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Higher-order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object, keyed by a property on the action object.
File Size: | 420 lines (15 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
createNotice() X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that a notice is to be created. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} [status='info'] Notice status. param: {string} content Notice message. param: {Object} [options] Notice options. param: {string} [options.context='global'] Context under which to param: {string} [options.id] Identifier for notice. param: {boolean} [options.isDismissible=true] Whether the notice can param: {string} [options.type='default'] Type of notice, one of param: {boolean} [options.speak=true] Whether the notice param: {Array<WPNoticeAction>} [options.actions] User actions to be param: {Object} [options.icon] An icon displayed with the notice. param: {boolean} [options.explicitDismiss] Whether the notice includes param: {Function} [options.onDismiss] Called when the notice is dismissed. |
createSuccessNotice(content, options) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that a success notice is to be created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} content Notice message. param: {Object} [options] Optional notice options. |
createInfoNotice(content, options) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that an info notice is to be created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} content Notice message. param: {Object} [options] Optional notice options. |
createErrorNotice(content, options) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that an error notice is to be created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} content Notice message. param: {Object} [options] Optional notice options. |
createWarningNotice(content, options) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that a warning notice is to be created. Refer to `createNotice` for options documentation. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} content Notice message. param: {Object} [options] Optional notice options. |
removeNotice(id) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that a notice is to be removed. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} id Notice unique identifier. param: {string} [context='global'] Optional context (grouping) in which the notice is |
getNotices(state) X-Ref |
Returns all notices as an array, optionally for a given context. Defaults to the global context. return: {WPNotice[]} Array of notices. param: {Object} state Notices state. param: {?string} context Optional grouping context. |
Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |