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File Size: | 1617 lines (43 kb) |
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Includes or requires: | 0 files |
textEditorResize() X-Ref |
Resizes the text editor depending on the old text length. If there is an mceEditor and it is hidden, it resizes the editor depending on the old text length. If the current length of the text is smaller than the old text length, it shrinks the text area. Otherwise it resizes the editor to the scroll height. return: {void} since: 4.6.1 |
getHeights() X-Ref |
Gets the height and widths of elements. Gets the heights of the window, the adminbar, the tools, the menu, the visualTop, the textTop, the bottom, the statusbar and sideSortables and stores these in the heights object. Defaults to 0. Gets the width of the window and stores this in the heights object. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
mceGetCursorOffset() X-Ref |
Gets the offset of the editor. return: {number|boolean} Returns the offset of the editor |
mceKeyup( event ) X-Ref |
Filters the special keys that should not be used for scrolling. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 param: {event} event The event to get the key code from. |
mceScroll( key ) X-Ref |
Makes sure the cursor is always visible in the editor. Makes sure the cursor is kept between the toolbars of the editor and scrolls the window when the cursor moves out of the viewport to a wpview. Setting a buffer > 0 will prevent the browser default. Some browsers will scroll to the middle, others to the top/bottom of the *window* when moving the cursor out of the viewport. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 param: {string} key The key code of the pressed key. |
mceFullscreenToggled( event ) X-Ref |
If the editor is fullscreen, calls adjust. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 param: {event} event The FullscreenStateChanged event. |
mceShow() X-Ref |
Shows the editor when scrolled. Binds the hideFloatPanels function on the window scroll.mce-float-panels event. Executes the wpAutoResize on the active editor. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
mceHide() X-Ref |
Resizes the editor. Removes all functions from the window scroll.mce-float-panels event. Resizes the text editor and scrolls to a position based on the pageXOffset and adminBarHeight. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
toggleAdvanced() X-Ref |
Toggles advanced states. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
adjust( event ) X-Ref |
Adjusts the toolbars heights and positions. Adjusts the toolbars heights and positions based on the scroll position on the page, the active editor mode and the heights of the editor, admin bar and side bar. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 param: {event} event The event that calls this function. |
fullscreenHide() X-Ref |
Resizes the editor and adjusts the toolbars. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
initialResize( callback ) X-Ref |
Runs the passed function with 500ms intervals. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 param: {function} callback The function to run in the timeout. |
afterScroll() X-Ref |
Runs adjust after 100ms. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
on() X-Ref |
Binds editor expand events on elements. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
off() X-Ref |
Unbinds editor expand events. return: {void} since: 4.0.0 |
recalcEditorRect() X-Ref |
Recalculates the bottom and right position of the editor in the DOM. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
activate() X-Ref |
Activates the distraction free writing mode. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
deactivate() X-Ref |
Deactivates the distraction free writing mode. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
isActive() X-Ref |
Returns _isActive. return: {boolean} Returns true is _isActive is true. since: 4.1.0 |
on() X-Ref |
Binds events on the editor for distraction free writing. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
off() X-Ref |
Unbinds events on the editor for distraction free writing. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
toggle() X-Ref |
Binds or unbinds the editor expand events. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
isOn() X-Ref |
Returns the value of _isOn. return: {boolean} Returns true if _isOn is true. since: 4.1.0 |
fadeOut( event ) X-Ref |
Fades out all elements except for the editor. The fading is done based on key presses and mouse movements. Also calls the fadeIn on certain key presses or if the mouse leaves the editor. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 param: event The event that triggers this function. |
fadeIn( event ) X-Ref |
Fades all elements back in. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 param: event The event that triggers this function. |
maybeFadeIn() X-Ref |
Fades in if the focused element based on it position. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
hasFocus( $el ) X-Ref |
No description |
fadeOutAdminBar() X-Ref |
Fades out the admin bar based on focus on the admin bar. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
fadeInAdminBar() X-Ref |
Fades in the admin bar. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
fadeOutSlug() X-Ref |
Fades out the edit slug box. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
fadeInSlug() X-Ref |
Fades in the edit slug box. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 |
toggleViaKeyboard( event ) X-Ref |
Triggers the toggle on Alt + Shift + W. Keycode 87 = w. return: {void} since: 4.1.0 param: {event} event The event to trigger the toggle. |
focus() X-Ref |
No description |
blur() X-Ref |
No description |
Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |