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PHP Cross Reference of BuddyPress |
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BuddyPress Moderation Functions.
File Size: | 362 lines (9 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
bp_core_check_for_flood( $user_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Check for flooding. Check to make sure that a user is not making too many posts in a short amount of time. param: int $user_id User id to check for flood. since: 1.6.0 return: bool True if there is no flooding, false if there is. |
bp_core_check_for_moderation( $user_id = 0, $title = '', $content = '', $error_type = 'bool' ) X-Ref |
Check for moderation keys and too many links. param: int $user_id User ID. param: string $title The title of the content. param: string $content The content being posted. param: string $error_type The error type to return. Either 'bool' or 'wp_error'. since: 1.6.0 since: 2.6.0 Added $error_type parameter. return: bool|WP_Error True if test is passed, false if fail. |
bp_core_check_for_disallowed_keys( $user_id = 0, $title = '', $content = '', $error_type = 'bool' ) X-Ref |
Check for blocked keys. param: int $user_id User ID. param: string $title The title of the content. param: string $content The content being posted. param: string $error_type The error type to return. Either 'bool' or 'wp_error'. since: 7.0.0 return: bool|WP_Error True if test is passed, false if fail. |
bp_core_current_user_ip() X-Ref |
Get the current user's IP address. since: 1.6.0 return: string IP address. |
bp_core_current_user_ua() X-Ref |
Get the current user's user-agent. since: 1.6.0 return: string User agent string. |
Generated: Wed Mar 12 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |