_link_set_delete_get( $set, $project, $text, $attrs );
 285  }
 287  /**
 288   * Creates a HTML link to the edit page for glossaries.
 289   *
 290   * @since 1.0.0
 291   *
 292   * @param GP_Glossary        $glossary The glossary to link to.
 293   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set      The translation set the glossary is for.
 294   * @param string             $text     Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'.
 295   * @param array              $attrs    Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 296   * @return string The HTML link.
 297   */
 298  function gp_link_glossary_edit_get( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 299      if ( ! GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'approve', 'translation-set', $set->id ) ) {
 300          return '';
 301      }
 303      $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Edit', 'glotpress' );
 304      return gp_link_get( gp_url( gp_url_join( '/glossaries', $glossary->id, '-edit' ) ), $text, gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, 'action edit' ) );
 305  }
 307  /**
 308   * Outputs a HTML link to the edit page for glossaries.
 309   *
 310   * @since 1.0.0
 311   *
 312   * @see gp_link_glossary_edit_get()
 313   *
 314   * @param GP_Glossary        $glossary The glossary to link to.
 315   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set      The translation set the glossary is for.
 316   * @param string             $text     Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'.
 317   * @param array              $attrs    Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 318   */
 319  function gp_link_glossary_edit( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 320      echo gp_link_glossary_edit_get( $glossary, $set, $text, $attrs );
 321  }
 323  /**
 324   * Creates a HTML link to the delete page for glossaries.
 325   *
 326   * @since 2.0.0
 327   *
 328   * @param GP_Glossary        $glossary The glossary to link to.
 329   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set      The translation set the glossary is for.
 330   * @param string             $text     Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'.
 331   * @param array              $attrs    Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 332   * @return string The HTML link.
 333   */
 334  function gp_link_glossary_delete_get( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 335      if ( ! GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'delete', 'translation-set', $set->id ) ) {
 336          return '';
 337      }
 339      $text = $text ? $text : __( 'Delete', 'glotpress' );
 340      return gp_link_get( gp_url( gp_url_join( '/glossaries', $glossary->id, '-delete' ) ), $text, gp_attrs_add_class( $attrs, 'action edit' ) );
 341  }
 343  /**
 344   * Outputs a HTML link to the delete page for glossaries.
 345   *
 346   * @since 2.0.0
 347   *
 348   * @see gp_link_glossary_delete_get()
 349   *
 350   * @param GP_Glossary        $glossary The glossary to link to.
 351   * @param GP_Translation_Set $set      The translation set the glossary is for.
 352   * @param string             $text     Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'.
 353   * @param array              $attrs    Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link.
 354   */
 355  function gp_link_glossary_delete( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() ) {
 356      echo gp_link_glossary_delete_get( $glossary, $set, $text, $attrs );
 357  }
 359  /**
 360   * Outputs a HTML link to a user profile page.
 361   *
 362   * @since 2.1.0
 363   *
 364   * @param WP_User $user A WP_User user object.
 365   */
 366  function gp_link_user( $user ) {
 367      if ( $user->display_name && $user->display_name !== $user->user_login ) {
 368          printf(
 369              '<a href="%s" tabindex="-1">%s (%s)</a>',
 370              esc_url( gp_url_profile( $user->user_nicename ) ),
 371              esc_html( $user->display_name ),
 372              esc_html( $user->user_login )
 373          );
 374      } else {
 375          printf(
 376              '<a href="%s" tabindex="-1">%s</a>',
 377              esc_url( gp_url_profile( $user->user_nicename ) ),
 378              esc_attr( $user->user_login )
 379          );
 380      }
 381  }

Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:12 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1