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Block template loader functions.
File Size: | 365 lines (11 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
_add_template_loader_filters() X-Ref |
Adds necessary filters to use 'wp_template' posts instead of theme template files. since: 5.9.0 |
locate_block_template( $template, $type, array $templates ) X-Ref |
Find a block template with equal or higher specificity than a given PHP template file. Internally, this communicates the block content that needs to be used by the template canvas through a global variable. return: string The path to the Full Site Editing template canvas file, or the fallback PHP template. since: 5.8.0 param: string $template Path to the template. See locate_template(). param: string $type Sanitized filename without extension. param: string[] $templates A list of template candidates, in descending order of priority. |
resolve_block_template( $template_type, $template_hierarchy, $fallback_template ) X-Ref |
Return the correct 'wp_template' to render for the request template type. return: WP_Block_Template|null template A template object, or null if none could be found. since: 5.8.0 since: 5.9.0 Added the `$fallback_template` parameter. param: string $template_type The current template type. param: string[] $template_hierarchy The current template hierarchy, ordered by priority. param: string $fallback_template A PHP fallback template to use if no matching block template is found. |
_block_template_render_title_tag() X-Ref |
No description |
get_the_block_template_html() X-Ref |
Returns the markup for the current template. return: string Block template markup. since: 5.8.0 |
_block_template_viewport_meta_tag() X-Ref |
Renders a 'viewport' meta tag. This is hooked into {@see 'wp_head'} to decouple its output from the default template canvas. since: 5.8.0 |
_strip_template_file_suffix( $template_file ) X-Ref |
Strips .php or .html suffix from template file names. return: string Template file name without extension. since: 5.8.0 param: string $template_file Template file name. |
_block_template_render_without_post_block_context( $context ) X-Ref |
Removes post details from block context when rendering a block template. return: array Filtered context. since: 5.8.0 param: array $context Default context. |
_resolve_template_for_new_post( $wp_query ) X-Ref |
Sets the current WP_Query to return auto-draft posts. The auto-draft status indicates a new post, so allow the the WP_Query instance to return an auto-draft post for template resolution when editing a new post. since: 5.9.0 param: WP_Query $wp_query Current WP_Query instance, passed by reference. |
_resolve_home_block_template() X-Ref |
Returns the correct template for the site's home page. return: array|null A template object, or null if none could be found. since: 6.0.0 |
Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |