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Link Template Functions
File Size: | 381 lines (13 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
gp_link_get( $url, $text, $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link. since: 1.0.0 param: string $url The URL to link to. param: string $text The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link( $url, $text, $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link. since: 1.0.0 param: string $url The URL to link to. param: string $text The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use |
gp_link_with_ays_get( $url, $text, $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link with a confirmation request. Uses the `window.confirm()` method to display a modal dialog for confirmation. since: 1.0.0 param: string $url The URL to link to. param: string $text The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_with_ays( $url, $text, $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link with a confirmation request. Uses the `window.confirm()` method to display a modal dialog for confirmation. since: 1.0.0 param: string $url The URL to link to. param: string $text The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use |
gp_link_project_get( $project_or_path, $text, $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the page of a project. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Project|string $project_or_path The project to link to. param: string $text The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_project( $project_or_path, $text, $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the page of a project. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Project|string $project_or_path The project to link to. param: string $text The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use |
gp_link_project_edit_get( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the edit page for projects. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Project $project The project to link to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_project_edit( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the edit page for projects. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Project $project The project to link to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. |
gp_link_project_delete_get( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the delete page for projects. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Project $project The project to link to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_project_delete( $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the delete page for projects. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Project $project The project to link to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. |
gp_link_home_get() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the home page of GlotPress. since: 1.0.0 return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_home() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the home page of GlotPress. since: 1.0.0 |
gp_link_set_edit_get( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the delete page for translations sets. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set to link to. param: GP_Project $project The project the translation set belongs to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_set_edit( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the edit page for translations sets. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set to link to. param: GP_Project $project The project the translation set belongs to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. |
gp_link_set_delete_get( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the delete page for translations sets. since: 2.0.0 param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set to link to. param: GP_Project $project The project the translation set belongs to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_set_delete( $set, $project, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the delete page for translations sets. since: 2.0.0 param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set to link to. param: GP_Project $project The project the translation set belongs to. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. |
gp_link_glossary_edit_get( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the edit page for glossaries. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Glossary $glossary The glossary to link to. param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set the glossary is for. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_glossary_edit( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the edit page for glossaries. since: 1.0.0 param: GP_Glossary $glossary The glossary to link to. param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set the glossary is for. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Edit'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. |
gp_link_glossary_delete_get( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Creates a HTML link to the delete page for glossaries. since: 2.0.0 param: GP_Glossary $glossary The glossary to link to. param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set the glossary is for. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. return: string The HTML link. |
gp_link_glossary_delete( $glossary, $set, $text = '', $attrs = array() X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to the delete page for glossaries. since: 2.0.0 param: GP_Glossary $glossary The glossary to link to. param: GP_Translation_Set $set The translation set the glossary is for. param: string $text Optional. The text to use for the link. Default 'Delete'. param: array $attrs Optional. Additional attributes to use to determine the classes for the link. |
gp_link_user( $user ) X-Ref |
Outputs a HTML link to a user profile page. since: 2.1.0 param: WP_User $user A WP_User user object. |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:12 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |