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/wp-admin/ -> options-discussion.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Discussion settings administration panel.
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage Administration
   7   */
   8  /** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
   9  require_once  __DIR__ . '/admin.php';
  11  if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
  12      wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to manage options for this site.' ) );
  13  }
  15  // Used in the HTML title tag.
  16  $title       = __( 'Discussion Settings' );
  17  $parent_file = 'options-general.php';
  19  add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'options_discussion_add_js' );
  21  get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(
  22      array(
  23          'id'      => 'overview',
  24          'title'   => __( 'Overview' ),
  25          'content' => '<p>' . __( 'This screen provides many options for controlling the management and display of comments and links to your posts/pages. So many, in fact, they will not all fit here! :) Use the documentation links to get information on what each discussion setting does.' ) . '</p>' .
  26              '<p>' . __( 'You must click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen for new settings to take effect.' ) . '</p>',
  27      )
  28  );
  30  get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar(
  31      '<p><strong>' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '</strong></p>' .
  32      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/article/settings-discussion-screen/">Documentation on Discussion Settings</a>' ) . '</p>' .
  33      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/">Support</a>' ) . '</p>'
  34  );
  36  require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';
  37  ?>
  39  <div class="wrap">
  40  <h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>
  42  <form method="post" action="options.php">
  43  <?php settings_fields( 'discussion' ); ?>
  45  <table class="form-table" role="presentation">
  46  <tr>
  47  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Default post settings' ); ?></th>
  48  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Default post settings' ); ?></span></legend>
  49  <label for="default_pingback_flag">
  50  <input name="default_pingback_flag" type="checkbox" id="default_pingback_flag" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'default_pingback_flag' ) ); ?> />
  51  <?php _e( 'Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the post' ); ?></label>
  52  <br />
  53  <label for="default_ping_status">
  54  <input name="default_ping_status" type="checkbox" id="default_ping_status" value="open" <?php checked( 'open', get_option( 'default_ping_status' ) ); ?> />
  55  <?php _e( 'Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new posts' ); ?></label>
  56  <br />
  57  <label for="default_comment_status">
  58  <input name="default_comment_status" type="checkbox" id="default_comment_status" value="open" <?php checked( 'open', get_option( 'default_comment_status' ) ); ?> />
  59  <?php _e( 'Allow people to submit comments on new posts' ); ?></label>
  60  <br />
  61  <p class="description"><?php _e( 'Individual posts may override these settings. Changes here will only be applied to new posts.' ); ?></p>
  62  </fieldset></td>
  63  </tr>
  64  <tr>
  65  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Other comment settings' ); ?></th>
  66  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Other comment settings' ); ?></span></legend>
  67  <label for="require_name_email"><input type="checkbox" name="require_name_email" id="require_name_email" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'require_name_email' ) ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'Comment author must fill out name and email' ); ?></label>
  68  <br />
  69  <label for="comment_registration">
  70  <input name="comment_registration" type="checkbox" id="comment_registration" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'comment_registration' ) ); ?> />
  71  <?php _e( 'Users must be registered and logged in to comment' ); ?>
  72  <?php
  73  if ( ! get_option( 'users_can_register' ) && is_multisite() ) {
  74      echo ' ' . __( '(Signup has been disabled. Only members of this site can comment.)' );}
  75  ?>
  76  </label>
  77  <br />
  79  <label for="close_comments_for_old_posts">
  80  <input name="close_comments_for_old_posts" type="checkbox" id="close_comments_for_old_posts" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'close_comments_for_old_posts' ) ); ?> />
  81  <?php
  82  printf(
  83      /* translators: %s: Number of days. */
  84      __( 'Automatically close comments on posts older than %s days' ),
  85      '</label> <label for="close_comments_days_old"><input name="close_comments_days_old" type="number" min="0" step="1" id="close_comments_days_old" value="' . esc_attr( get_option( 'close_comments_days_old' ) ) . '" class="small-text" />'
  86  );
  87  ?>
  88  </label>
  89  <br />
  91  <label for="show_comments_cookies_opt_in">
  92  <input name="show_comments_cookies_opt_in" type="checkbox" id="show_comments_cookies_opt_in" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'show_comments_cookies_opt_in' ) ); ?> />
  93  <?php _e( 'Show comments cookies opt-in checkbox, allowing comment author cookies to be set' ); ?>
  94  </label>
  95  <br />
  97  <label for="thread_comments">
  98  <input name="thread_comments" type="checkbox" id="thread_comments" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ); ?> />
  99  <?php
 100  /**
 101   * Filters the maximum depth of threaded/nested comments.
 102   *
 103   * @since 2.7.0
 104   *
 105   * @param int $max_depth The maximum depth of threaded comments. Default 10.
 106   */
 107  $maxdeep = (int) apply_filters( 'thread_comments_depth_max', 10 );
 109  $thread_comments_depth = '</label> <label for="thread_comments_depth"><select name="thread_comments_depth" id="thread_comments_depth">';
 110  for ( $i = 2; $i <= $maxdeep; $i++ ) {
 111      $thread_comments_depth .= "<option value='" . esc_attr( $i ) . "'";
 112      if ( (int) get_option( 'thread_comments_depth' ) === $i ) {
 113          $thread_comments_depth .= " selected='selected'";
 114      }
 115      $thread_comments_depth .= ">$i</option>";
 116  }
 117  $thread_comments_depth .= '</select>';
 119  /* translators: %s: Number of levels. */
 120  printf( __( 'Enable threaded (nested) comments %s levels deep' ), $thread_comments_depth );
 122  ?>
 123  </label>
 124  <br />
 125  <label for="page_comments">
 126  <input name="page_comments" type="checkbox" id="page_comments" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'page_comments' ) ); ?> />
 127  <?php
 128  $default_comments_page = '</label> <label for="default_comments_page"><select name="default_comments_page" id="default_comments_page"><option value="newest"';
 129  if ( 'newest' === get_option( 'default_comments_page' ) ) {
 130      $default_comments_page .= ' selected="selected"';
 131  }
 132  $default_comments_page .= '>' . __( 'last' ) . '</option><option value="oldest"';
 133  if ( 'oldest' === get_option( 'default_comments_page' ) ) {
 134      $default_comments_page .= ' selected="selected"';
 135  }
 136  $default_comments_page .= '>' . __( 'first' ) . '</option></select>';
 137  printf(
 138      /* translators: 1: Form field control for number of top level comments per page, 2: Form field control for the 'first' or 'last' page. */
 139      __( 'Break comments into pages with %1$s top level comments per page and the %2$s page displayed by default' ),
 140      '</label> <label for="comments_per_page"><input name="comments_per_page" type="number" step="1" min="0" id="comments_per_page" value="' . esc_attr( get_option( 'comments_per_page' ) ) . '" class="small-text" />',
 141      $default_comments_page
 142  );
 143  ?>
 144  </label>
 145  <br />
 146  <label for="comment_order">
 147  <?php
 149  $comment_order = '<select name="comment_order" id="comment_order"><option value="asc"';
 150  if ( 'asc' === get_option( 'comment_order' ) ) {
 151      $comment_order .= ' selected="selected"';
 152  }
 153  $comment_order .= '>' . __( 'older' ) . '</option><option value="desc"';
 154  if ( 'desc' === get_option( 'comment_order' ) ) {
 155      $comment_order .= ' selected="selected"';
 156  }
 157  $comment_order .= '>' . __( 'newer' ) . '</option></select>';
 159  /* translators: %s: Form field control for 'older' or 'newer' comments. */
 160  printf( __( 'Comments should be displayed with the %s comments at the top of each page' ), $comment_order );
 162  ?>
 163  </label>
 164  </fieldset></td>
 165  </tr>
 166  <tr>
 167  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Email me whenever' ); ?></th>
 168  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Email me whenever' ); ?></span></legend>
 169  <label for="comments_notify">
 170  <input name="comments_notify" type="checkbox" id="comments_notify" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'comments_notify' ) ); ?> />
 171  <?php _e( 'Anyone posts a comment' ); ?> </label>
 172  <br />
 173  <label for="moderation_notify">
 174  <input name="moderation_notify" type="checkbox" id="moderation_notify" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'moderation_notify' ) ); ?> />
 175  <?php _e( 'A comment is held for moderation' ); ?> </label>
 176  </fieldset></td>
 177  </tr>
 178  <tr>
 179  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Before a comment appears' ); ?></th>
 180  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Before a comment appears' ); ?></span></legend>
 181  <label for="comment_moderation">
 182  <input name="comment_moderation" type="checkbox" id="comment_moderation" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'comment_moderation' ) ); ?> />
 183  <?php _e( 'Comment must be manually approved' ); ?> </label>
 184  <br />
 185  <label for="comment_previously_approved"><input type="checkbox" name="comment_previously_approved" id="comment_previously_approved" value="1" <?php checked( '1', get_option( 'comment_previously_approved' ) ); ?> /> <?php _e( 'Comment author must have a previously approved comment' ); ?></label>
 186  </fieldset></td>
 187  </tr>
 188  <tr>
 189  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Comment Moderation' ); ?></th>
 190  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Comment Moderation' ); ?></span></legend>
 191  <p><label for="comment_max_links">
 192  <?php
 193  printf(
 194      /* translators: %s: Number of links. */
 195      __( 'Hold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)' ),
 196      '<input name="comment_max_links" type="number" step="1" min="0" id="comment_max_links" value="' . esc_attr( get_option( 'comment_max_links' ) ) . '" class="small-text" />'
 197  );
 198  ?>
 199  </label></p>
 201  <p><label for="moderation_keys"><?php _e( 'When a comment contains any of these words in its content, author name, URL, email, IP address, or browser&#8217;s user agent string, it will be held in the <a href="edit-comments.php?comment_status=moderated">moderation queue</a>. One word or IP address per line. It will match inside words, so &#8220;press&#8221; will match &#8220;WordPress&#8221;.' ); ?></label></p>
 202  <p>
 203  <textarea name="moderation_keys" rows="10" cols="50" id="moderation_keys" class="large-text code"><?php echo esc_textarea( get_option( 'moderation_keys' ) ); ?></textarea>
 204  </p>
 205  </fieldset></td>
 206  </tr>
 207  <tr>
 208  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Disallowed Comment Keys' ); ?></th>
 209  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Disallowed Comment Keys' ); ?></span></legend>
 210  <p><label for="disallowed_keys"><?php _e( 'When a comment contains any of these words in its content, author name, URL, email, IP address, or browser&#8217;s user agent string, it will be put in the Trash. One word or IP address per line. It will match inside words, so &#8220;press&#8221; will match &#8220;WordPress&#8221;.' ); ?></label></p>
 211  <p>
 212  <textarea name="disallowed_keys" rows="10" cols="50" id="disallowed_keys" class="large-text code"><?php echo esc_textarea( get_option( 'disallowed_keys' ) ); ?></textarea>
 213  </p>
 214  </fieldset></td>
 215  </tr>
 216  <?php do_settings_fields( 'discussion', 'default' ); ?>
 217  </table>
 219  <h2 class="title"><?php _e( 'Avatars' ); ?></h2>
 221  <p><?php _e( 'An avatar is an image that can be associated with a user across multiple websites. In this area, you can choose to display avatars of users who interact with the site.' ); ?></p>
 223  <?php
 224  // The above would be a good place to link to the documentation on the Gravatar functions, for putting it in themes. Anything like that?
 226  $show_avatars       = get_option( 'show_avatars' );
 227  $show_avatars_class = '';
 228  if ( ! $show_avatars ) {
 229      $show_avatars_class = ' hide-if-js';
 230  }
 231  ?>
 233  <table class="form-table" role="presentation">
 234  <tr>
 235  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Avatar Display' ); ?></th>
 236  <td>
 237      <label for="show_avatars">
 238          <input type="checkbox" id="show_avatars" name="show_avatars" value="1" <?php checked( $show_avatars, 1 ); ?> />
 239          <?php _e( 'Show Avatars' ); ?>
 240      </label>
 241  </td>
 242  </tr>
 243  <tr class="avatar-settings<?php echo $show_avatars_class; ?>">
 244  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Maximum Rating' ); ?></th>
 245  <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Maximum Rating' ); ?></span></legend>
 247  <?php
 248  $ratings = array(
 249      /* translators: Content suitability rating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America_film_rating_system */
 250      'G'  => __( 'G &#8212; Suitable for all audiences' ),
 251      /* translators: Content suitability rating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America_film_rating_system */
 252      'PG' => __( 'PG &#8212; Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above' ),
 253      /* translators: Content suitability rating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America_film_rating_system */
 254      'R'  => __( 'R &#8212; Intended for adult audiences above 17' ),
 255      /* translators: Content suitability rating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America_film_rating_system */
 256      'X'  => __( 'X &#8212; Even more mature than above' ),
 257  );
 258  foreach ( $ratings as $key => $rating ) :
 259      $selected = ( get_option( 'avatar_rating' ) === $key ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
 260      echo "\n\t<label><input type='radio' name='avatar_rating' value='" . esc_attr( $key ) . "' $selected/> $rating</label><br />";
 261  endforeach;
 262  ?>
 264  </fieldset></td>
 265  </tr>
 266  <tr class="avatar-settings<?php echo $show_avatars_class; ?>">
 267  <th scope="row"><?php _e( 'Default Avatar' ); ?></th>
 268  <td class="defaultavatarpicker"><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e( 'Default Avatar' ); ?></span></legend>
 270  <p>
 271  <?php _e( 'For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their email address.' ); ?><br />
 272  </p>
 274  <?php
 275  $avatar_defaults = array(
 276      'mystery'          => __( 'Mystery Person' ),
 277      'blank'            => __( 'Blank' ),
 278      'gravatar_default' => __( 'Gravatar Logo' ),
 279      'identicon'        => __( 'Identicon (Generated)' ),
 280      'wavatar'          => __( 'Wavatar (Generated)' ),
 281      'monsterid'        => __( 'MonsterID (Generated)' ),
 282      'retro'            => __( 'Retro (Generated)' ),
 283  );
 284  /**
 285   * Filters the default avatars.
 286   *
 287   * Avatars are stored in key/value pairs, where the key is option value,
 288   * and the name is the displayed avatar name.
 289   *
 290   * @since 2.6.0
 291   *
 292   * @param string[] $avatar_defaults Associative array of default avatars.
 293   */
 294  $avatar_defaults = apply_filters( 'avatar_defaults', $avatar_defaults );
 295  $default         = get_option( 'avatar_default', 'mystery' );
 296  $avatar_list     = '';
 298  // Force avatars on to display these choices.
 299  add_filter( 'pre_option_show_avatars', '__return_true', 100 );
 301  foreach ( $avatar_defaults as $default_key => $default_name ) {
 302      $selected     = ( $default === $default_key ) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
 303      $avatar_list .= "\n\t<label><input type='radio' name='avatar_default' id='avatar_{$default_key}' value='" . esc_attr( $default_key ) . "' {$selected}/> ";
 304      $avatar_list .= get_avatar( $user_email, 32, $default_key, '', array( 'force_default' => true ) );
 305      $avatar_list .= ' ' . $default_name . '</label>';
 306      $avatar_list .= '<br />';
 307  }
 309  remove_filter( 'pre_option_show_avatars', '__return_true', 100 );
 311  /**
 312   * Filters the HTML output of the default avatar list.
 313   *
 314   * @since 2.6.0
 315   *
 316   * @param string $avatar_list HTML markup of the avatar list.
 317   */
 318  echo apply_filters( 'default_avatar_select', $avatar_list );
 319  ?>
 321  </fieldset></td>
 322  </tr>
 323  <?php do_settings_fields( 'discussion', 'avatars' ); ?>
 324  </table>
 326  <?php do_settings_sections( 'discussion' ); ?>
 328  <?php submit_button(); ?>
 329  </form>
 330  </div>
 332  <?php require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php'; ?>

Generated: Sun Feb 23 01:00:03 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1