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PHP Cross Reference of BBPress





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Fileajax.php        [source] [159 lines]   bbPress Common AJAX Functions Common AJAX functions are ones that are used to setup and/or use during bbPress specific, theme-side AJAX requests.
Fileclasses.php     [source] [511 lines]   bbPress Classes
Fileengagements.php [source] [963 lines]   bbPress Common Engagements This file contains the common classes and functions for interacting with the bbPress engagements API. See `includes/users/engagements.php` for more.
Fileformatting.php  [source] [784 lines]   bbPress Formatting
Filefunctions.php   [source] [2683 lines]  bbPress Common Functions Common functions are ones that are used by more than one component, like forums, topics, replies, users, topic tags, etc...
Fileindex.php       [source] [5 lines]     Do not modify the files in this folder.
Filelocale.php      [source] [57 lines]    bbPress Localization
Filelocks.php       [source] [82 lines]    bbPress Locking
Fileshortcodes.php  [source] [858 lines]   bbPress Shortcodes
Filetemplate.php    [source] [2846 lines]  bbPress Common Template Tags Common template tags are ones that are used by more than one component, like forums, topics, replies, users, topic tags, etc...
Filewidgets.php     [source] [1241 lines]  bbPress Widgets Contains the forum list, topic list, reply list and login form widgets.

Generated: Mon Feb 10 01:00:54 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1