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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress




/wp-includes/js/dist/ -> core-data.js (source)

   1  /******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
   2  /******/     var __webpack_modules__ = ({
   4  /***/ 2167:
   5  /***/ (function(module) {
   7  "use strict";
  10  function _typeof(obj) {
  11    if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
  12      _typeof = function (obj) {
  13        return typeof obj;
  14      };
  15    } else {
  16      _typeof = function (obj) {
  17        return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
  18      };
  19    }
  21    return _typeof(obj);
  22  }
  24  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
  25    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
  26      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
  27    }
  28  }
  30  function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  31    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  32      var descriptor = props[i];
  33      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  34      descriptor.configurable = true;
  35      if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
  36      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  37    }
  38  }
  40  function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  41    if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  42    if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  43    return Constructor;
  44  }
  46  /**
  47   * Given an instance of EquivalentKeyMap, returns its internal value pair tuple
  48   * for a key, if one exists. The tuple members consist of the last reference
  49   * value for the key (used in efficient subsequent lookups) and the value
  50   * assigned for the key at the leaf node.
  51   *
  52   * @param {EquivalentKeyMap} instance EquivalentKeyMap instance.
  53   * @param {*} key                     The key for which to return value pair.
  54   *
  55   * @return {?Array} Value pair, if exists.
  56   */
  57  function getValuePair(instance, key) {
  58    var _map = instance._map,
  59        _arrayTreeMap = instance._arrayTreeMap,
  60        _objectTreeMap = instance._objectTreeMap; // Map keeps a reference to the last object-like key used to set the
  61    // value, which can be used to shortcut immediately to the value.
  63    if (_map.has(key)) {
  64      return _map.get(key);
  65    } // Sort keys to ensure stable retrieval from tree.
  68    var properties = Object.keys(key).sort(); // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value.
  70    var map = Array.isArray(key) ? _arrayTreeMap : _objectTreeMap;
  72    for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
  73      var property = properties[i];
  74      map = map.get(property);
  76      if (map === undefined) {
  77        return;
  78      }
  80      var propertyValue = key[property];
  81      map = map.get(propertyValue);
  83      if (map === undefined) {
  84        return;
  85      }
  86    }
  88    var valuePair = map.get('_ekm_value');
  90    if (!valuePair) {
  91      return;
  92    } // If reached, it implies that an object-like key was set with another
  93    // reference, so delete the reference and replace with the current.
  96    _map.delete(valuePair[0]);
  98    valuePair[0] = key;
  99    map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair);
 101    _map.set(key, valuePair);
 103    return valuePair;
 104  }
 105  /**
 106   * Variant of a Map object which enables lookup by equivalent (deeply equal)
 107   * object and array keys.
 108   */
 111  var EquivalentKeyMap =
 112  /*#__PURE__*/
 113  function () {
 114    /**
 115     * Constructs a new instance of EquivalentKeyMap.
 116     *
 117     * @param {Iterable.<*>} iterable Initial pair of key, value for map.
 118     */
 119    function EquivalentKeyMap(iterable) {
 120      _classCallCheck(this, EquivalentKeyMap);
 122      this.clear();
 124      if (iterable instanceof EquivalentKeyMap) {
 125        // Map#forEach is only means of iterating with support for IE11.
 126        var iterablePairs = [];
 127        iterable.forEach(function (value, key) {
 128          iterablePairs.push([key, value]);
 129        });
 130        iterable = iterablePairs;
 131      }
 133      if (iterable != null) {
 134        for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) {
 135          this.set(iterable[i][0], iterable[i][1]);
 136        }
 137      }
 138    }
 139    /**
 140     * Accessor property returning the number of elements.
 141     *
 142     * @return {number} Number of elements.
 143     */
 146    _createClass(EquivalentKeyMap, [{
 147      key: "set",
 149      /**
 150       * Add or update an element with a specified key and value.
 151       *
 152       * @param {*} key   The key of the element to add.
 153       * @param {*} value The value of the element to add.
 154       *
 155       * @return {EquivalentKeyMap} Map instance.
 156       */
 157      value: function set(key, value) {
 158        // Shortcut non-object-like to set on internal Map.
 159        if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
 160          this._map.set(key, value);
 162          return this;
 163        } // Sort keys to ensure stable assignment into tree.
 166        var properties = Object.keys(key).sort();
 167        var valuePair = [key, value]; // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value.
 169        var map = Array.isArray(key) ? this._arrayTreeMap : this._objectTreeMap;
 171        for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
 172          var property = properties[i];
 174          if (!map.has(property)) {
 175            map.set(property, new EquivalentKeyMap());
 176          }
 178          map = map.get(property);
 179          var propertyValue = key[property];
 181          if (!map.has(propertyValue)) {
 182            map.set(propertyValue, new EquivalentKeyMap());
 183          }
 185          map = map.get(propertyValue);
 186        } // If an _ekm_value exists, there was already an equivalent key. Before
 187        // overriding, ensure that the old key reference is removed from map to
 188        // avoid memory leak of accumulating equivalent keys. This is, in a
 189        // sense, a poor man's WeakMap, while still enabling iterability.
 192        var previousValuePair = map.get('_ekm_value');
 194        if (previousValuePair) {
 195          this._map.delete(previousValuePair[0]);
 196        }
 198        map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair);
 200        this._map.set(key, valuePair);
 202        return this;
 203      }
 204      /**
 205       * Returns a specified element.
 206       *
 207       * @param {*} key The key of the element to return.
 208       *
 209       * @return {?*} The element associated with the specified key or undefined
 210       *              if the key can't be found.
 211       */
 213    }, {
 214      key: "get",
 215      value: function get(key) {
 216        // Shortcut non-object-like to get from internal Map.
 217        if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
 218          return this._map.get(key);
 219        }
 221        var valuePair = getValuePair(this, key);
 223        if (valuePair) {
 224          return valuePair[1];
 225        }
 226      }
 227      /**
 228       * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key
 229       * exists or not.
 230       *
 231       * @param {*} key The key of the element to test for presence.
 232       *
 233       * @return {boolean} Whether an element with the specified key exists.
 234       */
 236    }, {
 237      key: "has",
 238      value: function has(key) {
 239        if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
 240          return this._map.has(key);
 241        } // Test on the _presence_ of the pair, not its value, as even undefined
 242        // can be a valid member value for a key.
 245        return getValuePair(this, key) !== undefined;
 246      }
 247      /**
 248       * Removes the specified element.
 249       *
 250       * @param {*} key The key of the element to remove.
 251       *
 252       * @return {boolean} Returns true if an element existed and has been
 253       *                   removed, or false if the element does not exist.
 254       */
 256    }, {
 257      key: "delete",
 258      value: function _delete(key) {
 259        if (!this.has(key)) {
 260          return false;
 261        } // This naive implementation will leave orphaned child trees. A better
 262        // implementation should traverse and remove orphans.
 265        this.set(key, undefined);
 266        return true;
 267      }
 268      /**
 269       * Executes a provided function once per each key/value pair, in insertion
 270       * order.
 271       *
 272       * @param {Function} callback Function to execute for each element.
 273       * @param {*}        thisArg  Value to use as `this` when executing
 274       *                            `callback`.
 275       */
 277    }, {
 278      key: "forEach",
 279      value: function forEach(callback) {
 280        var _this = this;
 282        var thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this;
 284        this._map.forEach(function (value, key) {
 285          // Unwrap value from object-like value pair.
 286          if (key !== null && _typeof(key) === 'object') {
 287            value = value[1];
 288          }
 290          callback.call(thisArg, value, key, _this);
 291        });
 292      }
 293      /**
 294       * Removes all elements.
 295       */
 297    }, {
 298      key: "clear",
 299      value: function clear() {
 300        this._map = new Map();
 301        this._arrayTreeMap = new Map();
 302        this._objectTreeMap = new Map();
 303      }
 304    }, {
 305      key: "size",
 306      get: function get() {
 307        return this._map.size;
 308      }
 309    }]);
 311    return EquivalentKeyMap;
 312  }();
 314  module.exports = EquivalentKeyMap;
 317  /***/ }),
 319  /***/ 9756:
 320  /***/ (function(module) {
 322  /**
 323   * Memize options object.
 324   *
 325   * @typedef MemizeOptions
 326   *
 327   * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache.
 328   */
 330  /**
 331   * Internal cache entry.
 332   *
 333   * @typedef MemizeCacheNode
 334   *
 335   * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node.
 336   * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node.
 337   * @property {Array<*>}                   args   Function arguments for cache
 338   *                                               entry.
 339   * @property {*}                          val    Function result.
 340   */
 342  /**
 343   * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache.
 344   *
 345   * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction
 346   *
 347   * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache.
 348   */
 350  /**
 351   * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with
 352   * optional options.
 353   *
 354   * @template {Function} F
 355   *
 356   * @param {F}             fn        Function to memoize.
 357   * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object.
 358   *
 359   * @return {F & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function.
 360   */
 361  function memize( fn, options ) {
 362      var size = 0;
 364      /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
 365      var head;
 367      /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
 368      var tail;
 370      options = options || {};
 372  	function memoized( /* ...args */ ) {
 373          var node = head,
 374              len = arguments.length,
 375              args, i;
 377          searchCache: while ( node ) {
 378              // Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node
 379              // under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays
 380              // are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is
 381              // strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a
 382              // function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization.
 384              // Check whether node arguments match arguments length
 385              if ( node.args.length !== arguments.length ) {
 386                  node = node.next;
 387                  continue;
 388              }
 390              // Check whether node arguments match arguments values
 391              for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
 392                  if ( node.args[ i ] !== arguments[ i ] ) {
 393                      node = node.next;
 394                      continue searchCache;
 395                  }
 396              }
 398              // At this point we can assume we've found a match
 400              // Surface matched node to head if not already
 401              if ( node !== head ) {
 402                  // As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also
 403                  // head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous.
 404                  if ( node === tail ) {
 405                      tail = node.prev;
 406                  }
 408                  // Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail,
 409                  // this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment.
 410                  /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ ( node.prev ).next = node.next;
 411                  if ( node.next ) {
 412                      node.next.prev = node.prev;
 413                  }
 415                  node.next = head;
 416                  node.prev = null;
 417                  /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ ( head ).prev = node;
 418                  head = node;
 419              }
 421              // Return immediately
 422              return node.val;
 423          }
 425          // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase:
 427          // Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization)
 428          args = new Array( len );
 429          for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
 430              args[ i ] = arguments[ i ];
 431          }
 433          node = {
 434              args: args,
 436              // Generate the result from original function
 437              val: fn.apply( null, args ),
 438          };
 440          // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would
 441          // have been returned above already if it was
 443          // Shift existing head down list
 444          if ( head ) {
 445              head.prev = node;
 446              node.next = head;
 447          } else {
 448              // If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset)
 449              tail = node;
 450          }
 452          // Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion
 453          if ( size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ ( options ).maxSize ) {
 454              tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ ( tail ).prev;
 455              /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ ( tail ).next = null;
 456          } else {
 457              size++;
 458          }
 460          head = node;
 462          return node.val;
 463      }
 465      memoized.clear = function() {
 466          head = null;
 467          tail = null;
 468          size = 0;
 469      };
 471      if ( false ) {}
 473      // Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of
 474      // the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the
 475      // function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties
 476      // on the return value.
 478      // @ts-ignore
 479      return memoized;
 480  }
 482  module.exports = memize;
 485  /***/ })
 487  /******/     });
 488  /************************************************************************/
 489  /******/     // The module cache
 490  /******/     var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
 491  /******/     
 492  /******/     // The require function
 493  /******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
 494  /******/         // Check if module is in cache
 495  /******/         var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
 496  /******/         if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
 497  /******/             return cachedModule.exports;
 498  /******/         }
 499  /******/         // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
 500  /******/         var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
 501  /******/             // no module.id needed
 502  /******/             // no module.loaded needed
 503  /******/             exports: {}
 504  /******/         };
 505  /******/     
 506  /******/         // Execute the module function
 507  /******/         __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
 508  /******/     
 509  /******/         // Return the exports of the module
 510  /******/         return module.exports;
 511  /******/     }
 512  /******/     
 513  /************************************************************************/
 514  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
 515  /******/     !function() {
 516  /******/         // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
 517  /******/         __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
 518  /******/             var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
 519  /******/                 function() { return module['default']; } :
 520  /******/                 function() { return module; };
 521  /******/             __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
 522  /******/             return getter;
 523  /******/         };
 524  /******/     }();
 525  /******/     
 526  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
 527  /******/     !function() {
 528  /******/         // define getter functions for harmony exports
 529  /******/         __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
 530  /******/             for(var key in definition) {
 531  /******/                 if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
 532  /******/                     Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
 533  /******/                 }
 534  /******/             }
 535  /******/         };
 536  /******/     }();
 537  /******/     
 538  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
 539  /******/     !function() {
 540  /******/         __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }
 541  /******/     }();
 542  /******/     
 543  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
 544  /******/     !function() {
 545  /******/         // define __esModule on exports
 546  /******/         __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {
 547  /******/             if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
 548  /******/                 Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
 549  /******/             }
 550  /******/             Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
 551  /******/         };
 552  /******/     }();
 553  /******/     
 554  /************************************************************************/
 555  var __webpack_exports__ = {};
 556  // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode.
 557  !function() {
 558  "use strict";
 560  __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
 562  // EXPORTS
 563  __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
 564    "EntityProvider": function() { return /* reexport */ EntityProvider; },
 565    "__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions": function() { return /* reexport */ _experimental_fetch_link_suggestions; },
 566    "__experimentalFetchUrlData": function() { return /* reexport */ _experimental_fetch_url_data; },
 567    "__experimentalUseEntityRecord": function() { return /* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecord; },
 568    "__experimentalUseEntityRecords": function() { return /* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecords; },
 569    "store": function() { return /* binding */ store; },
 570    "useEntityBlockEditor": function() { return /* reexport */ useEntityBlockEditor; },
 571    "useEntityId": function() { return /* reexport */ useEntityId; },
 572    "useEntityProp": function() { return /* reexport */ useEntityProp; }
 573  });
 575  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/actions.js
 576  var build_module_actions_namespaceObject = {};
 577  __webpack_require__.r(build_module_actions_namespaceObject);
 578  __webpack_require__.d(build_module_actions_namespaceObject, {
 579    "__experimentalBatch": function() { return __experimentalBatch; },
 580    "__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId": function() { return __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId; },
 581    "__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles": function() { return __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles; },
 582    "__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations": function() { return __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations; },
 583    "__experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits": function() { return __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits; },
 584    "__unstableCreateUndoLevel": function() { return __unstableCreateUndoLevel; },
 585    "addEntities": function() { return addEntities; },
 586    "deleteEntityRecord": function() { return deleteEntityRecord; },
 587    "editEntityRecord": function() { return editEntityRecord; },
 588    "receiveAutosaves": function() { return receiveAutosaves; },
 589    "receiveCurrentTheme": function() { return receiveCurrentTheme; },
 590    "receiveCurrentUser": function() { return receiveCurrentUser; },
 591    "receiveEmbedPreview": function() { return receiveEmbedPreview; },
 592    "receiveEntityRecords": function() { return receiveEntityRecords; },
 593    "receiveThemeSupports": function() { return receiveThemeSupports; },
 594    "receiveUploadPermissions": function() { return receiveUploadPermissions; },
 595    "receiveUserPermission": function() { return receiveUserPermission; },
 596    "receiveUserQuery": function() { return receiveUserQuery; },
 597    "redo": function() { return redo; },
 598    "saveEditedEntityRecord": function() { return saveEditedEntityRecord; },
 599    "saveEntityRecord": function() { return saveEntityRecord; },
 600    "undo": function() { return undo; }
 601  });
 603  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/selectors.js
 604  var build_module_selectors_namespaceObject = {};
 605  __webpack_require__.r(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject);
 606  __webpack_require__.d(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject, {
 607    "__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId": function() { return __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId; },
 608    "__experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles": function() { return __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles; },
 609    "__experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations": function() { return __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations; },
 610    "__experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords": function() { return __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords; },
 611    "__experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved": function() { return __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved; },
 612    "__experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver": function() { return __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver; },
 613    "__experimentalGetTemplateForLink": function() { return __experimentalGetTemplateForLink; },
 614    "canUser": function() { return canUser; },
 615    "canUserEditEntityRecord": function() { return canUserEditEntityRecord; },
 616    "getAuthors": function() { return getAuthors; },
 617    "getAutosave": function() { return getAutosave; },
 618    "getAutosaves": function() { return getAutosaves; },
 619    "getBlockPatternCategories": function() { return getBlockPatternCategories; },
 620    "getBlockPatterns": function() { return getBlockPatterns; },
 621    "getCurrentTheme": function() { return getCurrentTheme; },
 622    "getCurrentUser": function() { return getCurrentUser; },
 623    "getEditedEntityRecord": function() { return getEditedEntityRecord; },
 624    "getEmbedPreview": function() { return getEmbedPreview; },
 625    "getEntitiesByKind": function() { return getEntitiesByKind; },
 626    "getEntitiesConfig": function() { return getEntitiesConfig; },
 627    "getEntity": function() { return getEntity; },
 628    "getEntityConfig": function() { return getEntityConfig; },
 629    "getEntityRecord": function() { return getEntityRecord; },
 630    "getEntityRecordEdits": function() { return getEntityRecordEdits; },
 631    "getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits": function() { return getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits; },
 632    "getEntityRecords": function() { return getEntityRecords; },
 633    "getLastEntityDeleteError": function() { return getLastEntityDeleteError; },
 634    "getLastEntitySaveError": function() { return getLastEntitySaveError; },
 635    "getRawEntityRecord": function() { return getRawEntityRecord; },
 636    "getRedoEdit": function() { return getRedoEdit; },
 637    "getReferenceByDistinctEdits": function() { return getReferenceByDistinctEdits; },
 638    "getThemeSupports": function() { return getThemeSupports; },
 639    "getUndoEdit": function() { return getUndoEdit; },
 640    "getUserQueryResults": function() { return getUserQueryResults; },
 641    "hasEditsForEntityRecord": function() { return hasEditsForEntityRecord; },
 642    "hasEntityRecords": function() { return hasEntityRecords; },
 643    "hasFetchedAutosaves": function() { return hasFetchedAutosaves; },
 644    "hasRedo": function() { return hasRedo; },
 645    "hasUndo": function() { return hasUndo; },
 646    "isAutosavingEntityRecord": function() { return isAutosavingEntityRecord; },
 647    "isDeletingEntityRecord": function() { return isDeletingEntityRecord; },
 648    "isPreviewEmbedFallback": function() { return isPreviewEmbedFallback; },
 649    "isRequestingEmbedPreview": function() { return isRequestingEmbedPreview; },
 650    "isSavingEntityRecord": function() { return isSavingEntityRecord; }
 651  });
 653  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js
 654  var resolvers_namespaceObject = {};
 655  __webpack_require__.r(resolvers_namespaceObject);
 656  __webpack_require__.d(resolvers_namespaceObject, {
 657    "__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId": function() { return resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId; },
 658    "__experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles": function() { return resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles; },
 659    "__experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations": function() { return resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations; },
 660    "__experimentalGetTemplateForLink": function() { return resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink; },
 661    "canUser": function() { return resolvers_canUser; },
 662    "canUserEditEntityRecord": function() { return resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord; },
 663    "getAuthors": function() { return resolvers_getAuthors; },
 664    "getAutosave": function() { return resolvers_getAutosave; },
 665    "getAutosaves": function() { return resolvers_getAutosaves; },
 666    "getBlockPatternCategories": function() { return resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories; },
 667    "getBlockPatterns": function() { return resolvers_getBlockPatterns; },
 668    "getCurrentTheme": function() { return resolvers_getCurrentTheme; },
 669    "getCurrentUser": function() { return resolvers_getCurrentUser; },
 670    "getEditedEntityRecord": function() { return resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord; },
 671    "getEmbedPreview": function() { return resolvers_getEmbedPreview; },
 672    "getEntityRecord": function() { return resolvers_getEntityRecord; },
 673    "getEntityRecords": function() { return resolvers_getEntityRecords; },
 674    "getRawEntityRecord": function() { return resolvers_getRawEntityRecord; },
 675    "getThemeSupports": function() { return resolvers_getThemeSupports; }
 676  });
 678  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","data"]
 679  var external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"];
 680  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external "lodash"
 681  var external_lodash_namespaceObject = window["lodash"];
 682  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","isShallowEqual"]
 683  var external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["isShallowEqual"];
 684  var external_wp_isShallowEqual_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject);
 685  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/if-matching-action.js
 686  /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
 688  /**
 689   * A higher-order reducer creator which invokes the original reducer only if
 690   * the dispatching action matches the given predicate, **OR** if state is
 691   * initializing (undefined).
 692   *
 693   * @param {AnyFunction} isMatch Function predicate for allowing reducer call.
 694   *
 695   * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
 696   */
 697  const ifMatchingAction = isMatch => reducer => (state, action) => {
 698    if (state === undefined || isMatch(action)) {
 699      return reducer(state, action);
 700    }
 702    return state;
 703  };
 705  /* harmony default export */ var if_matching_action = (ifMatchingAction);
 707  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/replace-action.js
 708  /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
 710  /**
 711   * Higher-order reducer creator which substitutes the action object before
 712   * passing to the original reducer.
 713   *
 714   * @param {AnyFunction} replacer Function mapping original action to replacement.
 715   *
 716   * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
 717   */
 718  const replaceAction = replacer => reducer => (state, action) => {
 719    return reducer(state, replacer(action));
 720  };
 722  /* harmony default export */ var replace_action = (replaceAction);
 724  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/conservative-map-item.js
 725  /**
 726   * External dependencies
 727   */
 729  /**
 730   * Given the current and next item entity record, returns the minimally "modified"
 731   * result of the next item, preferring value references from the original item
 732   * if equal. If all values match, the original item is returned.
 733   *
 734   * @param {Object} item     Original item.
 735   * @param {Object} nextItem Next item.
 736   *
 737   * @return {Object} Minimally modified merged item.
 738   */
 740  function conservativeMapItem(item, nextItem) {
 741    // Return next item in its entirety if there is no original item.
 742    if (!item) {
 743      return nextItem;
 744    }
 746    let hasChanges = false;
 747    const result = {};
 749    for (const key in nextItem) {
 750      if ((0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.isEqual)(item[key], nextItem[key])) {
 751        result[key] = item[key];
 752      } else {
 753        hasChanges = true;
 754        result[key] = nextItem[key];
 755      }
 756    }
 758    if (!hasChanges) {
 759      return item;
 760    } // Only at this point, backfill properties from the original item which
 761    // weren't explicitly set into the result above. This is an optimization
 762    // to allow `hasChanges` to return early.
 765    for (const key in item) {
 766      if (!result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
 767        result[key] = item[key];
 768      }
 769    }
 771    return result;
 772  }
 774  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/on-sub-key.js
 775  /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
 777  /**
 778   * Higher-order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object, keyed
 779   * by a property on the action object.
 780   *
 781   * @param {string} actionProperty Action property by which to key object.
 782   *
 783   * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
 784   */
 785  const onSubKey = actionProperty => reducer => function () {
 786    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
 787    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
 788    // Retrieve subkey from action. Do not track if undefined; useful for cases
 789    // where reducer is scoped by action shape.
 790    const key = action[actionProperty];
 792    if (key === undefined) {
 793      return state;
 794    } // Avoid updating state if unchanged. Note that this also accounts for a
 795    // reducer which returns undefined on a key which is not yet tracked.
 798    const nextKeyState = reducer(state[key], action);
 800    if (nextKeyState === state[key]) {
 801      return state;
 802    }
 804    return { ...state,
 805      [key]: nextKeyState
 806    };
 807  };
 808  /* harmony default export */ var on_sub_key = (onSubKey);
 810  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","apiFetch"]
 811  var external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"];
 812  var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject);
 813  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","i18n"]
 814  var external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"];
 815  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js
 816  // Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore
 817  // require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number
 818  // generators (like Math.random()).
 819  var getRandomValues;
 820  var rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);
 821  function rng() {
 822    // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so
 823    if (!getRandomValues) {
 824      // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation. Also,
 825      // find the complete implementation of crypto (msCrypto) on IE11.
 826      getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto) || typeof msCrypto !== 'undefined' && typeof msCrypto.getRandomValues === 'function' && msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(msCrypto);
 828      if (!getRandomValues) {
 829        throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported');
 830      }
 831    }
 833    return getRandomValues(rnds8);
 834  }
 835  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/regex.js
 836  /* harmony default export */ var regex = (/^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i);
 837  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/validate.js
 840  function validate(uuid) {
 841    return typeof uuid === 'string' && regex.test(uuid);
 842  }
 844  /* harmony default export */ var esm_browser_validate = (validate);
 845  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js
 847  /**
 848   * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:
 850   */
 852  var byteToHex = [];
 854  for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
 855    byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).substr(1));
 856  }
 858  function stringify(arr) {
 859    var offset = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
 860    // Note: Be careful editing this code!  It's been tuned for performance
 861    // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434
 862    var uuid = (byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]]).toLowerCase(); // Consistency check for valid UUID.  If this throws, it's likely due to one
 863    // of the following:
 864    // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to
 865    // "undefined" in the uuid)
 866    // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields
 868    if (!esm_browser_validate(uuid)) {
 869      throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid');
 870    }
 872    return uuid;
 873  }
 875  /* harmony default export */ var esm_browser_stringify = (stringify);
 876  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js
 880  function v4(options, buf, offset) {
 881    options = options || {};
 882    var rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`
 884    rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;
 885    rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided
 887    if (buf) {
 888      offset = offset || 0;
 890      for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
 891        buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];
 892      }
 894      return buf;
 895    }
 897    return esm_browser_stringify(rnds);
 898  }
 900  /* harmony default export */ var esm_browser_v4 = (v4);
 901  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","url"]
 902  var external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"];
 903  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","deprecated"]
 904  var external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"];
 905  var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject);
 906  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/actions.js
 907  /**
 908   * External dependencies
 909   */
 911  /**
 912   * Returns an action object used in signalling that items have been received.
 913   *
 914   * @param {Array}   items Items received.
 915   * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset.
 916   *
 917   * @return {Object} Action object.
 918   */
 920  function receiveItems(items, edits) {
 921    return {
 922      type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS',
 923      items: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.castArray)(items),
 924      persistedEdits: edits
 925    };
 926  }
 927  /**
 928   * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been
 929   * deleted and they need to be removed from entities state.
 930   *
 931   * @param {string}              kind            Kind of the removed entities.
 932   * @param {string}              name            Name of the removed entities.
 933   * @param {Array|number|string} records         Record IDs of the removed entities.
 934   * @param {boolean}             invalidateCache Controls whether we want to invalidate the cache.
 935   * @return {Object} Action object.
 936   */
 938  function removeItems(kind, name, records) {
 939    let invalidateCache = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;
 940    return {
 941      type: 'REMOVE_ITEMS',
 942      itemIds: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.castArray)(records),
 943      kind,
 944      name,
 945      invalidateCache
 946    };
 947  }
 948  /**
 949   * Returns an action object used in signalling that queried data has been
 950   * received.
 951   *
 952   * @param {Array}   items Queried items received.
 953   * @param {?Object} query Optional query object.
 954   * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset.
 955   *
 956   * @return {Object} Action object.
 957   */
 959  function receiveQueriedItems(items) {
 960    let query = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
 961    let edits = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
 962    return { ...receiveItems(items, edits),
 963      query
 964    };
 965  }
 967  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/batch/default-processor.js
 968  /**
 969   * External dependencies
 970   */
 972  /**
 973   * WordPress dependencies
 974   */
 977  /**
 978   * Maximum number of requests to place in a single batch request. Obtained by
 979   * sending a preflight OPTIONS request to /batch/v1/.
 980   *
 981   * @type {number?}
 982   */
 984  let maxItems = null;
 985  /**
 986   * Default batch processor. Sends its input requests to /batch/v1.
 987   *
 988   * @param {Array} requests List of API requests to perform at once.
 989   *
 990   * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves to a list of objects containing
 991   *                   either `output` (if that request was succesful) or `error`
 992   *                   (if not ).
 993   */
 995  async function defaultProcessor(requests) {
 996    if (maxItems === null) {
 997      const preflightResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
 998        path: '/batch/v1',
 999        method: 'OPTIONS'
1000      });
1001      maxItems = preflightResponse.endpoints[0].args.requests.maxItems;
1002    }
1004    const results = []; // @ts-ignore We would have crashed or never gotten to this point if we hadn't received the maxItems count.
1006    for (const batchRequests of (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.chunk)(requests, maxItems)) {
1007      const batchResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1008        path: '/batch/v1',
1009        method: 'POST',
1010        data: {
1011          validation: 'require-all-validate',
1012          requests: batchRequests.map(request => ({
1013            path: request.path,
1014            body: request.data,
1015            // Rename 'data' to 'body'.
1016            method: request.method,
1017            headers: request.headers
1018          }))
1019        }
1020      });
1021      let batchResults;
1023      if (batchResponse.failed) {
1024        batchResults = batchResponse.responses.map(response => ({
1025          error: response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.body
1026        }));
1027      } else {
1028        batchResults = batchResponse.responses.map(response => {
1029          const result = {};
1031          if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
1032            result.output = response.body;
1033          } else {
1034            result.error = response.body;
1035          }
1037          return result;
1038        });
1039      }
1041      results.push(...batchResults);
1042    }
1044    return results;
1045  }
1047  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/batch/create-batch.js
1048  /**
1049   * External dependencies
1050   */
1052  /**
1053   * Internal dependencies
1054   */
1057  /**
1058   * Creates a batch, which can be used to combine multiple API requests into one
1059   * API request using the WordPress batch processing API (/v1/batch).
1060   *
1061   * ```
1062   * const batch = createBatch();
1063   * const dunePromise = batch.add( {
1064   *   path: '/v1/books',
1065   *   method: 'POST',
1066   *   data: { title: 'Dune' }
1067   * } );
1068   * const lotrPromise = batch.add( {
1069   *   path: '/v1/books',
1070   *   method: 'POST',
1071   *   data: { title: 'Lord of the Rings' }
1072   * } );
1073   * const isSuccess = await batch.run(); // Sends one POST to /v1/batch.
1074   * if ( isSuccess ) {
1075   *   console.log(
1076   *     'Saved two books:',
1077   *     await dunePromise,
1078   *     await lotrPromise
1079   *   );
1080   * }
1081   * ```
1082   *
1083   * @param {Function} [processor] Processor function. Can be used to replace the
1084   *                               default functionality which is to send an API
1085   *                               request to /v1/batch. Is given an array of
1086   *                               inputs and must return a promise that
1087   *                               resolves to an array of objects containing
1088   *                               either `output` or `error`.
1089   */
1091  function createBatch() {
1092    let processor = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : defaultProcessor;
1093    let lastId = 0;
1094    /** @type {Array<{ input: any; resolve: ( value: any ) => void; reject: ( error: any ) => void }>} */
1096    let queue = [];
1097    const pending = new ObservableSet();
1098    return {
1099      /**
1100       * Adds an input to the batch and returns a promise that is resolved or
1101       * rejected when the input is processed by `batch.run()`.
1102       *
1103       * You may also pass a thunk which allows inputs to be added
1104       * asychronously.
1105       *
1106       * ```
1107       * // Both are allowed:
1108       * batch.add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } );
1109       * batch.add( ( add ) => add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } ) );
1110       * ```
1111       *
1112       * If a thunk is passed, `batch.run()` will pause until either:
1113       *
1114       * - The thunk calls its `add` argument, or;
1115       * - The thunk returns a promise and that promise resolves, or;
1116       * - The thunk returns a non-promise.
1117       *
1118       * @param {any|Function} inputOrThunk Input to add or thunk to execute.
1119       *
1120       * @return {Promise|any} If given an input, returns a promise that
1121       *                       is resolved or rejected when the batch is
1122       *                       processed. If given a thunk, returns the return
1123       *                       value of that thunk.
1124       */
1125      add(inputOrThunk) {
1126        const id = ++lastId;
1127        pending.add(id);
1129        const add = input => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
1130          queue.push({
1131            input,
1132            resolve,
1133            reject
1134          });
1135          pending.delete(id);
1136        });
1138        if ((0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.isFunction)(inputOrThunk)) {
1139          return Promise.resolve(inputOrThunk(add)).finally(() => {
1140            pending.delete(id);
1141          });
1142        }
1144        return add(inputOrThunk);
1145      },
1147      /**
1148       * Runs the batch. This calls `batchProcessor` and resolves or rejects
1149       * all promises returned by `add()`.
1150       *
1151       * @return {Promise<boolean>} A promise that resolves to a boolean that is true
1152       *                   if the processor returned no errors.
1153       */
1154      async run() {
1155        if (pending.size) {
1156          await new Promise(resolve => {
1157            const unsubscribe = pending.subscribe(() => {
1158              if (!pending.size) {
1159                unsubscribe();
1160                resolve(undefined);
1161              }
1162            });
1163          });
1164        }
1166        let results;
1168        try {
1169          results = await processor(queue.map(_ref => {
1170            let {
1171              input
1172            } = _ref;
1173            return input;
1174          }));
1176          if (results.length !== queue.length) {
1177            throw new Error('run: Array returned by processor must be same size as input array.');
1178          }
1179        } catch (error) {
1180          for (const {
1181            reject
1182          } of queue) {
1183            reject(error);
1184          }
1186          throw error;
1187        }
1189        let isSuccess = true;
1191        for (const pair of (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.zip)(results, queue)) {
1192          /** @type {{error?: unknown, output?: unknown}} */
1193          const result = pair[0];
1194          /** @type {{resolve: (value: any) => void; reject: (error: any) => void} | undefined} */
1196          const queueItem = pair[1];
1198          if (result !== null && result !== void 0 && result.error) {
1199            queueItem === null || queueItem === void 0 ? void 0 : queueItem.reject(result.error);
1200            isSuccess = false;
1201          } else {
1202            var _result$output;
1204            queueItem === null || queueItem === void 0 ? void 0 : queueItem.resolve((_result$output = result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : result.output) !== null && _result$output !== void 0 ? _result$output : result);
1205          }
1206        }
1208        queue = [];
1209        return isSuccess;
1210      }
1212    };
1213  }
1215  class ObservableSet {
1216    constructor() {
1217      for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
1218        args[_key] = arguments[_key];
1219      }
1221      this.set = new Set(...args);
1222      this.subscribers = new Set();
1223    }
1225    get size() {
1226      return this.set.size;
1227    }
1229    add(value) {
1230      this.set.add(value);
1231      this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber());
1232      return this;
1233    }
1235    delete(value) {
1236      const isSuccess = this.set.delete(value);
1237      this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber());
1238      return isSuccess;
1239    }
1241    subscribe(subscriber) {
1242      this.subscribers.add(subscriber);
1243      return () => {
1244        this.subscribers.delete(subscriber);
1245      };
1246    }
1248  }
1250  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/name.js
1251  /**
1252   * The reducer key used by core data in store registration.
1253   * This is defined in a separate file to avoid cycle-dependency
1254   *
1255   * @type {string}
1256   */
1257  const STORE_NAME = 'core';
1259  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/actions.js
1260  /**
1261   * External dependencies
1262   */
1265  /**
1266   * WordPress dependencies
1267   */
1272  /**
1273   * Internal dependencies
1274   */
1280  /**
1281   * Returns an action object used in signalling that authors have been received.
1282   *
1283   * @param {string}       queryID Query ID.
1284   * @param {Array|Object} users   Users received.
1285   *
1286   * @return {Object} Action object.
1287   */
1289  function receiveUserQuery(queryID, users) {
1290    return {
1291      type: 'RECEIVE_USER_QUERY',
1292      users: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.castArray)(users),
1293      queryID
1294    };
1295  }
1296  /**
1297   * Returns an action used in signalling that the current user has been received.
1298   *
1299   * @param {Object} currentUser Current user object.
1300   *
1301   * @return {Object} Action object.
1302   */
1304  function receiveCurrentUser(currentUser) {
1305    return {
1306      type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_USER',
1307      currentUser
1308    };
1309  }
1310  /**
1311   * Returns an action object used in adding new entities.
1312   *
1313   * @param {Array} entities Entities received.
1314   *
1315   * @return {Object} Action object.
1316   */
1318  function addEntities(entities) {
1319    return {
1320      type: 'ADD_ENTITIES',
1321      entities
1322    };
1323  }
1324  /**
1325   * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been received.
1326   *
1327   * @param {string}       kind            Kind of the received entity record.
1328   * @param {string}       name            Name of the received entity record.
1329   * @param {Array|Object} records         Records received.
1330   * @param {?Object}      query           Query Object.
1331   * @param {?boolean}     invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches.
1332   * @param {?Object}      edits           Edits to reset.
1333   * @return {Object} Action object.
1334   */
1336  function receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query) {
1337    let invalidateCache = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
1338    let edits = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : undefined;
1340    // Auto drafts should not have titles, but some plugins rely on them so we can't filter this
1341    // on the server.
1342    if (kind === 'postType') {
1343      records = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.castArray)(records).map(record => record.status === 'auto-draft' ? { ...record,
1344        title: ''
1345      } : record);
1346    }
1348    let action;
1350    if (query) {
1351      action = receiveQueriedItems(records, query, edits);
1352    } else {
1353      action = receiveItems(records, edits);
1354    }
1356    return { ...action,
1357      kind,
1358      name,
1359      invalidateCache
1360    };
1361  }
1362  /**
1363   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current theme has been received.
1364   *
1365   * @param {Object} currentTheme The current theme.
1366   *
1367   * @return {Object} Action object.
1368   */
1370  function receiveCurrentTheme(currentTheme) {
1371    return {
1372      type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_THEME',
1373      currentTheme
1374    };
1375  }
1376  /**
1377   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current global styles id has been received.
1378   *
1379   * @param {string} currentGlobalStylesId The current global styles id.
1380   *
1381   * @return {Object} Action object.
1382   */
1384  function __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(currentGlobalStylesId) {
1385    return {
1387      id: currentGlobalStylesId
1388    };
1389  }
1390  /**
1391   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme base global styles have been received
1392   *
1393   * @param {string} stylesheet   The theme's identifier
1394   * @param {Object} globalStyles The global styles object.
1395   *
1396   * @return {Object} Action object.
1397   */
1399  function __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(stylesheet, globalStyles) {
1400    return {
1402      stylesheet,
1403      globalStyles
1404    };
1405  }
1406  /**
1407   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles variations have been received.
1408   *
1409   * @param {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier
1410   * @param {Array}  variations The global styles variations.
1411   *
1412   * @return {Object} Action object.
1413   */
1415  function __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(stylesheet, variations) {
1416    return {
1418      stylesheet,
1419      variations
1420    };
1421  }
1422  /**
1423   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the index has been received.
1424   *
1425   * @deprecated since WP 5.9, this is not useful anymore, use the selector direclty.
1426   *
1427   * @return {Object} Action object.
1428   */
1430  function receiveThemeSupports() {
1431    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).receiveThemeSupports", {
1432      since: '5.9'
1433    });
1434    return {
1435      type: 'DO_NOTHING'
1436    };
1437  }
1438  /**
1439   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the preview data for
1440   * a given URl has been received.
1441   *
1442   * @param {string} url     URL to preview the embed for.
1443   * @param {*}      preview Preview data.
1444   *
1445   * @return {Object} Action object.
1446   */
1448  function receiveEmbedPreview(url, preview) {
1449    return {
1450      type: 'RECEIVE_EMBED_PREVIEW',
1451      url,
1452      preview
1453    };
1454  }
1455  /**
1456   * Action triggered to delete an entity record.
1457   *
1458   * @param {string}   kind                         Kind of the deleted entity.
1459   * @param {string}   name                         Name of the deleted entity.
1460   * @param {string}   recordId                     Record ID of the deleted entity.
1461   * @param {?Object}  query                        Special query parameters for the
1462   *                                                DELETE API call.
1463   * @param {Object}   [options]                    Delete options.
1464   * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch]    Internal use only. Function to
1465   *                                                call instead of `apiFetch()`.
1466   *                                                Must return a promise.
1467   * @param {boolean}  [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all
1468   *                                                the exceptions. Defaults to false.
1469   */
1471  const deleteEntityRecord = function (kind, name, recordId, query) {
1472    let {
1473      __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()),
1474      throwOnError = false
1475    } = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {};
1476    return async _ref => {
1477      let {
1478        dispatch
1479      } = _ref;
1480      const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind));
1481      const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(configs, {
1482        kind,
1483        name
1484      });
1485      let error;
1486      let deletedRecord = false;
1488      if (!entityConfig || entityConfig !== null && entityConfig !== void 0 && entityConfig.__experimentalNoFetch) {
1489        return;
1490      }
1492      const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId], {
1493        exclusive: true
1494      });
1496      try {
1497        dispatch({
1498          type: 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
1499          kind,
1500          name,
1501          recordId
1502        });
1503        let hasError = false;
1505        try {
1506          let path = `$entityConfig.baseURL}/$recordId}`;
1508          if (query) {
1509            path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(path, query);
1510          }
1512          deletedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
1513            path,
1514            method: 'DELETE'
1515          });
1516          await dispatch(removeItems(kind, name, recordId, true));
1517        } catch (_error) {
1518          hasError = true;
1519          error = _error;
1520        }
1522        dispatch({
1523          type: 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH',
1524          kind,
1525          name,
1526          recordId,
1527          error
1528        });
1530        if (hasError && throwOnError) {
1531          throw error;
1532        }
1534        return deletedRecord;
1535      } finally {
1536        dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
1537      }
1538    };
1539  };
1540  /**
1541   * Returns an action object that triggers an
1542   * edit to an entity record.
1543   *
1544   * @param {string}  kind                 Kind of the edited entity record.
1545   * @param {string}  name                 Name of the edited entity record.
1546   * @param {number}  recordId             Record ID of the edited entity record.
1547   * @param {Object}  edits                The edits.
1548   * @param {Object}  options              Options for the edit.
1549   * @param {boolean} [options.undoIgnore] Whether to ignore the edit in undo history or not.
1550   *
1551   * @return {Object} Action object.
1552   */
1554  const editEntityRecord = function (kind, name, recordId, edits) {
1555    let options = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : {};
1556    return _ref2 => {
1557      let {
1558        select,
1559        dispatch
1560      } = _ref2;
1561      const entityConfig = select.getEntityConfig(kind, name);
1563      if (!entityConfig) {
1564        throw new Error(`The entity being edited ($kind}, $name}) does not have a loaded config.`);
1565      }
1567      const {
1568        transientEdits = {},
1569        mergedEdits = {}
1570      } = entityConfig;
1571      const record = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
1572      const editedRecord = select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
1573      const edit = {
1574        kind,
1575        name,
1576        recordId,
1577        // Clear edits when they are equal to their persisted counterparts
1578        // so that the property is not considered dirty.
1579        edits: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
1580          const recordValue = record[key];
1581          const editedRecordValue = editedRecord[key];
1582          const value = mergedEdits[key] ? { ...editedRecordValue,
1583            ...edits[key]
1584          } : edits[key];
1585          acc[key] = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.isEqual)(recordValue, value) ? undefined : value;
1586          return acc;
1587        }, {}),
1588        transientEdits
1589      };
1590      dispatch({
1591        type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
1592        ...edit,
1593        meta: {
1594          undo: !options.undoIgnore && { ...edit,
1595            // Send the current values for things like the first undo stack entry.
1596            edits: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
1597              acc[key] = editedRecord[key];
1598              return acc;
1599            }, {})
1600          }
1601        }
1602      });
1603    };
1604  };
1605  /**
1606   * Action triggered to undo the last edit to
1607   * an entity record, if any.
1608   */
1610  const undo = () => _ref3 => {
1611    let {
1612      select,
1613      dispatch
1614    } = _ref3;
1615    const undoEdit = select.getUndoEdit();
1617    if (!undoEdit) {
1618      return;
1619    }
1621    dispatch({
1622      type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
1623      ...undoEdit,
1624      meta: {
1625        isUndo: true
1626      }
1627    });
1628  };
1629  /**
1630   * Action triggered to redo the last undoed
1631   * edit to an entity record, if any.
1632   */
1634  const redo = () => _ref4 => {
1635    let {
1636      select,
1637      dispatch
1638    } = _ref4;
1639    const redoEdit = select.getRedoEdit();
1641    if (!redoEdit) {
1642      return;
1643    }
1645    dispatch({
1646      type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
1647      ...redoEdit,
1648      meta: {
1649        isRedo: true
1650      }
1651    });
1652  };
1653  /**
1654   * Forces the creation of a new undo level.
1655   *
1656   * @return {Object} Action object.
1657   */
1659  function __unstableCreateUndoLevel() {
1660    return {
1661      type: 'CREATE_UNDO_LEVEL'
1662    };
1663  }
1664  /**
1665   * Action triggered to save an entity record.
1666   *
1667   * @param {string}   kind                         Kind of the received entity.
1668   * @param {string}   name                         Name of the received entity.
1669   * @param {Object}   record                       Record to be saved.
1670   * @param {Object}   options                      Saving options.
1671   * @param {boolean}  [options.isAutosave=false]   Whether this is an autosave.
1672   * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch]    Internal use only. Function to
1673   *                                                call instead of `apiFetch()`.
1674   *                                                Must return a promise.
1675   * @param {boolean}  [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all
1676   *                                                the exceptions. Defaults to false.
1677   */
1679  const saveEntityRecord = function (kind, name, record) {
1680    let {
1681      isAutosave = false,
1682      __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()),
1683      throwOnError = false
1684    } = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};
1685    return async _ref5 => {
1686      let {
1687        select,
1688        resolveSelect,
1689        dispatch
1690      } = _ref5;
1691      const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind));
1692      const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(configs, {
1693        kind,
1694        name
1695      });
1697      if (!entityConfig || entityConfig !== null && entityConfig !== void 0 && entityConfig.__experimentalNoFetch) {
1698        return;
1699      }
1701      const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
1702      const recordId = record[entityIdKey];
1703      const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId || esm_browser_v4()], {
1704        exclusive: true
1705      });
1707      try {
1708        // Evaluate optimized edits.
1709        // (Function edits that should be evaluated on save to avoid expensive computations on every edit.)
1710        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(record)) {
1711          if (typeof value === 'function') {
1712            const evaluatedValue = value(select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId));
1713            dispatch.editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
1714              [key]: evaluatedValue
1715            }, {
1716              undoIgnore: true
1717            });
1718            record[key] = evaluatedValue;
1719          }
1720        }
1722        dispatch({
1723          type: 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
1724          kind,
1725          name,
1726          recordId,
1727          isAutosave
1728        });
1729        let updatedRecord;
1730        let error;
1731        let hasError = false;
1733        try {
1734          const path = `$entityConfig.baseURL}$recordId ? '/' + recordId : ''}`;
1735          const persistedRecord = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
1737          if (isAutosave) {
1738            // Most of this autosave logic is very specific to posts.
1739            // This is fine for now as it is the only supported autosave,
1740            // but ideally this should all be handled in the back end,
1741            // so the client just sends and receives objects.
1742            const currentUser = select.getCurrentUser();
1743            const currentUserId = currentUser ? currentUser.id : undefined;
1744            const autosavePost = await resolveSelect.getAutosave(persistedRecord.type, persistedRecord.id, currentUserId); // Autosaves need all expected fields to be present.
1745            // So we fallback to the previous autosave and then
1746            // to the actual persisted entity if the edits don't
1747            // have a value.
1749            let data = { ...persistedRecord,
1750              ...autosavePost,
1751              ...record
1752            };
1753            data = Object.keys(data).reduce((acc, key) => {
1754              if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content'].includes(key)) {
1755                acc[key] = data[key];
1756              }
1758              return acc;
1759            }, {
1760              status: data.status === 'auto-draft' ? 'draft' : data.status
1761            });
1762            updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
1763              path: `$path}/autosaves`,
1764              method: 'POST',
1765              data
1766            }); // An autosave may be processed by the server as a regular save
1767            // when its update is requested by the author and the post had
1768            // draft or auto-draft status.
1770            if (persistedRecord.id === updatedRecord.id) {
1771              let newRecord = { ...persistedRecord,
1772                ...data,
1773                ...updatedRecord
1774              };
1775              newRecord = Object.keys(newRecord).reduce((acc, key) => {
1776                // These properties are persisted in autosaves.
1777                if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content'].includes(key)) {
1778                  acc[key] = newRecord[key];
1779                } else if (key === 'status') {
1780                  // Status is only persisted in autosaves when going from
1781                  // "auto-draft" to "draft".
1782                  acc[key] = persistedRecord.status === 'auto-draft' && newRecord.status === 'draft' ? newRecord.status : persistedRecord.status;
1783                } else {
1784                  // These properties are not persisted in autosaves.
1785                  acc[key] = persistedRecord[key];
1786                }
1788                return acc;
1789              }, {});
1790              dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, newRecord, undefined, true);
1791            } else {
1792              dispatch.receiveAutosaves(persistedRecord.id, updatedRecord);
1793            }
1794          } else {
1795            let edits = record;
1797            if (entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist) {
1798              edits = { ...edits,
1799                ...entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist(persistedRecord, edits)
1800              };
1801            }
1803            updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
1804              path,
1805              method: recordId ? 'PUT' : 'POST',
1806              data: edits
1807            });
1808            dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, updatedRecord, undefined, true, edits);
1809          }
1810        } catch (_error) {
1811          hasError = true;
1812          error = _error;
1813        }
1815        dispatch({
1816          type: 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH',
1817          kind,
1818          name,
1819          recordId,
1820          error,
1821          isAutosave
1822        });
1824        if (hasError && throwOnError) {
1825          throw error;
1826        }
1828        return updatedRecord;
1829      } finally {
1830        dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
1831      }
1832    };
1833  };
1834  /**
1835   * Runs multiple core-data actions at the same time using one API request.
1836   *
1837   * Example:
1838   *
1839   * ```
1840   * const [ savedRecord, updatedRecord, deletedRecord ] =
1841   *   await dispatch( 'core' ).__experimentalBatch( [
1842   *     ( { saveEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', widget ),
1843   *     ( { saveEditedEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123 ),
1844   *     ( { deleteEntityRecord } ) => deleteEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123, null ),
1845   *   ] );
1846   * ```
1847   *
1848   * @param {Array} requests Array of functions which are invoked simultaneously.
1849   *                         Each function is passed an object containing
1850   *                         `saveEntityRecord`, `saveEditedEntityRecord`, and
1851   *                         `deleteEntityRecord`.
1852   *
1853   * @return {(thunkArgs: Object) => Promise} A promise that resolves to an array containing the return
1854   *                                          values of each function given in `requests`.
1855   */
1857  const __experimentalBatch = requests => async _ref6 => {
1858    let {
1859      dispatch
1860    } = _ref6;
1861    const batch = createBatch();
1862    const api = {
1863      saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options) {
1864        return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, { ...options,
1865          __unstableFetch: add
1866        }));
1867      },
1869      saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) {
1870        return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, { ...options,
1871          __unstableFetch: add
1872        }));
1873      },
1875      deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, options) {
1876        return batch.add(add => dispatch.deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, { ...options,
1877          __unstableFetch: add
1878        }));
1879      }
1881    };
1882    const resultPromises = requests.map(request => request(api));
1883    const [, ...results] = await Promise.all([batch.run(), ...resultPromises]);
1884    return results;
1885  };
1886  /**
1887   * Action triggered to save an entity record's edits.
1888   *
1889   * @param {string} kind     Kind of the entity.
1890   * @param {string} name     Name of the entity.
1891   * @param {Object} recordId ID of the record.
1892   * @param {Object} options  Saving options.
1893   */
1895  const saveEditedEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, options) => async _ref7 => {
1896    let {
1897      select,
1898      dispatch
1899    } = _ref7;
1901    if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) {
1902      return;
1903    }
1905    const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind));
1906    const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(configs, {
1907      kind,
1908      name
1909    });
1911    if (!entityConfig) {
1912      return;
1913    }
1915    const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
1916    const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId);
1917    const record = {
1918      [entityIdKey]: recordId,
1919      ...edits
1920    };
1921    return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options);
1922  };
1923  /**
1924   * Action triggered to save only specified properties for the entity.
1925   *
1926   * @param {string} kind        Kind of the entity.
1927   * @param {string} name        Name of the entity.
1928   * @param {Object} recordId    ID of the record.
1929   * @param {Array}  itemsToSave List of entity properties to save.
1930   * @param {Object} options     Saving options.
1931   */
1933  const __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits = (kind, name, recordId, itemsToSave, options) => async _ref8 => {
1934    let {
1935      select,
1936      dispatch
1937    } = _ref8;
1939    if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) {
1940      return;
1941    }
1943    const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId);
1944    const editsToSave = {};
1946    for (const edit in edits) {
1947      if (itemsToSave.some(item => item === edit)) {
1948        editsToSave[edit] = edits[edit];
1949      }
1950    }
1952    return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, editsToSave, options);
1953  };
1954  /**
1955   * Returns an action object used in signalling that Upload permissions have been received.
1956   *
1957   * @deprecated since WP 5.9, use receiveUserPermission instead.
1958   *
1959   * @param {boolean} hasUploadPermissions Does the user have permission to upload files?
1960   *
1961   * @return {Object} Action object.
1962   */
1964  function receiveUploadPermissions(hasUploadPermissions) {
1965    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).receiveUploadPermissions", {
1966      since: '5.9',
1967      alternative: 'receiveUserPermission'
1968    });
1969    return receiveUserPermission('create/media', hasUploadPermissions);
1970  }
1971  /**
1972   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current user has
1973   * permission to perform an action on a REST resource.
1974   *
1975   * @param {string}  key       A key that represents the action and REST resource.
1976   * @param {boolean} isAllowed Whether or not the user can perform the action.
1977   *
1978   * @return {Object} Action object.
1979   */
1981  function receiveUserPermission(key, isAllowed) {
1982    return {
1983      type: 'RECEIVE_USER_PERMISSION',
1984      key,
1985      isAllowed
1986    };
1987  }
1988  /**
1989   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the autosaves for a
1990   * post have been received.
1991   *
1992   * @param {number}       postId    The id of the post that is parent to the autosave.
1993   * @param {Array|Object} autosaves An array of autosaves or singular autosave object.
1994   *
1995   * @return {Object} Action object.
1996   */
1998  function receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves) {
1999    return {
2000      type: 'RECEIVE_AUTOSAVES',
2001      postId,
2002      autosaves: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.castArray)(autosaves)
2003    };
2004  }
2006  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entities.js
2007  /**
2008   * External dependencies
2009   */
2011  /**
2012   * WordPress dependencies
2013   */
2017  /**
2018   * Internal dependencies
2019   */
2022  const DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY = 'id';
2023  const POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'excerpt', 'content'];
2024  const rootEntitiesConfig = [{
2025    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Base'),
2026    name: '__unstableBase',
2027    kind: 'root',
2028    baseURL: '/',
2029    baseURLParams: {
2030      _fields: ['description', 'gmt_offset', 'home', 'name', 'site_icon', 'site_icon_url', 'site_logo', 'timezone_string', 'url'].join(',')
2031    }
2032  }, {
2033    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Site'),
2034    name: 'site',
2035    kind: 'root',
2036    baseURL: '/wp/v2/settings',
2037    getTitle: record => {
2038      return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(record, ['title'], (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Site Title'));
2039    }
2040  }, {
2041    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Post Type'),
2042    name: 'postType',
2043    kind: 'root',
2044    key: 'slug',
2045    baseURL: '/wp/v2/types',
2046    baseURLParams: {
2047      context: 'edit'
2048    },
2049    rawAttributes: POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES
2050  }, {
2051    name: 'media',
2052    kind: 'root',
2053    baseURL: '/wp/v2/media',
2054    baseURLParams: {
2055      context: 'edit'
2056    },
2057    plural: 'mediaItems',
2058    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Media'),
2059    rawAttributes: ['caption', 'title', 'description']
2060  }, {
2061    name: 'taxonomy',
2062    kind: 'root',
2063    key: 'slug',
2064    baseURL: '/wp/v2/taxonomies',
2065    baseURLParams: {
2066      context: 'edit'
2067    },
2068    plural: 'taxonomies',
2069    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Taxonomy')
2070  }, {
2071    name: 'sidebar',
2072    kind: 'root',
2073    baseURL: '/wp/v2/sidebars',
2074    plural: 'sidebars',
2075    transientEdits: {
2076      blocks: true
2077    },
2078    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget areas')
2079  }, {
2080    name: 'widget',
2081    kind: 'root',
2082    baseURL: '/wp/v2/widgets',
2083    baseURLParams: {
2084      context: 'edit'
2085    },
2086    plural: 'widgets',
2087    transientEdits: {
2088      blocks: true
2089    },
2090    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets')
2091  }, {
2092    name: 'widgetType',
2093    kind: 'root',
2094    baseURL: '/wp/v2/widget-types',
2095    baseURLParams: {
2096      context: 'edit'
2097    },
2098    plural: 'widgetTypes',
2099    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget types')
2100  }, {
2101    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('User'),
2102    name: 'user',
2103    kind: 'root',
2104    baseURL: '/wp/v2/users',
2105    baseURLParams: {
2106      context: 'edit'
2107    },
2108    plural: 'users'
2109  }, {
2110    name: 'comment',
2111    kind: 'root',
2112    baseURL: '/wp/v2/comments',
2113    baseURLParams: {
2114      context: 'edit'
2115    },
2116    plural: 'comments',
2117    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Comment')
2118  }, {
2119    name: 'menu',
2120    kind: 'root',
2121    baseURL: '/wp/v2/menus',
2122    baseURLParams: {
2123      context: 'edit'
2124    },
2125    plural: 'menus',
2126    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu')
2127  }, {
2128    name: 'menuItem',
2129    kind: 'root',
2130    baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-items',
2131    baseURLParams: {
2132      context: 'edit'
2133    },
2134    plural: 'menuItems',
2135    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Item'),
2136    rawAttributes: ['title', 'content']
2137  }, {
2138    name: 'menuLocation',
2139    kind: 'root',
2140    baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-locations',
2141    baseURLParams: {
2142      context: 'edit'
2143    },
2144    plural: 'menuLocations',
2145    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Location'),
2146    key: 'name'
2147  }, {
2148    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Global Styles'),
2149    name: 'globalStyles',
2150    kind: 'root',
2151    baseURL: '/wp/v2/global-styles',
2152    baseURLParams: {
2153      context: 'edit'
2154    },
2155    plural: 'globalStylesVariations',
2156    // Should be different than name.
2157    getTitle: record => {
2158      var _record$title;
2160      return (record === null || record === void 0 ? void 0 : (_record$title = record.title) === null || _record$title === void 0 ? void 0 : _record$title.rendered) || (record === null || record === void 0 ? void 0 : record.title);
2161    }
2162  }, {
2163    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Themes'),
2164    name: 'theme',
2165    kind: 'root',
2166    baseURL: '/wp/v2/themes',
2167    baseURLParams: {
2168      context: 'edit'
2169    },
2170    key: 'stylesheet'
2171  }, {
2172    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Plugins'),
2173    name: 'plugin',
2174    kind: 'root',
2175    baseURL: '/wp/v2/plugins',
2176    baseURLParams: {
2177      context: 'edit'
2178    },
2179    key: 'plugin'
2180  }];
2181  const additionalEntityConfigLoaders = [{
2182    kind: 'postType',
2183    loadEntities: loadPostTypeEntities
2184  }, {
2185    kind: 'taxonomy',
2186    loadEntities: loadTaxonomyEntities
2187  }];
2188  /**
2189   * Returns a function to be used to retrieve extra edits to apply before persisting a post type.
2190   *
2191   * @param {Object} persistedRecord Already persisted Post
2192   * @param {Object} edits           Edits.
2193   * @return {Object} Updated edits.
2194   */
2196  const prePersistPostType = (persistedRecord, edits) => {
2197    const newEdits = {};
2199    if ((persistedRecord === null || persistedRecord === void 0 ? void 0 : persistedRecord.status) === 'auto-draft') {
2200      // Saving an auto-draft should create a draft by default.
2201      if (!edits.status && !newEdits.status) {
2202        newEdits.status = 'draft';
2203      } // Fix the auto-draft default title.
2206      if ((!edits.title || edits.title === 'Auto Draft') && !newEdits.title && (!(persistedRecord !== null && persistedRecord !== void 0 && persistedRecord.title) || (persistedRecord === null || persistedRecord === void 0 ? void 0 : persistedRecord.title) === 'Auto Draft')) {
2207        newEdits.title = '';
2208      }
2209    }
2211    return newEdits;
2212  };
2213  /**
2214   * Returns the list of post type entities.
2215   *
2216   * @return {Promise} Entities promise
2217   */
2219  async function loadPostTypeEntities() {
2220    const postTypes = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
2221      path: '/wp/v2/types?context=view'
2222    });
2223    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.map)(postTypes, (postType, name) => {
2224      var _postType$rest_namesp;
2226      const isTemplate = ['wp_template', 'wp_template_part'].includes(name);
2227      const namespace = (_postType$rest_namesp = postType === null || postType === void 0 ? void 0 : postType.rest_namespace) !== null && _postType$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _postType$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2';
2228      return {
2229        kind: 'postType',
2230        baseURL: `/$namespace}/$postType.rest_base}`,
2231        baseURLParams: {
2232          context: 'edit'
2233        },
2234        name,
2235        label: postType.name,
2236        transientEdits: {
2237          blocks: true,
2238          selection: true
2239        },
2240        mergedEdits: {
2241          meta: true
2242        },
2243        rawAttributes: POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES,
2244        getTitle: record => {
2245          var _record$title2;
2247          return (record === null || record === void 0 ? void 0 : (_record$title2 = record.title) === null || _record$title2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _record$title2.rendered) || (record === null || record === void 0 ? void 0 : record.title) || (isTemplate ? (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.startCase)(record.slug) : String(record.id));
2248        },
2249        __unstablePrePersist: isTemplate ? undefined : prePersistPostType,
2250        __unstable_rest_base: postType.rest_base
2251      };
2252    });
2253  }
2254  /**
2255   * Returns the list of the taxonomies entities.
2256   *
2257   * @return {Promise} Entities promise
2258   */
2261  async function loadTaxonomyEntities() {
2262    const taxonomies = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
2263      path: '/wp/v2/taxonomies?context=view'
2264    });
2265    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.map)(taxonomies, (taxonomy, name) => {
2266      var _taxonomy$rest_namesp;
2268      const namespace = (_taxonomy$rest_namesp = taxonomy === null || taxonomy === void 0 ? void 0 : taxonomy.rest_namespace) !== null && _taxonomy$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _taxonomy$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2';
2269      return {
2270        kind: 'taxonomy',
2271        baseURL: `/$namespace}/$taxonomy.rest_base}`,
2272        baseURLParams: {
2273          context: 'edit'
2274        },
2275        name,
2276        label: taxonomy.name
2277      };
2278    });
2279  }
2280  /**
2281   * Returns the entity's getter method name given its kind and name.
2282   *
2283   * @example
2284   * ```js
2285   * const nameSingular = getMethodName( 'root', 'theme', 'get' );
2286   * // nameSingular is getRootTheme
2287   *
2288   * const namePlural = getMethodName( 'root', 'theme', 'set' );
2289   * // namePlural is setRootThemes
2290   * ```
2291   *
2292   * @param {string}  kind      Entity kind.
2293   * @param {string}  name      Entity name.
2294   * @param {string}  prefix    Function prefix.
2295   * @param {boolean} usePlural Whether to use the plural form or not.
2296   *
2297   * @return {string} Method name
2298   */
2301  const getMethodName = function (kind, name) {
2302    let prefix = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'get';
2303    let usePlural = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false;
2304    const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(rootEntitiesConfig, {
2305      kind,
2306      name
2307    });
2308    const kindPrefix = kind === 'root' ? '' : (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.upperFirst)((0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.camelCase)(kind));
2309    const nameSuffix = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.upperFirst)((0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.camelCase)(name)) + (usePlural ? 's' : '');
2310    const suffix = usePlural && entityConfig !== null && entityConfig !== void 0 && entityConfig.plural ? (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.upperFirst)((0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.camelCase)(entityConfig.plural)) : nameSuffix;
2311    return `$prefix}$kindPrefix}$suffix}`;
2312  };
2313  /**
2314   * Loads the kind entities into the store.
2315   *
2316   * @param {string} kind Kind
2317   *
2318   * @return {(thunkArgs: object) => Promise<Array>} Entities
2319   */
2321  const getOrLoadEntitiesConfig = kind => async _ref => {
2322    let {
2323      select,
2324      dispatch
2325    } = _ref;
2326    let configs = select.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
2328    if (configs && configs.length !== 0) {
2329      return configs;
2330    }
2332    const loader = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(additionalEntityConfigLoaders, {
2333      kind
2334    });
2336    if (!loader) {
2337      return [];
2338    }
2340    configs = await loader.loadEntities();
2341    dispatch(addEntities(configs));
2342    return configs;
2343  };
2345  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/get-normalized-comma-separable.js
2346  /**
2347   * Given a value which can be specified as one or the other of a comma-separated
2348   * string or an array, returns a value normalized to an array of strings, or
2349   * null if the value cannot be interpreted as either.
2350   *
2351   * @param {string|string[]|*} value
2352   *
2353   * @return {?(string[])} Normalized field value.
2354   */
2355  function getNormalizedCommaSeparable(value) {
2356    if (typeof value === 'string') {
2357      return value.split(',');
2358    } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
2359      return value;
2360    }
2362    return null;
2363  }
2365  /* harmony default export */ var get_normalized_comma_separable = (getNormalizedCommaSeparable);
2367  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/with-weak-map-cache.js
2368  /**
2369   * External dependencies
2370   */
2372  /**
2373   * Given a function, returns an enhanced function which caches the result and
2374   * tracks in WeakMap. The result is only cached if the original function is
2375   * passed a valid object-like argument (requirement for WeakMap key).
2376   *
2377   * @param {Function} fn Original function.
2378   *
2379   * @return {Function} Enhanced caching function.
2380   */
2382  function withWeakMapCache(fn) {
2383    const cache = new WeakMap();
2384    return key => {
2385      let value;
2387      if (cache.has(key)) {
2388        value = cache.get(key);
2389      } else {
2390        value = fn(key); // Can reach here if key is not valid for WeakMap, since `has`
2391        // will return false for invalid key. Since `set` will throw,
2392        // ensure that key is valid before setting into cache.
2394        if ((0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.isObjectLike)(key)) {
2395          cache.set(key, value);
2396        }
2397      }
2399      return value;
2400    };
2401  }
2403  /* harmony default export */ var with_weak_map_cache = (withWeakMapCache);
2405  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/get-query-parts.js
2406  /**
2407   * WordPress dependencies
2408   */
2410  /**
2411   * Internal dependencies
2412   */
2415  /**
2416   * An object of properties describing a specific query.
2417   *
2418   * @typedef {Object} WPQueriedDataQueryParts
2419   *
2420   * @property {number}      page      The query page (1-based index, default 1).
2421   * @property {number}      perPage   Items per page for query (default 10).
2422   * @property {string}      stableKey An encoded stable string of all non-
2423   *                                   pagination, non-fields query parameters.
2424   * @property {?(string[])} fields    Target subset of fields to derive from
2425   *                                   item objects.
2426   * @property {?(number[])} include   Specific item IDs to include.
2427   * @property {string}      context   Scope under which the request is made;
2428   *                                   determines returned fields in response.
2429   */
2431  /**
2432   * Given a query object, returns an object of parts, including pagination
2433   * details (`page` and `perPage`, or default values). All other properties are
2434   * encoded into a stable (idempotent) `stableKey` value.
2435   *
2436   * @param {Object} query Optional query object.
2437   *
2438   * @return {WPQueriedDataQueryParts} Query parts.
2439   */
2441  function getQueryParts(query) {
2442    /**
2443     * @type {WPQueriedDataQueryParts}
2444     */
2445    const parts = {
2446      stableKey: '',
2447      page: 1,
2448      perPage: 10,
2449      fields: null,
2450      include: null,
2451      context: 'default'
2452    }; // Ensure stable key by sorting keys. Also more efficient for iterating.
2454    const keys = Object.keys(query).sort();
2456    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
2457      const key = keys[i];
2458      let value = query[key];
2460      switch (key) {
2461        case 'page':
2462          parts[key] = Number(value);
2463          break;
2465        case 'per_page':
2466          parts.perPage = Number(value);
2467          break;
2469        case 'context':
2470          parts.context = value;
2471          break;
2473        default:
2474          // While in theory, we could exclude "_fields" from the stableKey
2475          // because two request with different fields have the same results
2476          // We're not able to ensure that because the server can decide to omit
2477          // fields from the response even if we explicitly asked for it.
2478          // Example: Asking for titles in posts without title support.
2479          if (key === '_fields') {
2480            var _getNormalizedCommaSe;
2482            parts.fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : []; // Make sure to normalize value for `stableKey`
2484            value = parts.fields.join();
2485          } // Two requests with different include values cannot have same results.
2488          if (key === 'include') {
2489            var _getNormalizedCommaSe2;
2491            if (typeof value === 'number') {
2492              value = value.toString();
2493            }
2495            parts.include = ((_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : []).map(Number); // Normalize value for `stableKey`.
2497            value = parts.include.join();
2498          } // While it could be any deterministic string, for simplicity's
2499          // sake mimic querystring encoding for stable key.
2500          //
2501          // TODO: For consistency with PHP implementation, addQueryArgs
2502          // should accept a key value pair, which may optimize its
2503          // implementation for our use here, vs. iterating an object
2504          // with only a single key.
2507          parts.stableKey += (parts.stableKey ? '&' : '') + (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', {
2508            [key]: value
2509          }).slice(1);
2510      }
2511    }
2513    return parts;
2514  }
2515  /* harmony default export */ var get_query_parts = (with_weak_map_cache(getQueryParts));
2517  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/reducer.js
2518  /**
2519   * External dependencies
2520   */
2522  /**
2523   * WordPress dependencies
2524   */
2527  /**
2528   * Internal dependencies
2529   */
2535  function getContextFromAction(action) {
2536    const {
2537      query
2538    } = action;
2540    if (!query) {
2541      return 'default';
2542    }
2544    const queryParts = get_query_parts(query);
2545    return queryParts.context;
2546  }
2547  /**
2548   * Returns a merged array of item IDs, given details of the received paginated
2549   * items. The array is sparse-like with `undefined` entries where holes exist.
2550   *
2551   * @param {?Array<number>} itemIds     Original item IDs (default empty array).
2552   * @param {number[]}       nextItemIds Item IDs to merge.
2553   * @param {number}         page        Page of items merged.
2554   * @param {number}         perPage     Number of items per page.
2555   *
2556   * @return {number[]} Merged array of item IDs.
2557   */
2560  function getMergedItemIds(itemIds, nextItemIds, page, perPage) {
2561    var _itemIds$length;
2563    const receivedAllIds = page === 1 && perPage === -1;
2565    if (receivedAllIds) {
2566      return nextItemIds;
2567    }
2569    const nextItemIdsStartIndex = (page - 1) * perPage; // If later page has already been received, default to the larger known
2570    // size of the existing array, else calculate as extending the existing.
2572    const size = Math.max((_itemIds$length = itemIds === null || itemIds === void 0 ? void 0 : itemIds.length) !== null && _itemIds$length !== void 0 ? _itemIds$length : 0, nextItemIdsStartIndex + nextItemIds.length); // Preallocate array since size is known.
2574    const mergedItemIds = new Array(size);
2576    for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
2577      // Preserve existing item ID except for subset of range of next items.
2578      const isInNextItemsRange = i >= nextItemIdsStartIndex && i < nextItemIdsStartIndex + nextItemIds.length;
2579      mergedItemIds[i] = isInNextItemsRange ? nextItemIds[i - nextItemIdsStartIndex] : itemIds === null || itemIds === void 0 ? void 0 : itemIds[i];
2580    }
2582    return mergedItemIds;
2583  }
2584  /**
2585   * Reducer tracking items state, keyed by ID. Items are assumed to be normal,
2586   * where identifiers are common across all queries.
2587   *
2588   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2589   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2590   *
2591   * @return {Object} Next state.
2592   */
2594  function items() {
2595    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2596    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2598    switch (action.type) {
2599      case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2600        {
2601          const context = getContextFromAction(action);
2602          const key = action.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
2603          return { ...state,
2604            [context]: { ...state[context],
2605              ...action.items.reduce((accumulator, value) => {
2606                var _state$context;
2608                const itemId = value[key];
2609                accumulator[itemId] = conservativeMapItem(state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : (_state$context = state[context]) === null || _state$context === void 0 ? void 0 : _state$context[itemId], value);
2610                return accumulator;
2611              }, {})
2612            }
2613          };
2614        }
2616      case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
2617        return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.mapValues)(state, contextState => (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.omit)(contextState, action.itemIds));
2618    }
2620    return state;
2621  }
2622  /**
2623   * Reducer tracking item completeness, keyed by ID. A complete item is one for
2624   * which all fields are known. This is used in supporting `_fields` queries,
2625   * where not all properties associated with an entity are necessarily returned.
2626   * In such cases, completeness is used as an indication of whether it would be
2627   * safe to use queried data for a non-`_fields`-limited request.
2628   *
2629   * @param {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} state  Current state.
2630   * @param {Object}                                action Dispatched action.
2631   *
2632   * @return {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} Next state.
2633   */
2635  function itemIsComplete() {
2636    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2637    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2639    switch (action.type) {
2640      case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2641        {
2642          const context = getContextFromAction(action);
2643          const {
2644            query,
2645            key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
2646          } = action; // An item is considered complete if it is received without an associated
2647          // fields query. Ideally, this would be implemented in such a way where the
2648          // complete aggregate of all fields would satisfy completeness. Since the
2649          // fields are not consistent across all entities, this would require
2650          // introspection on the REST schema for each entity to know which fields
2651          // compose a complete item for that entity.
2653          const queryParts = query ? get_query_parts(query) : {};
2654          const isCompleteQuery = !query || !Array.isArray(queryParts.fields);
2655          return { ...state,
2656            [context]: { ...state[context],
2657              ...action.items.reduce((result, item) => {
2658                var _state$context2;
2660                const itemId = item[key]; // Defer to completeness if already assigned. Technically the
2661                // data may be outdated if receiving items for a field subset.
2663                result[itemId] = (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : (_state$context2 = state[context]) === null || _state$context2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _state$context2[itemId]) || isCompleteQuery;
2664                return result;
2665              }, {})
2666            }
2667          };
2668        }
2670      case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
2671        return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.mapValues)(state, contextState => (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.omit)(contextState, action.itemIds));
2672    }
2674    return state;
2675  }
2676  /**
2677   * Reducer tracking queries state, keyed by stable query key. Each reducer
2678   * query object includes `itemIds` and `requestingPageByPerPage`.
2679   *
2680   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2681   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2682   *
2683   * @return {Object} Next state.
2684   */
2686  const receiveQueries = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.flowRight)([// Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on
2687  // an unhandled action.
2688  if_matching_action(action => 'query' in action), // Inject query parts into action for use both in `onSubKey` and reducer.
2689  replace_action(action => {
2690    // `ifMatchingAction` still passes on initialization, where state is
2691    // undefined and a query is not assigned. Avoid attempting to parse
2692    // parts. `onSubKey` will omit by lack of `stableKey`.
2693    if (action.query) {
2694      return { ...action,
2695        ...get_query_parts(action.query)
2696      };
2697    }
2699    return action;
2700  }), on_sub_key('context'), // Queries shape is shared, but keyed by query `stableKey` part. Original
2701  // reducer tracks only a single query object.
2702  on_sub_key('stableKey')])(function () {
2703    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;
2704    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2705    const {
2706      type,
2707      page,
2708      perPage,
2709      key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
2710    } = action;
2712    if (type !== 'RECEIVE_ITEMS') {
2713      return state;
2714    }
2716    return getMergedItemIds(state || [], (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.map)(action.items, key), page, perPage);
2717  });
2718  /**
2719   * Reducer tracking queries state.
2720   *
2721   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2722   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2723   *
2724   * @return {Object} Next state.
2725   */
2727  const queries = function () {
2728    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2729    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2731    switch (action.type) {
2732      case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2733        return receiveQueries(state, action);
2735      case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
2736        const removedItems = action.itemIds.reduce((result, itemId) => {
2737          result[itemId] = true;
2738          return result;
2739        }, {});
2740        return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.mapValues)(state, contextQueries => {
2741          return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.mapValues)(contextQueries, queryItems => {
2742            return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.filter)(queryItems, queryId => {
2743              return !removedItems[queryId];
2744            });
2745          });
2746        });
2748      default:
2749        return state;
2750    }
2751  };
2753  /* harmony default export */ var reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({
2754    items,
2755    itemIsComplete,
2756    queries
2757  }));
2759  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/reducer.js
2760  /**
2761   * External dependencies
2762   */
2764  /**
2765   * WordPress dependencies
2766   */
2770  /**
2771   * Internal dependencies
2772   */
2777  /** @typedef {import('./types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
2779  /**
2780   * Reducer managing terms state. Keyed by taxonomy slug, the value is either
2781   * undefined (if no request has been made for given taxonomy), null (if a
2782   * request is in-flight for given taxonomy), or the array of terms for the
2783   * taxonomy.
2784   *
2785   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2786   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2787   *
2788   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2789   */
2791  function terms() {
2792    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2793    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2795    switch (action.type) {
2796      case 'RECEIVE_TERMS':
2797        return { ...state,
2798          [action.taxonomy]: action.terms
2799        };
2800    }
2802    return state;
2803  }
2804  /**
2805   * Reducer managing authors state. Keyed by id.
2806   *
2807   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2808   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2809   *
2810   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2811   */
2813  function users() {
2814    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {
2815      byId: {},
2816      queries: {}
2817    };
2818    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2820    switch (action.type) {
2821      case 'RECEIVE_USER_QUERY':
2822        return {
2823          byId: { ...state.byId,
2824            ...(0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.keyBy)(action.users, 'id')
2825          },
2826          queries: { ...state.queries,
2827            [action.queryID]: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.map)(action.users, user => user.id)
2828          }
2829        };
2830    }
2832    return state;
2833  }
2834  /**
2835   * Reducer managing current user state.
2836   *
2837   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2838   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2839   *
2840   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2841   */
2843  function currentUser() {
2844    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2845    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2847    switch (action.type) {
2848      case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_USER':
2849        return action.currentUser;
2850    }
2852    return state;
2853  }
2854  /**
2855   * Reducer managing taxonomies.
2856   *
2857   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2858   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2859   *
2860   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2861   */
2863  function taxonomies() {
2864    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
2865    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2867    switch (action.type) {
2868      case 'RECEIVE_TAXONOMIES':
2869        return action.taxonomies;
2870    }
2872    return state;
2873  }
2874  /**
2875   * Reducer managing the current theme.
2876   *
2877   * @param {string|undefined} state  Current state.
2878   * @param {Object}           action Dispatched action.
2879   *
2880   * @return {string|undefined} Updated state.
2881   */
2883  function currentTheme() {
2884    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : undefined;
2885    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2887    switch (action.type) {
2888      case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_THEME':
2889        return action.currentTheme.stylesheet;
2890    }
2892    return state;
2893  }
2894  /**
2895   * Reducer managing the current global styles id.
2896   *
2897   * @param {string|undefined} state  Current state.
2898   * @param {Object}           action Dispatched action.
2899   *
2900   * @return {string|undefined} Updated state.
2901   */
2903  function currentGlobalStylesId() {
2904    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : undefined;
2905    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2907    switch (action.type) {
2909        return action.id;
2910    }
2912    return state;
2913  }
2914  /**
2915   * Reducer managing the theme base global styles.
2916   *
2917   * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
2918   * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
2919   *
2920   * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
2921   */
2923  function themeBaseGlobalStyles() {
2924    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2925    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2927    switch (action.type) {
2929        return { ...state,
2930          [action.stylesheet]: action.globalStyles
2931        };
2932    }
2934    return state;
2935  }
2936  /**
2937   * Reducer managing the theme global styles variations.
2938   *
2939   * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
2940   * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
2941   *
2942   * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
2943   */
2945  function themeGlobalStyleVariations() {
2946    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2947    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2949    switch (action.type) {
2951        return { ...state,
2952          [action.stylesheet]: action.variations
2953        };
2954    }
2956    return state;
2957  }
2958  /**
2959   * Higher Order Reducer for a given entity config. It supports:
2960   *
2961   *  - Fetching
2962   *  - Editing
2963   *  - Saving
2964   *
2965   * @param {Object} entityConfig Entity config.
2966   *
2967   * @return {AnyFunction} Reducer.
2968   */
2970  function entity(entityConfig) {
2971    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.flowRight)([// Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on
2972    // an unhandled action.
2973    if_matching_action(action => action.name && action.kind && action.name === entityConfig.name && action.kind === entityConfig.kind), // Inject the entity config into the action.
2974    replace_action(action => {
2975      return { ...action,
2976        key: entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
2977      };
2978    })])((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({
2979      queriedData: reducer,
2980      edits: function () {
2981        var _action$query$context, _action$query;
2983        let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
2984        let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
2986        switch (action.type) {
2987          case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2988            const context = (_action$query$context = action === null || action === void 0 ? void 0 : (_action$query = action.query) === null || _action$query === void 0 ? void 0 : _action$query.context) !== null && _action$query$context !== void 0 ? _action$query$context : 'default';
2990            if (context !== 'default') {
2991              return state;
2992            }
2994            const nextState = { ...state
2995            };
2997            for (const record of action.items) {
2998              const recordId = record[action.key];
2999              const edits = nextState[recordId];
3001              if (!edits) {
3002                continue;
3003              }
3005              const nextEdits = Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
3006                // If the edited value is still different to the persisted value,
3007                // keep the edited value in edits.
3008                if ( // Edits are the "raw" attribute values, but records may have
3009                // objects with more properties, so we use `get` here for the
3010                // comparison.
3011                !(0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.isEqual)(edits[key], (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(record[key], 'raw', record[key])) && ( // Sometimes the server alters the sent value which means
3012                // we need to also remove the edits before the api request.
3013                !action.persistedEdits || !(0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.isEqual)(edits[key], action.persistedEdits[key]))) {
3014                  acc[key] = edits[key];
3015                }
3017                return acc;
3018              }, {});
3020              if (Object.keys(nextEdits).length) {
3021                nextState[recordId] = nextEdits;
3022              } else {
3023                delete nextState[recordId];
3024              }
3025            }
3027            return nextState;
3029          case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD':
3030            const nextEdits = { ...state[action.recordId],
3031              ...action.edits
3032            };
3033            Object.keys(nextEdits).forEach(key => {
3034              // Delete cleared edits so that the properties
3035              // are not considered dirty.
3036              if (nextEdits[key] === undefined) {
3037                delete nextEdits[key];
3038              }
3039            });
3040            return { ...state,
3041              [action.recordId]: nextEdits
3042            };
3043        }
3045        return state;
3046      },
3047      saving: function () {
3048        let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3049        let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3051        switch (action.type) {
3052          case 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START':
3053          case 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH':
3054            return { ...state,
3055              [action.recordId]: {
3056                pending: action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
3057                error: action.error,
3058                isAutosave: action.isAutosave
3059              }
3060            };
3061        }
3063        return state;
3064      },
3065      deleting: function () {
3066        let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3067        let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3069        switch (action.type) {
3070          case 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START':
3071          case 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH':
3072            return { ...state,
3073              [action.recordId]: {
3074                pending: action.type === 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
3075                error: action.error
3076              }
3077            };
3078        }
3080        return state;
3081      }
3082    }));
3083  }
3084  /**
3085   * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities.
3086   *
3087   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
3088   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
3089   *
3090   * @return {Object} Updated state.
3091   */
3094  function entitiesConfig() {
3095    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : rootEntitiesConfig;
3096    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3098    switch (action.type) {
3099      case 'ADD_ENTITIES':
3100        return [...state, ...action.entities];
3101    }
3103    return state;
3104  }
3105  /**
3106   * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities config and data.
3107   *
3108   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
3109   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
3110   *
3111   * @return {Object} Updated state.
3112   */
3114  const entities = function () {
3115    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3116    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3117    const newConfig = entitiesConfig(state.config, action); // Generates a dynamic reducer for the entities.
3119    let entitiesDataReducer = state.reducer;
3121    if (!entitiesDataReducer || newConfig !== state.config) {
3122      const entitiesByKind = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.groupBy)(newConfig, 'kind');
3123      entitiesDataReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(Object.entries(entitiesByKind).reduce((memo, _ref) => {
3124        let [kind, subEntities] = _ref;
3125        const kindReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(subEntities.reduce((kindMemo, entityConfig) => ({ ...kindMemo,
3126          [entityConfig.name]: entity(entityConfig)
3127        }), {}));
3128        memo[kind] = kindReducer;
3129        return memo;
3130      }, {}));
3131    }
3133    const newData = entitiesDataReducer(state.records, action);
3135    if (newData === state.records && newConfig === state.config && entitiesDataReducer === state.reducer) {
3136      return state;
3137    }
3139    return {
3140      reducer: entitiesDataReducer,
3141      records: newData,
3142      config: newConfig
3143    };
3144  };
3145  /**
3146   * @typedef {Object} UndoStateMeta
3147   *
3148   * @property {number} offset          Where in the undo stack we are.
3149   * @property {Object} [flattenedUndo] Flattened form of undo stack.
3150   */
3152  /** @typedef {Array<Object> & UndoStateMeta} UndoState */
3154  /**
3155   * @type {UndoState}
3156   *
3157   * @todo Given how we use this we might want to make a custom class for it.
3158   */
3160  const UNDO_INITIAL_STATE = Object.assign([], {
3161    offset: 0
3162  });
3163  /** @type {Object} */
3165  let lastEditAction;
3166  /**
3167   * Reducer keeping track of entity edit undo history.
3168   *
3169   * @param {UndoState} state  Current state.
3170   * @param {Object}    action Dispatched action.
3171   *
3172   * @return {UndoState} Updated state.
3173   */
3175  function reducer_undo() {
3176    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : UNDO_INITIAL_STATE;
3177    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3179    switch (action.type) {
3180      case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD':
3181      case 'CREATE_UNDO_LEVEL':
3182        let isCreateUndoLevel = action.type === 'CREATE_UNDO_LEVEL';
3183        const isUndoOrRedo = !isCreateUndoLevel && (action.meta.isUndo || action.meta.isRedo);
3185        if (isCreateUndoLevel) {
3186          action = lastEditAction;
3187        } else if (!isUndoOrRedo) {
3188          // Don't lose the last edit cache if the new one only has transient edits.
3189          // Transient edits don't create new levels so updating the cache would make
3190          // us skip an edit later when creating levels explicitly.
3191          if (Object.keys(action.edits).some(key => !action.transientEdits[key])) {
3192            lastEditAction = action;
3193          } else {
3194            lastEditAction = { ...action,
3195              edits: { ...(lastEditAction && lastEditAction.edits),
3196                ...action.edits
3197              }
3198            };
3199          }
3200        }
3201        /** @type {UndoState} */
3204        let nextState;
3206        if (isUndoOrRedo) {
3207          // @ts-ignore we might consider using Object.assign({}, state)
3208          nextState = [...state];
3209          nextState.offset = state.offset + (action.meta.isUndo ? -1 : 1);
3211          if (state.flattenedUndo) {
3212            // The first undo in a sequence of undos might happen while we have
3213            // flattened undos in state. If this is the case, we want execution
3214            // to continue as if we were creating an explicit undo level. This
3215            // will result in an extra undo level being appended with the flattened
3216            // undo values.
3217            // We also have to take into account if the `lastEditAction` had opted out
3218            // of being tracked in undo history, like the action that persists the latest
3219            // content right before saving. In that case we have to update the `lastEditAction`
3220            // to avoid returning early before applying the existing flattened undos.
3221            isCreateUndoLevel = true;
3223            if (!lastEditAction.meta.undo) {
3224              lastEditAction.meta.undo = {
3225                edits: {}
3226              };
3227            }
3229            action = lastEditAction;
3230          } else {
3231            return nextState;
3232          }
3233        }
3235        if (!action.meta.undo) {
3236          return state;
3237        } // Transient edits don't create an undo level, but are
3238        // reachable in the next meaningful edit to which they
3239        // are merged. They are defined in the entity's config.
3242        if (!isCreateUndoLevel && !Object.keys(action.edits).some(key => !action.transientEdits[key])) {
3243          // @ts-ignore we might consider using Object.assign({}, state)
3244          nextState = [...state];
3245          nextState.flattenedUndo = { ...state.flattenedUndo,
3246            ...action.edits
3247          };
3248          nextState.offset = state.offset;
3249          return nextState;
3250        } // Clear potential redos, because this only supports linear history.
3253        nextState = // @ts-ignore this needs additional cleanup, probably involving code-level changes
3254        nextState || state.slice(0, state.offset || undefined);
3255        nextState.offset = nextState.offset || 0;
3256        nextState.pop();
3258        if (!isCreateUndoLevel) {
3259          nextState.push({
3260            kind: action.meta.undo.kind,
3261            name: action.meta.undo.name,
3262            recordId: action.meta.undo.recordId,
3263            edits: { ...state.flattenedUndo,
3264              ...action.meta.undo.edits
3265            }
3266          });
3267        } // When an edit is a function it's an optimization to avoid running some expensive operation.
3268        // We can't rely on the function references being the same so we opt out of comparing them here.
3271        const comparisonUndoEdits = Object.values(action.meta.undo.edits).filter(edit => typeof edit !== 'function');
3272        const comparisonEdits = Object.values(action.edits).filter(edit => typeof edit !== 'function');
3274        if (!external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(comparisonUndoEdits, comparisonEdits)) {
3275          nextState.push({
3276            kind: action.kind,
3277            name: action.name,
3278            recordId: action.recordId,
3279            edits: isCreateUndoLevel ? { ...state.flattenedUndo,
3280              ...action.edits
3281            } : action.edits
3282          });
3283        }
3285        return nextState;
3286    }
3288    return state;
3289  }
3290  /**
3291   * Reducer managing embed preview data.
3292   *
3293   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
3294   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
3295   *
3296   * @return {Object} Updated state.
3297   */
3299  function embedPreviews() {
3300    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3301    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3303    switch (action.type) {
3304      case 'RECEIVE_EMBED_PREVIEW':
3305        const {
3306          url,
3307          preview
3308        } = action;
3309        return { ...state,
3310          [url]: preview
3311        };
3312    }
3314    return state;
3315  }
3316  /**
3317   * State which tracks whether the user can perform an action on a REST
3318   * resource.
3319   *
3320   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
3321   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
3322   *
3323   * @return {Object} Updated state.
3324   */
3326  function userPermissions() {
3327    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3328    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3330    switch (action.type) {
3332        return { ...state,
3333          [action.key]: action.isAllowed
3334        };
3335    }
3337    return state;
3338  }
3339  /**
3340   * Reducer returning autosaves keyed by their parent's post id.
3341   *
3342   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
3343   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
3344   *
3345   * @return {Object} Updated state.
3346   */
3348  function autosaves() {
3349    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
3350    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3352    switch (action.type) {
3353      case 'RECEIVE_AUTOSAVES':
3354        const {
3355          postId,
3356          autosaves: autosavesData
3357        } = action;
3358        return { ...state,
3359          [postId]: autosavesData
3360        };
3361    }
3363    return state;
3364  }
3365  function blockPatterns() {
3366    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
3367    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3369    switch (action.type) {
3370      case 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERNS':
3371        return action.patterns;
3372    }
3374    return state;
3375  }
3376  function blockPatternCategories() {
3377    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
3378    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
3380    switch (action.type) {
3382        return action.categories;
3383    }
3385    return state;
3386  }
3387  /* harmony default export */ var build_module_reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({
3388    terms,
3389    users,
3390    currentTheme,
3391    currentGlobalStylesId,
3392    currentUser,
3393    themeGlobalStyleVariations,
3394    themeBaseGlobalStyles,
3395    taxonomies,
3396    entities,
3397    undo: reducer_undo,
3398    embedPreviews,
3399    userPermissions,
3400    autosaves,
3401    blockPatterns,
3402    blockPatternCategories
3403  }));
3405  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/rememo/es/rememo.js
3408  var LEAF_KEY, hasWeakMap;
3410  /**
3411   * Arbitrary value used as key for referencing cache object in WeakMap tree.
3412   *
3413   * @type {Object}
3414   */
3415  LEAF_KEY = {};
3417  /**
3418   * Whether environment supports WeakMap.
3419   *
3420   * @type {boolean}
3421   */
3422  hasWeakMap = typeof WeakMap !== 'undefined';
3424  /**
3425   * Returns the first argument as the sole entry in an array.
3426   *
3427   * @param {*} value Value to return.
3428   *
3429   * @return {Array} Value returned as entry in array.
3430   */
3431  function arrayOf( value ) {
3432      return [ value ];
3433  }
3435  /**
3436   * Returns true if the value passed is object-like, or false otherwise. A value
3437   * is object-like if it can support property assignment, e.g. object or array.
3438   *
3439   * @param {*} value Value to test.
3440   *
3441   * @return {boolean} Whether value is object-like.
3442   */
3443  function isObjectLike( value ) {
3444      return !! value && 'object' === typeof value;
3445  }
3447  /**
3448   * Creates and returns a new cache object.
3449   *
3450   * @return {Object} Cache object.
3451   */
3452  function createCache() {
3453      var cache = {
3454          clear: function() {
3455              cache.head = null;
3456          },
3457      };
3459      return cache;
3460  }
3462  /**
3463   * Returns true if entries within the two arrays are strictly equal by
3464   * reference from a starting index.
3465   *
3466   * @param {Array}  a         First array.
3467   * @param {Array}  b         Second array.
3468   * @param {number} fromIndex Index from which to start comparison.
3469   *
3470   * @return {boolean} Whether arrays are shallowly equal.
3471   */
3472  function isShallowEqual( a, b, fromIndex ) {
3473      var i;
3475      if ( a.length !== b.length ) {
3476          return false;
3477      }
3479      for ( i = fromIndex; i < a.length; i++ ) {
3480          if ( a[ i ] !== b[ i ] ) {
3481              return false;
3482          }
3483      }
3485      return true;
3486  }
3488  /**
3489   * Returns a memoized selector function. The getDependants function argument is
3490   * called before the memoized selector and is expected to return an immutable
3491   * reference or array of references on which the selector depends for computing
3492   * its own return value. The memoize cache is preserved only as long as those
3493   * dependant references remain the same. If getDependants returns a different
3494   * reference(s), the cache is cleared and the selector value regenerated.
3495   *
3496   * @param {Function} selector      Selector function.
3497   * @param {Function} getDependants Dependant getter returning an immutable
3498   *                                 reference or array of reference used in
3499   *                                 cache bust consideration.
3500   *
3501   * @return {Function} Memoized selector.
3502   */
3503  /* harmony default export */ function rememo(selector, getDependants ) {
3504      var rootCache, getCache;
3506      // Use object source as dependant if getter not provided
3507      if ( ! getDependants ) {
3508          getDependants = arrayOf;
3509      }
3511      /**
3512       * Returns the root cache. If WeakMap is supported, this is assigned to the
3513       * root WeakMap cache set, otherwise it is a shared instance of the default
3514       * cache object.
3515       *
3516       * @return {(WeakMap|Object)} Root cache object.
3517       */
3518  	function getRootCache() {
3519          return rootCache;
3520      }
3522      /**
3523       * Returns the cache for a given dependants array. When possible, a WeakMap
3524       * will be used to create a unique cache for each set of dependants. This
3525       * is feasible due to the nature of WeakMap in allowing garbage collection
3526       * to occur on entries where the key object is no longer referenced. Since
3527       * WeakMap requires the key to be an object, this is only possible when the
3528       * dependant is object-like. The root cache is created as a hierarchy where
3529       * each top-level key is the first entry in a dependants set, the value a
3530       * WeakMap where each key is the next dependant, and so on. This continues
3531       * so long as the dependants are object-like. If no dependants are object-
3532       * like, then the cache is shared across all invocations.
3533       *
3534       * @see isObjectLike
3535       *
3536       * @param {Array} dependants Selector dependants.
3537       *
3538       * @return {Object} Cache object.
3539       */
3540  	function getWeakMapCache( dependants ) {
3541          var caches = rootCache,
3542              isUniqueByDependants = true,
3543              i, dependant, map, cache;
3545          for ( i = 0; i < dependants.length; i++ ) {
3546              dependant = dependants[ i ];
3548              // Can only compose WeakMap from object-like key.
3549              if ( ! isObjectLike( dependant ) ) {
3550                  isUniqueByDependants = false;
3551                  break;
3552              }
3554              // Does current segment of cache already have a WeakMap?
3555              if ( caches.has( dependant ) ) {
3556                  // Traverse into nested WeakMap.
3557                  caches = caches.get( dependant );
3558              } else {
3559                  // Create, set, and traverse into a new one.
3560                  map = new WeakMap();
3561                  caches.set( dependant, map );
3562                  caches = map;
3563              }
3564          }
3566          // We use an arbitrary (but consistent) object as key for the last item
3567          // in the WeakMap to serve as our running cache.
3568          if ( ! caches.has( LEAF_KEY ) ) {
3569              cache = createCache();
3570              cache.isUniqueByDependants = isUniqueByDependants;
3571              caches.set( LEAF_KEY, cache );
3572          }
3574          return caches.get( LEAF_KEY );
3575      }
3577      // Assign cache handler by availability of WeakMap
3578      getCache = hasWeakMap ? getWeakMapCache : getRootCache;
3580      /**
3581       * Resets root memoization cache.
3582       */
3583  	function clear() {
3584          rootCache = hasWeakMap ? new WeakMap() : createCache();
3585      }
3587      // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/check-param-names
3588      /**
3589       * The augmented selector call, considering first whether dependants have
3590       * changed before passing it to underlying memoize function.
3591       *
3592       * @param {Object} source    Source object for derivation.
3593       * @param {...*}   extraArgs Additional arguments to pass to selector.
3594       *
3595       * @return {*} Selector result.
3596       */
3597  	function callSelector( /* source, ...extraArgs */ ) {
3598          var len = arguments.length,
3599              cache, node, i, args, dependants;
3601          // Create copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization).
3602          args = new Array( len );
3603          for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
3604              args[ i ] = arguments[ i ];
3605          }
3607          dependants = getDependants.apply( null, args );
3608          cache = getCache( dependants );
3610          // If not guaranteed uniqueness by dependants (primitive type or lack
3611          // of WeakMap support), shallow compare against last dependants and, if
3612          // references have changed, destroy cache to recalculate result.
3613          if ( ! cache.isUniqueByDependants ) {
3614              if ( cache.lastDependants && ! isShallowEqual( dependants, cache.lastDependants, 0 ) ) {
3615                  cache.clear();
3616              }
3618              cache.lastDependants = dependants;
3619          }
3621          node = cache.head;
3622          while ( node ) {
3623              // Check whether node arguments match arguments
3624              if ( ! isShallowEqual( node.args, args, 1 ) ) {
3625                  node = node.next;
3626                  continue;
3627              }
3629              // At this point we can assume we've found a match
3631              // Surface matched node to head if not already
3632              if ( node !== cache.head ) {
3633                  // Adjust siblings to point to each other.
3634                  node.prev.next = node.next;
3635                  if ( node.next ) {
3636                      node.next.prev = node.prev;
3637                  }
3639                  node.next = cache.head;
3640                  node.prev = null;
3641                  cache.head.prev = node;
3642                  cache.head = node;
3643              }
3645              // Return immediately
3646              return node.val;
3647          }
3649          // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase:
3651          node = {
3652              // Generate the result from original function
3653              val: selector.apply( null, args ),
3654          };
3656          // Avoid including the source object in the cache.
3657          args[ 0 ] = null;
3658          node.args = args;
3660          // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would
3661          // have been returned above already if it was
3663          // Shift existing head down list
3664          if ( cache.head ) {
3665              cache.head.prev = node;
3666              node.next = cache.head;
3667          }
3669          cache.head = node;
3671          return node.val;
3672      }
3674      callSelector.getDependants = getDependants;
3675      callSelector.clear = clear;
3676      clear();
3678      return callSelector;
3679  }
3681  // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/equivalent-key-map/equivalent-key-map.js
3682  var equivalent_key_map = __webpack_require__(2167);
3683  var equivalent_key_map_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(equivalent_key_map);
3684  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/selectors.js
3685  /**
3686   * External dependencies
3687   */
3691  /**
3692   * Internal dependencies
3693   */
3696  /**
3697   * Cache of state keys to EquivalentKeyMap where the inner map tracks queries
3698   * to their resulting items set. WeakMap allows garbage collection on expired
3699   * state references.
3700   *
3701   * @type {WeakMap<Object,EquivalentKeyMap>}
3702   */
3704  const queriedItemsCacheByState = new WeakMap();
3705  /**
3706   * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known.
3707   *
3708   * @param {Object}  state State object.
3709   * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
3710   *
3711   * @return {?Array} Query items.
3712   */
3714  function getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query) {
3715    var _state$queries, _state$queries$contex;
3717    const {
3718      stableKey,
3719      page,
3720      perPage,
3721      include,
3722      fields,
3723      context
3724    } = get_query_parts(query);
3725    let itemIds;
3727    if ((_state$queries = state.queries) !== null && _state$queries !== void 0 && (_state$queries$contex = _state$queries[context]) !== null && _state$queries$contex !== void 0 && _state$queries$contex[stableKey]) {
3728      itemIds = state.queries[context][stableKey];
3729    }
3731    if (!itemIds) {
3732      return null;
3733    }
3735    const startOffset = perPage === -1 ? 0 : (page - 1) * perPage;
3736    const endOffset = perPage === -1 ? itemIds.length : Math.min(startOffset + perPage, itemIds.length);
3737    const items = [];
3739    for (let i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++) {
3740      var _state$items$context;
3742      const itemId = itemIds[i];
3744      if (Array.isArray(include) && !include.includes(itemId)) {
3745        continue;
3746      } // Having a target item ID doesn't guarantee that this object has been queried.
3749      if (!((_state$items$context = state.items[context]) !== null && _state$items$context !== void 0 && _state$items$context.hasOwnProperty(itemId))) {
3750        return null;
3751      }
3753      const item = state.items[context][itemId];
3754      let filteredItem;
3756      if (Array.isArray(fields)) {
3757        filteredItem = {};
3759        for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
3760          const field = fields[f].split('.');
3761          const value = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(item, field);
3762          (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.set)(filteredItem, field, value);
3763        }
3764      } else {
3765        var _state$itemIsComplete;
3767        // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness, or
3768        // otherwise abort.
3769        if (!((_state$itemIsComplete = state.itemIsComplete[context]) !== null && _state$itemIsComplete !== void 0 && _state$itemIsComplete[itemId])) {
3770          return null;
3771        }
3773        filteredItem = item;
3774      }
3776      items.push(filteredItem);
3777    }
3779    return items;
3780  }
3781  /**
3782   * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known. Caches
3783   * result both per state (by reference) and per query (by deep equality).
3784   * The caching approach is intended to be durable to query objects which are
3785   * deeply but not referentially equal, since otherwise:
3786   *
3787   * `getQueriedItems( state, {} ) !== getQueriedItems( state, {} )`
3788   *
3789   * @param {Object}  state State object.
3790   * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
3791   *
3792   * @return {?Array} Query items.
3793   */
3796  const getQueriedItems = rememo(function (state) {
3797    let query = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
3798    let queriedItemsCache = queriedItemsCacheByState.get(state);
3800    if (queriedItemsCache) {
3801      const queriedItems = queriedItemsCache.get(query);
3803      if (queriedItems !== undefined) {
3804        return queriedItems;
3805      }
3806    } else {
3807      queriedItemsCache = new (equivalent_key_map_default())();
3808      queriedItemsCacheByState.set(state, queriedItemsCache);
3809    }
3811    const items = getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query);
3812    queriedItemsCache.set(query, items);
3813    return items;
3814  });
3816  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/is-raw-attribute.js
3817  /**
3818   * Checks whether the attribute is a "raw" attribute or not.
3819   *
3820   * @param {Object} entity    Entity record.
3821   * @param {string} attribute Attribute name.
3822   *
3823   * @return {boolean} Is the attribute raw
3824   */
3825  function isRawAttribute(entity, attribute) {
3826    return (entity.rawAttributes || []).includes(attribute);
3827  }
3829  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/selectors.js
3830  /**
3831   * External dependencies
3832   */
3835  /**
3836   * WordPress dependencies
3837   */
3842  /**
3843   * Internal dependencies
3844   */
3850  /**
3851   * Shared reference to an empty object for cases where it is important to avoid
3852   * returning a new object reference on every invocation, as in a connected or
3853   * other pure component which performs `shouldComponentUpdate` check on props.
3854   * This should be used as a last resort, since the normalized data should be
3855   * maintained by the reducer result in state.
3856   */
3858  const EMPTY_OBJECT = {};
3859  /**
3860   * Returns true if a request is in progress for embed preview data, or false
3861   * otherwise.
3862   *
3863   * @param {Object} state Data state.
3864   * @param {string} url   URL the preview would be for.
3865   *
3866   * @return {boolean} Whether a request is in progress for an embed preview.
3867   */
3869  const isRequestingEmbedPreview = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, url) => {
3870    return select(STORE_NAME).isResolving('getEmbedPreview', [url]);
3871  });
3872  /**
3873   * Returns all available authors.
3874   *
3875   * @deprecated since 11.3. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })` instead.
3876   *
3877   * @param {Object}           state Data state.
3878   * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
3879   *                                 include with request.
3880   * @return {Array} Authors list.
3881   */
3883  function getAuthors(state, query) {
3884    external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getAuthors()", {
3885      since: '5.9',
3886      alternative: "select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })"
3887    });
3888    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query);
3889    return getUserQueryResults(state, path);
3890  }
3891  /**
3892   * Returns the current user.
3893   *
3894   * @param {Object} state Data state.
3895   *
3896   * @return {Object} Current user object.
3897   */
3899  function getCurrentUser(state) {
3900    return state.currentUser;
3901  }
3902  /**
3903   * Returns all the users returned by a query ID.
3904   *
3905   * @param {Object} state   Data state.
3906   * @param {string} queryID Query ID.
3907   *
3908   * @return {Array} Users list.
3909   */
3911  const getUserQueryResults = rememo((state, queryID) => {
3912    const queryResults = state.users.queries[queryID];
3913    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.map)(queryResults, id => state.users.byId[id]);
3914  }, (state, queryID) => [state.users.queries[queryID], state.users.byId]);
3915  /**
3916   * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind.
3917   *
3918   * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntitiesConfig instead
3919   * @param {Object} state Data state.
3920   * @param {string} kind  Entity kind.
3921   *
3922   * @return {Array<Object>} Array of entities with config matching kind.
3923   */
3925  function getEntitiesByKind(state, kind) {
3926    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntitiesByKind()", {
3927      since: '6.0',
3928      alternative: "wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntitiesConfig()"
3929    });
3930    return getEntitiesConfig(state, kind);
3931  }
3932  /**
3933   * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind.
3934   *
3935   * @param {Object} state Data state.
3936   * @param {string} kind  Entity kind.
3937   *
3938   * @return {Array<Object>} Array of entities with config matching kind.
3939   */
3941  function getEntitiesConfig(state, kind) {
3942    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.filter)(state.entities.config, {
3943      kind
3944    });
3945  }
3946  /**
3947   * Returns the entity config given its kind and name.
3948   *
3949   * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntityConfig instead
3950   * @param {Object} state Data state.
3951   * @param {string} kind  Entity kind.
3952   * @param {string} name  Entity name.
3953   *
3954   * @return {Object} Entity config
3955   */
3957  function getEntity(state, kind, name) {
3958    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntity()", {
3959      since: '6.0',
3960      alternative: "wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntityConfig()"
3961    });
3962    return getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
3963  }
3964  /**
3965   * Returns the entity config given its kind and name.
3966   *
3967   * @param {Object} state Data state.
3968   * @param {string} kind  Entity kind.
3969   * @param {string} name  Entity name.
3970   *
3971   * @return {Object} Entity config
3972   */
3974  function getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) {
3975    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(state.entities.config, {
3976      kind,
3977      name
3978    });
3979  }
3980  /**
3981   * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Returns `null` if the value is not
3982   * yet received, undefined if the value entity is known to not exist, or the
3983   * entity object if it exists and is received.
3984   *
3985   * @param {Object}  state State tree
3986   * @param {string}  kind  Entity kind.
3987   * @param {string}  name  Entity name.
3988   * @param {number}  key   Record's key
3989   * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
3990   *
3991   * @return {Object|undefined} Record.
3992   */
3994  const getEntityRecord = rememo((state, kind, name, key, query) => {
3995    var _query$context, _queriedState$items$c;
3997    const queriedState = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData']);
3999    if (!queriedState) {
4000      return undefined;
4001    }
4003    const context = (_query$context = query === null || query === void 0 ? void 0 : query.context) !== null && _query$context !== void 0 ? _query$context : 'default';
4005    if (query === undefined) {
4006      var _queriedState$itemIsC;
4008      // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness.
4009      if (!((_queriedState$itemIsC = queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]) !== null && _queriedState$itemIsC !== void 0 && _queriedState$itemIsC[key])) {
4010        return undefined;
4011      }
4013      return queriedState.items[context][key];
4014    }
4016    const item = (_queriedState$items$c = queriedState.items[context]) === null || _queriedState$items$c === void 0 ? void 0 : _queriedState$items$c[key];
4018    if (item && query._fields) {
4019      var _getNormalizedCommaSe;
4021      const filteredItem = {};
4022      const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : [];
4024      for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
4025        const field = fields[f].split('.');
4026        const value = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(item, field);
4027        (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.set)(filteredItem, field, value);
4028      }
4030      return filteredItem;
4031    }
4033    return item;
4034  }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
4035    var _query$context2;
4037    const context = (_query$context2 = query === null || query === void 0 ? void 0 : query.context) !== null && _query$context2 !== void 0 ? _query$context2 : 'default';
4038    return [(0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData', 'items', context, recordId]), (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData', 'itemIsComplete', context, recordId])];
4039  });
4040  /**
4041   * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Doesn't trigger a resolver nor requests the entity records from the API if the entity record isn't available in the local state.
4042   *
4043   * @param {Object} state State tree
4044   * @param {string} kind  Entity kind.
4045   * @param {string} name  Entity name.
4046   * @param {number} key   Record's key
4047   *
4048   * @return {Object|null} Record.
4049   */
4051  function __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver(state, kind, name, key) {
4052    return getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key);
4053  }
4054  /**
4055   * Returns the entity's record object by key,
4056   * with its attributes mapped to their raw values.
4057   *
4058   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4059   * @param {string} kind  Entity kind.
4060   * @param {string} name  Entity name.
4061   * @param {number} key   Record's key.
4062   *
4063   * @return {Object?} Object with the entity's raw attributes.
4064   */
4066  const getRawEntityRecord = rememo((state, kind, name, key) => {
4067    const record = getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key);
4068    return record && Object.keys(record).reduce((accumulator, _key) => {
4069      if (isRawAttribute(getEntityConfig(state, kind, name), _key)) {
4070        // Because edits are the "raw" attribute values,
4071        // we return those from record selectors to make rendering,
4072        // comparisons, and joins with edits easier.
4073        accumulator[_key] = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(record[_key], 'raw', record[_key]);
4074      } else {
4075        accumulator[_key] = record[_key];
4076      }
4078      return accumulator;
4079    }, {});
4080  }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
4081    var _query$context3;
4083    const context = (_query$context3 = query === null || query === void 0 ? void 0 : query.context) !== null && _query$context3 !== void 0 ? _query$context3 : 'default';
4084    return [state.entities.config, (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData', 'items', context, recordId]), (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData', 'itemIsComplete', context, recordId])];
4085  });
4086  /**
4087   * Returns true if records have been received for the given set of parameters,
4088   * or false otherwise.
4089   *
4090   * @param {Object}  state State tree
4091   * @param {string}  kind  Entity kind.
4092   * @param {string}  name  Entity name.
4093   * @param {?Object} query Optional terms query.
4094   *
4095   * @return {boolean} Whether entity records have been received.
4096   */
4098  function hasEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) {
4099    return Array.isArray(getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query));
4100  }
4101  /**
4102   * Returns the Entity's records.
4103   *
4104   * @param {Object}  state State tree
4105   * @param {string}  kind  Entity kind.
4106   * @param {string}  name  Entity name.
4107   * @param {?Object} query Optional terms query.
4108   *
4109   * @return {?Array} Records.
4110   */
4112  function getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) {
4113    // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
4114    // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
4115    const queriedState = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData']);
4117    if (!queriedState) {
4118      return null;
4119    }
4121    return getQueriedItems(queriedState, query);
4122  }
4123  /**
4124   * Returns the  list of dirty entity records.
4125   *
4126   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4127   *
4128   * @return {[{ title: string, key: string, name: string, kind: string }]} The list of updated records
4129   */
4131  const __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords = rememo(state => {
4132    const {
4133      entities: {
4134        records
4135      }
4136    } = state;
4137    const dirtyRecords = [];
4138    Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => {
4139      Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => {
4140        const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].edits).filter(primaryKey => // The entity record must exist (not be deleted),
4141        // and it must have edits.
4142        getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey) && hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey));
4144        if (primaryKeys.length) {
4145          const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
4146          primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
4147            var _entityConfig$getTitl;
4149            const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey);
4150            dirtyRecords.push({
4151              // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string
4152              // when it's used as an object key.
4153              key: entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY],
4154              title: (entityConfig === null || entityConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : (_entityConfig$getTitl = entityConfig.getTitle) === null || _entityConfig$getTitl === void 0 ? void 0 : _entityConfig$getTitl.call(entityConfig, entityRecord)) || '',
4155              name,
4156              kind
4157            });
4158          });
4159        }
4160      });
4161    });
4162    return dirtyRecords;
4163  }, state => [state.entities.records]);
4164  /**
4165   * Returns the list of entities currently being saved.
4166   *
4167   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4168   *
4169   * @return {[{ title: string, key: string, name: string, kind: string }]} The list of records being saved.
4170   */
4172  const __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved = rememo(state => {
4173    const {
4174      entities: {
4175        records
4176      }
4177    } = state;
4178    const recordsBeingSaved = [];
4179    Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => {
4180      Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => {
4181        const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].saving).filter(primaryKey => isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey));
4183        if (primaryKeys.length) {
4184          const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
4185          primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
4186            var _entityConfig$getTitl2;
4188            const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey);
4189            recordsBeingSaved.push({
4190              // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string
4191              // when it's used as an object key.
4192              key: entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY],
4193              title: (entityConfig === null || entityConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : (_entityConfig$getTitl2 = entityConfig.getTitle) === null || _entityConfig$getTitl2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _entityConfig$getTitl2.call(entityConfig, entityRecord)) || '',
4194              name,
4195              kind
4196            });
4197          });
4198        }
4199      });
4200    });
4201    return recordsBeingSaved;
4202  }, state => [state.entities.records]);
4203  /**
4204   * Returns the specified entity record's edits.
4205   *
4206   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4207   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4208   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4209   * @param {number} recordId Record ID.
4210   *
4211   * @return {Object?} The entity record's edits.
4212   */
4214  function getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4215    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'edits', recordId]);
4216  }
4217  /**
4218   * Returns the specified entity record's non transient edits.
4219   *
4220   * Transient edits don't create an undo level, and
4221   * are not considered for change detection.
4222   * They are defined in the entity's config.
4223   *
4224   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4225   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4226   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4227   * @param {number} recordId Record ID.
4228   *
4229   * @return {Object?} The entity record's non transient edits.
4230   */
4232  const getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits = rememo((state, kind, name, recordId) => {
4233    const {
4234      transientEdits
4235    } = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) || {};
4236    const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) || {};
4238    if (!transientEdits) {
4239      return edits;
4240    }
4242    return Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
4243      if (!transientEdits[key]) {
4244        acc[key] = edits[key];
4245      }
4247      return acc;
4248    }, {});
4249  }, (state, kind, name, recordId) => [state.entities.config, (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'edits', recordId])]);
4250  /**
4251   * Returns true if the specified entity record has edits,
4252   * and false otherwise.
4253   *
4254   * @param {Object}        state    State tree.
4255   * @param {string}        kind     Entity kind.
4256   * @param {string}        name     Entity name.
4257   * @param {number|string} recordId Record ID.
4258   *
4259   * @return {boolean} Whether the entity record has edits or not.
4260   */
4262  function hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4263    return isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) || Object.keys(getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(state, kind, name, recordId)).length > 0;
4264  }
4265  /**
4266   * Returns the specified entity record, merged with its edits.
4267   *
4268   * @param {Object}        state    State tree.
4269   * @param {string}        kind     Entity kind.
4270   * @param {string}        name     Entity name.
4271   * @param {number|string} recordId Record ID.
4272   *
4273   * @return {Object?} The entity record, merged with its edits.
4274   */
4276  const getEditedEntityRecord = rememo((state, kind, name, recordId) => ({ ...getRawEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId),
4277    ...getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId)
4278  }), (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
4279    var _query$context4;
4281    const context = (_query$context4 = query === null || query === void 0 ? void 0 : query.context) !== null && _query$context4 !== void 0 ? _query$context4 : 'default';
4282    return [state.entities.config, (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData', 'items', context, recordId]), (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'queriedData', 'itemIsComplete', context, recordId]), (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'edits', recordId])];
4283  });
4284  /**
4285   * Returns true if the specified entity record is autosaving, and false otherwise.
4286   *
4287   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4288   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4289   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4290   * @param {number} recordId Record ID.
4291   *
4292   * @return {boolean} Whether the entity record is autosaving or not.
4293   */
4295  function isAutosavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4296    const {
4297      pending,
4298      isAutosave
4299    } = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'saving', recordId], {});
4300    return Boolean(pending && isAutosave);
4301  }
4302  /**
4303   * Returns true if the specified entity record is saving, and false otherwise.
4304   *
4305   * @param {Object}        state    State tree.
4306   * @param {string}        kind     Entity kind.
4307   * @param {string}        name     Entity name.
4308   * @param {number|string} recordId Record ID.
4309   *
4310   * @return {boolean} Whether the entity record is saving or not.
4311   */
4313  function isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4314    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'saving', recordId, 'pending'], false);
4315  }
4316  /**
4317   * Returns true if the specified entity record is deleting, and false otherwise.
4318   *
4319   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4320   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4321   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4322   * @param {number} recordId Record ID.
4323   *
4324   * @return {boolean} Whether the entity record is deleting or not.
4325   */
4327  function isDeletingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4328    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'deleting', recordId, 'pending'], false);
4329  }
4330  /**
4331   * Returns the specified entity record's last save error.
4332   *
4333   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4334   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4335   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4336   * @param {number} recordId Record ID.
4337   *
4338   * @return {Object?} The entity record's save error.
4339   */
4341  function getLastEntitySaveError(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4342    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'saving', recordId, 'error']);
4343  }
4344  /**
4345   * Returns the specified entity record's last delete error.
4346   *
4347   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4348   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4349   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4350   * @param {number} recordId Record ID.
4351   *
4352   * @return {Object?} The entity record's save error.
4353   */
4355  function getLastEntityDeleteError(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4356    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state.entities.records, [kind, name, 'deleting', recordId, 'error']);
4357  }
4358  /**
4359   * Returns the current undo offset for the
4360   * entity records edits history. The offset
4361   * represents how many items from the end
4362   * of the history stack we are at. 0 is the
4363   * last edit, -1 is the second last, and so on.
4364   *
4365   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4366   *
4367   * @return {number} The current undo offset.
4368   */
4370  function getCurrentUndoOffset(state) {
4371    return state.undo.offset;
4372  }
4373  /**
4374   * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset
4375   * for the entity records edits history, if any.
4376   *
4377   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4378   *
4379   * @return {Object?} The edit.
4380   */
4383  function getUndoEdit(state) {
4384    return state.undo[state.undo.length - 2 + getCurrentUndoOffset(state)];
4385  }
4386  /**
4387   * Returns the next edit from the current undo offset
4388   * for the entity records edits history, if any.
4389   *
4390   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4391   *
4392   * @return {Object?} The edit.
4393   */
4395  function getRedoEdit(state) {
4396    return state.undo[state.undo.length + getCurrentUndoOffset(state)];
4397  }
4398  /**
4399   * Returns true if there is a previous edit from the current undo offset
4400   * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise.
4401   *
4402   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4403   *
4404   * @return {boolean} Whether there is a previous edit or not.
4405   */
4407  function hasUndo(state) {
4408    return Boolean(getUndoEdit(state));
4409  }
4410  /**
4411   * Returns true if there is a next edit from the current undo offset
4412   * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise.
4413   *
4414   * @param {Object} state State tree.
4415   *
4416   * @return {boolean} Whether there is a next edit or not.
4417   */
4419  function hasRedo(state) {
4420    return Boolean(getRedoEdit(state));
4421  }
4422  /**
4423   * Return the current theme.
4424   *
4425   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4426   *
4427   * @return {Object} The current theme.
4428   */
4430  function getCurrentTheme(state) {
4431    return getEntityRecord(state, 'root', 'theme', state.currentTheme);
4432  }
4433  /**
4434   * Return the ID of the current global styles object.
4435   *
4436   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4437   *
4438   * @return {string} The current global styles ID.
4439   */
4441  function __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state) {
4442    return state.currentGlobalStylesId;
4443  }
4444  /**
4445   * Return theme supports data in the index.
4446   *
4447   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4448   *
4449   * @return {*} Index data.
4450   */
4452  function getThemeSupports(state) {
4453    var _getCurrentTheme$them, _getCurrentTheme;
4455    return (_getCurrentTheme$them = (_getCurrentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state)) === null || _getCurrentTheme === void 0 ? void 0 : _getCurrentTheme.theme_supports) !== null && _getCurrentTheme$them !== void 0 ? _getCurrentTheme$them : EMPTY_OBJECT;
4456  }
4457  /**
4458   * Returns the embed preview for the given URL.
4459   *
4460   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4461   * @param {string} url   Embedded URL.
4462   *
4463   * @return {*} Undefined if the preview has not been fetched, otherwise, the preview fetched from the embed preview API.
4464   */
4466  function getEmbedPreview(state, url) {
4467    return state.embedPreviews[url];
4468  }
4469  /**
4470   * Determines if the returned preview is an oEmbed link fallback.
4471   *
4472   * WordPress can be configured to return a simple link to a URL if it is not embeddable.
4473   * We need to be able to determine if a URL is embeddable or not, based on what we
4474   * get back from the oEmbed preview API.
4475   *
4476   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4477   * @param {string} url   Embedded URL.
4478   *
4479   * @return {boolean} Is the preview for the URL an oEmbed link fallback.
4480   */
4482  function isPreviewEmbedFallback(state, url) {
4483    const preview = state.embedPreviews[url];
4484    const oEmbedLinkCheck = '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>';
4486    if (!preview) {
4487      return false;
4488    }
4490    return preview.html === oEmbedLinkCheck;
4491  }
4492  /**
4493   * Returns whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
4494   * REST resource.
4495   *
4496   * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the
4497   * `canUser()` resolver.
4498   *
4499   * https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/
4500   *
4501   * @param {Object}  state    Data state.
4502   * @param {string}  action   Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'.
4503   * @param {string}  resource REST resource to check, e.g. 'media' or 'posts'.
4504   * @param {string=} id       Optional ID of the rest resource to check.
4505   *
4506   * @return {boolean|undefined} Whether or not the user can perform the action,
4507   *                             or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made.
4508   */
4510  function canUser(state, action, resource, id) {
4511    const key = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.compact)([action, resource, id]).join('/');
4512    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(state, ['userPermissions', key]);
4513  }
4514  /**
4515   * Returns whether the current user can edit the given entity.
4516   *
4517   * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the
4518   * `canUser()` resolver.
4519   *
4520   * https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/
4521   *
4522   * @param {Object} state    Data state.
4523   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
4524   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
4525   * @param {string} recordId Record's id.
4526   * @return {boolean|undefined} Whether or not the user can edit,
4527   * or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made.
4528   */
4530  function canUserEditEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
4531    const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
4533    if (!entityConfig) {
4534      return false;
4535    }
4537    const resource = entityConfig.__unstable_rest_base;
4538    return canUser(state, 'update', resource, recordId);
4539  }
4540  /**
4541   * Returns the latest autosaves for the post.
4542   *
4543   * May return multiple autosaves since the backend stores one autosave per
4544   * author for each post.
4545   *
4546   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4547   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
4548   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
4549   *
4550   * @return {?Array} An array of autosaves for the post, or undefined if there is none.
4551   */
4553  function getAutosaves(state, postType, postId) {
4554    return state.autosaves[postId];
4555  }
4556  /**
4557   * Returns the autosave for the post and author.
4558   *
4559   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4560   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
4561   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
4562   * @param {number} authorId The id of the author.
4563   *
4564   * @return {?Object} The autosave for the post and author.
4565   */
4567  function getAutosave(state, postType, postId, authorId) {
4568    if (authorId === undefined) {
4569      return;
4570    }
4572    const autosaves = state.autosaves[postId];
4573    return (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(autosaves, {
4574      author: authorId
4575    });
4576  }
4577  /**
4578   * Returns true if the REST request for autosaves has completed.
4579   *
4580   * @param {Object} state    State tree.
4581   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
4582   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
4583   *
4584   * @return {boolean} True if the REST request was completed. False otherwise.
4585   */
4587  const hasFetchedAutosaves = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, postType, postId) => {
4588    return select(STORE_NAME).hasFinishedResolution('getAutosaves', [postType, postId]);
4589  });
4590  /**
4591   * Returns a new reference when edited values have changed. This is useful in
4592   * inferring where an edit has been made between states by comparison of the
4593   * return values using strict equality.
4594   *
4595   * @example
4596   *
4597   * ```
4598   * const hasEditOccurred = (
4599   *    getReferenceByDistinctEdits( beforeState ) !==
4600   *    getReferenceByDistinctEdits( afterState )
4601   * );
4602   * ```
4603   *
4604   * @param {Object} state Editor state.
4605   *
4606   * @return {*} A value whose reference will change only when an edit occurs.
4607   */
4609  const getReferenceByDistinctEdits = rememo(() => [], state => [state.undo.length, state.undo.offset, state.undo.flattenedUndo]);
4610  /**
4611   * Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link.
4612   *
4613   * @param {Object} state Editor state.
4614   * @param {string} link  Link.
4615   *
4616   * @return {Object?} The template record.
4617   */
4619  function __experimentalGetTemplateForLink(state, link) {
4620    const records = getEntityRecords(state, 'postType', 'wp_template', {
4621      'find-template': link
4622    });
4623    const template = records !== null && records !== void 0 && records.length ? records[0] : null;
4625    if (template) {
4626      return getEditedEntityRecord(state, 'postType', 'wp_template', template.id);
4627    }
4629    return template;
4630  }
4631  /**
4632   * Retrieve the current theme's base global styles
4633   *
4634   * @param {Object} state Editor state.
4635   *
4636   * @return {Object|null} The Global Styles object.
4637   */
4639  function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles(state) {
4640    const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state);
4642    if (!currentTheme) {
4643      return null;
4644    }
4646    return state.themeBaseGlobalStyles[currentTheme.stylesheet];
4647  }
4648  /**
4649   * Return the ID of the current global styles object.
4650   *
4651   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4652   *
4653   * @return {string|null} The current global styles ID.
4654   */
4656  function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations(state) {
4657    const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state);
4659    if (!currentTheme) {
4660      return null;
4661    }
4663    return state.themeGlobalStyleVariations[currentTheme.stylesheet];
4664  }
4665  /**
4666   * Retrieve the list of registered block patterns.
4667   *
4668   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4669   *
4670   * @return {Array} Block pattern list.
4671   */
4673  function getBlockPatterns(state) {
4674    return state.blockPatterns;
4675  }
4676  /**
4677   * Retrieve the list of registered block pattern categories.
4678   *
4679   * @param {Object} state Data state.
4680   *
4681   * @return {Array} Block pattern category list.
4682   */
4684  function getBlockPatternCategories(state) {
4685    return state.blockPatternCategories;
4686  }
4688  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/forward-resolver.js
4689  /**
4690   * Higher-order function which forward the resolution to another resolver with the same arguments.
4691   *
4692   * @param {string} resolverName forwarded resolver.
4693   *
4694   * @return {Function} Enhanced resolver.
4695   */
4696  const forwardResolver = resolverName => function () {
4697    for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
4698      args[_key] = arguments[_key];
4699    }
4701    return async _ref => {
4702      let {
4703        resolveSelect
4704      } = _ref;
4705      await resolveSelect[resolverName](...args);
4706    };
4707  };
4709  /* harmony default export */ var forward_resolver = (forwardResolver);
4711  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js
4712  /**
4713   * External dependencies
4714   */
4716  /**
4717   * WordPress dependencies
4718   */
4722  /**
4723   * Internal dependencies
4724   */
4729  /**
4730   * Requests authors from the REST API.
4731   *
4732   * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
4733   *                                 include with request.
4734   */
4736  const resolvers_getAuthors = query => async _ref => {
4737    let {
4738      dispatch
4739    } = _ref;
4740    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query);
4741    const users = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4742      path
4743    });
4744    dispatch.receiveUserQuery(path, users);
4745  };
4746  /**
4747   * Requests the current user from the REST API.
4748   */
4750  const resolvers_getCurrentUser = () => async _ref2 => {
4751    let {
4752      dispatch
4753    } = _ref2;
4754    const currentUser = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4755      path: '/wp/v2/users/me'
4756    });
4757    dispatch.receiveCurrentUser(currentUser);
4758  };
4759  /**
4760   * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
4761   *
4762   * @param {string}           kind  Entity kind.
4763   * @param {string}           name  Entity name.
4764   * @param {number|string}    key   Record's key
4765   * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
4766   *                                 include with request.
4767   */
4769  const resolvers_getEntityRecord = function (kind, name) {
4770    let key = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';
4771    let query = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined;
4772    return async _ref3 => {
4773      let {
4774        select,
4775        dispatch
4776      } = _ref3;
4777      const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind));
4778      const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(configs, {
4779        kind,
4780        name
4781      });
4783      if (!entityConfig || entityConfig !== null && entityConfig !== void 0 && entityConfig.__experimentalNoFetch) {
4784        return;
4785      }
4787      const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, key], {
4788        exclusive: false
4789      });
4791      try {
4792        if (query !== undefined && query._fields) {
4793          // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
4794          // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
4795          // the ID.
4796          query = { ...query,
4797            _fields: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.uniq)([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY]).join()
4798          };
4799        } // Disable reason: While true that an early return could leave `path`
4800        // unused, it's important that path is derived using the query prior to
4801        // additional query modifications in the condition below, since those
4802        // modifications are relevant to how the data is tracked in state, and not
4803        // for how the request is made to the REST API.
4804        // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return
4807        const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL + (key ? '/' + key : ''), { ...entityConfig.baseURLParams,
4808          ...query
4809        });
4811        if (query !== undefined) {
4812          query = { ...query,
4813            include: [key]
4814          }; // The resolution cache won't consider query as reusable based on the
4815          // fields, so it's tested here, prior to initiating the REST request,
4816          // and without causing `getEntityRecords` resolution to occur.
4818          const hasRecords = select.hasEntityRecords(kind, name, query);
4820          if (hasRecords) {
4821            return;
4822          }
4823        }
4825        const record = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4826          path
4827        });
4828        dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, record, query);
4829      } finally {
4830        dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
4831      }
4832    };
4833  };
4834  /**
4835   * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
4836   */
4838  const resolvers_getRawEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord');
4839  /**
4840   * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
4841   */
4843  const resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord');
4844  /**
4845   * Requests the entity's records from the REST API.
4846   *
4847   * @param {string}  kind  Entity kind.
4848   * @param {string}  name  Entity name.
4849   * @param {Object?} query Query Object.
4850   */
4852  const resolvers_getEntityRecords = function (kind, name) {
4853    let query = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
4854    return async _ref4 => {
4855      let {
4856        dispatch
4857      } = _ref4;
4858      const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind));
4859      const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(configs, {
4860        kind,
4861        name
4862      });
4864      if (!entityConfig || entityConfig !== null && entityConfig !== void 0 && entityConfig.__experimentalNoFetch) {
4865        return;
4866      }
4868      const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name], {
4869        exclusive: false
4870      });
4872      try {
4873        var _query;
4875        if (query._fields) {
4876          // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
4877          // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
4878          // the ID.
4879          query = { ...query,
4880            _fields: (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.uniq)([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY]).join()
4881          };
4882        }
4884        const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL, { ...entityConfig.baseURLParams,
4885          ...query
4886        });
4887        let records = Object.values(await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4888          path
4889        })); // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields,
4890        // explicitely set these fields as "undefined"
4891        // that way we consider the query "fullfilled".
4893        if (query._fields) {
4894          records = records.map(record => {
4895            query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => {
4896              if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
4897                record[field] = undefined;
4898              }
4899            });
4901            return record;
4902          });
4903        }
4905        dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query); // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to
4906        // resolve the `getEntityRecord` selector in addition to `getEntityRecords`.
4907        // See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/26575
4909        if (!((_query = query) !== null && _query !== void 0 && _query._fields) && !query.context) {
4910          const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
4911          const resolutionsArgs = records.filter(record => record[key]).map(record => [kind, name, record[key]]);
4912          dispatch({
4913            type: 'START_RESOLUTIONS',
4914            selectorName: 'getEntityRecord',
4915            args: resolutionsArgs
4916          });
4917          dispatch({
4918            type: 'FINISH_RESOLUTIONS',
4919            selectorName: 'getEntityRecord',
4920            args: resolutionsArgs
4921          });
4922        }
4923      } finally {
4924        dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
4925      }
4926    };
4927  };
4929  resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name) => {
4930    return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && kind === action.kind && name === action.name;
4931  };
4932  /**
4933   * Requests the current theme.
4934   */
4937  const resolvers_getCurrentTheme = () => async _ref5 => {
4938    let {
4939      dispatch,
4940      resolveSelect
4941    } = _ref5;
4942    const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', {
4943      status: 'active'
4944    });
4945    dispatch.receiveCurrentTheme(activeThemes[0]);
4946  };
4947  /**
4948   * Requests theme supports data from the index.
4949   */
4951  const resolvers_getThemeSupports = forward_resolver('getCurrentTheme');
4952  /**
4953   * Requests a preview from the from the Embed API.
4954   *
4955   * @param {string} url URL to get the preview for.
4956   */
4958  const resolvers_getEmbedPreview = url => async _ref6 => {
4959    let {
4960      dispatch
4961    } = _ref6;
4963    try {
4964      const embedProxyResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4965        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/oembed/1.0/proxy', {
4966          url
4967        })
4968      });
4969      dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, embedProxyResponse);
4970    } catch (error) {
4971      // Embed API 404s if the URL cannot be embedded, so we have to catch the error from the apiRequest here.
4972      dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, false);
4973    }
4974  };
4975  /**
4976   * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
4977   * REST resource.
4978   *
4979   * @param {string}  action   Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update',
4980   *                           'delete'.
4981   * @param {string}  resource REST resource to check, e.g. 'media' or 'posts'.
4982   * @param {?string} id       ID of the rest resource to check.
4983   */
4985  const resolvers_canUser = (action, resource, id) => async _ref7 => {
4986    var _response$headers;
4988    let {
4989      dispatch
4990    } = _ref7;
4991    const methods = {
4992      create: 'POST',
4993      read: 'GET',
4994      update: 'PUT',
4995      delete: 'DELETE'
4996    };
4997    const method = methods[action];
4999    if (!method) {
5000      throw new Error(`'$action}' is not a valid action.`);
5001    }
5003    const path = id ? `/wp/v2/$resource}/$id}` : `/wp/v2/$resource}`;
5004    let response;
5006    try {
5007      response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5008        path,
5009        method: 'OPTIONS',
5010        parse: false
5011      });
5012    } catch (error) {
5013      // Do nothing if our OPTIONS request comes back with an API error (4xx or
5014      // 5xx). The previously determined isAllowed value will remain in the store.
5015      return;
5016    } // Optional chaining operator is used here because the API requests don't
5017    // return the expected result in the native version. Instead, API requests
5018    // only return the result, without including response properties like the headers.
5021    const allowHeader = (_response$headers = response.headers) === null || _response$headers === void 0 ? void 0 : _response$headers.get('allow');
5022    const key = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.compact)([action, resource, id]).join('/');
5023    const isAllowed = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.includes)(allowHeader, method);
5024    dispatch.receiveUserPermission(key, isAllowed);
5025  };
5026  /**
5027   * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
5028   * REST resource.
5029   *
5030   * @param {string} kind     Entity kind.
5031   * @param {string} name     Entity name.
5032   * @param {string} recordId Record's id.
5033   */
5035  const resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId) => async _ref8 => {
5036    let {
5037      dispatch
5038    } = _ref8;
5039    const configs = await dispatch(getOrLoadEntitiesConfig(kind));
5040    const entityConfig = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.find)(configs, {
5041      kind,
5042      name
5043    });
5045    if (!entityConfig) {
5046      return;
5047    }
5049    const resource = entityConfig.__unstable_rest_base;
5050    await dispatch(resolvers_canUser('update', resource, recordId));
5051  };
5052  /**
5053   * Request autosave data from the REST API.
5054   *
5055   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
5056   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
5057   */
5059  const resolvers_getAutosaves = (postType, postId) => async _ref9 => {
5060    let {
5061      dispatch,
5062      resolveSelect
5063    } = _ref9;
5064    const {
5065      rest_base: restBase
5066    } = await resolveSelect.getPostType(postType);
5067    const autosaves = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5068      path: `/wp/v2/$restBase}/$postId}/autosaves?context=edit`
5069    });
5071    if (autosaves && autosaves.length) {
5072      dispatch.receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves);
5073    }
5074  };
5075  /**
5076   * Request autosave data from the REST API.
5077   *
5078   * This resolver exists to ensure the underlying autosaves are fetched via
5079   * `getAutosaves` when a call to the `getAutosave` selector is made.
5080   *
5081   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
5082   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
5083   */
5085  const resolvers_getAutosave = (postType, postId) => async _ref10 => {
5086    let {
5087      resolveSelect
5088    } = _ref10;
5089    await resolveSelect.getAutosaves(postType, postId);
5090  };
5091  /**
5092   * Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link.
5093   *
5094   * @param {string} link Link.
5095   */
5097  const resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink = link => async _ref11 => {
5098    let {
5099      dispatch,
5100      resolveSelect
5101    } = _ref11;
5102    // Ideally this should be using an apiFetch call
5103    // We could potentially do so by adding a "filter" to the `wp_template` end point.
5104    // Also it seems the returned object is not a regular REST API post type.
5105    let template;
5107    try {
5108      template = await window.fetch((0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(link, {
5109        '_wp-find-template': true
5110      })).then(res => res.json()).then(_ref12 => {
5111        let {
5112          data
5113        } = _ref12;
5114        return data;
5115      });
5116    } catch (e) {// For non-FSE themes, it is possible that this request returns an error.
5117    }
5119    if (!template) {
5120      return;
5121    }
5123    const record = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecord('postType', 'wp_template', template.id);
5125    if (record) {
5126      dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_template', [record], {
5127        'find-template': link
5128      });
5129    }
5130  };
5132  resolvers_experimentalGetTemplateForLink.shouldInvalidate = action => {
5133    return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && action.kind === 'postType' && action.name === 'wp_template';
5134  };
5136  const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId = () => async _ref13 => {
5137    let {
5138      dispatch,
5139      resolveSelect
5140    } = _ref13;
5141    const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', {
5142      status: 'active'
5143    });
5144    const globalStylesURL = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.get)(activeThemes, [0, '_links', 'wp:user-global-styles', 0, 'href']);
5146    if (globalStylesURL) {
5147      const globalStylesObject = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5148        url: globalStylesURL
5149      });
5151      dispatch.__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(globalStylesObject.id);
5152    }
5153  };
5154  const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles = () => async _ref14 => {
5155    let {
5156      resolveSelect,
5157      dispatch
5158    } = _ref14;
5159    const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme();
5160    const themeGlobalStyles = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5161      path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/$currentTheme.stylesheet}`
5162    });
5164    dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(currentTheme.stylesheet, themeGlobalStyles);
5165  };
5166  const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations = () => async _ref15 => {
5167    let {
5168      resolveSelect,
5169      dispatch
5170    } = _ref15;
5171    const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme();
5172    const variations = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5173      path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/$currentTheme.stylesheet}/variations`
5174    });
5176    dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(currentTheme.stylesheet, variations);
5177  };
5178  const resolvers_getBlockPatterns = () => async _ref16 => {
5179    let {
5180      dispatch
5181    } = _ref16;
5182    const restPatterns = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5183      path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/patterns'
5184    });
5185    const patterns = (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.map)(restPatterns, pattern => (0,external_lodash_namespaceObject.mapKeys)(pattern, (value, key) => {
5186      switch (key) {
5187        case 'block_types':
5188          return 'blockTypes';
5190        case 'viewport_width':
5191          return 'viewportWidth';
5193        default:
5194          return key;
5195      }
5196    }));
5197    dispatch({
5198      type: 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERNS',
5199      patterns
5200    });
5201  };
5202  const resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories = () => async _ref17 => {
5203    let {
5204      dispatch
5205    } = _ref17;
5206    const categories = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5207      path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/categories'
5208    });
5209    dispatch({
5211      categories
5212    });
5213  };
5215  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/utils.js
5216  function deepCopyLocksTreePath(tree, path) {
5217    const newTree = { ...tree
5218    };
5219    let currentNode = newTree;
5221    for (const branchName of path) {
5222      currentNode.children = { ...currentNode.children,
5223        [branchName]: {
5224          locks: [],
5225          children: {},
5226          ...currentNode.children[branchName]
5227        }
5228      };
5229      currentNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
5230    }
5232    return newTree;
5233  }
5234  function getNode(tree, path) {
5235    let currentNode = tree;
5237    for (const branchName of path) {
5238      const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
5240      if (!nextNode) {
5241        return null;
5242      }
5244      currentNode = nextNode;
5245    }
5247    return currentNode;
5248  }
5249  function* iteratePath(tree, path) {
5250    let currentNode = tree;
5251    yield currentNode;
5253    for (const branchName of path) {
5254      const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
5256      if (!nextNode) {
5257        break;
5258      }
5260      yield nextNode;
5261      currentNode = nextNode;
5262    }
5263  }
5264  function* iterateDescendants(node) {
5265    const stack = Object.values(node.children);
5267    while (stack.length) {
5268      const childNode = stack.pop();
5269      yield childNode;
5270      stack.push(...Object.values(childNode.children));
5271    }
5272  }
5273  function hasConflictingLock(_ref, locks) {
5274    let {
5275      exclusive
5276    } = _ref;
5278    if (exclusive && locks.length) {
5279      return true;
5280    }
5282    if (!exclusive && locks.filter(lock => lock.exclusive).length) {
5283      return true;
5284    }
5286    return false;
5287  }
5289  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/reducer.js
5290  /**
5291   * Internal dependencies
5292   */
5294  const DEFAULT_STATE = {
5295    requests: [],
5296    tree: {
5297      locks: [],
5298      children: {}
5299    }
5300  };
5301  /**
5302   * Reducer returning locks.
5303   *
5304   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
5305   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
5306   *
5307   * @return {Object} Updated state.
5308   */
5310  function locks() {
5311    let state = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : DEFAULT_STATE;
5312    let action = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
5314    switch (action.type) {
5315      case 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST':
5316        {
5317          const {
5318            request
5319          } = action;
5320          return { ...state,
5321            requests: [request, ...state.requests]
5322          };
5323        }
5325      case 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST':
5326        {
5327          const {
5328            lock,
5329            request
5330          } = action;
5331          const {
5332            store,
5333            path
5334          } = request;
5335          const storePath = [store, ...path];
5336          const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath);
5337          const node = getNode(newTree, storePath);
5338          node.locks = [...node.locks, lock];
5339          return { ...state,
5340            requests: state.requests.filter(r => r !== request),
5341            tree: newTree
5342          };
5343        }
5345      case 'RELEASE_LOCK':
5346        {
5347          const {
5348            lock
5349          } = action;
5350          const storePath = [lock.store, ...lock.path];
5351          const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath);
5352          const node = getNode(newTree, storePath);
5353          node.locks = node.locks.filter(l => l !== lock);
5354          return { ...state,
5355            tree: newTree
5356          };
5357        }
5358    }
5360    return state;
5361  }
5363  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/selectors.js
5364  /**
5365   * Internal dependencies
5366   */
5368  function getPendingLockRequests(state) {
5369    return state.requests;
5370  }
5371  function isLockAvailable(state, store, path, _ref) {
5372    let {
5373      exclusive
5374    } = _ref;
5375    const storePath = [store, ...path];
5376    const locks = state.tree; // Validate all parents and the node itself
5378    for (const node of iteratePath(locks, storePath)) {
5379      if (hasConflictingLock({
5380        exclusive
5381      }, node.locks)) {
5382        return false;
5383      }
5384    } // iteratePath terminates early if path is unreachable, let's
5385    // re-fetch the node and check it exists in the tree.
5388    const node = getNode(locks, storePath);
5390    if (!node) {
5391      return true;
5392    } // Validate all nested nodes
5395    for (const descendant of iterateDescendants(node)) {
5396      if (hasConflictingLock({
5397        exclusive
5398      }, descendant.locks)) {
5399        return false;
5400      }
5401    }
5403    return true;
5404  }
5406  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/engine.js
5407  /**
5408   * Internal dependencies
5409   */
5412  function createLocks() {
5413    let state = locks(undefined, {
5414      type: '@@INIT'
5415    });
5417    function processPendingLockRequests() {
5418      for (const request of getPendingLockRequests(state)) {
5419        const {
5420          store,
5421          path,
5422          exclusive,
5423          notifyAcquired
5424        } = request;
5426        if (isLockAvailable(state, store, path, {
5427          exclusive
5428        })) {
5429          const lock = {
5430            store,
5431            path,
5432            exclusive
5433          };
5434          state = locks(state, {
5435            type: 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST',
5436            lock,
5437            request
5438          });
5439          notifyAcquired(lock);
5440        }
5441      }
5442    }
5444    function acquire(store, path, exclusive) {
5445      return new Promise(resolve => {
5446        state = locks(state, {
5447          type: 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST',
5448          request: {
5449            store,
5450            path,
5451            exclusive,
5452            notifyAcquired: resolve
5453          }
5454        });
5455        processPendingLockRequests();
5456      });
5457    }
5459    function release(lock) {
5460      state = locks(state, {
5461        type: 'RELEASE_LOCK',
5462        lock
5463      });
5464      processPendingLockRequests();
5465    }
5467    return {
5468      acquire,
5469      release
5470    };
5471  }
5473  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/actions.js
5474  /**
5475   * Internal dependencies
5476   */
5478  function createLocksActions() {
5479    const locks = createLocks();
5481    function __unstableAcquireStoreLock(store, path, _ref) {
5482      let {
5483        exclusive
5484      } = _ref;
5485      return () => locks.acquire(store, path, exclusive);
5486    }
5488    function __unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock) {
5489      return () => locks.release(lock);
5490    }
5492    return {
5493      __unstableAcquireStoreLock,
5494      __unstableReleaseStoreLock
5495    };
5496  }
5498  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","element"]
5499  var external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"];
5500  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","blocks"]
5501  var external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"];
5502  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entity-provider.js
5505  /**
5506   * WordPress dependencies
5507   */
5511  /**
5512   * Internal dependencies
5513   */
5516  /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/blocks').WPBlock} WPBlock */
5518  const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
5519  /**
5520   * Internal dependencies
5521   */
5524  const entityContexts = { ...rootEntitiesConfig.reduce((acc, loader) => {
5525      if (!acc[loader.kind]) {
5526        acc[loader.kind] = {};
5527      }
5529      acc[loader.kind][loader.name] = {
5530        context: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined)
5531      };
5532      return acc;
5533    }, {}),
5534    ...additionalEntityConfigLoaders.reduce((acc, loader) => {
5535      acc[loader.kind] = {};
5536      return acc;
5537    }, {})
5538  };
5540  const getEntityContext = (kind, name) => {
5541    if (!entityContexts[kind]) {
5542      throw new Error(`Missing entity config for kind: $kind}.`);
5543    }
5545    if (!entityContexts[kind][name]) {
5546      entityContexts[kind][name] = {
5547        context: (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)(undefined)
5548      };
5549    }
5551    return entityContexts[kind][name].context;
5552  };
5553  /**
5554   * Context provider component for providing
5555   * an entity for a specific entity.
5556   *
5557   * @param {Object} props          The component's props.
5558   * @param {string} props.kind     The entity kind.
5559   * @param {string} props.type     The entity name.
5560   * @param {number} props.id       The entity ID.
5561   * @param {*}      props.children The children to wrap.
5562   *
5563   * @return {Object} The provided children, wrapped with
5564   *                   the entity's context provider.
5565   */
5568  function EntityProvider(_ref) {
5569    let {
5570      kind,
5571      type: name,
5572      id,
5573      children
5574    } = _ref;
5575    const Provider = getEntityContext(kind, name).Provider;
5576    return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createElement)(Provider, {
5577      value: id
5578    }, children);
5579  }
5580  /**
5581   * Hook that returns the ID for the nearest
5582   * provided entity of the specified type.
5583   *
5584   * @param {string} kind The entity kind.
5585   * @param {string} name The entity name.
5586   */
5588  function useEntityId(kind, name) {
5589    return (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(getEntityContext(kind, name));
5590  }
5591  /**
5592   * Hook that returns the value and a setter for the
5593   * specified property of the nearest provided
5594   * entity of the specified type.
5595   *
5596   * @param {string} kind  The entity kind.
5597   * @param {string} name  The entity name.
5598   * @param {string} prop  The property name.
5599   * @param {string} [_id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one.
5600   *
5601   * @return {[*, Function, *]} An array where the first item is the
5602   *                            property value, the second is the
5603   *                            setter and the third is the full value
5604   *                               object from REST API containing more
5605   *                               information like `raw`, `rendered` and
5606   *                               `protected` props.
5607   */
5609  function useEntityProp(kind, name, prop, _id) {
5610    const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name);
5611    const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId;
5612    const {
5613      value,
5614      fullValue
5615    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
5616      const {
5617        getEntityRecord,
5618        getEditedEntityRecord
5619      } = select(STORE_NAME);
5620      const record = getEntityRecord(kind, name, id); // Trigger resolver.
5622      const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id);
5623      return record && editedRecord ? {
5624        value: editedRecord[prop],
5625        fullValue: record[prop]
5626      } : {};
5627    }, [kind, name, id, prop]);
5628    const {
5629      editEntityRecord
5630    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME);
5631    const setValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newValue => {
5632      editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, {
5633        [prop]: newValue
5634      });
5635    }, [kind, name, id, prop]);
5636    return [value, setValue, fullValue];
5637  }
5638  /**
5639   * Hook that returns block content getters and setters for
5640   * the nearest provided entity of the specified type.
5641   *
5642   * The return value has the shape `[ blocks, onInput, onChange ]`.
5643   * `onInput` is for block changes that don't create undo levels
5644   * or dirty the post, non-persistent changes, and `onChange` is for
5645   * peristent changes. They map directly to the props of a
5646   * `BlockEditorProvider` and are intended to be used with it,
5647   * or similar components or hooks.
5648   *
5649   * @param {string} kind         The entity kind.
5650   * @param {string} name         The entity name.
5651   * @param {Object} options
5652   * @param {string} [options.id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one.
5653   *
5654   * @return {[WPBlock[], Function, Function]} The block array and setters.
5655   */
5657  function useEntityBlockEditor(kind, name) {
5658    let {
5659      id: _id
5660    } = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
5661    const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name);
5662    const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId;
5663    const {
5664      content,
5665      blocks
5666    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
5667      const {
5668        getEditedEntityRecord
5669      } = select(STORE_NAME);
5670      const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id);
5671      return {
5672        blocks: editedRecord.blocks,
5673        content: editedRecord.content
5674      };
5675    }, [kind, name, id]);
5676    const {
5677      __unstableCreateUndoLevel,
5678      editEntityRecord
5679    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME);
5680    (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useEffect)(() => {
5681      // Load the blocks from the content if not already in state
5682      // Guard against other instances that might have
5683      // set content to a function already or the blocks are already in state.
5684      if (content && typeof content !== 'function' && !blocks) {
5685        const parsedContent = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.parse)(content);
5686        editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, {
5687          blocks: parsedContent
5688        }, {
5689          undoIgnore: true
5690        });
5691      }
5692    }, [content]);
5693    const onChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => {
5694      const {
5695        selection
5696      } = options;
5697      const edits = {
5698        blocks: newBlocks,
5699        selection
5700      };
5701      const noChange = blocks === edits.blocks;
5703      if (noChange) {
5704        return __unstableCreateUndoLevel(kind, name, id);
5705      } // We create a new function here on every persistent edit
5706      // to make sure the edit makes the post dirty and creates
5707      // a new undo level.
5710      edits.content = _ref2 => {
5711        let {
5712          blocks: blocksForSerialization = []
5713        } = _ref2;
5714        return (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.__unstableSerializeAndClean)(blocksForSerialization);
5715      };
5717      editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits);
5718    }, [kind, name, id, blocks]);
5719    const onInput = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => {
5720      const {
5721        selection
5722      } = options;
5723      const edits = {
5724        blocks: newBlocks,
5725        selection
5726      };
5727      editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits);
5728    }, [kind, name, id]);
5729    return [blocks !== null && blocks !== void 0 ? blocks : EMPTY_ARRAY, onInput, onChange];
5730  }
5732  // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/memize/index.js
5733  var memize = __webpack_require__(9756);
5734  var memize_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(memize);
5735  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/memoize.js
5736  /**
5737   * External dependencies
5738   */
5739   // re-export due to restrictive esModuleInterop setting
5741  /* harmony default export */ var memoize = ((memize_default()));
5743  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/constants.js
5744  /* eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow */
5745  let Status;
5747  (function (Status) {
5748    Status["Idle"] = "IDLE";
5749    Status["Resolving"] = "RESOLVING";
5750    Status["Error"] = "ERROR";
5751    Status["Success"] = "SUCCESS";
5752  })(Status || (Status = {}));
5754  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-query-select.js
5755  /**
5756   * WordPress dependencies
5757   */
5759  /**
5760   * Internal dependencies
5761   */
5765  const META_SELECTORS = ['getIsResolving', 'hasStartedResolution', 'hasFinishedResolution', 'isResolving', 'getCachedResolvers'];
5767  /**
5768   * Like useSelect, but the selectors return objects containing
5769   * both the original data AND the resolution info.
5770   *
5771   * @param {Function} mapQuerySelect see useSelect
5772   * @param {Array}    deps           see useSelect
5773   *
5774   * @example
5775   * ```js
5776   * import { useQuerySelect } from '@wordpress/data';
5777   * import { store as coreDataStore } from '@wordpress/core-data';
5778   *
5779   * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
5780   *   const { data: page, isResolving } = useQuerySelect( ( query ) => {
5781   *     return query( coreDataStore ).getEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id )
5782   *   }, [ id ] );
5783   *
5784   *   if ( isResolving ) {
5785   *     return 'Loading...';
5786   *   }
5787   *
5788   *   return page.title;
5789   * }
5790   *
5791   * // Rendered in the application:
5792   * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 10 } />
5793   * ```
5794   *
5795   * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an
5796   * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from
5797   * the store state using the `mapSelect` callback on `useQuerySelect`.
5798   *
5799   * If the id prop changes then any page in the state for that id is
5800   * retrieved. If the id prop doesn't change and other props are passed in
5801   * that do change, the title will not change because the dependency is just
5802   * the id.
5803   * @see useSelect
5804   *
5805   * @return {QuerySelectResponse} Queried data.
5806   */
5807  function __experimentalUseQuerySelect(mapQuerySelect, deps) {
5808    return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)((select, registry) => {
5809      const resolve = store => enrichSelectors(select(store));
5811      return mapQuerySelect(resolve, registry);
5812    }, deps);
5813  }
5815  /**
5816   * Transform simple selectors into ones that return an object with the
5817   * original return value AND the resolution info.
5818   *
5819   * @param {Object} selectors Selectors to enrich
5820   * @return {EnrichedSelectors} Enriched selectors
5821   */
5822  const enrichSelectors = memoize(selectors => {
5823    const resolvers = {};
5825    for (const selectorName in selectors) {
5826      if (META_SELECTORS.includes(selectorName)) {
5827        continue;
5828      }
5830      Object.defineProperty(resolvers, selectorName, {
5831        get: () => function () {
5832          const {
5833            getIsResolving,
5834            hasFinishedResolution
5835          } = selectors;
5837          for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
5838            args[_key] = arguments[_key];
5839          }
5841          const isResolving = !!getIsResolving(selectorName, args);
5842          const hasResolved = !isResolving && hasFinishedResolution(selectorName, args);
5843          const data = selectors[selectorName](...args);
5844          let status;
5846          if (isResolving) {
5847            status = Status.Resolving;
5848          } else if (hasResolved) {
5849            if (data) {
5850              status = Status.Success;
5851            } else {
5852              status = Status.Error;
5853            }
5854          } else {
5855            status = Status.Idle;
5856          }
5858          return {
5859            data,
5860            status,
5861            isResolving,
5862            hasResolved
5863          };
5864        }
5865      });
5866    }
5868    return resolvers;
5869  });
5871  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-record.js
5872  /**
5873   * Internal dependencies
5874   */
5878  /**
5879   * Resolves the specified entity record.
5880   *
5881   * @param  kind                   Kind of the requested entity.
5882   * @param  name                   Name of the requested  entity.
5883   * @param  recordId               Record ID of the requested entity.
5884   * @param  options                Hook options.
5885   * @param  [options.enabled=true] Whether to run the query or short-circuit and return null. Defaults to true.
5886   * @example
5887   * ```js
5888   * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
5889   *
5890   * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
5891   *   const { record, isResolving } = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );
5892   *
5893   *   if ( isResolving ) {
5894   *     return 'Loading...';
5895   *   }
5896   *
5897   *   return record.title;
5898   * }
5899   *
5900   * // Rendered in the application:
5901   * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 1 } />
5902   * ```
5903   *
5904   * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an
5905   * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from
5906   * the store state using `getEntityRecord()`, or resolved if missing.
5907   *
5908   * @return {EntityRecordResolution<RecordType>} Entity record data.
5909   * @template RecordType
5910   */
5911  function __experimentalUseEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId) {
5912    let options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {
5913      enabled: true
5914    };
5915    const {
5916      data: record,
5917      ...rest
5918    } = __experimentalUseQuerySelect(query => {
5919      if (!options.enabled) {
5920        return null;
5921      }
5923      return query(store).getEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
5924    }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]);
5925    return {
5926      record,
5927      ...rest
5928    };
5929  }
5931  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-records.js
5932  /**
5933   * WordPress dependencies
5934   */
5936  /**
5937   * Internal dependencies
5938   */
5943  /**
5944   * Resolves the specified entity records.
5945   *
5946   * @param  kind      Kind of the requested entities.
5947   * @param  name      Name of the requested entities.
5948   * @param  queryArgs HTTP query for the requested entities.
5949   * @param  options   Hook options.
5950   * @example
5951   * ```js
5952   * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
5953   *
5954   * function PageTitlesList() {
5955   *   const { records, isResolving } = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page' );
5956   *
5957   *   if ( isResolving ) {
5958   *     return 'Loading...';
5959   *   }
5960   *
5961   *   return (
5962   *     <ul>
5963   *       {records.map(( page ) => (
5964   *         <li>{ page.title }</li>
5965   *       ))}
5966   *     </ul>
5967   *   );
5968   * }
5969   *
5970   * // Rendered in the application:
5971   * // <PageTitlesList />
5972   * ```
5973   *
5974   * In the above example, when `PageTitlesList` is rendered into an
5975   * application, the list of records and the resolution details will be retrieved from
5976   * the store state using `getEntityRecords()`, or resolved if missing.
5977   *
5978   * @return Entity records data.
5979   * @template RecordType
5980   */
5981  function __experimentalUseEntityRecords(kind, name) {
5982    let queryArgs = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
5983    let options = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {
5984      enabled: true
5985    };
5986    // Serialize queryArgs to a string that can be safely used as a React dep.
5987    // We can't just pass queryArgs as one of the deps, because if it is passed
5988    // as an object literal, then it will be a different object on each call even
5989    // if the values remain the same.
5990    const queryAsString = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', queryArgs);
5991    const {
5992      data: records,
5993      ...rest
5994    } = __experimentalUseQuerySelect(query => {
5995      if (!options.enabled) {
5996        return {
5997          data: []
5998        };
5999      }
6001      return query(store).getEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs);
6002    }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]);
6003    return {
6004      records,
6005      ...rest
6006    };
6007  }
6009  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: external ["wp","htmlEntities"]
6010  var external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"];
6011  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-link-suggestions.js
6012  /**
6013   * WordPress dependencies
6014   */
6019  /**
6020   * Filters the search by type
6021   *
6022   * @typedef { 'attachment' | 'post' | 'term' | 'post-format' } WPLinkSearchType
6023   */
6025  /**
6026   * A link with an id may be of kind post-type or taxonomy
6027   *
6028   * @typedef { 'post-type' | 'taxonomy' } WPKind
6029   */
6031  /**
6032   * @typedef WPLinkSearchOptions
6033   *
6034   * @property {boolean}          [isInitialSuggestions] Displays initial search suggestions, when true.
6035   * @property {WPLinkSearchType} [type]                 Filters by search type.
6036   * @property {string}           [subtype]              Slug of the post-type or taxonomy.
6037   * @property {number}           [page]                 Which page of results to return.
6038   * @property {number}           [perPage]              Search results per page.
6039   */
6041  /**
6042   * @typedef WPLinkSearchResult
6043   *
6044   * @property {number} id     Post or term id.
6045   * @property {string} url    Link url.
6046   * @property {string} title  Title of the link.
6047   * @property {string} type   The taxonomy or post type slug or type URL.
6048   * @property {WPKind} [kind] Link kind of post-type or taxonomy
6049   */
6051  /**
6052   * @typedef WPLinkSearchResultAugments
6053   *
6054   * @property {{kind: WPKind}} [meta]    Contains kind information.
6055   * @property {WPKind}         [subtype] Optional subtype if it exists.
6056   */
6058  /**
6059   * @typedef {WPLinkSearchResult & WPLinkSearchResultAugments} WPLinkSearchResultAugmented
6060   */
6062  /**
6063   * @typedef WPEditorSettings
6064   *
6065   * @property {boolean} [ disablePostFormats ] Disables post formats, when true.
6066   */
6068  /**
6069   * Fetches link suggestions from the API.
6070   *
6071   * @async
6072   * @param {string}              search
6073   * @param {WPLinkSearchOptions} [searchOptions]
6074   * @param {WPEditorSettings}    [settings]
6075   *
6076   * @example
6077   * ```js
6078   * import { __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions as fetchLinkSuggestions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
6079   *
6080   * //...
6081   *
6082   * export function initialize( id, settings ) {
6083   *
6084   * settings.__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions = (
6085   *     search,
6086   *     searchOptions
6087   * ) => fetchLinkSuggestions( search, searchOptions, settings );
6088   * ```
6089   * @return {Promise< WPLinkSearchResult[] >} List of search suggestions
6090   */
6092  const fetchLinkSuggestions = async function (search) {
6093    let searchOptions = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
6094    let settings = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
6095    const {
6096      isInitialSuggestions = false,
6097      type = undefined,
6098      subtype = undefined,
6099      page = undefined,
6100      perPage = isInitialSuggestions ? 3 : 20
6101    } = searchOptions;
6102    const {
6103      disablePostFormats = false
6104    } = settings;
6105    /** @type {Promise<WPLinkSearchResult>[]} */
6107    const queries = [];
6109    if (!type || type === 'post') {
6110      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6111        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
6112          search,
6113          page,
6114          per_page: perPage,
6115          type: 'post',
6116          subtype
6117        })
6118      }).then(results => {
6119        return results.map(result => {
6120          return { ...result,
6121            meta: {
6122              kind: 'post-type',
6123              subtype
6124            }
6125          };
6126        });
6127      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
6128      );
6129    }
6131    if (!type || type === 'term') {
6132      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6133        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
6134          search,
6135          page,
6136          per_page: perPage,
6137          type: 'term',
6138          subtype
6139        })
6140      }).then(results => {
6141        return results.map(result => {
6142          return { ...result,
6143            meta: {
6144              kind: 'taxonomy',
6145              subtype
6146            }
6147          };
6148        });
6149      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
6150      );
6151    }
6153    if (!disablePostFormats && (!type || type === 'post-format')) {
6154      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6155        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
6156          search,
6157          page,
6158          per_page: perPage,
6159          type: 'post-format',
6160          subtype
6161        })
6162      }).then(results => {
6163        return results.map(result => {
6164          return { ...result,
6165            meta: {
6166              kind: 'taxonomy',
6167              subtype
6168            }
6169          };
6170        });
6171      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
6172      );
6173    }
6175    if (!type || type === 'attachment') {
6176      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6177        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/media', {
6178          search,
6179          page,
6180          per_page: perPage
6181        })
6182      }).then(results => {
6183        return results.map(result => {
6184          return { ...result,
6185            meta: {
6186              kind: 'media'
6187            }
6188          };
6189        });
6190      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
6191      );
6192    }
6194    return Promise.all(queries).then(results => {
6195      return results.reduce((
6196      /** @type {WPLinkSearchResult[]} */
6197      accumulator, current) => accumulator.concat(current), // Flatten list.
6198      []).filter(
6199      /**
6200       * @param {{ id: number }} result
6201       */
6202      result => {
6203        return !!result.id;
6204      }).slice(0, perPage).map((
6205      /** @type {WPLinkSearchResultAugmented} */
6206      result) => {
6207        var _result$meta;
6209        const isMedia = result.type === 'attachment';
6210        return {
6211          id: result.id,
6212          // @ts-ignore fix when we make this a TS file
6213          url: isMedia ? result.source_url : result.url,
6214          title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(isMedia ? // @ts-ignore fix when we make this a TS file
6215          result.title.rendered : result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
6216          type: result.subtype || result.type,
6217          kind: result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : (_result$meta = result.meta) === null || _result$meta === void 0 ? void 0 : _result$meta.kind
6218        };
6219      });
6220    });
6221  };
6223  /* harmony default export */ var _experimental_fetch_link_suggestions = (fetchLinkSuggestions);
6225  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-url-data.js
6226  /**
6227   * WordPress dependencies
6228   */
6231  /**
6232   * A simple in-memory cache for requests.
6233   * This avoids repeat HTTP requests which may be beneficial
6234   * for those wishing to preserve low-bandwidth.
6235   */
6237  const CACHE = new Map();
6238  /**
6239   * @typedef WPRemoteUrlData
6240   *
6241   * @property {string} title contents of the remote URL's `<title>` tag.
6242   */
6244  /**
6245   * Fetches data about a remote URL.
6246   * eg: <title> tag, favicon...etc.
6247   *
6248   * @async
6249   * @param {string}  url     the URL to request details from.
6250   * @param {Object?} options any options to pass to the underlying fetch.
6251   * @example
6252   * ```js
6253   * import { __experimentalFetchUrlData as fetchUrlData } from '@wordpress/core-data';
6254   *
6255   * //...
6256   *
6257   * export function initialize( id, settings ) {
6258   *
6259   * settings.__experimentalFetchUrlData = (
6260   * url
6261   * ) => fetchUrlData( url );
6262   * ```
6263   * @return {Promise< WPRemoteUrlData[] >} Remote URL data.
6264   */
6266  const fetchUrlData = async function (url) {
6267    let options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
6268    const endpoint = '/wp-block-editor/v1/url-details';
6269    const args = {
6270      url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.prependHTTP)(url)
6271    };
6273    if (!(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isURL)(url)) {
6274      return Promise.reject(`$url} is not a valid URL.`);
6275    } // Test for "http" based URL as it is possible for valid
6276    // yet unusable URLs such as `tel:123456` to be passed.
6279    const protocol = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getProtocol)(url);
6281    if (!protocol || !(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isValidProtocol)(protocol) || !protocol.startsWith('http') || !/^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test(url)) {
6282      return Promise.reject(`$url} does not have a valid protocol. URLs must be "http" based`);
6283    }
6285    if (CACHE.has(url)) {
6286      return CACHE.get(url);
6287    }
6289    return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6290      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(endpoint, args),
6291      ...options
6292    }).then(res => {
6293      CACHE.set(url, res);
6294      return res;
6295    });
6296  };
6298  /* harmony default export */ var _experimental_fetch_url_data = (fetchUrlData);
6300  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/index.js
6304  ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/index.js
6305  /**
6306   * WordPress dependencies
6307   */
6309  /**
6310   * Internal dependencies
6311   */
6319   // The entity selectors/resolvers and actions are shortcuts to their generic equivalents
6320  // (getEntityRecord, getEntityRecords, updateEntityRecord, updateEntityRecords)
6321  // Instead of getEntityRecord, the consumer could use more user-friendly named selector: getPostType, getTaxonomy...
6322  // The "kind" and the "name" of the entity are combined to generate these shortcuts.
6324  const entitySelectors = rootEntitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
6325    const {
6326      kind,
6327      name
6328    } = entity;
6330    result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (state, key, query) => getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key, query);
6332    result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'get', true)] = (state, query) => getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query);
6334    return result;
6335  }, {});
6336  const entityResolvers = rootEntitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
6337    const {
6338      kind,
6339      name
6340    } = entity;
6342    result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (key, query) => resolvers_getEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query);
6344    const pluralMethodName = getMethodName(kind, name, 'get', true);
6346    result[pluralMethodName] = function () {
6347      for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
6348        args[_key] = arguments[_key];
6349      }
6351      return resolvers_getEntityRecords(kind, name, ...args);
6352    };
6354    result[pluralMethodName].shouldInvalidate = action => resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate(action, kind, name);
6356    return result;
6357  }, {});
6358  const entityActions = rootEntitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
6359    const {
6360      kind,
6361      name
6362    } = entity;
6364    result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'save')] = key => saveEntityRecord(kind, name, key);
6366    result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'delete')] = (key, query) => deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query);
6368    return result;
6369  }, {});
6371  const storeConfig = () => ({
6372    reducer: build_module_reducer,
6373    actions: { ...build_module_actions_namespaceObject,
6374      ...entityActions,
6375      ...createLocksActions()
6376    },
6377    selectors: { ...build_module_selectors_namespaceObject,
6378      ...entitySelectors
6379    },
6380    resolvers: { ...resolvers_namespaceObject,
6381      ...entityResolvers
6382    }
6383  });
6384  /**
6385   * Store definition for the code data namespace.
6386   *
6387   * @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/HEAD/packages/data/README.md#createReduxStore
6388   *
6389   * @type {Object}
6390   */
6393  const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, storeConfig());
6394  (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store);
6402  }();
6403  (window.wp = window.wp || {}).coreData = __webpack_exports__;
6404  /******/ })()
6405  ;

Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1