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ObservableSet:: (103 methods):
Class: ObservableSet - X-Ref
receiveUserQuery(queryID, users) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that authors have been received. param: {string} queryID Query ID. param: {Array|Object} users Users received. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveCurrentUser(currentUser) X-Ref |
Returns an action used in signalling that the current user has been received. param: {Object} currentUser Current user object. return: {Object} Action object. |
addEntities(entities) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in adding new entities. param: {Array} entities Entities received. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been received. param: {string} kind Kind of the received entity record. param: {string} name Name of the received entity record. param: {Array|Object} records Records received. param: {?Object} query Query Object. param: {?boolean} invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches. param: {?Object} edits Edits to reset. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveCurrentTheme(currentTheme) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the current theme has been received. param: {Object} currentTheme The current theme. return: {Object} Action object. |
__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(currentGlobalStylesId) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the current global styles id has been received. param: {string} currentGlobalStylesId The current global styles id. return: {Object} Action object. |
__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(stylesheet, globalStyles) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme base global styles have been received param: {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier param: {Object} globalStyles The global styles object. return: {Object} Action object. |
__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(stylesheet, variations) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles variations have been received. param: {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier param: {Array} variations The global styles variations. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveThemeSupports() X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the index has been received. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveEmbedPreview(url, preview) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the preview data for a given URl has been received. param: {string} url URL to preview the embed for. param: {*} preview Preview data. return: {Object} Action object. |
__unstableCreateUndoLevel() X-Ref |
Forces the creation of a new undo level. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveUploadPermissions(hasUploadPermissions) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that Upload permissions have been received. param: {boolean} hasUploadPermissions Does the user have permission to upload files? return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveUserPermission(key, isAllowed) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the current user has permission to perform an action on a REST resource. param: {string} key A key that represents the action and REST resource. param: {boolean} isAllowed Whether or not the user can perform the action. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that the autosaves for a post have been received. param: {number} postId The id of the post that is parent to the autosave. param: {Array|Object} autosaves An array of autosaves or singular autosave object. return: {Object} Action object. |
getNormalizedCommaSeparable(value) X-Ref |
Given a value which can be specified as one or the other of a comma-separated string or an array, returns a value normalized to an array of strings, or null if the value cannot be interpreted as either. param: {string|string[]|*} value return: {?(string[])} Normalized field value. |
withWeakMapCache(fn) X-Ref |
Given a function, returns an enhanced function which caches the result and tracks in WeakMap. The result is only cached if the original function is passed a valid object-like argument (requirement for WeakMap key). param: {Function} fn Original function. return: {Function} Enhanced caching function. |
getQueryParts(query) X-Ref |
Given a query object, returns an object of parts, including pagination details (`page` and `perPage`, or default values). All other properties are encoded into a stable (idempotent) `stableKey` value. param: {Object} query Optional query object. return: {WPQueriedDataQueryParts} Query parts. |
getContextFromAction(action) X-Ref |
No description |
getMergedItemIds(itemIds, nextItemIds, page, perPage) X-Ref |
Returns a merged array of item IDs, given details of the received paginated items. The array is sparse-like with `undefined` entries where holes exist. param: {?Array<number>} itemIds Original item IDs (default empty array). param: {number[]} nextItemIds Item IDs to merge. param: {number} page Page of items merged. param: {number} perPage Number of items per page. return: {number[]} Merged array of item IDs. |
items() X-Ref |
Reducer tracking items state, keyed by ID. Items are assumed to be normal, where identifiers are common across all queries. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Next state. |
itemIsComplete() X-Ref |
Reducer tracking item completeness, keyed by ID. A complete item is one for which all fields are known. This is used in supporting `_fields` queries, where not all properties associated with an entity are necessarily returned. In such cases, completeness is used as an indication of whether it would be safe to use queried data for a non-`_fields`-limited request. param: {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} Next state. |
terms() X-Ref |
Reducer managing terms state. Keyed by taxonomy slug, the value is either undefined (if no request has been made for given taxonomy), null (if a request is in-flight for given taxonomy), or the array of terms for the taxonomy. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
users() X-Ref |
Reducer managing authors state. Keyed by id. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
currentUser() X-Ref |
Reducer managing current user state. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
taxonomies() X-Ref |
Reducer managing taxonomies. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
currentTheme() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the current theme. param: {string|undefined} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {string|undefined} Updated state. |
currentGlobalStylesId() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the current global styles id. param: {string|undefined} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {string|undefined} Updated state. |
themeBaseGlobalStyles() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the theme base global styles. param: {Record<string, object>} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Record<string, object>} Updated state. |
themeGlobalStyleVariations() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the theme global styles variations. param: {Record<string, object>} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Record<string, object>} Updated state. |
entity(entityConfig) X-Ref |
Higher Order Reducer for a given entity config. It supports: - Fetching - Editing - Saving param: {Object} entityConfig Entity config. return: {AnyFunction} Reducer. |
entitiesConfig() X-Ref |
Reducer keeping track of the registered entities. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
reducer_undo() X-Ref |
Reducer keeping track of entity edit undo history. param: {UndoState} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {UndoState} Updated state. |
embedPreviews() X-Ref |
Reducer managing embed preview data. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
userPermissions() X-Ref |
State which tracks whether the user can perform an action on a REST resource. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
autosaves() X-Ref |
Reducer returning autosaves keyed by their parent's post id. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
blockPatterns() X-Ref |
No description |
blockPatternCategories() X-Ref |
No description |
arrayOf( value ) X-Ref |
Returns the first argument as the sole entry in an array. param: {*} value Value to return. return: {Array} Value returned as entry in array. |
isObjectLike( value ) X-Ref |
Returns true if the value passed is object-like, or false otherwise. A value is object-like if it can support property assignment, e.g. object or array. param: {*} value Value to test. return: {boolean} Whether value is object-like. |
createCache() X-Ref |
Creates and returns a new cache object. return: {Object} Cache object. |
isShallowEqual( a, b, fromIndex ) X-Ref |
Returns true if entries within the two arrays are strictly equal by reference from a starting index. param: {Array} a First array. param: {Array} b Second array. param: {number} fromIndex Index from which to start comparison. return: {boolean} Whether arrays are shallowly equal. |
rememo(selector, getDependants ) X-Ref |
Returns a memoized selector function. The getDependants function argument is called before the memoized selector and is expected to return an immutable reference or array of references on which the selector depends for computing its own return value. The memoize cache is preserved only as long as those dependant references remain the same. If getDependants returns a different reference(s), the cache is cleared and the selector value regenerated. param: {Function} selector Selector function. param: {Function} getDependants Dependant getter returning an immutable return: {Function} Memoized selector. |
getRootCache() X-Ref |
Returns the root cache. If WeakMap is supported, this is assigned to the root WeakMap cache set, otherwise it is a shared instance of the default cache object. return: {(WeakMap|Object)} Root cache object. |
getWeakMapCache( dependants ) X-Ref |
Returns the cache for a given dependants array. When possible, a WeakMap will be used to create a unique cache for each set of dependants. This is feasible due to the nature of WeakMap in allowing garbage collection to occur on entries where the key object is no longer referenced. Since WeakMap requires the key to be an object, this is only possible when the dependant is object-like. The root cache is created as a hierarchy where each top-level key is the first entry in a dependants set, the value a WeakMap where each key is the next dependant, and so on. This continues so long as the dependants are object-like. If no dependants are object- like, then the cache is shared across all invocations. param: {Array} dependants Selector dependants. return: {Object} Cache object. |
clear() X-Ref |
Resets root memoization cache. |
callSelector( ) X-Ref |
The augmented selector call, considering first whether dependants have changed before passing it to underlying memoize function. param: {Object} source Source object for derivation. param: {...*} extraArgs Additional arguments to pass to selector. return: {*} Selector result. |
getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query) X-Ref |
Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known. param: {Object} state State object. param: {?Object} query Optional query. return: {?Array} Query items. |
isRawAttribute(entity, attribute) X-Ref |
Checks whether the attribute is a "raw" attribute or not. param: {Object} entity Entity record. param: {string} attribute Attribute name. return: {boolean} Is the attribute raw |
getAuthors(state, query) X-Ref |
Returns all available authors. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to return: {Array} Authors list. |
getCurrentUser(state) X-Ref |
Returns the current user. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {Object} Current user object. |
getEntitiesByKind(state, kind) X-Ref |
Returns the loaded entities for the given kind. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} kind Entity kind. return: {Array<Object>} Array of entities with config matching kind. |
getEntitiesConfig(state, kind) X-Ref |
Returns the loaded entities for the given kind. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} kind Entity kind. return: {Array<Object>} Array of entities with config matching kind. |
getEntity(state, kind, name) X-Ref |
Returns the entity config given its kind and name. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. return: {Object} Entity config |
getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) X-Ref |
Returns the entity config given its kind and name. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. return: {Object} Entity config |
__experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver(state, kind, name, key) X-Ref |
Returns the Entity's record object by key. Doesn't trigger a resolver nor requests the entity records from the API if the entity record isn't available in the local state. param: {Object} state State tree param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number} key Record's key return: {Object|null} Record. |
hasEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) X-Ref |
Returns true if records have been received for the given set of parameters, or false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {?Object} query Optional terms query. return: {boolean} Whether entity records have been received. |
getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) X-Ref |
Returns the Entity's records. param: {Object} state State tree param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {?Object} query Optional terms query. return: {?Array} Records. |
getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns the specified entity record's edits. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number} recordId Record ID. return: {Object?} The entity record's edits. |
hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns true if the specified entity record has edits, and false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number|string} recordId Record ID. return: {boolean} Whether the entity record has edits or not. |
isAutosavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns true if the specified entity record is autosaving, and false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number} recordId Record ID. return: {boolean} Whether the entity record is autosaving or not. |
isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns true if the specified entity record is saving, and false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number|string} recordId Record ID. return: {boolean} Whether the entity record is saving or not. |
isDeletingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns true if the specified entity record is deleting, and false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number} recordId Record ID. return: {boolean} Whether the entity record is deleting or not. |
getLastEntitySaveError(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns the specified entity record's last save error. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number} recordId Record ID. return: {Object?} The entity record's save error. |
getLastEntityDeleteError(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns the specified entity record's last delete error. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {number} recordId Record ID. return: {Object?} The entity record's save error. |
getCurrentUndoOffset(state) X-Ref |
Returns the current undo offset for the entity records edits history. The offset represents how many items from the end of the history stack we are at. 0 is the last edit, -1 is the second last, and so on. param: {Object} state State tree. return: {number} The current undo offset. |
getUndoEdit(state) X-Ref |
Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset for the entity records edits history, if any. param: {Object} state State tree. return: {Object?} The edit. |
getRedoEdit(state) X-Ref |
Returns the next edit from the current undo offset for the entity records edits history, if any. param: {Object} state State tree. return: {Object?} The edit. |
hasUndo(state) X-Ref |
Returns true if there is a previous edit from the current undo offset for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree. return: {boolean} Whether there is a previous edit or not. |
hasRedo(state) X-Ref |
Returns true if there is a next edit from the current undo offset for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise. param: {Object} state State tree. return: {boolean} Whether there is a next edit or not. |
getCurrentTheme(state) X-Ref |
Return the current theme. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {Object} The current theme. |
__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state) X-Ref |
Return the ID of the current global styles object. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {string} The current global styles ID. |
getThemeSupports(state) X-Ref |
Return theme supports data in the index. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {*} Index data. |
getEmbedPreview(state, url) X-Ref |
Returns the embed preview for the given URL. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} url Embedded URL. return: {*} Undefined if the preview has not been fetched, otherwise, the preview fetched from the embed preview API. |
isPreviewEmbedFallback(state, url) X-Ref |
Determines if the returned preview is an oEmbed link fallback. WordPress can be configured to return a simple link to a URL if it is not embeddable. We need to be able to determine if a URL is embeddable or not, based on what we get back from the oEmbed preview API. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} url Embedded URL. return: {boolean} Is the preview for the URL an oEmbed link fallback. |
canUser(state, action, resource, id) X-Ref |
Returns whether the current user can perform the given action on the given REST resource. Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the `canUser()` resolver. https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/ param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} action Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'. param: {string} resource REST resource to check, e.g. 'media' or 'posts'. param: {string=} id Optional ID of the rest resource to check. return: {boolean|undefined} Whether or not the user can perform the action, |
canUserEditEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Returns whether the current user can edit the given entity. Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the `canUser()` resolver. https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/ param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} kind Entity kind. param: {string} name Entity name. param: {string} recordId Record's id. return: {boolean|undefined} Whether or not the user can edit, |
getAutosaves(state, postType, postId) X-Ref |
Returns the latest autosaves for the post. May return multiple autosaves since the backend stores one autosave per author for each post. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} postType The type of the parent post. param: {number} postId The id of the parent post. return: {?Array} An array of autosaves for the post, or undefined if there is none. |
getAutosave(state, postType, postId, authorId) X-Ref |
Returns the autosave for the post and author. param: {Object} state State tree. param: {string} postType The type of the parent post. param: {number} postId The id of the parent post. param: {number} authorId The id of the author. return: {?Object} The autosave for the post and author. |
__experimentalGetTemplateForLink(state, link) X-Ref |
Retrieve the frontend template used for a given link. param: {Object} state Editor state. param: {string} link Link. return: {Object?} The template record. |
__experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles(state) X-Ref |
Retrieve the current theme's base global styles param: {Object} state Editor state. return: {Object|null} The Global Styles object. |
__experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations(state) X-Ref |
Return the ID of the current global styles object. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {string|null} The current global styles ID. |
getBlockPatterns(state) X-Ref |
Retrieve the list of registered block patterns. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {Array} Block pattern list. |
getBlockPatternCategories(state) X-Ref |
Retrieve the list of registered block pattern categories. param: {Object} state Data state. return: {Array} Block pattern category list. |
deepCopyLocksTreePath(tree, path) X-Ref |
No description |
getNode(tree, path) X-Ref |
No description |
hasConflictingLock(_ref, locks) X-Ref |
No description |
locks() X-Ref |
Reducer returning locks. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. return: {Object} Updated state. |
getPendingLockRequests(state) X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
isLockAvailable(state, store, path, _ref) X-Ref |
No description |
createLocks() X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
processPendingLockRequests() X-Ref |
No description |
acquire(store, path, exclusive) X-Ref |
No description |
release(lock) X-Ref |
No description |
createLocksActions() X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
__unstableAcquireStoreLock(store, path, _ref) X-Ref |
No description |
__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock) X-Ref |
No description |
EntityProvider(_ref) X-Ref |
Context provider component for providing an entity for a specific entity. param: {Object} props The component's props. param: {string} props.kind The entity kind. param: {string} props.type The entity name. param: {number} props.id The entity ID. param: {*} props.children The children to wrap. return: {Object} The provided children, wrapped with |
useEntityId(kind, name) X-Ref |
Hook that returns the ID for the nearest provided entity of the specified type. param: {string} kind The entity kind. param: {string} name The entity name. |
useEntityProp(kind, name, prop, _id) X-Ref |
Hook that returns the value and a setter for the specified property of the nearest provided entity of the specified type. param: {string} kind The entity kind. param: {string} name The entity name. param: {string} prop The property name. param: {string} [_id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one. return: {[*, Function, *]} An array where the first item is the |
useEntityBlockEditor(kind, name) X-Ref |
Hook that returns block content getters and setters for the nearest provided entity of the specified type. The return value has the shape `[ blocks, onInput, onChange ]`. `onInput` is for block changes that don't create undo levels or dirty the post, non-persistent changes, and `onChange` is for peristent changes. They map directly to the props of a `BlockEditorProvider` and are intended to be used with it, or similar components or hooks. param: {string} kind The entity kind. param: {string} name The entity name. param: {Object} options param: {string} [options.id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one. return: {[WPBlock[], Function, Function]} The block array and setters. |
__experimentalUseQuerySelect(mapQuerySelect, deps) X-Ref |
Like useSelect, but the selectors return objects containing both the original data AND the resolution info. param: {Function} mapQuerySelect see useSelect param: {Array} deps see useSelect return: {QuerySelectResponse} Queried data. |
__experimentalUseEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId) X-Ref |
Resolves the specified entity record. param: kind Kind of the requested entity. param: name Name of the requested entity. param: recordId Record ID of the requested entity. param: options Hook options. param: [options.enabled=true] Whether to run the query or short-circuit and return null. Defaults to true. return: {EntityRecordResolution<RecordType>} Entity record data. |
__experimentalUseEntityRecords(kind, name) X-Ref |
Resolves the specified entity records. param: kind Kind of the requested entities. param: name Name of the requested entities. param: queryArgs HTTP query for the requested entities. param: options Hook options. return: Entity records data. |
_typeof(obj) X-Ref |
No description |
_classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) X-Ref |
No description |
_defineProperties(target, props) X-Ref |
No description |
_createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) X-Ref |
No description |
getValuePair(instance, key) X-Ref |
Given an instance of EquivalentKeyMap, returns its internal value pair tuple for a key, if one exists. The tuple members consist of the last reference value for the key (used in efficient subsequent lookups) and the value assigned for the key at the leaf node. param: {EquivalentKeyMap} instance EquivalentKeyMap instance. param: {*} key The key for which to return value pair. return: {?Array} Value pair, if exists. |
EquivalentKeyMap(iterable) X-Ref |
No description |
memize( fn, options ) X-Ref |
Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with optional options. param: {F} fn Function to memoize. param: {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. return: {F & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. |
memoized( ) X-Ref |
No description |
__webpack_require__(moduleId) X-Ref |
No description |
conservativeMapItem(item, nextItem) X-Ref |
No description |
rng() X-Ref |
No description |
validate(uuid) X-Ref |
No description |
stringify(arr) X-Ref |
No description |
v4(options, buf, offset) X-Ref |
No description |
receiveItems(items, edits) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that items have been received. param: {Array} items Items received. param: {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset. return: {Object} Action object. |
removeItems(kind, name, records) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been deleted and they need to be removed from entities state. param: {string} kind Kind of the removed entities. param: {string} name Name of the removed entities. param: {Array|number|string} records Record IDs of the removed entities. param: {boolean} invalidateCache Controls whether we want to invalidate the cache. return: {Object} Action object. |
receiveQueriedItems(items) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that queried data has been received. param: {Array} items Queried items received. param: {?Object} query Optional query object. param: {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset. return: {Object} Action object. |
createBatch() X-Ref |
Creates a batch, which can be used to combine multiple API requests into one API request using the WordPress batch processing API (/v1/batch). ``` const batch = createBatch(); const dunePromise = batch.add( { path: '/v1/books', method: 'POST', data: { title: 'Dune' } } ); const lotrPromise = batch.add( { path: '/v1/books', method: 'POST', data: { title: 'Lord of the Rings' } } ); const isSuccess = await batch.run(); // Sends one POST to /v1/batch. if ( isSuccess ) { console.log( 'Saved two books:', await dunePromise, await lotrPromise ); } ``` param: {Function} [processor] Processor function. Can be used to replace the |
Generated: Thu Jan 30 01:00:03 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |