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BuddyPress Groups Classes.
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BP_Groups_Group:: (37 methods):
Class: BP_Groups_Group - X-Ref
BuddyPress Group object.__construct( $id = null, $args = array() X-Ref |
Constructor method. since: 1.6.0 param: int|null $id Optional. If the ID of an existing group is provided, param: array $args { |
populate() X-Ref |
Set up data about the current group. since: 1.6.0 |
save() X-Ref |
Save the current group to the database. return: bool True on success, false on failure. since: 1.6.0 |
delete() X-Ref |
Delete the current group. return: bool True on success, false on failure. since: 1.6.0 |
__get( $key ) X-Ref |
Magic getter. return: mixed since: 2.7.0 param: string $key Property name. |
__isset( $key ) X-Ref |
Magic issetter. Used to maintain backward compatibility for properties that are now accessible only via magic method. return: bool since: 2.7.0 param: string $key Property name. |
__set( $key, $value ) X-Ref |
Magic setter. Used to maintain backward compatibility for properties that are now accessible only via magic method. return: bool since: 2.7.0 param: string $key Property name. param: mixed $value Property value. |
get_admins() X-Ref |
Get a list of the group's admins. Used to provide cache-friendly access to the 'admins' property of the group object. return: array|null since: 2.7.0 |
get_mods() X-Ref |
Get a list of the group's mods. Used to provide cache-friendly access to the 'mods' property of the group object. return: array|null since: 2.7.0 |
set_up_admins_and_mods() X-Ref |
Set up admins and mods for the current group object. Called only when the 'admins' or 'mods' property is accessed. since: 2.7.0 |
get_is_member() X-Ref |
Checks whether the logged-in user is a member of the group. return: bool|int since: 2.7.0 |
get_user_has_access() X-Ref |
Checks whether the logged-in user has access to the group. return: bool since: 2.7.0 |
is_visible() X-Ref |
Checks whether the current user can know the group exists. return: bool since: 2.9.0 |
group_exists( $slug, $table_name = false ) X-Ref |
Get whether a group exists for a given slug. return: int|null|bool False if empty slug, group ID if found; `null` if not. since: 1.6.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to add the deprecated notice. param: string $slug Slug to check. param: string|bool $table_name Deprecated. |
get_id_from_slug( $slug ) X-Ref |
Get the ID of a group by the group's slug. Alias of {@link BP_Groups_Group::group_exists()}. return: int|null|bool See {@link BP_Groups_Group::group_exists()}. since: 1.6.0 param: string $slug See {@link BP_Groups_Group::group_exists()}. |
get_id_by_previous_slug( $slug ) X-Ref |
Get whether a group exists for an old slug. return: int|null|false Group ID if found; null if not; false if missing parameters. since: 2.9.0 param: string $slug Slug to check. |
get_invites( $user_id, $group_id, $sent = null ) X-Ref |
Get IDs of users with outstanding invites to a given group from a specified user. return: array IDs of users who have been invited to the group by the user but have not since: 1.6.0 since: 2.9.0 Added $sent as a parameter. param: int $user_id ID of the inviting user. param: int $group_id ID of the group. param: int|null $sent Query for a specific invite sent status. If 0, this will query for users |
filter_user_groups( $filter, $user_id = 0, $order = false, $limit = null, $page = null ) X-Ref |
Get a list of a user's groups, filtered by a search string. return: false|array { since: 1.6.0 param: string $filter Search term. Matches against 'name' and param: int $user_id ID of the user whose groups are being searched. param: mixed $order Not used. param: int|null $limit Optional. The max number of results to return. param: int|null $page Optional. The page offset of results to return. |
search_groups( $filter, $limit = null, $page = null, $sort_by = false, $order = false ) X-Ref |
Get a list of groups, filtered by a search string. return: array { since: 1.6.0 param: string $filter Search term. Matches against 'name' and param: int|null $limit Optional. The max number of results to return. param: int|null $page Optional. The page offset of results to return. param: string|bool $sort_by Column to sort by. Default: false (default param: string|bool $order ASC or DESC. Default: false (default sort). |
check_slug( $slug ) X-Ref |
Check for the existence of a slug. return: string|null The slug, if found. Otherwise null. since: 1.6.0 param: string $slug Slug to check. |
get_slug( $group_id ) X-Ref |
Get the slug for a given group ID. return: string|null The slug, if found. Otherwise null. since: 1.6.0 param: int $group_id ID of the group. |
has_members( $group_id ) X-Ref |
Check whether a given group has any members. return: bool True if the group has members, otherwise false. since: 1.6.0 param: int $group_id ID of the group. |
has_membership_requests( $group_id ) X-Ref |
Check whether a group has outstanding membership requests. return: int|null The number of outstanding requests, or null if since: 1.6.0 param: int $group_id ID of the group. |
get_membership_requests( $group_id, $limit = null, $page = null ) X-Ref |
Get outstanding membership requests for a group. return: array { since: 1.6.0 param: int $group_id ID of the group. param: int|null $limit Optional. Max number of results to return. param: int|null $page Optional. Page offset of results returned. Default: |
get( $args = array() X-Ref |
Query for groups. return: array { since: 1.6.0 since: 2.6.0 Added `$group_type`, `$group_type__in`, and `$group_type__not_in` parameters. since: 2.7.0 Added `$update_admin_cache` and `$parent_id` parameters. since: 2.8.0 Changed `$search_terms` parameter handling and added `$search_columns` parameter. since: 2.9.0 Added `$slug` parameter. since: 10.0.0 Added `$date_query` parameter. param: array $args { |
get_meta_query_sql( $meta_query = array() X-Ref |
Get the SQL for the 'meta_query' param in BP_Groups_Group::get() We use WP_Meta_Query to do the heavy lifting of parsing the meta_query array and creating the necessary SQL clauses. return: array $sql_array 'join' and 'where' clauses. since: 1.8.0 param: array $meta_query An array of meta_query filters. See the |
convert_type_to_order_orderby( $type = '' ) X-Ref |
Convert the 'type' parameter to 'order' and 'orderby'. return: array { since: 1.8.0 param: string $type The 'type' shorthand param. |
convert_orderby_to_order_by_term( $orderby ) X-Ref |
Convert the 'orderby' param into a proper SQL term/column. return: string $order_by_term SQL-friendly orderby term. since: 1.8.0 param: string $orderby Orderby term as passed to get(). |
get_by_letter( $letter, $limit = null, $page = null, $populate_extras = true, $exclude = false ) X-Ref |
Get a list of groups whose names start with a given letter. return: false|array { since: 1.6.0 param: string $letter The letter. param: int|null $limit Optional. The max number of results to return. param: int|null $page Optional. The page offset of results to return. param: bool $populate_extras Deprecated. param: string|array|bool $exclude Optional. Array or comma-separated list of group |
get_random( $limit = null, $page = null, $user_id = 0, $search_terms = false, $populate_extras = true, $exclude = false ) X-Ref |
Get a list of random groups. Use BP_Groups_Group::get() with 'type' = 'random' instead. return: array { since: 1.6.0 since: 10.0.0 Deprecate the `$populate_extras` arg. param: int|null $limit Optional. The max number of results to return. param: int|null $page Optional. The page offset of results to return. param: int $user_id Optional. If present, groups will be limited to param: string|bool $search_terms Optional. Limit groups to those whose name param: bool $populate_extras Deprecated. param: string|array|bool $exclude Optional. Array or comma-separated list of group |
get_group_extras( &$paged_groups, &$group_ids, $type = false ) X-Ref |
Fetch extra data for a list of groups. This method is used throughout the class, by methods that take a $populate_extras parameter. Data fetched: - Logged-in user's status within each group (is_member, is_confirmed, is_pending, is_banned) return: array $paged_groups since: 1.6.0 param: array $paged_groups Array of groups. param: string|array $group_ids Array or comma-separated list of IDs matching param: string|bool $type Not used. |
delete_all_invites( $group_id ) X-Ref |
Delete all invitations to a given group. return: int|null Number of rows records deleted on success, null on since: 1.6.0 param: int $group_id ID of the group whose invitations are being deleted. |
get_total_group_count( $skip_cache = false ) X-Ref |
Get a total group count for the site. Will include hidden groups in the count only if bp_current_user_can( 'bp_moderate' ). return: int since: 1.6.0 since: 10.0.0 Added the `$skip_cache` parameter. param: bool $skip_cache Optional. Skip getting count from cache. |
get_total_member_count( $group_id, $skip_cache = false ) X-Ref |
Get the member count for a group. return: int Count of confirmed members for the group. since: 1.6.0 since: 10.0.0 Updated to use the `groups_get_group_members`. param: int $group_id Group ID. param: bool $skip_cache Optional. Skip getting count from cache. Defaults to false. |
get_group_type_ids() X-Ref |
Get an array containing ids for each group type. A bit of a kludge workaround for some issues with bp_has_groups(). return: array since: 1.7.0 |
get_sql_clause_for_group_types( $group_types, $operator ) X-Ref |
Get SQL clause for group type(s). return: string $clause SQL clause. since: 2.6.0 param: string|array $group_types Group type(s). param: string $operator 'IN' or 'NOT IN'. |
strip_leading_and( $s ) X-Ref |
Strips the leading AND and any surrounding whitespace from a string. Used here to normalize SQL fragments generated by `WP_Meta_Query` and other utility classes. return: string since: 2.7.0 param: string $s String. |
Generated: Wed Feb 5 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |