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/wp-admin/includes/ -> image-edit.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * WordPress Image Editor
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage Administration
   7   */
   9  /**
  10   * Loads the WP image-editing interface.
  11   *
  12   * @since 2.9.0
  13   *
  14   * @param int          $post_id Attachment post ID.
  15   * @param false|object $msg     Optional. Message to display for image editor updates or errors.
  16   *                              Default false.
  17   */
  18  function wp_image_editor( $post_id, $msg = false ) {
  19      $nonce     = wp_create_nonce( "image_editor-$post_id" );
  20      $meta      = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );
  21      $thumb     = image_get_intermediate_size( $post_id, 'thumbnail' );
  22      $sub_sizes = isset( $meta['sizes'] ) && is_array( $meta['sizes'] );
  23      $note      = '';
  25      if ( isset( $meta['width'], $meta['height'] ) ) {
  26          $big = max( $meta['width'], $meta['height'] );
  27      } else {
  28          die( __( 'Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.' ) );
  29      }
  31      $sizer = $big > 400 ? 400 / $big : 1;
  33      $backup_sizes = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true );
  34      $can_restore  = false;
  35      if ( ! empty( $backup_sizes ) && isset( $backup_sizes['full-orig'], $meta['file'] ) ) {
  36          $can_restore = wp_basename( $meta['file'] ) !== $backup_sizes['full-orig']['file'];
  37      }
  39      if ( $msg ) {
  40          if ( isset( $msg->error ) ) {
  41              $note = "<div class='notice notice-error' tabindex='-1' role='alert'><p>$msg->error</p></div>";
  42          } elseif ( isset( $msg->msg ) ) {
  43              $note = "<div class='notice notice-success' tabindex='-1' role='alert'><p>$msg->msg</p></div>";
  44          }
  45      }
  46      $edit_custom_sizes = false;
  47      /**
  48       * Filters whether custom sizes are available options for image editing.
  49       *
  50       * @since 6.0.0
  51       *
  52       * @param bool|string[] $edit_custom_sizes True if custom sizes can be edited or array of custom size names.
  53       */
  54      $edit_custom_sizes = apply_filters( 'edit_custom_thumbnail_sizes', $edit_custom_sizes );
  55      ?>
  56      <div class="imgedit-wrap wp-clearfix">
  57      <div id="imgedit-panel-<?php echo $post_id; ?>">
  59      <div class="imgedit-panel-content wp-clearfix">
  60          <?php echo $note; ?>
  61          <div class="imgedit-menu wp-clearfix">
  62              <button type="button" onclick="imageEdit.handleCropToolClick( <?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this )" class="imgedit-crop button disabled" disabled><?php esc_html_e( 'Crop' ); ?></button>
  63              <?php
  65              // On some setups GD library does not provide imagerotate() - Ticket #11536.
  66              if ( wp_image_editor_supports(
  67                  array(
  68                      'mime_type' => get_post_mime_type( $post_id ),
  69                      'methods'   => array( 'rotate' ),
  70                  )
  71              ) ) {
  72                  $note_no_rotate = '';
  73                  ?>
  74                  <button type="button" class="imgedit-rleft button" onclick="imageEdit.rotate( 90, <?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this)"><?php esc_html_e( 'Rotate left' ); ?></button>
  75                  <button type="button" class="imgedit-rright button" onclick="imageEdit.rotate(-90, <?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this)"><?php esc_html_e( 'Rotate right' ); ?></button>
  76                  <?php
  77              } else {
  78                  $note_no_rotate = '<p class="note-no-rotate"><em>' . __( 'Image rotation is not supported by your web host.' ) . '</em></p>';
  79                  ?>
  80                  <button type="button" class="imgedit-rleft button disabled" disabled></button>
  81                  <button type="button" class="imgedit-rright button disabled" disabled></button>
  82              <?php } ?>
  84              <button type="button" onclick="imageEdit.flip(1, <?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this)" class="imgedit-flipv button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Flip vertical' ); ?></button>
  85              <button type="button" onclick="imageEdit.flip(2, <?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this)" class="imgedit-fliph button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Flip horizontal' ); ?></button>
  87              <br class="imgedit-undo-redo-separator" />
  88              <button type="button" id="image-undo-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onclick="imageEdit.undo(<?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this)" class="imgedit-undo button disabled" disabled><?php esc_html_e( 'Undo' ); ?></button>
  89              <button type="button" id="image-redo-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onclick="imageEdit.redo(<?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, this)" class="imgedit-redo button disabled" disabled><?php esc_html_e( 'Redo' ); ?></button>
  90              <?php echo $note_no_rotate; ?>
  91          </div>
  93          <input type="hidden" id="imgedit-sizer-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="<?php echo $sizer; ?>" />
  94          <input type="hidden" id="imgedit-history-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="" />
  95          <input type="hidden" id="imgedit-undone-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="0" />
  96          <input type="hidden" id="imgedit-selection-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="" />
  97          <input type="hidden" id="imgedit-x-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="<?php echo isset( $meta['width'] ) ? $meta['width'] : 0; ?>" />
  98          <input type="hidden" id="imgedit-y-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="<?php echo isset( $meta['height'] ) ? $meta['height'] : 0; ?>" />
 100          <div id="imgedit-crop-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="imgedit-crop-wrap">
 101          <img id="image-preview-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onload="imageEdit.imgLoaded('<?php echo $post_id; ?>')"
 102              src="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', 'relative' ) ) . '?action=imgedit-preview&amp;_ajax_nonce=' . $nonce . '&amp;postid=' . $post_id . '&amp;rand=' . rand( 1, 99999 ); ?>" alt="" />
 103          </div>
 105          <div class="imgedit-submit">
 106              <input type="button" onclick="imageEdit.close(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 1)" class="button imgedit-cancel-btn" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Cancel' ); ?>" />
 107              <input type="button" onclick="imageEdit.save(<?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>)" disabled="disabled" class="button button-primary imgedit-submit-btn" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save' ); ?>" />
 108          </div>
 109      </div>
 111      <div class="imgedit-settings">
 112      <div class="imgedit-group">
 113      <div class="imgedit-group-top">
 114          <h2><?php _e( 'Scale Image' ); ?></h2>
 115          <button type="button" class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help imgedit-help-toggle" onclick="imageEdit.toggleHelp(this);" aria-expanded="false"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Scale Image Help' ); ?></span></button>
 116          <div class="imgedit-help">
 117          <p><?php _e( 'You can proportionally scale the original image. For best results, scaling should be done before you crop, flip, or rotate. Images can only be scaled down, not up.' ); ?></p>
 118          </div>
 119          <?php if ( isset( $meta['width'], $meta['height'] ) ) : ?>
 120          <p>
 121              <?php
 122              printf(
 123                  /* translators: %s: Image width and height in pixels. */
 124                  __( 'Original dimensions %s' ),
 125                  '<span class="imgedit-original-dimensions">' . $meta['width'] . ' &times; ' . $meta['height'] . '</span>'
 126              );
 127              ?>
 128          </p>
 129          <?php endif; ?>
 130          <div class="imgedit-submit">
 132          <fieldset class="imgedit-scale">
 133          <legend><?php _e( 'New dimensions:' ); ?></legend>
 134          <div class="nowrap">
 135          <label for="imgedit-scale-width-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'scale width' ); ?></label>
 136          <input type="text" id="imgedit-scale-width-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onkeyup="imageEdit.scaleChanged(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 1, this)" onblur="imageEdit.scaleChanged(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 1, this)" value="<?php echo isset( $meta['width'] ) ? $meta['width'] : 0; ?>" />
 137          <span class="imgedit-separator" aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
 138          <label for="imgedit-scale-height-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'scale height' ); ?></label>
 139          <input type="text" id="imgedit-scale-height-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onkeyup="imageEdit.scaleChanged(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 0, this)" onblur="imageEdit.scaleChanged(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 0, this)" value="<?php echo isset( $meta['height'] ) ? $meta['height'] : 0; ?>" />
 140          <span class="imgedit-scale-warn" id="imgedit-scale-warn-<?php echo $post_id; ?>">!</span>
 141          <div class="imgedit-scale-button-wrapper"><input id="imgedit-scale-button" type="button" onclick="imageEdit.action(<?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, 'scale')" class="button button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Scale' ); ?>" /></div>
 142          </div>
 143          </fieldset>
 145          </div>
 146      </div>
 147      </div>
 149      <?php if ( $can_restore ) { ?>
 151      <div class="imgedit-group">
 152      <div class="imgedit-group-top">
 153          <h2><button type="button" onclick="imageEdit.toggleHelp(this);" class="button-link" aria-expanded="false"><?php _e( 'Restore original image' ); ?> <span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down imgedit-help-toggle"></span></button></h2>
 154          <div class="imgedit-help imgedit-restore">
 155          <p>
 156              <?php
 157              _e( 'Discard any changes and restore the original image.' );
 159              if ( ! defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) || ! IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE ) {
 160                  echo ' ' . __( 'Previously edited copies of the image will not be deleted.' );
 161              }
 162              ?>
 163          </p>
 164          <div class="imgedit-submit">
 165          <input type="button" onclick="imageEdit.action(<?php echo "$post_id, '$nonce'"; ?>, 'restore')" class="button button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Restore image' ); ?>" <?php echo $can_restore; ?> />
 166          </div>
 167          </div>
 168      </div>
 169      </div>
 171      <?php } ?>
 173      <div class="imgedit-group">
 174      <div class="imgedit-group-top">
 175          <h2><?php _e( 'Image Crop' ); ?></h2>
 176          <button type="button" class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help imgedit-help-toggle" onclick="imageEdit.toggleHelp(this);" aria-expanded="false"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Image Crop Help' ); ?></span></button>
 178          <div class="imgedit-help">
 179          <p><?php _e( 'To crop the image, click on it and drag to make your selection.' ); ?></p>
 181          <p><strong><?php _e( 'Crop Aspect Ratio' ); ?></strong><br />
 182          <?php _e( 'The aspect ratio is the relationship between the width and height. You can preserve the aspect ratio by holding down the shift key while resizing your selection. Use the input box to specify the aspect ratio, e.g. 1:1 (square), 4:3, 16:9, etc.' ); ?></p>
 184          <p><strong><?php _e( 'Crop Selection' ); ?></strong><br />
 185          <?php _e( 'Once you have made your selection, you can adjust it by entering the size in pixels. The minimum selection size is the thumbnail size as set in the Media settings.' ); ?></p>
 186          </div>
 187      </div>
 189      <fieldset class="imgedit-crop-ratio">
 190          <legend><?php _e( 'Aspect ratio:' ); ?></legend>
 191          <div class="nowrap">
 192          <label for="imgedit-crop-width-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'crop ratio width' ); ?></label>
 193          <input type="text" id="imgedit-crop-width-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onkeyup="imageEdit.setRatioSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 0, this)" onblur="imageEdit.setRatioSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 0, this)" />
 194          <span class="imgedit-separator" aria-hidden="true">:</span>
 195          <label for="imgedit-crop-height-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'crop ratio height' ); ?></label>
 196          <input type="text" id="imgedit-crop-height-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onkeyup="imageEdit.setRatioSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 1, this)" onblur="imageEdit.setRatioSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, 1, this)" />
 197          </div>
 198      </fieldset>
 200      <fieldset id="imgedit-crop-sel-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="imgedit-crop-sel">
 201          <legend><?php _e( 'Selection:' ); ?></legend>
 202          <div class="nowrap">
 203          <label for="imgedit-sel-width-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'selection width' ); ?></label>
 204          <input type="text" id="imgedit-sel-width-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onkeyup="imageEdit.setNumSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, this)" onblur="imageEdit.setNumSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, this)" />
 205          <span class="imgedit-separator" aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
 206          <label for="imgedit-sel-height-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'selection height' ); ?></label>
 207          <input type="text" id="imgedit-sel-height-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" onkeyup="imageEdit.setNumSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, this)" onblur="imageEdit.setNumSelection(<?php echo $post_id; ?>, this)" />
 208          </div>
 209      </fieldset>
 211      </div>
 213      <?php
 214      if ( $thumb && $sub_sizes ) {
 215          $thumb_img = wp_constrain_dimensions( $thumb['width'], $thumb['height'], 160, 120 );
 216          ?>
 218      <div class="imgedit-group imgedit-applyto">
 219      <div class="imgedit-group-top">
 220          <h2><?php _e( 'Thumbnail Settings' ); ?></h2>
 221          <button type="button" class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help imgedit-help-toggle" onclick="imageEdit.toggleHelp(this);" aria-expanded="false"><span class="screen-reader-text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Thumbnail Settings Help' ); ?></span></button>
 222          <div class="imgedit-help">
 223          <p><?php _e( 'You can edit the image while preserving the thumbnail. For example, you may wish to have a square thumbnail that displays just a section of the image.' ); ?></p>
 224          </div>
 225      </div>
 227      <figure class="imgedit-thumbnail-preview">
 228          <img src="<?php echo $thumb['url']; ?>" width="<?php echo $thumb_img[0]; ?>" height="<?php echo $thumb_img[1]; ?>" class="imgedit-size-preview" alt="" draggable="false" />
 229          <figcaption class="imgedit-thumbnail-preview-caption"><?php _e( 'Current thumbnail' ); ?></figcaption>
 230      </figure>
 232      <div id="imgedit-save-target-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="imgedit-save-target">
 233      <fieldset>
 234          <legend><?php _e( 'Apply changes to:' ); ?></legend>
 236          <span class="imgedit-label">
 237              <input type="radio" id="imgedit-target-all" name="imgedit-target-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="all" checked="checked" />
 238              <label for="imgedit-target-all"><?php _e( 'All image sizes' ); ?></label>
 239          </span>
 241          <span class="imgedit-label">
 242              <input type="radio" id="imgedit-target-thumbnail" name="imgedit-target-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="thumbnail" />
 243              <label for="imgedit-target-thumbnail"><?php _e( 'Thumbnail' ); ?></label>
 244          </span>
 246          <span class="imgedit-label">
 247              <input type="radio" id="imgedit-target-nothumb" name="imgedit-target-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="nothumb" />
 248              <label for="imgedit-target-nothumb"><?php _e( 'All sizes except thumbnail' ); ?></label>
 249          </span>
 250          <?php
 251          if ( $edit_custom_sizes ) {
 252              if ( ! is_array( $edit_custom_sizes ) ) {
 253                  $edit_custom_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
 254              }
 255              foreach ( array_unique( $edit_custom_sizes ) as $key => $size ) {
 256                  if ( array_key_exists( $size, $meta['sizes'] ) ) {
 257                      if ( 'thumbnail' === $size ) {
 258                          continue;
 259                      }
 260                      ?>
 261                      <span class="imgedit-label">
 262                          <input type="radio" id="imgedit-target-custom<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>" name="imgedit-target-<?php echo $post_id; ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $size ); ?>" />
 263                          <label for="imgedit-target-custom<?php echo esc_attr( $key ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $size ); ?></label>
 264                      </span>
 265                      <?php
 266                  }
 267              }
 268          }
 269          ?>
 270      </fieldset>
 271      </div>
 272      </div>
 274      <?php } ?>
 276      </div>
 278      </div>
 279      <div class="imgedit-wait" id="imgedit-wait-<?php echo $post_id; ?>"></div>
 280      <div class="hidden" id="imgedit-leaving-<?php echo $post_id; ?>"><?php _e( "There are unsaved changes that will be lost. 'OK' to continue, 'Cancel' to return to the Image Editor." ); ?></div>
 281      </div>
 282      <?php
 283  }
 285  /**
 286   * Streams image in WP_Image_Editor to browser.
 287   *
 288   * @since 2.9.0
 289   *
 290   * @param WP_Image_Editor $image         The image editor instance.
 291   * @param string          $mime_type     The mime type of the image.
 292   * @param int             $attachment_id The image's attachment post ID.
 293   * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
 294   */
 295  function wp_stream_image( $image, $mime_type, $attachment_id ) {
 296      if ( $image instanceof WP_Image_Editor ) {
 298          /**
 299           * Filters the WP_Image_Editor instance for the image to be streamed to the browser.
 300           *
 301           * @since 3.5.0
 302           *
 303           * @param WP_Image_Editor $image         The image editor instance.
 304           * @param int             $attachment_id The attachment post ID.
 305           */
 306          $image = apply_filters( 'image_editor_save_pre', $image, $attachment_id );
 308          if ( is_wp_error( $image->stream( $mime_type ) ) ) {
 309              return false;
 310          }
 312          return true;
 313      } else {
 314          /* translators: 1: $image, 2: WP_Image_Editor */
 315          _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.5.0', sprintf( __( '%1$s needs to be a %2$s object.' ), '$image', 'WP_Image_Editor' ) );
 317          /**
 318           * Filters the GD image resource to be streamed to the browser.
 319           *
 320           * @since 2.9.0
 321           * @deprecated 3.5.0 Use {@see 'image_editor_save_pre'} instead.
 322           *
 323           * @param resource|GdImage $image         Image resource to be streamed.
 324           * @param int              $attachment_id The attachment post ID.
 325           */
 326          $image = apply_filters_deprecated( 'image_save_pre', array( $image, $attachment_id ), '3.5.0', 'image_editor_save_pre' );
 328          switch ( $mime_type ) {
 329              case 'image/jpeg':
 330                  header( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' );
 331                  return imagejpeg( $image, null, 90 );
 332              case 'image/png':
 333                  header( 'Content-Type: image/png' );
 334                  return imagepng( $image );
 335              case 'image/gif':
 336                  header( 'Content-Type: image/gif' );
 337                  return imagegif( $image );
 338              case 'image/webp':
 339                  if ( function_exists( 'imagewebp' ) ) {
 340                      header( 'Content-Type: image/webp' );
 341                      return imagewebp( $image, null, 90 );
 342                  }
 343                  return false;
 344              default:
 345                  return false;
 346          }
 347      }
 348  }
 350  /**
 351   * Saves image to file.
 352   *
 353   * @since 2.9.0
 354   *
 355   * @param string          $filename  Name of the file to be saved.
 356   * @param WP_Image_Editor $image     The image editor instance.
 357   * @param string          $mime_type The mime type of the image.
 358   * @param int             $post_id   Attachment post ID.
 359   * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
 360   */
 361  function wp_save_image_file( $filename, $image, $mime_type, $post_id ) {
 362      if ( $image instanceof WP_Image_Editor ) {
 364          /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php */
 365          $image = apply_filters( 'image_editor_save_pre', $image, $post_id );
 367          /**
 368           * Filters whether to skip saving the image file.
 369           *
 370           * Returning a non-null value will short-circuit the save method,
 371           * returning that value instead.
 372           *
 373           * @since 3.5.0
 374           *
 375           * @param bool|null       $override  Value to return instead of saving. Default null.
 376           * @param string          $filename  Name of the file to be saved.
 377           * @param WP_Image_Editor $image     The image editor instance.
 378           * @param string          $mime_type The mime type of the image.
 379           * @param int             $post_id   Attachment post ID.
 380           */
 381          $saved = apply_filters( 'wp_save_image_editor_file', null, $filename, $image, $mime_type, $post_id );
 383          if ( null !== $saved ) {
 384              return $saved;
 385          }
 387          return $image->save( $filename, $mime_type );
 388      } else {
 389          /* translators: 1: $image, 2: WP_Image_Editor */
 390          _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.5.0', sprintf( __( '%1$s needs to be a %2$s object.' ), '$image', 'WP_Image_Editor' ) );
 392          /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php */
 393          $image = apply_filters_deprecated( 'image_save_pre', array( $image, $post_id ), '3.5.0', 'image_editor_save_pre' );
 395          /**
 396           * Filters whether to skip saving the image file.
 397           *
 398           * Returning a non-null value will short-circuit the save method,
 399           * returning that value instead.
 400           *
 401           * @since 2.9.0
 402           * @deprecated 3.5.0 Use {@see 'wp_save_image_editor_file'} instead.
 403           *
 404           * @param bool|null        $override  Value to return instead of saving. Default null.
 405           * @param string           $filename  Name of the file to be saved.
 406           * @param resource|GdImage $image     Image resource or GdImage instance.
 407           * @param string           $mime_type The mime type of the image.
 408           * @param int              $post_id   Attachment post ID.
 409           */
 410          $saved = apply_filters_deprecated(
 411              'wp_save_image_file',
 412              array( null, $filename, $image, $mime_type, $post_id ),
 413              '3.5.0',
 414              'wp_save_image_editor_file'
 415          );
 417          if ( null !== $saved ) {
 418              return $saved;
 419          }
 421          switch ( $mime_type ) {
 422              case 'image/jpeg':
 423                  /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php */
 424                  return imagejpeg( $image, $filename, apply_filters( 'jpeg_quality', 90, 'edit_image' ) );
 425              case 'image/png':
 426                  return imagepng( $image, $filename );
 427              case 'image/gif':
 428                  return imagegif( $image, $filename );
 429              case 'image/webp':
 430                  if ( function_exists( 'imagewebp' ) ) {
 431                      return imagewebp( $image, $filename );
 432                  }
 433                  return false;
 434              default:
 435                  return false;
 436          }
 437      }
 438  }
 440  /**
 441   * Image preview ratio. Internal use only.
 442   *
 443   * @since 2.9.0
 444   *
 445   * @ignore
 446   * @param int $w Image width in pixels.
 447   * @param int $h Image height in pixels.
 448   * @return float|int Image preview ratio.
 449   */
 450  function _image_get_preview_ratio( $w, $h ) {
 451      $max = max( $w, $h );
 452      return $max > 400 ? ( 400 / $max ) : 1;
 453  }
 455  /**
 456   * Returns an image resource. Internal use only.
 457   *
 458   * @since 2.9.0
 459   * @deprecated 3.5.0 Use WP_Image_Editor::rotate()
 460   * @see WP_Image_Editor::rotate()
 461   *
 462   * @ignore
 463   * @param resource|GdImage  $img   Image resource.
 464   * @param float|int         $angle Image rotation angle, in degrees.
 465   * @return resource|GdImage|false GD image resource or GdImage instance, false otherwise.
 466   */
 467  function _rotate_image_resource( $img, $angle ) {
 468      _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.5.0', 'WP_Image_Editor::rotate()' );
 470      if ( function_exists( 'imagerotate' ) ) {
 471          $rotated = imagerotate( $img, $angle, 0 );
 473          if ( is_gd_image( $rotated ) ) {
 474              imagedestroy( $img );
 475              $img = $rotated;
 476          }
 477      }
 479      return $img;
 480  }
 482  /**
 483   * Flips an image resource. Internal use only.
 484   *
 485   * @since 2.9.0
 486   * @deprecated 3.5.0 Use WP_Image_Editor::flip()
 487   * @see WP_Image_Editor::flip()
 488   *
 489   * @ignore
 490   * @param resource|GdImage $img  Image resource or GdImage instance.
 491   * @param bool             $horz Whether to flip horizontally.
 492   * @param bool             $vert Whether to flip vertically.
 493   * @return resource|GdImage (maybe) flipped image resource or GdImage instance.
 494   */
 495  function _flip_image_resource( $img, $horz, $vert ) {
 496      _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.5.0', 'WP_Image_Editor::flip()' );
 498      $w   = imagesx( $img );
 499      $h   = imagesy( $img );
 500      $dst = wp_imagecreatetruecolor( $w, $h );
 502      if ( is_gd_image( $dst ) ) {
 503          $sx = $vert ? ( $w - 1 ) : 0;
 504          $sy = $horz ? ( $h - 1 ) : 0;
 505          $sw = $vert ? -$w : $w;
 506          $sh = $horz ? -$h : $h;
 508          if ( imagecopyresampled( $dst, $img, 0, 0, $sx, $sy, $w, $h, $sw, $sh ) ) {
 509              imagedestroy( $img );
 510              $img = $dst;
 511          }
 512      }
 514      return $img;
 515  }
 517  /**
 518   * Crops an image resource. Internal use only.
 519   *
 520   * @since 2.9.0
 521   *
 522   * @ignore
 523   * @param resource|GdImage $img Image resource or GdImage instance.
 524   * @param float            $x   Source point x-coordinate.
 525   * @param float            $y   Source point y-coordinate.
 526   * @param float            $w   Source width.
 527   * @param float            $h   Source height.
 528   * @return resource|GdImage (maybe) cropped image resource or GdImage instance.
 529   */
 530  function _crop_image_resource( $img, $x, $y, $w, $h ) {
 531      $dst = wp_imagecreatetruecolor( $w, $h );
 533      if ( is_gd_image( $dst ) ) {
 534          if ( imagecopy( $dst, $img, 0, 0, $x, $y, $w, $h ) ) {
 535              imagedestroy( $img );
 536              $img = $dst;
 537          }
 538      }
 540      return $img;
 541  }
 543  /**
 544   * Performs group of changes on Editor specified.
 545   *
 546   * @since 2.9.0
 547   *
 548   * @param WP_Image_Editor $image   WP_Image_Editor instance.
 549   * @param array           $changes Array of change operations.
 550   * @return WP_Image_Editor WP_Image_Editor instance with changes applied.
 551   */
 552  function image_edit_apply_changes( $image, $changes ) {
 553      if ( is_gd_image( $image ) ) {
 554          /* translators: 1: $image, 2: WP_Image_Editor */
 555          _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '3.5.0', sprintf( __( '%1$s needs to be a %2$s object.' ), '$image', 'WP_Image_Editor' ) );
 556      }
 558      if ( ! is_array( $changes ) ) {
 559          return $image;
 560      }
 562      // Expand change operations.
 563      foreach ( $changes as $key => $obj ) {
 564          if ( isset( $obj->r ) ) {
 565              $obj->type  = 'rotate';
 566              $obj->angle = $obj->r;
 567              unset( $obj->r );
 568          } elseif ( isset( $obj->f ) ) {
 569              $obj->type = 'flip';
 570              $obj->axis = $obj->f;
 571              unset( $obj->f );
 572          } elseif ( isset( $obj->c ) ) {
 573              $obj->type = 'crop';
 574              $obj->sel  = $obj->c;
 575              unset( $obj->c );
 576          }
 577          $changes[ $key ] = $obj;
 578      }
 580      // Combine operations.
 581      if ( count( $changes ) > 1 ) {
 582          $filtered = array( $changes[0] );
 583          for ( $i = 0, $j = 1, $c = count( $changes ); $j < $c; $j++ ) {
 584              $combined = false;
 585              if ( $filtered[ $i ]->type == $changes[ $j ]->type ) {
 586                  switch ( $filtered[ $i ]->type ) {
 587                      case 'rotate':
 588                          $filtered[ $i ]->angle += $changes[ $j ]->angle;
 589                          $combined               = true;
 590                          break;
 591                      case 'flip':
 592                          $filtered[ $i ]->axis ^= $changes[ $j ]->axis;
 593                          $combined              = true;
 594                          break;
 595                  }
 596              }
 597              if ( ! $combined ) {
 598                  $filtered[ ++$i ] = $changes[ $j ];
 599              }
 600          }
 601          $changes = $filtered;
 602          unset( $filtered );
 603      }
 605      // Image resource before applying the changes.
 606      if ( $image instanceof WP_Image_Editor ) {
 608          /**
 609           * Filters the WP_Image_Editor instance before applying changes to the image.
 610           *
 611           * @since 3.5.0
 612           *
 613           * @param WP_Image_Editor $image   WP_Image_Editor instance.
 614           * @param array           $changes Array of change operations.
 615           */
 616          $image = apply_filters( 'wp_image_editor_before_change', $image, $changes );
 617      } elseif ( is_gd_image( $image ) ) {
 619          /**
 620           * Filters the GD image resource before applying changes to the image.
 621           *
 622           * @since 2.9.0
 623           * @deprecated 3.5.0 Use {@see 'wp_image_editor_before_change'} instead.
 624           *
 625           * @param resource|GdImage $image   GD image resource or GdImage instance.
 626           * @param array            $changes Array of change operations.
 627           */
 628          $image = apply_filters_deprecated( 'image_edit_before_change', array( $image, $changes ), '3.5.0', 'wp_image_editor_before_change' );
 629      }
 631      foreach ( $changes as $operation ) {
 632          switch ( $operation->type ) {
 633              case 'rotate':
 634                  if ( 0 != $operation->angle ) {
 635                      if ( $image instanceof WP_Image_Editor ) {
 636                          $image->rotate( $operation->angle );
 637                      } else {
 638                          $image = _rotate_image_resource( $image, $operation->angle );
 639                      }
 640                  }
 641                  break;
 642              case 'flip':
 643                  if ( 0 != $operation->axis ) {
 644                      if ( $image instanceof WP_Image_Editor ) {
 645                          $image->flip( ( $operation->axis & 1 ) != 0, ( $operation->axis & 2 ) != 0 );
 646                      } else {
 647                          $image = _flip_image_resource( $image, ( $operation->axis & 1 ) != 0, ( $operation->axis & 2 ) != 0 );
 648                      }
 649                  }
 650                  break;
 651              case 'crop':
 652                  $sel = $operation->sel;
 654                  if ( $image instanceof WP_Image_Editor ) {
 655                      $size = $image->get_size();
 656                      $w    = $size['width'];
 657                      $h    = $size['height'];
 659                      $scale = 1 / _image_get_preview_ratio( $w, $h ); // Discard preview scaling.
 660                      $image->crop( $sel->x * $scale, $sel->y * $scale, $sel->w * $scale, $sel->h * $scale );
 661                  } else {
 662                      $scale = 1 / _image_get_preview_ratio( imagesx( $image ), imagesy( $image ) ); // Discard preview scaling.
 663                      $image = _crop_image_resource( $image, $sel->x * $scale, $sel->y * $scale, $sel->w * $scale, $sel->h * $scale );
 664                  }
 665                  break;
 666          }
 667      }
 669      return $image;
 670  }
 673  /**
 674   * Streams image in post to browser, along with enqueued changes
 675   * in `$_REQUEST['history']`.
 676   *
 677   * @since 2.9.0
 678   *
 679   * @param int $post_id Attachment post ID.
 680   * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
 681   */
 682  function stream_preview_image( $post_id ) {
 683      $post = get_post( $post_id );
 685      wp_raise_memory_limit( 'admin' );
 687      $img = wp_get_image_editor( _load_image_to_edit_path( $post_id ) );
 689      if ( is_wp_error( $img ) ) {
 690          return false;
 691      }
 693      $changes = ! empty( $_REQUEST['history'] ) ? json_decode( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['history'] ) ) : null;
 694      if ( $changes ) {
 695          $img = image_edit_apply_changes( $img, $changes );
 696      }
 698      // Scale the image.
 699      $size = $img->get_size();
 700      $w    = $size['width'];
 701      $h    = $size['height'];
 703      $ratio = _image_get_preview_ratio( $w, $h );
 704      $w2    = max( 1, $w * $ratio );
 705      $h2    = max( 1, $h * $ratio );
 707      if ( is_wp_error( $img->resize( $w2, $h2 ) ) ) {
 708          return false;
 709      }
 711      return wp_stream_image( $img, $post->post_mime_type, $post_id );
 712  }
 714  /**
 715   * Restores the metadata for a given attachment.
 716   *
 717   * @since 2.9.0
 718   *
 719   * @param int $post_id Attachment post ID.
 720   * @return stdClass Image restoration message object.
 721   */
 722  function wp_restore_image( $post_id ) {
 723      $meta             = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );
 724      $file             = get_attached_file( $post_id );
 725      $backup_sizes     = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true );
 726      $old_backup_sizes = $backup_sizes;
 727      $restored         = false;
 728      $msg              = new stdClass;
 730      if ( ! is_array( $backup_sizes ) ) {
 731          $msg->error = __( 'Cannot load image metadata.' );
 732          return $msg;
 733      }
 735      $parts         = pathinfo( $file );
 736      $suffix        = time() . rand( 100, 999 );
 737      $default_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
 739      if ( isset( $backup_sizes['full-orig'] ) && is_array( $backup_sizes['full-orig'] ) ) {
 740          $data = $backup_sizes['full-orig'];
 742          if ( $parts['basename'] != $data['file'] ) {
 743              if ( defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) && IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE ) {
 745                  // Delete only if it's an edited image.
 746                  if ( preg_match( '/-e[0-9]{13}\./', $parts['basename'] ) ) {
 747                      wp_delete_file( $file );
 748                  }
 749              } elseif ( isset( $meta['width'], $meta['height'] ) ) {
 750                  $backup_sizes[ "full-$suffix" ] = array(
 751                      'width'  => $meta['width'],
 752                      'height' => $meta['height'],
 753                      'file'   => $parts['basename'],
 754                  );
 755              }
 756          }
 758          $restored_file = path_join( $parts['dirname'], $data['file'] );
 759          $restored      = update_attached_file( $post_id, $restored_file );
 761          $meta['file']   = _wp_relative_upload_path( $restored_file );
 762          $meta['width']  = $data['width'];
 763          $meta['height'] = $data['height'];
 764      }
 766      foreach ( $default_sizes as $default_size ) {
 767          if ( isset( $backup_sizes[ "$default_size-orig" ] ) ) {
 768              $data = $backup_sizes[ "$default_size-orig" ];
 769              if ( isset( $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ] ) && $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ]['file'] != $data['file'] ) {
 770                  if ( defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) && IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE ) {
 772                      // Delete only if it's an edited image.
 773                      if ( preg_match( '/-e[0-9]{13}-/', $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ]['file'] ) ) {
 774                          $delete_file = path_join( $parts['dirname'], $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ]['file'] );
 775                          wp_delete_file( $delete_file );
 776                      }
 777                  } else {
 778                      $backup_sizes[ "$default_size-{$suffix}" ] = $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ];
 779                  }
 780              }
 782              $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ] = $data;
 783          } else {
 784              unset( $meta['sizes'][ $default_size ] );
 785          }
 786      }
 788      if ( ! wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $meta ) ||
 789          ( $old_backup_sizes !== $backup_sizes && ! update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', $backup_sizes ) ) ) {
 791          $msg->error = __( 'Cannot save image metadata.' );
 792          return $msg;
 793      }
 795      if ( ! $restored ) {
 796          $msg->error = __( 'Image metadata is inconsistent.' );
 797      } else {
 798          $msg->msg = __( 'Image restored successfully.' );
 799      }
 801      return $msg;
 802  }
 804  /**
 805   * Saves image to post, along with enqueued changes
 806   * in `$_REQUEST['history']`.
 807   *
 808   * @since 2.9.0
 809   *
 810   * @param int $post_id Attachment post ID.
 811   * @return stdClass
 812   */
 813  function wp_save_image( $post_id ) {
 814      $_wp_additional_image_sizes = wp_get_additional_image_sizes();
 816      $return  = new stdClass;
 817      $success = false;
 818      $delete  = false;
 819      $scaled  = false;
 820      $nocrop  = false;
 821      $post    = get_post( $post_id );
 823      $img = wp_get_image_editor( _load_image_to_edit_path( $post_id, 'full' ) );
 824      if ( is_wp_error( $img ) ) {
 825          $return->error = esc_js( __( 'Unable to create new image.' ) );
 826          return $return;
 827      }
 829      $fwidth  = ! empty( $_REQUEST['fwidth'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['fwidth'] : 0;
 830      $fheight = ! empty( $_REQUEST['fheight'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['fheight'] : 0;
 831      $target  = ! empty( $_REQUEST['target'] ) ? preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9_-]+/i', '', $_REQUEST['target'] ) : '';
 832      $scale   = ! empty( $_REQUEST['do'] ) && 'scale' === $_REQUEST['do'];
 834      if ( $scale && $fwidth > 0 && $fheight > 0 ) {
 835          $size = $img->get_size();
 836          $sX   = $size['width'];
 837          $sY   = $size['height'];
 839          // Check if it has roughly the same w / h ratio.
 840          $diff = round( $sX / $sY, 2 ) - round( $fwidth / $fheight, 2 );
 841          if ( -0.1 < $diff && $diff < 0.1 ) {
 842              // Scale the full size image.
 843              if ( $img->resize( $fwidth, $fheight ) ) {
 844                  $scaled = true;
 845              }
 846          }
 848          if ( ! $scaled ) {
 849              $return->error = esc_js( __( 'Error while saving the scaled image. Please reload the page and try again.' ) );
 850              return $return;
 851          }
 852      } elseif ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['history'] ) ) {
 853          $changes = json_decode( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['history'] ) );
 854          if ( $changes ) {
 855              $img = image_edit_apply_changes( $img, $changes );
 856          }
 857      } else {
 858          $return->error = esc_js( __( 'Nothing to save, the image has not changed.' ) );
 859          return $return;
 860      }
 862      $meta         = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );
 863      $backup_sizes = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true );
 865      if ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) {
 866          $return->error = esc_js( __( 'Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.' ) );
 867          return $return;
 868      }
 870      if ( ! is_array( $backup_sizes ) ) {
 871          $backup_sizes = array();
 872      }
 874      // Generate new filename.
 875      $path = get_attached_file( $post_id );
 877      $basename = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_BASENAME );
 878      $dirname  = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME );
 879      $ext      = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
 880      $filename = pathinfo( $path, PATHINFO_FILENAME );
 881      $suffix   = time() . rand( 100, 999 );
 883      if ( defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) && IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE &&
 884          isset( $backup_sizes['full-orig'] ) && $backup_sizes['full-orig']['file'] != $basename ) {
 886          if ( 'thumbnail' === $target ) {
 887              $new_path = "{$dirname}/{$filename}-temp.{$ext}";
 888          } else {
 889              $new_path = $path;
 890          }
 891      } else {
 892          while ( true ) {
 893              $filename     = preg_replace( '/-e([0-9]+)$/', '', $filename );
 894              $filename    .= "-e{$suffix}";
 895              $new_filename = "{$filename}.{$ext}";
 896              $new_path     = "{$dirname}/$new_filename";
 897              if ( file_exists( $new_path ) ) {
 898                  $suffix++;
 899              } else {
 900                  break;
 901              }
 902          }
 903      }
 905      // Save the full-size file, also needed to create sub-sizes.
 906      if ( ! wp_save_image_file( $new_path, $img, $post->post_mime_type, $post_id ) ) {
 907          $return->error = esc_js( __( 'Unable to save the image.' ) );
 908          return $return;
 909      }
 911      if ( 'nothumb' === $target || 'all' === $target || 'full' === $target || $scaled ) {
 912          $tag = false;
 913          if ( isset( $backup_sizes['full-orig'] ) ) {
 914              if ( ( ! defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) || ! IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE ) && $backup_sizes['full-orig']['file'] !== $basename ) {
 915                  $tag = "full-$suffix";
 916              }
 917          } else {
 918              $tag = 'full-orig';
 919          }
 921          if ( $tag ) {
 922              $backup_sizes[ $tag ] = array(
 923                  'width'  => $meta['width'],
 924                  'height' => $meta['height'],
 925                  'file'   => $basename,
 926              );
 927          }
 928          $success = ( $path === $new_path ) || update_attached_file( $post_id, $new_path );
 930          $meta['file'] = _wp_relative_upload_path( $new_path );
 932          $size           = $img->get_size();
 933          $meta['width']  = $size['width'];
 934          $meta['height'] = $size['height'];
 936          if ( $success ) {
 937              $sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
 938              if ( 'nothumb' === $target || 'all' === $target ) {
 939                  if ( 'nothumb' === $target ) {
 940                      $sizes = array_diff( $sizes, array( 'thumbnail' ) );
 941                  }
 942              } elseif ( 'thumbnail' !== $target ) {
 943                  $sizes = array_diff( $sizes, array( $target ) );
 944              }
 945          }
 947          $return->fw = $meta['width'];
 948          $return->fh = $meta['height'];
 949      } elseif ( 'thumbnail' === $target ) {
 950          $sizes   = array( 'thumbnail' );
 951          $success = true;
 952          $delete  = true;
 953          $nocrop  = true;
 954      } else {
 955          $sizes   = array( $target );
 956          $success = true;
 957          $delete  = true;
 958          $nocrop  = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['crop'];
 959      }
 961      /*
 962       * We need to remove any existing resized image files because
 963       * a new crop or rotate could generate different sizes (and hence, filenames),
 964       * keeping the new resized images from overwriting the existing image files.
 965       * https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32171
 966       */
 967      if ( defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) && IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE && ! empty( $meta['sizes'] ) ) {
 968          foreach ( $meta['sizes'] as $size ) {
 969              if ( ! empty( $size['file'] ) && preg_match( '/-e[0-9]{13}-/', $size['file'] ) ) {
 970                  $delete_file = path_join( $dirname, $size['file'] );
 971                  wp_delete_file( $delete_file );
 972              }
 973          }
 974      }
 976      if ( isset( $sizes ) ) {
 977          $_sizes = array();
 979          foreach ( $sizes as $size ) {
 980              $tag = false;
 981              if ( isset( $meta['sizes'][ $size ] ) ) {
 982                  if ( isset( $backup_sizes[ "$size-orig" ] ) ) {
 983                      if ( ( ! defined( 'IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE' ) || ! IMAGE_EDIT_OVERWRITE ) && $backup_sizes[ "$size-orig" ]['file'] != $meta['sizes'][ $size ]['file'] ) {
 984                          $tag = "$size-$suffix";
 985                      }
 986                  } else {
 987                      $tag = "$size-orig";
 988                  }
 990                  if ( $tag ) {
 991                      $backup_sizes[ $tag ] = $meta['sizes'][ $size ];
 992                  }
 993              }
 995              if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ] ) ) {
 996                  $width  = (int) $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['width'];
 997                  $height = (int) $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['height'];
 998                  $crop   = ( $nocrop ) ? false : $_wp_additional_image_sizes[ $size ]['crop'];
 999              } else {
1000                  $height = get_option( "{$size}_size_h" );
1001                  $width  = get_option( "{$size}_size_w" );
1002                  $crop   = ( $nocrop ) ? false : get_option( "{$size}_crop" );
1003              }
1005              $_sizes[ $size ] = array(
1006                  'width'  => $width,
1007                  'height' => $height,
1008                  'crop'   => $crop,
1009              );
1010          }
1012          $meta['sizes'] = array_merge( $meta['sizes'], $img->multi_resize( $_sizes ) );
1013      }
1015      unset( $img );
1017      if ( $success ) {
1018          wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $meta );
1019          update_post_meta( $post_id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', $backup_sizes );
1021          if ( 'thumbnail' === $target || 'all' === $target || 'full' === $target ) {
1022              // Check if it's an image edit from attachment edit screen.
1023              if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['context'] ) && 'edit-attachment' === $_REQUEST['context'] ) {
1024                  $thumb_url         = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $post_id, array( 900, 600 ), true );
1025                  $return->thumbnail = $thumb_url[0];
1026              } else {
1027                  $file_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $post_id );
1028                  if ( ! empty( $meta['sizes']['thumbnail'] ) ) {
1029                      $thumb             = $meta['sizes']['thumbnail'];
1030                      $return->thumbnail = path_join( dirname( $file_url ), $thumb['file'] );
1031                  } else {
1032                      $return->thumbnail = "$file_url?w=128&h=128";
1033                  }
1034              }
1035          }
1036      } else {
1037          $delete = true;
1038      }
1040      if ( $delete ) {
1041          wp_delete_file( $new_path );
1042      }
1044      $return->msg = esc_js( __( 'Image saved' ) );
1045      return $return;
1046  }

Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1