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1 /** 2 * @output wp-admin/js/gallery.js 3 */ 4 5 /* global unescape, getUserSetting, setUserSetting, wpgallery, tinymce */ 6 7 jQuery( function($) { 8 var gallerySortable, gallerySortableInit, sortIt, clearAll, w, desc = false; 9 10 gallerySortableInit = function() { 11 gallerySortable = $('#media-items').sortable( { 12 items: 'div.media-item', 13 placeholder: 'sorthelper', 14 axis: 'y', 15 distance: 2, 16 handle: 'div.filename', 17 stop: function() { 18 // When an update has occurred, adjust the order for each item. 19 var all = $('#media-items').sortable('toArray'), len = all.length; 20 $.each(all, function(i, id) { 21 var order = desc ? (len - i) : (1 + i); 22 $('#' + id + ' .menu_order input').val(order); 23 }); 24 } 25 } ); 26 }; 27 28 sortIt = function() { 29 var all = $('.menu_order_input'), len = all.length; 30 all.each(function(i){ 31 var order = desc ? (len - i) : (1 + i); 32 $(this).val(order); 33 }); 34 }; 35 36 clearAll = function(c) { 37 c = c || 0; 38 $('.menu_order_input').each( function() { 39 if ( this.value === '0' || c ) { 40 this.value = ''; 41 } 42 }); 43 }; 44 45 $('#asc').on( 'click', function( e ) { 46 e.preventDefault(); 47 desc = false; 48 sortIt(); 49 }); 50 $('#desc').on( 'click', function( e ) { 51 e.preventDefault(); 52 desc = true; 53 sortIt(); 54 }); 55 $('#clear').on( 'click', function( e ) { 56 e.preventDefault(); 57 clearAll(1); 58 }); 59 $('#showall').on( 'click', function( e ) { 60 e.preventDefault(); 61 $('#sort-buttons span a').toggle(); 62 $('a.describe-toggle-on').hide(); 63 $('a.describe-toggle-off, table.slidetoggle').show(); 64 $('img.pinkynail').toggle(false); 65 }); 66 $('#hideall').on( 'click', function( e ) { 67 e.preventDefault(); 68 $('#sort-buttons span a').toggle(); 69 $('a.describe-toggle-on').show(); 70 $('a.describe-toggle-off, table.slidetoggle').hide(); 71 $('img.pinkynail').toggle(true); 72 }); 73 74 // Initialize sortable. 75 gallerySortableInit(); 76 clearAll(); 77 78 if ( $('#media-items>*').length > 1 ) { 79 w = wpgallery.getWin(); 80 81 $('#save-all, #gallery-settings').show(); 82 if ( typeof w.tinyMCE !== 'undefined' && w.tinyMCE.activeEditor && ! w.tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() ) { 83 wpgallery.mcemode = true; 84 wpgallery.init(); 85 } else { 86 $('#insert-gallery').show(); 87 } 88 } 89 }); 90 91 jQuery(window).on( 'unload', function () { window.tinymce = window.tinyMCE = window.wpgallery = null; } ); // Cleanup. 92 93 /* gallery settings */ 94 window.tinymce = null; 95 96 window.wpgallery = { 97 mcemode : false, 98 editor : {}, 99 dom : {}, 100 is_update : false, 101 el : {}, 102 103 I : function(e) { 104 return document.getElementById(e); 105 }, 106 107 init: function() { 108 var t = this, li, q, i, it, w = t.getWin(); 109 110 if ( ! t.mcemode ) { 111 return; 112 } 113 114 li = ('' + document.location.search).replace(/^\?/, '').split('&'); 115 q = {}; 116 for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) { 117 it = li[i].split('='); 118 q[unescape(it[0])] = unescape(it[1]); 119 } 120 121 if ( q.mce_rdomain ) { 122 document.domain = q.mce_rdomain; 123 } 124 125 // Find window & API. 126 window.tinymce = w.tinymce; 127 window.tinyMCE = w.tinyMCE; 128 t.editor = tinymce.EditorManager.activeEditor; 129 130 t.setup(); 131 }, 132 133 getWin : function() { 134 return window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top; 135 }, 136 137 setup : function() { 138 var t = this, a, ed = t.editor, g, columns, link, order, orderby; 139 if ( ! t.mcemode ) { 140 return; 141 } 142 143 t.el = ed.selection.getNode(); 144 145 if ( t.el.nodeName !== 'IMG' || ! ed.dom.hasClass(t.el, 'wpGallery') ) { 146 if ( ( g = ed.dom.select('img.wpGallery') ) && g[0] ) { 147 t.el = g[0]; 148 } else { 149 if ( getUserSetting('galfile') === '1' ) { 150 t.I('linkto-file').checked = 'checked'; 151 } 152 if ( getUserSetting('galdesc') === '1' ) { 153 t.I('order-desc').checked = 'checked'; 154 } 155 if ( getUserSetting('galcols') ) { 156 t.I('columns').value = getUserSetting('galcols'); 157 } 158 if ( getUserSetting('galord') ) { 159 t.I('orderby').value = getUserSetting('galord'); 160 } 161 jQuery('#insert-gallery').show(); 162 return; 163 } 164 } 165 166 a = ed.dom.getAttrib(t.el, 'title'); 167 a = ed.dom.decode(a); 168 169 if ( a ) { 170 jQuery('#update-gallery').show(); 171 t.is_update = true; 172 173 columns = a.match(/columns=['"]([0-9]+)['"]/); 174 link = a.match(/link=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i); 175 order = a.match(/order=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i); 176 orderby = a.match(/orderby=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i); 177 178 if ( link && link[1] ) { 179 t.I('linkto-file').checked = 'checked'; 180 } 181 if ( order && order[1] ) { 182 t.I('order-desc').checked = 'checked'; 183 } 184 if ( columns && columns[1] ) { 185 t.I('columns').value = '' + columns[1]; 186 } 187 if ( orderby && orderby[1] ) { 188 t.I('orderby').value = orderby[1]; 189 } 190 } else { 191 jQuery('#insert-gallery').show(); 192 } 193 }, 194 195 update : function() { 196 var t = this, ed = t.editor, all = '', s; 197 198 if ( ! t.mcemode || ! t.is_update ) { 199 s = '[gallery' + t.getSettings() + ']'; 200 t.getWin().send_to_editor(s); 201 return; 202 } 203 204 if ( t.el.nodeName !== 'IMG' ) { 205 return; 206 } 207 208 all = ed.dom.decode( ed.dom.getAttrib( t.el, 'title' ) ); 209 all = all.replace(/\s*(order|link|columns|orderby)=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/gi, ''); 210 all += t.getSettings(); 211 212 ed.dom.setAttrib(t.el, 'title', all); 213 t.getWin().tb_remove(); 214 }, 215 216 getSettings : function() { 217 var I = this.I, s = ''; 218 219 if ( I('linkto-file').checked ) { 220 s += ' link="file"'; 221 setUserSetting('galfile', '1'); 222 } 223 224 if ( I('order-desc').checked ) { 225 s += ' order="DESC"'; 226 setUserSetting('galdesc', '1'); 227 } 228 229 if ( I('columns').value !== 3 ) { 230 s += ' columns="' + I('columns').value + '"'; 231 setUserSetting('galcols', I('columns').value); 232 } 233 234 if ( I('orderby').value !== 'menu_order' ) { 235 s += ' orderby="' + I('orderby').value + '"'; 236 setUserSetting('galord', I('orderby').value); 237 } 238 239 return s; 240 } 241 };
Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |