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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress




/src/bp-core/ -> bp-core-template-loader.php (summary)

BuddyPress Template Functions. This file contains functions necessary to mirror the WordPress core template loading process. Many of those functions are not filterable, and even then would not be robust enough to predict where BuddyPress templates might exist.

File Size: 701 lines (21 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 18 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

bp_get_template_part( $slug, $name = null, $args = array()   X-Ref
Get a BuddyPress template part for display in a theme.

return: false|string Path to located template. See {@link bp_locate_template()}.
since: 1.7.0
since: 7.0.0 Added $args parameter.
param: string      $slug Template part slug. Used to generate filenames,
param: string|null $name Optional. Template part name. Used to generate
param: array       $args Optional. Extra args to pass to locate_template().

bp_get_asset_template_part( $slug, $name = null, $args = array()   X-Ref
Get an asset template part.

Basically the same as {@link bp_get_template_part()}, but with 'assets/'
prepended to the slug.

return: false|string
since: 2.6.0
since: 7.0.0 Added $args parameter.
param: string      $slug Template slug.
param: string|null $name Template name.
param: array       $args Optional. Extra args to pass to locate_template().

bp_get_dynamic_template_part( $template = '', $type = 'js', $tokens = array()   X-Ref
Get a dynamic template part.

return: string HTML/JS output.
since: 9.0.0
param: string $template     The Template Pack's relative path to the templata.
param: string $type         Whether to use the template for JavaScript or PHP.
param: array  $tokens       The data to use to customize the template. Optional.
param: array  $allowed_tags The allowed tags to use. Optional.

bp_locate_template( $template_names, $load = false, $require_once = true, $args = array()   X-Ref
Retrieve the name of the highest priority template file that exists.

Searches in the STYLESHEETPATH before TEMPLATEPATH so that themes which
inherit from a parent theme can just overload one file. If the template is
not found in either of those, it looks in the theme-compat folder last.

return: string The template filename if one is located.
since: 1.7.0
since: 7.0.0 Added $args parameter.
param: string|array $template_names Template file(s) to search for, in order.
param: bool         $load           Optional. If true, the template file will be loaded when
param: bool         $require_once   Optional. Whether to require_once or require. Has
param: array        $args           Optional. Extra args to pass to locate_template().

bp_locate_template_asset( $filename )   X-Ref
Get file data of the highest priority asset that exists.

Similar to {@link bp_locate_template()}, but for files like CSS and JS.

return: false|array Array of asset data if one is located (includes absolute filepath and URI).
since: 2.6.0
param: string $filename Relative filename to search for.

bp_register_template_stack( $location_callback = '', $priority = 10 )   X-Ref
Register a new template stack location.

This allows for templates to live in places beyond just the parent/child
relationship, to allow for custom template locations. Used in conjunction
with bp_locate_template(), this allows for easy template overrides.

return: bool See {@link add_filter()}.
since: 1.7.0
param: string $location_callback Callback function that returns the stack location.
param: int    $priority          Optional. The priority parameter as passed to

bp_deregister_template_stack( $location_callback = '', $priority = 10 )   X-Ref
Deregister a previously registered template stack location.

return: bool See {@link remove_filter()}.
since: 1.7.0
param: string $location_callback Callback function that returns the stack location.
param: int    $priority          Optional. The priority parameter passed to

bp_get_template_stack()   X-Ref
Get the "template stack", a list of registered directories where templates can be found.

Calls the functions added to the 'bp_template_stack' filter hook, and return
an array of the template locations.

return: array The filtered value after all hooked functions are applied to it.
since: 1.7.0

bp_buffer_template_part( $slug, $name = null, $echo = true, $args = array()   X-Ref
Put a template part into an output buffer, and return it.

return: string|null If $echo, returns the template content.
since: 1.7.0
since: 7.0.0 Added $args parameter.
param: string      $slug See {@link bp_get_template_part()}.
param: string|null $name See {@link bp_get_template_part()}.
param: bool        $echo If true, template content will be echoed. If false,
param: array       $args See {@link bp_get_template_part()}.

bp_get_query_template( $type, $templates = array()   X-Ref
Retrieve the path to a template.

Used to quickly retrieve the path of a template without including the file
extension. It will also check the parent theme and theme-compat theme with
the use of {@link bp_locate_template()}. Allows for more generic template
locations without the use of the other get_*_template() functions.

return: string Full path to file.
since: 1.7.0
param: string $type      Filename without extension.
param: array  $templates An optional list of template candidates.

bp_get_template_locations( $templates = array()   X-Ref
Get the possible subdirectories to check for templates in.

return: array Possible subfolders to look in.
since: 1.7.0
param: array $templates Templates we are looking for.

bp_add_template_stack_locations( $stacks = array()   X-Ref
Add template locations to template files being searched for.

return: array Array of all template locations registered so far.
since: 1.7.0
param: array $stacks Array of template locations.

bp_parse_query( $posts_query )   X-Ref
Add checks for BuddyPress conditions to 'parse_query' action.

since: 1.7.0
param: WP_Query $posts_query WP_Query object.

bp_template_include_theme_supports( $template = '' )   X-Ref
Possibly intercept the template being loaded.

Listens to the 'template_include' filter and waits for any BuddyPress specific
template condition to be met. If one is met and the template file exists,
it will be used; otherwise.

Note that the _edit() checks are ahead of their counterparts, to prevent them
from being stomped on accident.

return: string The path to the template file that is being used.
since: 1.7.0
param: string $template The path to the template file that is being used.

bp_set_template_included( $template = false )   X-Ref
Set the included template.

return: mixed False if empty. Template name if template included.
since: 1.8.0
param: mixed $template Default: false.

bp_is_template_included()   X-Ref
Is a BuddyPress template being included?

return: bool True if yes, false if no.
since: 1.8.0

bp_load_theme_functions()   X-Ref
Attempt to load a custom BP functions file, similar to each themes functions.php file.

since: 1.7.0

bp_get_theme_compat_templates()   X-Ref
Get the templates to use as the endpoint for BuddyPress template parts.

return: string Possible root level wrapper template files.
since: 1.7.0
since: 2.4.0 Added singular.php to stack

Generated: Wed Feb 5 01:01:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1