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/wp-includes/js/dist/ -> notices.js (source)

   1  /******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
   2  /******/     "use strict";
   3  /******/     // The require scope
   4  /******/     var __webpack_require__ = {};
   5  /******/     
   6  /************************************************************************/
   7  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
   8  /******/     !function() {
   9  /******/         // define getter functions for harmony exports
  10  /******/         __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
  11  /******/             for(var key in definition) {
  12  /******/                 if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
  13  /******/                     Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
  14  /******/                 }
  15  /******/             }
  16  /******/         };
  17  /******/     }();
  18  /******/     
  19  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
  20  /******/     !function() {
  21  /******/         __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
  22  /******/     }();
  23  /******/     
  24  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
  25  /******/     !function() {
  26  /******/         // define __esModule on exports
  27  /******/         __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
  28  /******/             if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
  29  /******/                 Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
  30  /******/             }
  31  /******/             Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
  32  /******/         };
  33  /******/     }();
  34  /******/     
  35  /************************************************************************/
  36  var __webpack_exports__ = {};
  38  __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
  40  // EXPORTS
  41  __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
  42    "store": function() { return /* reexport */ store; }
  43  });
  45  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/actions.js
  46  var actions_namespaceObject = {};
  47  __webpack_require__.r(actions_namespaceObject);
  48  __webpack_require__.d(actions_namespaceObject, {
  49    "createErrorNotice": function() { return createErrorNotice; },
  50    "createInfoNotice": function() { return createInfoNotice; },
  51    "createNotice": function() { return createNotice; },
  52    "createSuccessNotice": function() { return createSuccessNotice; },
  53    "createWarningNotice": function() { return createWarningNotice; },
  54    "removeNotice": function() { return removeNotice; }
  55  });
  57  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/selectors.js
  58  var selectors_namespaceObject = {};
  59  __webpack_require__.r(selectors_namespaceObject);
  60  __webpack_require__.d(selectors_namespaceObject, {
  61    "getNotices": function() { return getNotices; }
  62  });
  64  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"]
  65  var external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"];
  66  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "lodash"
  67  var external_lodash_namespaceObject = window["lodash"];
  68  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/utils/on-sub-key.js
  69  /**
  70   * Higher-order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object, keyed
  71   * by a property on the action object.
  72   *
  73   * @param {string} actionProperty Action property by which to key object.
  74   *
  75   * @return {Function} Higher-order reducer.
  76   */
  77  const onSubKey = actionProperty => reducer => function () {
  78    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
  79    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
  80    // Retrieve subkey from action. Do not track if undefined; useful for cases
  81    // where reducer is scoped by action shape.
  82    const key = action[actionProperty];
  84    if (key === undefined) {
  85      return state;
  86    } // Avoid updating state if unchanged. Note that this also accounts for a
  87    // reducer which returns undefined on a key which is not yet tracked.
  90    const nextKeyState = reducer(state[key], action);
  92    if (nextKeyState === state[key]) {
  93      return state;
  94    }
  96    return { ...state,
  97      [key]: nextKeyState
  98    };
  99  };
 100  /* harmony default export */ var on_sub_key = (onSubKey);
 102  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/reducer.js
 103  /**
 104   * External dependencies
 105   */
 107  /**
 108   * Internal dependencies
 109   */
 112  /**
 113   * Reducer returning the next notices state. The notices state is an object
 114   * where each key is a context, its value an array of notice objects.
 115   *
 116   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
 117   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
 118   *
 119   * @return {Object} Updated state.
 120   */
 122  const notices = on_sub_key('context')(function () {
 123    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
 124    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
 126    switch (action.type) {
 127      case 'CREATE_NOTICE':
 128        // Avoid duplicates on ID.
 129        return [...(0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.reject)(state, {
 130          id: action.notice.id
 131        }), action.notice];
 133      case 'REMOVE_NOTICE':
 134        return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.reject)(state, {
 135          id: action.id
 136        });
 137    }
 139    return state;
 140  });
 141  /* harmony default export */ var reducer = (notices);
 143  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/constants.js
 144  /**
 145   * Default context to use for notice grouping when not otherwise specified. Its
 146   * specific value doesn't hold much meaning, but it must be reasonably unique
 147   * and, more importantly, referenced consistently in the store implementation.
 148   *
 149   * @type {string}
 150   */
 151  const DEFAULT_CONTEXT = 'global';
 152  /**
 153   * Default notice status.
 154   *
 155   * @type {string}
 156   */
 158  const DEFAULT_STATUS = 'info';
 160  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/actions.js
 161  /**
 162   * External dependencies
 163   */
 165  /**
 166   * Internal dependencies
 167   */
 170  /**
 171   * @typedef {Object} WPNoticeAction Object describing a user action option associated with a notice.
 172   *
 173   * @property {string}    label   Message to use as action label.
 174   * @property {?string}   url     Optional URL of resource if action incurs
 175   *                               browser navigation.
 176   * @property {?Function} onClick Optional function to invoke when action is
 177   *                               triggered by user.
 178   *
 179   */
 181  /**
 182   * Returns an action object used in signalling that a notice is to be created.
 183   *
 184   * @param {string}                [status='info']              Notice status.
 185   * @param {string}                content                      Notice message.
 186   * @param {Object}                [options]                    Notice options.
 187   * @param {string}                [options.context='global']   Context under which to
 188   *                                                             group notice.
 189   * @param {string}                [options.id]                 Identifier for notice.
 190   *                                                             Automatically assigned
 191   *                                                             if not specified.
 192   * @param {boolean}               [options.isDismissible=true] Whether the notice can
 193   *                                                             be dismissed by user.
 194   * @param {string}                [options.type='default']     Type of notice, one of
 195   *                                                             `default`, or `snackbar`.
 196   * @param {boolean}               [options.speak=true]         Whether the notice
 197   *                                                             content should be
 198   *                                                             announced to screen
 199   *                                                             readers.
 200   * @param {Array<WPNoticeAction>} [options.actions]            User actions to be
 201   *                                                             presented with notice.
 202   * @param {Object}                [options.icon]               An icon displayed with the notice.
 203   * @param {boolean}               [options.explicitDismiss]    Whether the notice includes
 204   *                                                             an explict dismiss button and
 205   *                                                             can't be dismissed by clicking
 206   *                                                             the body of the notice.
 207   * @param {Function}              [options.onDismiss]          Called when the notice is dismissed.
 208   *
 209   * @return {Object} Action object.
 210   */
 212  function createNotice() {
 213    let status = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_STATUS;
 214    let content = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
 215    let options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
 216    const {
 217      speak = true,
 218      isDismissible = true,
 219      context = DEFAULT_CONTEXT,
 220      id = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.uniqueId)(context),
 221      actions = [],
 222      type = 'default',
 223      __unstableHTML,
 224      icon = null,
 225      explicitDismiss = false,
 226      onDismiss
 227    } = options; // The supported value shape of content is currently limited to plain text
 228    // strings. To avoid setting expectation that e.g. a WPElement could be
 229    // supported, cast to a string.
 231    content = String(content);
 232    return {
 233      type: 'CREATE_NOTICE',
 234      context,
 235      notice: {
 236        id,
 237        status,
 238        content,
 239        spokenMessage: speak ? content : null,
 240        __unstableHTML,
 241        isDismissible,
 242        actions,
 243        type,
 244        icon,
 245        explicitDismiss,
 246        onDismiss
 247      }
 248    };
 249  }
 250  /**
 251   * Returns an action object used in signalling that a success notice is to be
 252   * created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation.
 253   *
 254   * @see createNotice
 255   *
 256   * @param {string} content   Notice message.
 257   * @param {Object} [options] Optional notice options.
 258   *
 259   * @return {Object} Action object.
 260   */
 262  function createSuccessNotice(content, options) {
 263    return createNotice('success', content, options);
 264  }
 265  /**
 266   * Returns an action object used in signalling that an info notice is to be
 267   * created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation.
 268   *
 269   * @see createNotice
 270   *
 271   * @param {string} content   Notice message.
 272   * @param {Object} [options] Optional notice options.
 273   *
 274   * @return {Object} Action object.
 275   */
 277  function createInfoNotice(content, options) {
 278    return createNotice('info', content, options);
 279  }
 280  /**
 281   * Returns an action object used in signalling that an error notice is to be
 282   * created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation.
 283   *
 284   * @see createNotice
 285   *
 286   * @param {string} content   Notice message.
 287   * @param {Object} [options] Optional notice options.
 288   *
 289   * @return {Object} Action object.
 290   */
 292  function createErrorNotice(content, options) {
 293    return createNotice('error', content, options);
 294  }
 295  /**
 296   * Returns an action object used in signalling that a warning notice is to be
 297   * created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation.
 298   *
 299   * @see createNotice
 300   *
 301   * @param {string} content   Notice message.
 302   * @param {Object} [options] Optional notice options.
 303   *
 304   * @return {Object} Action object.
 305   */
 307  function createWarningNotice(content, options) {
 308    return createNotice('warning', content, options);
 309  }
 310  /**
 311   * Returns an action object used in signalling that a notice is to be removed.
 312   *
 313   * @param {string} id                 Notice unique identifier.
 314   * @param {string} [context='global'] Optional context (grouping) in which the notice is
 315   *                                    intended to appear. Defaults to default context.
 316   *
 317   * @return {Object} Action object.
 318   */
 320  function removeNotice(id) {
 321    let context = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : DEFAULT_CONTEXT;
 322    return {
 323      type: 'REMOVE_NOTICE',
 324      id,
 325      context
 326    };
 327  }
 329  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/selectors.js
 330  /**
 331   * Internal dependencies
 332   */
 334  /** @typedef {import('./actions').WPNoticeAction} WPNoticeAction */
 336  /**
 337   * The default empty set of notices to return when there are no notices
 338   * assigned for a given notices context. This can occur if the getNotices
 339   * selector is called without a notice ever having been created for the
 340   * context. A shared value is used to ensure referential equality between
 341   * sequential selector calls, since otherwise `[] !== []`.
 342   *
 343   * @type {Array}
 344   */
 346  const DEFAULT_NOTICES = [];
 347  /**
 348   * @typedef {Object} WPNotice Notice object.
 349   *
 350   * @property {string}           id             Unique identifier of notice.
 351   * @property {string}           status         Status of notice, one of `success`,
 352   *                                             `info`, `error`, or `warning`. Defaults
 353   *                                             to `info`.
 354   * @property {string}           content        Notice message.
 355   * @property {string}           spokenMessage  Audibly announced message text used by
 356   *                                             assistive technologies.
 357   * @property {string}           __unstableHTML Notice message as raw HTML. Intended to
 358   *                                             serve primarily for compatibility of
 359   *                                             server-rendered notices, and SHOULD NOT
 360   *                                             be used for notices. It is subject to
 361   *                                             removal without notice.
 362   * @property {boolean}          isDismissible  Whether the notice can be dismissed by
 363   *                                             user. Defaults to `true`.
 364   * @property {string}           type           Type of notice, one of `default`,
 365   *                                             or `snackbar`. Defaults to `default`.
 366   * @property {boolean}          speak          Whether the notice content should be
 367   *                                             announced to screen readers. Defaults to
 368   *                                             `true`.
 369   * @property {WPNoticeAction[]} actions        User actions to present with notice.
 370   *
 371   */
 373  /**
 374   * Returns all notices as an array, optionally for a given context. Defaults to
 375   * the global context.
 376   *
 377   * @param {Object}  state   Notices state.
 378   * @param {?string} context Optional grouping context.
 379   *
 380   * @return {WPNotice[]} Array of notices.
 381   */
 383  function getNotices(state) {
 384    let context = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : DEFAULT_CONTEXT;
 385    return state[context] || DEFAULT_NOTICES;
 386  }
 388  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/store/index.js
 389  /**
 390   * WordPress dependencies
 391   */
 393  /**
 394   * Internal dependencies
 395   */
 400  /**
 401   * Store definition for the notices namespace.
 402   *
 403   * @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/HEAD/packages/data/README.md#createReduxStore
 404   *
 405   * @type {Object}
 406   */
 408  const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)('core/notices', {
 409    reducer: reducer,
 410    actions: actions_namespaceObject,
 411    selectors: selectors_namespaceObject
 412  });
 413  (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store);
 415  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/notices/build-module/index.js
 418  (window.wp = window.wp || {}).notices = __webpack_exports__;
 419  /******/ })()
 420  ;

Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1