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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-messages/classes/ -> class-bp-messages-thread-template.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * BuddyPress Messages Thread Template Class.
   4   *
   5   * @package BuddyPress
   6   * @subpackage MessagesClasses
   7   * @since 1.5.0
   8   */
  10  // Exit if accessed directly.
  11  defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
  13  /**
  14   * Message Thread Template Class
  15   */
  16  class BP_Messages_Thread_Template {
  18      /**
  19       * The loop iterator.
  20       *
  21       * @var int
  22       */
  23      public $current_message = -1;
  25      /**
  26       * Number of messages returned by the paged query.
  27       *
  28       * @var int
  29       */
  30      public $message_count = 0;
  32      /**
  33       * The message object currently being iterated on.
  34       *
  35       * @var object
  36       */
  37      public $message;
  39      /**
  40       * Thread that the current messages belong to.
  41       *
  42       * @var BP_Messages_Thread
  43       */
  44      public $thread;
  46      /**
  47       * A flag for whether the loop is currently being iterated.
  48       *
  49       * @var bool
  50       */
  51      public $in_the_loop = false;
  53      /**
  54       * The page number being requested.
  55       *
  56       * @var int
  57       */
  58      public $pag_page = 1;
  60      /**
  61       * The number of items being requested per page.
  62       *
  63       * @var int
  64       */
  65      public $pag_num = 10;
  67      /**
  68       * An HTML string containing pagination links.
  69       *
  70       * @var string
  71       */
  72      public $pag_links = '';
  74      /**
  75       * The total number of messages matching the query.
  76       *
  77       * @var int
  78       */
  79      public $total_message_count = 0;
  81      /**
  82       * Constructor method.
  83       *
  84       * @see BP_Messages_Thread::populate() for full parameter info.
  85       *
  86       * @param int    $thread_id ID of the message thread to display.
  87       * @param string $order     Optional. Order to show the thread's messages in.
  88       *                          Default: 'ASC'.
  89       * @param array  $args      Array of arguments for the query.
  90       */
  91  	public function __construct( $thread_id = 0, $order = 'ASC', $args = array() ) {
  92          $this->thread        = new BP_Messages_Thread( $thread_id, $order, $args );
  93          $this->message_count = count( $this->thread->messages );
  94      }
  96      /**
  97       * Whether there are messages available in the loop.
  98       *
  99       * @see bp_thread_has_messages()
 100       *
 101       * @return bool True if there are items in the loop, otherwise false.
 102       */
 103  	public function has_messages() {
 104          return ( ! empty( $this->message_count ) );
 105      }
 107      /**
 108       * Set up the next message and iterate index.
 109       *
 110       * @return BP_Messages_Message The next message to iterate over.
 111       */
 112  	public function next_message() {
 113          $this->current_message++;
 114          $this->message = $this->thread->messages[ $this->current_message ];
 116          return $this->message;
 117      }
 119      /**
 120       * Rewind the messages and reset message index.
 121       */
 122  	public function rewind_messages() {
 123          $this->current_message = -1;
 124          if ( $this->message_count > 0 ) {
 125              $this->message = $this->thread->messages[0];
 126          }
 127      }
 129      /**
 130       * Whether there are messages left in the loop to iterate over.
 131       *
 132       * This method is used by {@link bp_thread_messages()} as part of the
 133       * while loop that controls iteration inside the messages loop, eg:
 134       *     while ( bp_thread_messages() ) { ...
 135       *
 136       * @see bp_thread_messages()
 137       *
 138       * @return bool True if there are more messages to show, otherwise false.
 139       */
 140  	public function messages() {
 141          if ( ( $this->current_message + 1 ) < $this->message_count ) {
 142              return true;
 143          } elseif ( ( $this->current_message + 1 ) === $this->message_count ) {
 145              /**
 146               * Fires when at the end of messages to iterate over.
 147               *
 148               * @since 1.1.0
 149               */
 150              do_action( 'thread_loop_end' );
 151              // Do some cleaning up after the loop.
 152              $this->rewind_messages();
 153          }
 155          $this->in_the_loop = false;
 156          return false;
 157      }
 159      /**
 160       * Set up the current message inside the loop.
 161       *
 162       * Used by {@link bp_thread_the_message()} to set up the current
 163       * message data while looping, so that template tags used during
 164       * that iteration make reference to the current message.
 165       *
 166       * @see bp_thread_the_message()
 167       */
 168  	public function the_message() {
 169          $this->in_the_loop = true;
 170          $this->message     = $this->next_message();
 172          // Loop has just started.
 173          if ( 0 === $this->current_message ) {
 175              /**
 176               * Fires if at the start of the message loop.
 177               *
 178               * @since 1.1.0
 179               */
 180              do_action( 'thread_loop_start' );
 181          }
 182      }
 183  }

Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1