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Meta API: WP_Metadata_Lazyloader class
File Size: | 170 lines (5 kb) |
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WP_Metadata_Lazyloader:: (5 methods):
Class: WP_Metadata_Lazyloader - X-Ref
Core class used for lazy-loading object metadata.__construct() X-Ref |
Constructor. since: 4.5.0 |
queue_objects( $object_type, $object_ids ) X-Ref |
Adds objects to the metadata lazy-load queue. return: void|WP_Error WP_Error on failure. since: 4.5.0 param: string $object_type Type of object whose meta is to be lazy-loaded. Accepts 'term' or 'comment'. param: array $object_ids Array of object IDs. |
reset_queue( $object_type ) X-Ref |
Resets lazy-load queue for a given object type. return: void|WP_Error WP_Error on failure. since: 4.5.0 param: string $object_type Object type. Accepts 'comment' or 'term'. |
lazyload_term_meta( $check ) X-Ref |
Lazy-loads term meta for queued terms. This method is public so that it can be used as a filter callback. As a rule, there is no need to invoke it directly. return: mixed In order not to short-circuit `get_metadata()`. Generally, this is `null`, but it could be since: 4.5.0 param: mixed $check The `$check` param passed from the 'get_term_metadata' hook. |
lazyload_comment_meta( $check ) X-Ref |
Lazy-loads comment meta for queued comments. This method is public so that it can be used as a filter callback. As a rule, there is no need to invoke it directly, from either inside or outside the `WP_Query` object. return: mixed The original value of `$check`, so as not to short-circuit `get_comment_metadata()`. since: 4.5.0 param: mixed $check The `$check` param passed from the {@see 'get_comment_metadata'} hook. |
Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |