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Locale API: WP_Locale_Switcher class
File Size: | 237 lines (5 kb) |
Included or required: | 1 time |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
WP_Locale_Switcher:: (9 methods):
Class: WP_Locale_Switcher - X-Ref
Core class used for switching locales.__construct() X-Ref |
Constructor. Stores the original locale as well as a list of all available languages. since: 4.7.0 |
init() X-Ref |
Initializes the locale switcher. Hooks into the {@see 'locale'} filter to change the locale on the fly. since: 4.7.0 |
switch_to_locale( $locale ) X-Ref |
Switches the translations according to the given locale. return: bool True on success, false on failure. since: 4.7.0 param: string $locale The locale to switch to. |
restore_previous_locale() X-Ref |
Restores the translations according to the previous locale. return: string|false Locale on success, false on failure. since: 4.7.0 |
restore_current_locale() X-Ref |
Restores the translations according to the original locale. return: string|false Locale on success, false on failure. since: 4.7.0 |
is_switched() X-Ref |
Whether switch_to_locale() is in effect. return: bool True if the locale has been switched, false otherwise. since: 4.7.0 |
filter_locale( $locale ) X-Ref |
Filters the locale of the WordPress installation. return: string The locale currently being switched to. since: 4.7.0 param: string $locale The locale of the WordPress installation. |
load_translations( $locale ) X-Ref |
Load translations for a given locale. When switching to a locale, translations for this locale must be loaded from scratch. since: 4.7.0 param: string $locale The locale to load translations for. |
change_locale( $locale ) X-Ref |
Changes the site's locale to the given one. Loads the translations, changes the global `$wp_locale` object and updates all post type labels. since: 4.7.0 param: string $locale The locale to change to. |
Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |