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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-messages/classes/ -> class-bp-messages-thread-template.php (summary)

BuddyPress Messages Thread Template Class.

File Size: 183 lines (4 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

BP_Messages_Thread_Template:: (6 methods):

Class: BP_Messages_Thread_Template  - X-Ref

Message Thread Template Class

__construct( $thread_id = 0, $order = 'ASC', $args = array()   X-Ref
Constructor method.

param: int    $thread_id ID of the message thread to display.
param: string $order     Optional. Order to show the thread's messages in.
param: array  $args      Array of arguments for the query.

has_messages()   X-Ref
Whether there are messages available in the loop.

return: bool True if there are items in the loop, otherwise false.

next_message()   X-Ref
Set up the next message and iterate index.

return: BP_Messages_Message The next message to iterate over.

rewind_messages()   X-Ref
Rewind the messages and reset message index.

messages()   X-Ref
Whether there are messages left in the loop to iterate over.

This method is used by {@link bp_thread_messages()} as part of the
while loop that controls iteration inside the messages loop, eg:
while ( bp_thread_messages() ) { ...

return: bool True if there are more messages to show, otherwise false.

the_message()   X-Ref
Set up the current message inside the loop.

Used by {@link bp_thread_the_message()} to set up the current
message data while looping, so that template tags used during
that iteration make reference to the current message.

Generated: Sat Oct 26 01:00:54 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1