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BuddyPress Options.
File Size: | 726 lines (21 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
bp_get_default_options() X-Ref |
Get the default site options and their values. Default values should not be set by calls to `get_option()` or `get_site_option()` due to these causing load order problems with `bp_core_clear_root_options_cache()`; see #BP7227. since: 1.6.0 return: array Filtered option names and values. |
bp_add_options() X-Ref |
Add default options when BuddyPress is first activated. Only called once when BuddyPress is activated. Non-destructive, so existing settings will not be overridden. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_delete_options() X-Ref |
Delete default options. Hooked to bp_uninstall, it is only called once when BuddyPress is uninstalled. This is destructive, so existing settings will be destroyed. Currently unused. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_setup_option_filters() X-Ref |
Add filters to each BP option, allowing them to be overloaded from inside the $bp->options array. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_pre_get_option( $value = false ) X-Ref |
Filter default options and allow them to be overloaded from inside the $bp->options array. param: bool $value Optional. Default value false. since: 1.6.0 return: mixed False if not overloaded, mixed if set. |
bp_get_option( $option_name, $default = '' ) X-Ref |
Retrieve an option. This is a wrapper for {@link get_blog_option()}, which in turn stores settings data (such as bp-pages) on the appropriate blog, given your current setup. The 'bp_get_option' filter is primarily for backward-compatibility. param: string $option_name The option to be retrieved. param: string $default Optional. Default value to be returned if the option since: 1.5.0 return: mixed The value for the option. |
bp_add_option( $option_name, $value ) X-Ref |
Add an option. This is a wrapper for {@link add_blog_option()}, which in turn stores settings data on the appropriate blog, given your current setup. param: string $option_name The option key to be set. param: mixed $value The value to be set. since: 2.0.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
bp_update_option( $option_name, $value ) X-Ref |
Save an option. This is a wrapper for {@link update_blog_option()}, which in turn stores settings data (such as bp-pages) on the appropriate blog, given your current setup. param: string $option_name The option key to be set. param: mixed $value The value to be set. since: 1.5.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
bp_delete_option( $option_name ) X-Ref |
Delete an option. This is a wrapper for {@link delete_blog_option()}, which in turn deletes settings data (such as bp-pages) on the appropriate blog, given your current setup. param: string $option_name The option key to be deleted. since: 1.5.0 return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
bp_core_activate_site_options( $keys = array() X-Ref |
Copy BP options from a single site to multisite config. Run when switching from single to multisite and we need to copy blog options to site options. This function is no longer used. param: array $keys Array of site options. since: 1.2.4 return: bool |
bp_core_get_root_options() X-Ref |
Fetch global BP options. BuddyPress uses common options to store configuration settings. Many of these settings are needed at run time. Instead of fetching them all and adding many initial queries to each page load, let's fetch them all in one go. since: 1.5.0 return: array $root_blog_options_meta List of options. |
bp_core_get_root_option( $option ) X-Ref |
Get a root option. "Root options" are those that apply across an entire installation, and are fetched only a single time during a pageload and stored in `buddypress()->site_options` to prevent future lookups. See {@see bp_core_get_root_options()}. param: string $option Name of the option key. since: 2.3.0 return: mixed Value, if found. |
bp_disable_profile_sync( $default = false ) X-Ref |
Is profile syncing disabled? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if profile sync is enabled, otherwise false. |
bp_hide_loggedout_adminbar( $default = true ) X-Ref |
Is the Toolbar hidden for logged out users? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if the admin bar should be hidden for logged-out users, |
bp_disable_avatar_uploads( $default = true ) X-Ref |
Are members able to upload their own avatars? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if avatar uploads are disabled, otherwise false. |
bp_disable_cover_image_uploads( $default = false ) X-Ref |
Are members able to upload their own cover images? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 2.4.0 return: bool True if cover image uploads are disabled, otherwise false. |
bp_disable_group_avatar_uploads( $default = null ) X-Ref |
Are group avatars disabled? For backward compatibility, this option falls back on the value of 'bp-disable-avatar-uploads' when no value is found in the database. param: bool|null $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 2.3.0 return: bool True if group avatar uploads are disabled, otherwise false. |
bp_disable_group_cover_image_uploads( $default = false ) X-Ref |
Are group cover images disabled? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 2.4.0 return: bool True if group cover image uploads are disabled, otherwise false. |
bp_disable_account_deletion( $default = false ) X-Ref |
Are members able to delete their own accounts? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if users are able to delete their own accounts, otherwise |
bp_disable_blogforum_comments( $default = false ) X-Ref |
Are post/comment activity stream comments disabled? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if activity comments are disabled for blog and forum |
bp_restrict_group_creation( $default = true ) X-Ref |
Is group creation turned off? param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if group creation is restricted, otherwise false. |
bp_is_akismet_active( $default = true ) X-Ref |
Check whether Akismet is enabled. param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if Akismet is enabled, otherwise false. |
bp_is_activity_heartbeat_active( $default = true ) X-Ref |
Check whether Activity Heartbeat refresh is enabled. param: bool $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 2.0.0 return: bool True if Heartbeat refresh is enabled, otherwise false. |
bp_get_theme_package_id( $default = 'legacy' ) X-Ref |
Get the current theme package ID. param: string $default Optional. Fallback value if not found in the database. since: 1.7.0 return: string ID of the theme package. |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |