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Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Email_Link class
File Size: | 384 lines (11 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
__construct( WP_Recovery_Mode_Link_Service $link_service ) X-Ref |
WP_Recovery_Mode_Email_Service constructor. since: 5.2.0 param: WP_Recovery_Mode_Link_Service $link_service |
maybe_send_recovery_mode_email( $rate_limit, $error, $extension ) X-Ref |
Sends the recovery mode email if the rate limit has not been sent. since: 5.2.0 param: int $rate_limit Number of seconds before another email can be sent. param: array $error Error details from `error_get_last()`. param: array $extension { return: true|WP_Error True if email sent, WP_Error otherwise. |
clear_rate_limit() X-Ref |
Clears the rate limit, allowing a new recovery mode email to be sent immediately. since: 5.2.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
send_recovery_mode_email( $rate_limit, $error, $extension ) X-Ref |
Sends the Recovery Mode email to the site admin email address. since: 5.2.0 param: int $rate_limit Number of seconds before another email can be sent. param: array $error Error details from `error_get_last()`. param: array $extension { return: bool Whether the email was sent successfully. |
get_recovery_mode_email_address() X-Ref |
Gets the email address to send the recovery mode link to. since: 5.2.0 return: string Email address to send recovery mode link to. |
get_cause( $extension ) X-Ref |
Gets the description indicating the possible cause for the error. since: 5.2.0 param: array $extension { return: string Message about which extension caused the error. |
get_plugin( $extension ) X-Ref |
Return the details for a single plugin based on the extension data from an error. since: 5.3.0 param: array $extension { return: array|false A plugin array {@see get_plugins()} or `false` if no plugin was found. |
get_debug( $extension ) X-Ref |
Return debug information in an easy to manipulate format. since: 5.3.0 param: array $extension { return: array An associative array of debug information. |
Generated: Tue Feb 11 01:00:03 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |