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/src/bp-groups/classes/ -> class-bp-groups-invitation-manager.php (summary)

Group invitations class.

File Size: 195 lines (5 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

BP_Groups_Invitation_Manager:: (6 methods):

Class: BP_Groups_Invitation_Manager  - X-Ref

Group invitations class.

An extension of the core Invitations class that adapts the
core logic to accommodate group invitation behavior.

__construct( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Construct parameters.

since: 5.0.0
param: array|string $args.

run_send_action( BP_Invitation $invitation )   X-Ref
This is where custom actions are added to run when notifications of an
invitation or request need to be generated & sent.

return: bool True on success, false on failure.
since: 5.0.0
param: int $id The ID of the invitation to mark as sent.

run_acceptance_action( $type, $r )   X-Ref
This is where custom actions are added to run when an invitation
or request is accepted.

return: bool True on success, false on failure.
since: 5.0.0
param: string $type Are we accepting an invitation or request?
param: array  $r    Parameters that describe the invitation being accepted.

mark_accepted( $args )   X-Ref
With group invitations, we don't need to keep the old record, so we delete rather than
mark invitations as "accepted."

since: 5.0.0
param: array $args.

allow_invitation( $args )   X-Ref
Should this invitation be created?

return: bool
since: 5.0.0
param: array $args.

allow_request( $args )   X-Ref
Should this request be created?

return: bool.
since: 5.0.0
param: array $args.

Generated: Wed Feb 5 01:01:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1