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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress





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File404.php         [source] [35 lines]    The template for displaying 404 pages (not found)
Filearchive.php     [source] [68 lines]    The template for displaying archive pages
Filecomments.php    [source] [89 lines]    The template for displaying comments
Filefooter.php      [source] [51 lines]    The template for displaying the footer
Filefront-page.php  [source] [59 lines]    The front page template file If the user has selected a static page for their homepage, this is what will appear. Learn more: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/
Filefunctions.php   [source] [692 lines]   Twenty Seventeen functions and definitions
Fileheader.php      [source] [58 lines]    The header for our theme
Fileindex.php       [source] [72 lines]    The main template file
Filepage.php        [source] [43 lines]    The template for displaying all pages
Filesearch.php      [source] [72 lines]    The template for displaying search results pages
Filesearchform.php  [source] [21 lines]    Template for displaying search forms in Twenty Seventeen
Filesidebar.php     [source] [20 lines]    The sidebar containing the main widget area
Filesingle.php      [source] [47 lines]    The template for displaying all single posts

Generated: Sat Oct 26 01:00:02 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1