| Up one level
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 | css/
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 | fonts/
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 | genericons/
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 | inc/
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 | js/
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 | template-parts/
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 | 404.php [source] [34 lines] | The template for displaying 404 pages (not found) |
 | archive.php [source] [69 lines] | The template for displaying archive pages |
 | comments.php [source] [83 lines] | The template for displaying comments |
 | footer.php [source] [73 lines] | The template for displaying the footer Contains the closing of the #content div and all content after |
 | functions.php [source] [598 lines] | Twenty Sixteen functions and definitions Set up the theme and provides some helper functions, which are used in the theme as custom template tags. Others are attached to action and filter hooks in WordPress to change core functionality. |
 | header.php [source] [106 lines] | The template for displaying the header Displays all of the head element and everything up until the "site-content" div. |
 | image.php [source] [118 lines] | The template for displaying image attachments |
 | index.php [source] [66 lines] | The main template file |
 | page.php [source] [42 lines] | The template for displaying pages |
 | search.php [source] [61 lines] | The template for displaying search results pages |
 | searchform.php [source] [17 lines] | Template for displaying search forms in Twenty Sixteen |
 | sidebar-content-bottom.php [source] [28 lines] | The template for the content bottom widget areas on posts and pages |
 | sidebar.php [source] [15 lines] | The template for the sidebar containing the main widget area |
 | single.php [source] [59 lines] | The template for displaying all single posts and attachments |