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Rewrite API: WP_Rewrite class
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WP_Rewrite:: (37 methods):
Class: WP_Rewrite - X-Ref
Core class used to implement a rewrite component API.using_permalinks() X-Ref |
Determines whether permalinks are being used. This can be either rewrite module or permalink in the HTTP query string. return: bool True, if permalinks are enabled. since: 1.5.0 |
using_index_permalinks() X-Ref |
Determines whether permalinks are being used and rewrite module is not enabled. Means that permalink links are enabled and index.php is in the URL. return: bool Whether permalink links are enabled and index.php is in the URL. since: 1.5.0 |
using_mod_rewrite_permalinks() X-Ref |
Determines whether permalinks are being used and rewrite module is enabled. Using permalinks and index.php is not in the URL. return: bool Whether permalink links are enabled and index.php is NOT in the URL. since: 1.5.0 |
preg_index( $number ) X-Ref |
Indexes for matches for usage in preg_*() functions. The format of the string is, with empty matches property value, '$NUM'. The 'NUM' will be replaced with the value in the $number parameter. With the matches property not empty, the value of the returned string will contain that value of the matches property. The format then will be '$MATCHES[NUM]', with MATCHES as the value in the property and NUM the value of the $number parameter. param: int $number Index number. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
page_uri_index() X-Ref |
Retrieves all page and attachments for pages URIs. The attachments are for those that have pages as parents and will be retrieved. return: array Array of page URIs as first element and attachment URIs as second element. since: 2.5.0 |
page_rewrite_rules() X-Ref |
Retrieves all of the rewrite rules for pages. return: string[] Page rewrite rules. since: 1.5.0 |
get_date_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves date permalink structure, with year, month, and day. The permalink structure for the date, if not set already depends on the permalink structure. It can be one of three formats. The first is year, month, day; the second is day, month, year; and the last format is month, day, year. These are matched against the permalink structure for which one is used. If none matches, then the default will be used, which is year, month, day. Prevents post ID and date permalinks from overlapping. In the case of post_id, the date permalink will be prepended with front permalink with 'date/' before the actual permalink to form the complete date permalink structure. return: string|false Date permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_year_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the year permalink structure without month and day. Gets the date permalink structure and strips out the month and day permalink structures. return: string|false Year permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_month_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the month permalink structure without day and with year. Gets the date permalink structure and strips out the day permalink structures. Keeps the year permalink structure. return: string|false Year/Month permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_day_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the day permalink structure with month and year. Keeps date permalink structure with all year, month, and day. return: string|false Year/Month/Day permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_category_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the permalink structure for categories. If the category_base property has no value, then the category structure will have the front property value, followed by 'category', and finally '%category%'. If it does, then the root property will be used, along with the category_base property value. return: string|false Category permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_tag_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieve the permalink structure for tags. If the tag_base property has no value, then the tag structure will have the front property value, followed by 'tag', and finally '%tag%'. If it does, then the root property will be used, along with the tag_base property value. return: string|false Tag permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 2.3.0 |
get_extra_permastruct( $name ) X-Ref |
Retrieves an extra permalink structure by name. param: string $name Permalink structure name. return: string|false Permalink structure string on success, false on failure. since: 2.5.0 |
get_author_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the author permalink structure. The permalink structure is front property, author base, and finally '/%author%'. Will set the author_structure property and then return it without attempting to set the value again. return: string|false Author permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_search_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the search permalink structure. The permalink structure is root property, search base, and finally '/%search%'. Will set the search_structure property and then return it without attempting to set the value again. return: string|false Search permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_page_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the page permalink structure. The permalink structure is root property, and '%pagename%'. Will set the page_structure property and then return it without attempting to set the value again. return: string|false Page permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_feed_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the feed permalink structure. The permalink structure is root property, feed base, and finally '/%feed%'. Will set the feed_structure property and then return it without attempting to set the value again. return: string|false Feed permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
get_comment_feed_permastruct() X-Ref |
Retrieves the comment feed permalink structure. The permalink structure is root property, comment base property, feed base and finally '/%feed%'. Will set the comment_feed_structure property and then return it without attempting to set the value again. return: string|false Comment feed permalink structure on success, false on failure. since: 1.5.0 |
add_rewrite_tag( $tag, $regex, $query ) X-Ref |
Adds or updates existing rewrite tags (e.g. %postname%). If the tag already exists, replace the existing pattern and query for that tag, otherwise add the new tag. param: string $tag Name of the rewrite tag to add or update. param: string $regex Regular expression to substitute the tag for in rewrite rules. param: string $query String to append to the rewritten query. Must end in '='. since: 1.5.0 |
remove_rewrite_tag( $tag ) X-Ref |
Removes an existing rewrite tag. param: string $tag Name of the rewrite tag to remove. since: 4.5.0 |
generate_rewrite_rules( $permalink_structure, $ep_mask = EP_NONE, $paged = true, $feed = true, $forcomments = false, $walk_dirs = true, $endpoints = true ) X-Ref |
Generates rewrite rules from a permalink structure. The main WP_Rewrite function for building the rewrite rule list. The contents of the function is a mix of black magic and regular expressions, so best just ignore the contents and move to the parameters. param: string $permalink_structure The permalink structure. param: int $ep_mask Optional. Endpoint mask defining what endpoints are added to the structure. param: bool $paged Optional. Whether archive pagination rules should be added for the structure. param: bool $feed Optional Whether feed rewrite rules should be added for the structure. param: bool $forcomments Optional. Whether the feed rules should be a query for a comments feed. param: bool $walk_dirs Optional. Whether the 'directories' making up the structure should be walked param: bool $endpoints Optional. Whether endpoints should be applied to the generated rewrite rules. return: string[] Array of rewrite rules keyed by their regex pattern. since: 1.5.0 |
generate_rewrite_rule( $permalink_structure, $walk_dirs = false ) X-Ref |
Generates rewrite rules with permalink structure and walking directory only. Shorten version of WP_Rewrite::generate_rewrite_rules() that allows for shorter list of parameters. See the method for longer description of what generating rewrite rules does. param: string $permalink_structure The permalink structure to generate rules. param: bool $walk_dirs Optional. Whether to create list of directories to walk over. return: array since: 1.5.0 |
rewrite_rules() X-Ref |
Constructs rewrite matches and queries from permalink structure. Runs the action {@see 'generate_rewrite_rules'} with the parameter that is an reference to the current WP_Rewrite instance to further manipulate the permalink structures and rewrite rules. Runs the {@see 'rewrite_rules_array'} filter on the full rewrite rule array. There are two ways to manipulate the rewrite rules, one by hooking into the {@see 'generate_rewrite_rules'} action and gaining full control of the object or just manipulating the rewrite rule array before it is passed from the function. return: string[] An associative array of matches and queries. since: 1.5.0 |
wp_rewrite_rules() X-Ref |
Retrieves the rewrite rules. The difference between this method and WP_Rewrite::rewrite_rules() is that this method stores the rewrite rules in the 'rewrite_rules' option and retrieves it. This prevents having to process all of the permalinks to get the rewrite rules in the form of caching. return: string[] Array of rewrite rules keyed by their regex pattern. since: 1.5.0 |
mod_rewrite_rules() X-Ref |
Retrieves mod_rewrite-formatted rewrite rules to write to .htaccess. Does not actually write to the .htaccess file, but creates the rules for the process that will. Will add the non_wp_rules property rules to the .htaccess file before the WordPress rewrite rules one. return: string since: 1.5.0 |
iis7_url_rewrite_rules( $add_parent_tags = false ) X-Ref |
Retrieves IIS7 URL Rewrite formatted rewrite rules to write to web.config file. Does not actually write to the web.config file, but creates the rules for the process that will. param: bool $add_parent_tags Optional. Whether to add parent tags to the rewrite rule sets. return: string IIS7 URL rewrite rule sets. since: 2.8.0 |
add_rule( $regex, $query, $after = 'bottom' ) X-Ref |
Adds a rewrite rule that transforms a URL structure to a set of query vars. Any value in the $after parameter that isn't 'bottom' will result in the rule being placed at the top of the rewrite rules. param: string $regex Regular expression to match request against. param: string|array $query The corresponding query vars for this rewrite rule. param: string $after Optional. Priority of the new rule. Accepts 'top' since: 2.1.0 since: 4.4.0 Array support was added to the `$query` parameter. |
add_external_rule( $regex, $query ) X-Ref |
Adds a rewrite rule that doesn't correspond to index.php. param: string $regex Regular expression to match request against. param: string $query The corresponding query vars for this rewrite rule. since: 2.1.0 |
add_endpoint( $name, $places, $query_var = true ) X-Ref |
Adds an endpoint, like /trackback/. param: string $name Name of the endpoint. param: int $places Endpoint mask describing the places the endpoint should be added. param: string|bool $query_var Optional. Name of the corresponding query variable. Pass `false` to since: 2.1.0 since: 3.9.0 $query_var parameter added. since: 4.3.0 Added support for skipping query var registration by passing `false` to `$query_var`. |
add_permastruct( $name, $struct, $args = array() X-Ref |
Adds a new permalink structure. A permalink structure (permastruct) is an abstract definition of a set of rewrite rules; it is an easy way of expressing a set of regular expressions that rewrite to a set of query strings. The new permastruct is added to the WP_Rewrite::$extra_permastructs array. When the rewrite rules are built by WP_Rewrite::rewrite_rules(), all of these extra permastructs are passed to WP_Rewrite::generate_rewrite_rules() which transforms them into the regular expressions that many love to hate. The `$args` parameter gives you control over how WP_Rewrite::generate_rewrite_rules() works on the new permastruct. param: string $name Name for permalink structure. param: string $struct Permalink structure (e.g. category/%category%) param: array $args { since: 2.5.0 |
remove_permastruct( $name ) X-Ref |
Removes a permalink structure. param: string $name Name for permalink structure. since: 4.5.0 |
flush_rules( $hard = true ) X-Ref |
Removes rewrite rules and then recreate rewrite rules. Calls WP_Rewrite::wp_rewrite_rules() after removing the 'rewrite_rules' option. If the function named 'save_mod_rewrite_rules' exists, it will be called. param: bool $hard Whether to update .htaccess (hard flush) or just update rewrite_rules option (soft flush). Default is true (hard). since: 2.0.1 |
init() X-Ref |
Sets up the object's properties. The 'use_verbose_page_rules' object property will be set to true if the permalink structure begins with one of the following: '%postname%', '%category%', '%tag%', or '%author%'. since: 1.5.0 |
set_permalink_structure( $permalink_structure ) X-Ref |
Sets the main permalink structure for the site. Will update the 'permalink_structure' option, if there is a difference between the current permalink structure and the parameter value. Calls WP_Rewrite::init() after the option is updated. Fires the {@see 'permalink_structure_changed'} action once the init call has processed passing the old and new values param: string $permalink_structure Permalink structure. since: 1.5.0 |
set_category_base( $category_base ) X-Ref |
Sets the category base for the category permalink. Will update the 'category_base' option, if there is a difference between the current category base and the parameter value. Calls WP_Rewrite::init() after the option is updated. param: string $category_base Category permalink structure base. since: 1.5.0 |
set_tag_base( $tag_base ) X-Ref |
Sets the tag base for the tag permalink. Will update the 'tag_base' option, if there is a difference between the current tag base and the parameter value. Calls WP_Rewrite::init() after the option is updated. param: string $tag_base Tag permalink structure base. since: 2.3.0 |
__construct() X-Ref |
Constructor - Calls init(), which runs setup. since: 1.5.0 |
Generated: Thu Feb 13 01:00:03 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |