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BuddyPress Core Theme Compatibility.
File Size: | 1018 lines (30 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
bp_setup_theme_compat( $theme = '' ) X-Ref |
Set up the default theme compat theme. param: string $theme Optional. The unique ID identifier of a theme package. since: 1.7.0 |
bp_get_theme_compat_id() X-Ref |
Get the ID of the theme package being used. This can be filtered or set manually. Tricky theme authors can override the default and include their own BuddyPress compatibility layers for their themes. since: 1.7.0 return: string ID of the theme package in use. |
bp_get_theme_compat_name() X-Ref |
Get the name of the theme package being used. This can be filtered or set manually. Tricky theme authors can override the default and include their own BuddyPress compatibility layers for their themes. since: 1.7.0 return: string Name of the theme package currently in use. |
bp_get_theme_compat_version() X-Ref |
Get the version of the theme package being used. This can be filtered or set manually. Tricky theme authors can override the default and include their own BuddyPress compatibility layers for their themes. since: 1.7.0 return: string The version string of the theme package currently in use. |
bp_get_theme_compat_dir() X-Ref |
Get the absolute path of the theme package being used. Or set manually. Tricky theme authors can override the default and include their own BuddyPress compatibility layers for their themes. since: 1.7.0 return: string The absolute path of the theme package currently in use. |
bp_get_theme_compat_url() X-Ref |
Get the URL of the theme package being used. This can be filtered, or set manually. Tricky theme authors can override the default and include their own BuddyPress compatibility layers for their themes. since: 1.7.0 return: string URL of the theme package currently in use. |
bp_use_theme_compat_with_current_theme() X-Ref |
Should we use theme compat for this theme? If the current theme's need for theme compat hasn't yet been detected, we do so using bp_detect_theme_compat_with_current_theme(). since: 1.9.0 return: bool True if the current theme needs theme compatibility. |
bp_detect_theme_compat_with_current_theme() X-Ref |
Set our flag to determine whether theme compat should be enabled. Theme compat is disabled when a theme meets one of the following criteria: 1) It declares BP support with add_theme_support( 'buddypress' ) 2) It is bp-default, or a child theme of bp-default 3) A legacy template is found at members/members-loop.php. This is a fallback check for themes that were derived from bp-default, and have not been updated for BP 1.7+; we make the assumption that any theme in this category will have the members-loop.php template, and so use its presence as an indicator that theme compatibility is not required. since: 1.9.0 return: bool True if the current theme needs theme compatibility. |
bp_is_theme_compat_active() X-Ref |
Is the current page using theme compatibility? since: 1.7.0 return: bool True if the current page uses theme compatibility. |
bp_set_theme_compat_active( $set = true ) X-Ref |
Set the flag that tells whether the current page is using theme compatibility. param: bool $set True to set the flag to true, false to set it to false. since: 1.7.0 return: bool Returns the value of $set. |
bp_set_theme_compat_templates( $templates = array() X-Ref |
Set the theme compat templates global. Stash possible template files for the current query. Useful if plugins want to override them, or see what files are being scanned for inclusion. param: array $templates The template stack. since: 1.7.0 return: array The template stack (value of $templates). |
bp_set_theme_compat_template( $template = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the theme compat template global. Stash the template file for the current query. Useful if plugins want to override it, or see what file is being included. param: string $template The template currently in use. since: 1.7.0 return: string The template currently in use (value of $template). |
bp_set_theme_compat_original_template( $template = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the theme compat original_template global. Stash the original template file for the current query. Useful for checking if BuddyPress was able to find a more appropriate template. param: string $template The template originally selected by WP. since: 1.7.0 return: string The template originally selected by WP (value of $template). |
bp_set_theme_compat_feature( $theme_id, $feature = array() X-Ref |
Set a theme compat feature param: string $theme_id The theme id (eg: legacy). param: array $feature An associative array (eg: array( name => 'feature_name', 'settings' => array() )). since: 2.4.0 |
bp_get_theme_compat_feature( $feature = '' ) X-Ref |
Get a theme compat feature param: string $feature The feature (eg: cover_image). since: 2.4.0 return: object The feature settings. |
bp_register_theme_compat_default_features() X-Ref |
Setup the theme's features. Note: BP Legacy's buddypress-functions.php is not loaded in WP Administration as it's loaded using bp_locate_template(). That's why this function is here. since: 2.4.0 |
bp_is_theme_compat_original_template( $template = '' ) X-Ref |
Check whether a given template is the one that WP originally selected to display current page. param: string $template The template name to check. since: 1.7.0 return: bool True if the value of $template is the same as the |
bp_register_theme_package( $theme = array() X-Ref |
Register a new BuddyPress theme package in the active theme packages array. For an example of how this function is used, see: {@link BuddyPress::register_theme_packages()}. param: array $theme See {@link BP_Theme_Compat}. param: bool $override If true, overrides whatever package is currently set. since: 1.7.0 |
bp_theme_compat_reset_post( $args = array() X-Ref |
Populate various WordPress globals with dummy data to prevent errors. This dummy data is necessary because theme compatibility essentially fakes WordPress into thinking that there is content where, in fact, there is none (at least, no WordPress post content). By providing dummy data, we ensure that template functions - things like is_page() - don't throw errors. param: array $args Array of optional arguments. Arguments parallel the properties since: 1.7.0 |
bp_template_include_theme_compat( $template = '' ) X-Ref |
Reset main query vars and filter 'the_content' to output a BuddyPress template part as needed. param: string $template Template name. since: 1.7.0 return: string $template Template name. |
bp_replace_the_content( $content = '' ) X-Ref |
Conditionally replace 'the_content'. Replaces the_content() if the post_type being displayed is one that would normally be handled by BuddyPress, but proper single page templates do not exist in the currently active theme. param: string $content Original post content. since: 1.7.0 return: string $content Post content, potentially modified. |
bp_do_theme_compat() X-Ref |
Are we currently replacing the_content? since: 1.8.0 return: bool True if the_content is currently in the process of being |
bp_remove_all_filters( $tag, $priority = false ) X-Ref |
Remove all filters from a WordPress filter hook. Removed filters are stashed in the $bp global, in case they need to be restored later. param: string $tag The filter tag to remove filters from. param: int|bool $priority Optional. If present, only those callbacks attached since: 1.7.0 return: bool True on success. |
bp_restore_all_filters( $tag, $priority = false ) X-Ref |
Restore filters that were removed using bp_remove_all_filters(). param: string $tag The tag to which filters should be restored. param: int|bool $priority Optional. If present, only those filters that were originally since: 1.7.0 return: bool True on success. |
bp_comments_open( $open, $post_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Force comments_status to 'closed' for BuddyPress post types. param: bool $open True if open, false if closed. param: int $post_id ID of the post to check. since: 1.7.0 return: bool True if open, false if closed. |
bp_theme_compat_toggle_is_page( $retval = '' ) X-Ref |
Do not allow {@link comments_template()} to render during theme compatibility. When theme compatibility sets the 'is_page' flag to true via {@link bp_theme_compat_reset_post()}, themes that use comments_template() in their page template will run. To prevent comments_template() from rendering, we set the 'is_page' and 'is_single' flags to false since that function looks at these conditionals before querying the database for comments and loading the comments template. This is done during the output buffer as late as possible to prevent any wonkiness. param: string $retval The current post content. since: 1.9.2 return: string $retval |
bp_theme_compat_loop_end( $query ) X-Ref |
Restores the 'is_single' and 'is_page' flags if toggled by BuddyPress. param: object $query The WP_Query object. since: 1.9.2 |
bp_check_theme_template_pack_dependency() X-Ref |
Maybe override the preferred template pack if the theme declares a dependency. since: 3.0.0 |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |