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PHP Cross Reference of GlotPress





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File404.api.php                            [source] [8 lines]     
File404.php                                [source] [7 lines]     
Filefooter.php                             [source] [35 lines]    
Fileglossary-delete.php                    [source] [37 lines]    Templates: Delete Glossary
Fileglossary-edit.php                      [source] [33 lines]    
Fileglossary-entry-row.php                 [source] [80 lines]    
Fileglossary-import.php                    [source] [44 lines]    
Fileglossary-new.php                       [source] [30 lines]    
Fileglossary-view.php                      [source] [131 lines]   Filter a glossary description.
Fileheader.php                             [source] [67 lines]    Filter the main heading (H1) of a GlotPress page that links to the home page.
Filehelper-functions.php                   [source] [490 lines]   Defines helper functions used by GlotPress.
Filelocale.api.php                         [source] [2 lines]     
Filelocale.php                             [source] [194 lines]   
Filelocales.api.php                        [source] [2 lines]     
Filelocales.php                            [source] [73 lines]    
Fileprofile-public.api.php                 [source] [30 lines]    
Fileprofile-public.php                     [source] [115 lines]   
Fileproject-branch.php                     [source] [56 lines]    
Fileproject-delete.php                     [source] [42 lines]    Templates: Delete Project
Fileproject-edit.php                       [source] [32 lines]    
Fileproject-form.php                       [source] [37 lines]    
Fileproject-import.php                     [source] [75 lines]    
Fileproject-mass-create-sets.php           [source] [36 lines]    
Fileproject-new.php                        [source] [20 lines]    
Fileproject-permissions.php                [source] [95 lines]    
Fileproject.api.php                        [source] [7 lines]     
Fileproject.php                            [source] [249 lines]   
Fileprojects.api.php                       [source] [2 lines]     
Fileprojects.php                           [source] [28 lines]    
Fileredirect.php                           [source] [6 lines]     
Filesettings-edit.php                      [source] [57 lines]    The user settings block
Filesettings.php                           [source] [41 lines]    The settings page
Filetranslation-row-editor-actions.php     [source] [19 lines]    Template for the action buttons displayed below the editor
Filetranslation-row-editor-meta-status.php [source] [31 lines]    Template for the meta section of the editor row in a translation set display
Filetranslation-row-editor-meta.php        [source] [165 lines]   Template for the meta section of the editor row in a translation set display
Filetranslation-row-editor.php             [source] [106 lines]   Template for the editor part of a single translation row in a translation set display
Filetranslation-row-preview.php            [source] [72 lines]    Template for the preview part of a single translation row in a translation set display
Filetranslation-row.php                    [source] [19 lines]    Template for a single translation row in a translation set display
Filetranslation-set-delete.php             [source] [38 lines]    Templates: Delete Translation Set
Filetranslation-set-edit.php               [source] [32 lines]    
Filetranslation-set-form.php               [source] [24 lines]    
Filetranslation-set-new.php                [source] [20 lines]    
Filetranslations.api.php                   [source] [2 lines]     
Filetranslations.php                       [source] [541 lines]   Template for the translations table.

Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:12 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1