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BuddyPress Common Functions.
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bp_version() X-Ref |
Output the BuddyPress version. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_get_version() X-Ref |
Return the BuddyPress version. return: string The BuddyPress version. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_db_version() X-Ref |
Output the BuddyPress database version. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_get_db_version() X-Ref |
Return the BuddyPress database version. return: string The BuddyPress database version. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_db_version_raw() X-Ref |
Output the BuddyPress database version. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_get_db_version_raw() X-Ref |
Return the BuddyPress database version. return: string The BuddyPress version direct from the database. since: 1.6.0 |
bp_is_running_wp( $version, $compare = '>=' ) X-Ref |
Check whether the current version of WP exceeds a given version. return: bool since: 7.0.0 param: string $version WP version, in "PHP-standardized" format. param: string $compare Optional. Comparison operator. Default '>='. |
bp_core_get_table_prefix() X-Ref |
Get the $wpdb base prefix, run through the 'bp_core_get_table_prefix' filter. The filter is intended primarily for use in multinetwork installations. return: string Filtered database prefix. since: 1.2.6 |
bp_sort_by_key( $items, $key, $type = 'alpha', $preserve_keys = false ) X-Ref |
Sort an array of objects or arrays by a specific key/property. The main purpose for this function is so that you can avoid having to create your own awkward callback function for usort(). return: array $items The sorted array. since: 2.2.0 since: 2.7.0 Added $preserve_keys parameter. param: array $items The items to be sorted. Its constituent items param: string|int $key The array index or property name to sort by. param: string $type Sort type. 'alpha' for alphabetical, 'num' param: bool $preserve_keys Whether to keep the keys or not. |
bp_alpha_sort_by_key( $items, $key ) X-Ref |
Sort an array of objects or arrays by alphabetically sorting by a specific key/property. For instance, if you have an array of WordPress post objects, you can sort them by post_name as follows: $sorted_posts = bp_alpha_sort_by_key( $posts, 'post_name' ); return: array $items The sorted array. since: 1.9.0 param: array $items The items to be sorted. Its constituent items can be either associative arrays or objects. param: string|int $key The array index or property name to sort by. |
bp_core_number_format( $number = 0, $decimals = false ) X-Ref |
Format numbers the BuddyPress way. return: string The formatted number. since: 1.2.0 param: int $number The number to be formatted. param: bool $decimals Whether to use decimals. See {@link number_format_i18n()}. |
bp_core_parse_args_array( $old_args_keys, $func_args ) X-Ref |
A utility for parsing individual function arguments into an array. The purpose of this function is to help with backward compatibility in cases where function foo( $bar = 1, $baz = false, $barry = array(), $blip = false ) { // ... is deprecated in favor of function foo( $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'bar' => 1, 'arg2' => false, 'arg3' => array(), 'arg4' => false, ); $r = bp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); // ... The first argument, $old_args_keys, is an array that matches the parameter positions (keys) to the new $args keys (values): $old_args_keys = array( 0 => 'bar', // because $bar was the 0th parameter for foo() 1 => 'baz', // because $baz was the 1st parameter for foo() 2 => 'barry', // etc 3 => 'blip' ); For the second argument, $func_args, you should just pass the value of func_get_args(). return: array $new_args The parsed arguments. since: 1.6.0 param: array $old_args_keys Old argument indexes, keyed to their positions. param: array $func_args The parameters passed to the originating function. |
bp_parse_args( $args, $defaults = array() X-Ref |
Merge user defined arguments into defaults array. This function is used throughout BuddyPress to allow for either a string or array to be merged into another array. It is identical to wp_parse_args() except it allows for arguments to be passively or aggressively filtered using the optional $filter_key parameter. If no $filter_key is passed, no filters are applied. return: array Merged user defined values with defaults. since: 2.0.0 param: string|array $args Value to merge with $defaults. param: array $defaults Array that serves as the defaults. param: string $filter_key String to key the filters from. |
bp_sanitize_pagination_arg( $page_arg = '', $page = 1 ) X-Ref |
Sanitizes a pagination argument based on both the request override and the original value submitted via a query argument, likely to a template class responsible for limiting the result set of a template loop. return: int A sanitized integer value, good for pagination. since: 2.2.0 param: string $page_arg The $_REQUEST argument to look for. param: int $page The original page value to fall back to. |
bp_esc_sql_order( $order = '' ) X-Ref |
Sanitize an 'order' parameter for use in building SQL queries. Strings like 'DESC', 'desc', ' desc' will be interpreted into 'DESC'. Everything else becomes 'ASC'. return: string The sanitized value 'DESC' or 'ASC'. since: 1.8.0 param: string $order The 'order' string, as passed to the SQL constructor. |
bp_esc_like( $text ) X-Ref |
Escape special characters in a SQL LIKE clause. In WordPress 4.0, like_escape() was deprecated, due to incorrect documentation and improper sanitization leading to a history of misuse. To maintain compatibility with versions of WP before 4.0, we duplicate the logic of the replacement, wpdb::esc_like(). return: string Text in the form of a LIKE phrase. Not SQL safe. Run through since: 2.1.0 param: string $text The raw text to be escaped. |
bp_is_username_compatibility_mode() X-Ref |
Are we running username compatibility mode? return: bool False when compatibility mode is disabled, true when enabled. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_use_wp_admin_bar() X-Ref |
Should we use the WP Toolbar? The WP Toolbar, introduced in WP 3.1, is fully supported in BuddyPress as of BP 1.5. For BP 1.6, the WP Toolbar is the default. return: bool Default: true. False when WP Toolbar support is disabled. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_forums_parent_forum_id() X-Ref |
Return the parent forum ID for the Legacy Forums abstraction layer. return: int Forum ID. since: 1.5.0 since: 3.0.0 Supported for compatibility with bbPress 2. |
bp_core_get_packaged_component_ids() X-Ref |
Returns an array of core component IDs. return: array since: 2.1.0 |
bp_core_get_directory_page_ids( $status = 'active' ) X-Ref |
Fetch a list of BP directory pages from the appropriate meta table. return: array|string An array of page IDs, keyed by component names, or an since: 1.5.0 since: 10.0.0 Eventually switch the current site to BP root's one on multisite configs. param: string $status 'active' to return only pages associated with active components, 'all' to return all saved |
bp_core_get_directory_page_id( $component = null ) X-Ref |
Get the page ID corresponding to a component directory. return: int|false The ID of the directory page associated with the component. False if none is found. since: 2.6.0 param: string|null $component The slug representing the component. Defaults to the current component. |
bp_core_update_directory_page_ids( $blog_page_ids ) X-Ref |
Store the list of BP directory pages in the appropriate meta table. The bp-pages data is stored in site_options (falls back to options on non-MS), in an array keyed by blog_id. This allows you to change your bp_get_root_blog_id() and go through the setup process again. since: 1.5.0 param: array $blog_page_ids The IDs of the WP pages corresponding to BP |
bp_core_get_directory_pages() X-Ref |
Get names and slugs for BuddyPress component directory pages. return: object Page names, IDs, and slugs. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_core_add_page_mappings( $components, $existing = 'keep' ) X-Ref |
Creates necessary directory pages. Directory pages are those WordPress pages used by BP components to display content (eg, the 'groups' page created by BP). since: 1.7.0 param: array $components Components to create pages for. param: string $existing 'delete' if you want to delete existing page mappings |
bp_core_get_directory_page_default_titles() X-Ref |
Get the default page titles for BP directory pages. return: array since: 2.7.0 |
bp_core_on_directory_page_delete( $post_id ) X-Ref |
Remove the entry from bp_pages when the corresponding WP page is deleted. Bails early on multisite installations when not viewing the root site. since: 2.2.0 param: int $post_id Post ID. |
bp_core_component_slug_from_root_slug( $root_slug ) X-Ref |
Create a default component slug from a WP page root_slug. Since 1.5, BP components get their root_slug (the slug used immediately following the root domain) from the slug of a corresponding WP page. E.g. if your BP installation at example.com has its members page at example.com/community/people, $bp->members->root_slug will be 'community/people'. By default, this function creates a shorter version of the root_slug for use elsewhere in the URL, by returning the content after the final '/' in the root_slug ('people' in the example above). Filter on 'bp_core_component_slug_from_root_slug' to override this method in general, or define a specific component slug constant (e.g. BP_MEMBERS_SLUG) to override specific component slugs. return: string The short slug for use in the middle of URLs. since: 1.5.0 param: string $root_slug The root slug, which comes from $bp->pages->[component]->slug. |
bp_core_add_root_component( $slug ) X-Ref |
Add support for a top-level ("root") component. This function originally (pre-1.5) let plugins add support for pages in the root of the install. These root level pages are now handled by actual WordPress pages and this function is now a convenience for compatibility with the new method. since: 1.0.0 param: string $slug The slug of the component being added to the root list. |
bp_core_create_root_component_page() X-Ref |
Create WordPress pages to be used as BP component directories. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_core_get_component_search_query_arg( $component = null ) X-Ref |
Get the 'search' query argument for a given component. return: string|bool Query argument on success. False on failure. since: 2.4.0 since: 2.7.0 The `$component` parameter was made optional, with the current component param: string|null $component Optional. Component name. Defaults to current component. |
bp_core_get_active_components( $args = array() X-Ref |
Get a list of all active component objects. return: array A list of component ids or objects. since: 8.0.0 param: array $args { param: string $output Optional. The type of output to return. Accepts 'ids' param: string $operator Optional. The logical operation to perform. 'or' means only one |
bp_do_register_theme_directory() X-Ref |
Determine whether BuddyPress should register the bp-themes directory. return: bool True if bp-themes should be registered, false otherwise. since: 1.9.0 |
bp_core_get_root_domain() X-Ref |
Return the domain for the root blog. Eg: http://example.com OR https://example.com return: string The domain URL for the blog. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_core_redirect( $location = '', $status = 302 ) X-Ref |
Perform a status-safe wp_redirect() that is compatible with BP's URI parser. since: 1.0.0 param: string $location The redirect URL. param: int $status Optional. The numeric code to give in the redirect |
bp_get_referer_path() X-Ref |
Return the URL path of the referring page. This is a wrapper for `wp_get_referer()` that sanitizes the referer URL to a webroot-relative path. For example, 'http://example.com/foo/' will be reduced to '/foo/'. return: bool|string Returns false on error, a URL path on success. since: 2.3.0 |
bp_core_get_site_path() X-Ref |
Get the path of the current site. return: string URL to the current site. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_core_current_time( $gmt = true, $type = 'mysql' ) X-Ref |
Get the current GMT time to save into the DB. return: string Current time in 'Y-m-d h:i:s' format. since: 1.2.6 param: bool $gmt True to use GMT (rather than local) time. Default: true. param: string $type See the 'type' parameter in {@link current_time()}. |
bp_core_time_diff( $args = array() X-Ref |
Calculate the human time difference between two dates. Based on function created by Dunstan Orchard - http://1976design.com return: null|array|false Null if there's no time diff. An array containing 1 or 2 chunks since: 8.0.0 param: array $args { |
bp_core_time_since( $older_date, $newer_date = false ) X-Ref |
Get an English-language representation of the time elapsed since a given date. This function will return an English representation of the time elapsed since a given date. eg: 2 hours, 50 minutes eg: 4 days eg: 4 weeks, 6 days Note that fractions of minutes are not represented in the return string. So an interval of 3 minutes will be represented by "3 minutes ago", as will an interval of 3 minutes 59 seconds. return: string String representing the time since the older date, eg since: 1.0.0 since: 8.0.0 Move the time difference calculation into `bp_core_time_diff()`. param: int|string $older_date The earlier time from which you're calculating param: int|bool $newer_date Optional. Unix timestamp of date to compare older |
bp_core_time_old( $birth_date ) X-Ref |
Get an age to display according to the birth date. return: string The age to display. since: 8.0.0 param: int|string $birth_date A timestamp or a MySQL formatted date. |
bp_core_iso8601_date( $timestamp = '' ) X-Ref |
Output an ISO-8601 date from a date string. return: string|null since: 2.7.0 param: string String of date to convert. Timezone should be UTC before using this. |
bp_core_get_iso8601_date( $timestamp = '' ) X-Ref |
Return an ISO-8601 date from a date string. return: string since: 2.7.0 param: string String of date to convert. Timezone should be UTC before using this. |
bp_core_add_message( $message, $type = '' ) X-Ref |
Add a feedback (error/success) message to the WP cookie so it can be displayed after the page reloads. since: 1.0.0 param: string $message Feedback message to be displayed. param: string $type Message type. 'updated', 'success', 'error', 'warning'. |
bp_core_setup_message() X-Ref |
Set up the display of the 'template_notices' feedback message. Checks whether there is a feedback message in the WP cookie and, if so, adds a "template_notices" action so that the message can be parsed into the template and displayed to the user. After the message is displayed, it removes the message vars from the cookie so that the message is not shown to the user multiple times. since: 1.1.0 |
bp_core_render_message() X-Ref |
Render the 'template_notices' feedback message. The hook action 'template_notices' is used to call this function, it is not called directly. since: 1.1.0 |
bp_core_record_activity() X-Ref |
Listener function for the logged-in user's 'last_activity' metadata. Many functions use a "last active" feature to show the length of time since the user was last active. This function will update that time as a usermeta setting for the user every 5 minutes while the user is actively browsing the site. return: false|null Returns false if there is nothing to do. since: 1.0.0 |
bp_core_get_last_activity( $last_activity_date = '', $string = '' ) X-Ref |
Format last activity string based on time since date given. return: string $last_active A string of the form '3 years ago'. since: 1.0.0 param: int|string $last_activity_date The date of last activity. param: string $string A sprintf()-able statement of the form 'Active %s'. |
bp_get_user_meta_key( $key = false ) X-Ref |
Get the meta_key for a given piece of user metadata BuddyPress stores a number of pieces of user data in the WordPress central usermeta table. In order to allow plugins to enable multiple instances of BuddyPress on a single WP installation, BP's usermeta keys are filtered through this function, so that they can be altered on the fly. Plugin authors should use BP's _user_meta() functions, which bakes in bp_get_user_meta_key(): $friend_count = bp_get_user_meta( $user_id, 'total_friend_count', true ); If you must use WP's _user_meta() functions directly for some reason, you should use this function to determine the $key parameter, eg $friend_count = get_user_meta( $user_id, bp_get_user_meta_key( 'total_friend_count' ), true ); If using the WP functions, do not not hardcode your meta keys. return: string $key The usermeta meta_key. since: 1.5.0 param: string|bool $key The usermeta meta_key. |
bp_get_user_meta( $user_id, $key, $single = false ) X-Ref |
Get a piece of usermeta. This is a wrapper for get_user_meta() that allows for easy use of bp_get_user_meta_key(), thereby increasing compatibility with non-standard BP setups. return: mixed Will be an array if $single is false. Will be value of meta data field if $single since: 1.5.0 param: int $user_id The ID of the user whose meta you're fetching. param: string $key The meta key to retrieve. param: bool $single Whether to return a single value. |
bp_update_user_meta( $user_id, $key, $value, $prev_value = '' ) X-Ref |
Update a piece of usermeta. This is a wrapper for update_user_meta() that allows for easy use of bp_get_user_meta_key(), thereby increasing compatibility with non-standard BP setups. return: bool False on failure, true on success. since: 1.5.0 param: int $user_id The ID of the user whose meta you're setting. param: string $key The meta key to set. param: mixed $value Metadata value. param: mixed $prev_value Optional. Previous value to check before removing. |
bp_delete_user_meta( $user_id, $key, $value = '' ) X-Ref |
Delete a piece of usermeta. This is a wrapper for delete_user_meta() that allows for easy use of bp_get_user_meta_key(), thereby increasing compatibility with non-standard BP setups. return: bool False for failure. True for success. since: 1.5.0 param: int $user_id The ID of the user whose meta you're deleting. param: string $key The meta key to delete. param: mixed $value Optional. Metadata value. |
bp_embed_init() X-Ref |
Initializes {@link BP_Embed} after everything is loaded. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_use_embed_in_activity() X-Ref |
Are oembeds allowed in activity items? return: bool False when activity embed support is disabled; true when since: 1.5.0 |
bp_use_embed_in_activity_replies() X-Ref |
Are oembeds allowed in activity replies? return: bool False when activity replies embed support is disabled; true since: 1.5.0 |
bp_use_embed_in_private_messages() X-Ref |
Are oembeds allowed in private messages? return: bool False when private message embed support is disabled; true when since: 1.5.0 |
bp_core_extract_media_from_content( $content = '', $type = 'all' ) X-Ref |
Extracts media metadata from a given content. return: false|array If media exists, will return array of media metadata. Else, boolean false. since: 2.6.0 param: string $content The content to check. param: string|int $type The type to check. Can also use a bitmask. See the class constants in the |
bp_admin_url( $path = '', $scheme = 'admin' ) X-Ref |
Output the correct admin URL based on BuddyPress and WordPress configuration. since: 1.5.0 param: string $path See {@link bp_get_admin_url()}. param: string $scheme See {@link bp_get_admin_url()}. |
bp_get_admin_url( $path = '', $scheme = 'admin' ) X-Ref |
Return the correct admin URL based on BuddyPress and WordPress configuration. return: string Admin url link with optional path appended. since: 1.5.0 param: string $path Optional. The sub-path under /wp-admin to be param: string $scheme The scheme to use. Default is 'admin', which |
bp_core_do_network_admin() X-Ref |
Should BuddyPress appear in network admin (vs a single site Dashboard)? Because BuddyPress can be installed in multiple ways and with multiple configurations, we need to check a few things to be confident about where to hook into certain areas of WordPress's admin. return: bool True if the BP admin screen should appear in the Network Admin, since: 1.5.0 |
bp_core_admin_hook() X-Ref |
Return the action name that BuddyPress nav setup callbacks should be hooked to. Functions used to set up BP Dashboard pages (wrapping such admin-panel functions as add_submenu_page()) should use bp_core_admin_hook() for the first parameter in add_action(). BuddyPress will then determine automatically whether to load the panels in the Network Admin. Ie: add_action( bp_core_admin_hook(), 'myplugin_dashboard_panel_setup' ); return: string $hook The proper hook ('network_admin_menu' or 'admin_menu'). since: 1.5.0 |
bp_is_root_blog( $blog_id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Is this the root blog? return: bool $is_root_blog Returns true if this is bp_get_root_blog_id(). since: 1.5.0 param: int $blog_id Optional. Default: the ID of the current blog. |
bp_get_root_blog_id() X-Ref |
Get the ID of the root blog. The "root blog" is the blog on a WordPress network where BuddyPress content appears (where member profile URLs resolve, where a given theme is loaded, etc.). return: int The root site ID. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_is_multiblog_mode() X-Ref |
Are we running multiblog mode? Note that BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG is different from (but dependent on) WordPress Multisite. "Multiblog" is BuddyPress setup that allows BuddyPress components to be viewed on every blog on the network, each with their own settings. Thus, instead of having all 'boonebgorges' links go to http://example.com/members/boonebgorges on the root blog, each blog will have its own version of the same content, eg http://site2.example.com/members/boonebgorges (for subdomains) http://example.com/site2/members/boonebgorges (for subdirectories) Multiblog mode is disabled by default, meaning that all BuddyPress content must be viewed on the root blog. It's also recommended not to use the BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG constant beyond 1.7, as BuddyPress can now be activated on individual sites. Why would you want to use this? Originally it was intended to allow BuddyPress to live in mu-plugins and be visible on mapped domains. This is a very small use-case with large architectural shortcomings, so do not go down this road unless you specifically need to. return: bool False when multiblog mode is disabled; true when enabled. since: 1.5.0 |
bp_is_network_activated() X-Ref |
Is BuddyPress active at the network level for this network? Used to determine admin menu placement, and where settings and options are stored. If you're being *really* clever and manually pulling BuddyPress in with an mu-plugin or some other method, you'll want to filter 'bp_is_network_activated' and override the auto-determined value. return: bool True if BuddyPress is network activated. since: 1.7.0 |
bp_update_is_directory( $is_directory = false, $component = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the "is_directory" global. since: 1.5.0 param: bool $is_directory Optional. Default: false. param: string $component Optional. Component name. Default: the current |
bp_update_is_item_admin( $is_item_admin = false, $component = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the "is_item_admin" global. since: 1.5.0 param: bool $is_item_admin Optional. Default: false. param: string $component Optional. Component name. Default: the current |
bp_update_is_item_mod( $is_item_mod = false, $component = '' ) X-Ref |
Set the "is_item_mod" global. since: 1.5.0 param: bool $is_item_mod Optional. Default: false. param: string $component Optional. Component name. Default: the current |
bp_do_404( $redirect = 'remove_canonical_direct' ) X-Ref |
Trigger a 404. since: 1.5.0 param: string $redirect If 'remove_canonical_direct', remove WordPress' "helpful" |
bp_verify_nonce_request( $action = '', $query_arg = '_wpnonce' ) X-Ref |
Makes sure the user requested an action from another page on this site. To avoid security exploits within the theme. return: bool True if the nonce is verified, otherwise false. since: 1.6.0 param: string $action Action nonce. param: string $query_arg Where to look for nonce in $_REQUEST. |
bp_is_post_request() X-Ref |
Return true|false if this is a POST request. return: bool since: 1.9.0 |
bp_is_get_request() X-Ref |
Return true|false if this is a GET request. return: bool since: 1.9.0 |
bp_core_load_buddypress_textdomain() X-Ref |
Load the buddypress translation file for current language. return: bool True on success, false on failure. since: 1.0.2 |
bp_core_action_search_site( $slug = '' ) X-Ref |
A JavaScript-free implementation of the search functions in BuddyPress. since: 1.0.1 since: 10.0.0 Add support for Activity search. param: string $slug The slug to redirect to for searching. |
bp_remove_adjacent_posts_rel_link() X-Ref |
Remove "prev" and "next" relational links from <head> on BuddyPress pages. WordPress automatically generates these relational links to the current page. However, BuddyPress doesn't adhere to these links. In this function, we remove these links when on a BuddyPress page. This also prevents additional, unnecessary queries from running. since: 2.1.0 |
_bp_strip_spans_from_title( $title_part = '' ) X-Ref |
Strip the span count of a menu item or of a title part. return: string since: 2.2.2 param: string $title_part Title part to clean up. |
bp_core_get_minified_asset_suffix() X-Ref |
Get the correct filename suffix for minified assets. return: string since: 2.5.0 |
bp_core_get_components( $type = 'all' ) X-Ref |
Return a list of component information. return: array Requested components' data. since: 2.6.0 param: string $type Optional; component type to fetch. Default value is 'all', or 'optional', 'retired', 'required'. |
bp_nav_menu_get_loggedin_pages() X-Ref |
Create fake "post" objects for BP's logged-in nav menu for use in the WordPress "Menus" settings page. WordPress nav menus work by representing post or tax term data as a custom post type, which is then used to populate the checkboxes that appear on Dashboard > Appearance > Menu as well as the menu as rendered on the front end. Most of the items in the BuddyPress set of nav items are neither posts nor tax terms, so we fake a post-like object so as to be compatible with the menu. This technique also allows us to generate links dynamically, so that, for example, "My Profile" will always point to the URL of the profile of the logged-in user. return: mixed A URL or an array of dummy pages. since: 1.9.0 |
bp_nav_menu_get_loggedout_pages() X-Ref |
Create fake "post" objects for BP's logged-out nav menu for use in the WordPress "Menus" settings page. WordPress nav menus work by representing post or tax term data as a custom post type, which is then used to populate the checkboxes that appear on Dashboard > Appearance > Menu as well as the menu as rendered on the front end. Most of the items in the BuddyPress set of nav items are neither posts nor tax terms, so we fake a post-like object so as to be compatible with the menu. return: mixed A URL or an array of dummy pages. since: 1.9.0 |
bp_nav_menu_get_item_url( $slug ) X-Ref |
Get the URL for a BuddyPress WP nav menu item, based on slug. BuddyPress-specific WP nav menu items have dynamically generated URLs, based on the identity of the current user. This function lets you fetch the proper URL for a given nav item slug (such as 'login' or 'messages'). return: string $nav_item_url The URL generated for the current user. since: 1.9.0 param: string $slug The slug of the nav item: login, register, or one of the |
bp_core_get_suggestions( $args ) X-Ref |
BuddyPress Suggestions API for types of at-mentions. This is used to power BuddyPress' at-mentions suggestions, but it is flexible enough to be used for similar kinds of future requirements, or those implemented by third-party developers. return: array|WP_Error Array of results. If there were any problems, returns a WP_Error object. since: 2.1.0 param: array $args Array of args for the suggestions. |
bp_ajax_get_suggestions() X-Ref |
AJAX endpoint for Suggestions API lookups. since: 2.1.0 since: 4.0.0 Moved here to make sure this function is available |
bp_upload_dir() X-Ref |
Set data from the BP root blog's upload directory. Handy for multisite instances because all uploads are made on the BP root blog and we need to query the BP root blog for the upload directory data. This function ensures that we only need to use {@link switch_to_blog()} once to get what we need. return: bool|array since: 2.3.0 |
bp_email_post_type() X-Ref |
Output the name of the email post type. since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_email_post_type() X-Ref |
Returns the name of the email post type. return: string The name of the email post type. since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_email_post_type_labels() X-Ref |
Return labels used by the email post type. return: array since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_email_post_type_supports() X-Ref |
Return array of features that the email post type supports. return: array since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_taxonomy_common_args() X-Ref |
Returns the BP Taxonomy common arguments. return: array The BP Taxonomy common arguments. since: 7.0.0 |
bp_get_taxonomy_common_labels() X-Ref |
Returns the BP Taxonomy common labels. return: array The BP Taxonomy common labels. since: 7.0.0 |
bp_email_tax_type() X-Ref |
Output the name of the email type taxonomy. since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_email_tax_type() X-Ref |
Return the name of the email type taxonomy. return: string The unique email taxonomy type ID. since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_email_tax_type_labels() X-Ref |
Return labels used by the email type taxonomy. return: array since: 2.5.0 |
bp_get_email_tax_type_args() X-Ref |
Return arguments used by the email type taxonomy. return: array since: 7.0.0 |
bp_get_type_metadata_schema( $suppress_filters = false, $type_taxonomy = '' ) X-Ref |
Returns the default BuddyPress type metadata schema. return: array The default BuddyPress type metadata schema. since: 7.0.0 param: boolean $suppress_filters Whether to suppress filters. Default `false`. param: string $type_taxonomy Optional. the Type's taxonomy name. |
bp_register_type_meta( $type_tax, $meta_key, array $args ) X-Ref |
Registers a meta key for BuddyPress types. return: bool True if the meta key was successfully registered, false if not. since: 7.0.0 param: string $type_tax The BuddyPress type taxonomy. param: string $meta_key The meta key to register. param: array $args Data used to describe the meta key when registered. See |
bp_update_type_metadata( $type_id = 0, $taxonomy = '', $type_metas = array() X-Ref |
Update a list of metadata for a given type ID and a given taxonomy. return: boolean False on failure. True otherwise. since: 7.0.0 param: integer $type_id The database ID of the BP Type. param: string $taxonomy The BP Type taxonomy. param: array $type_metas An associative array (meta_key=>meta_value). |
bp_get_taxonomy_types( $taxonomy = '', $types = array() X-Ref |
Get types for a given BP Taxonomy. return: array The types of the given taxonomy. since: 7.0.0 param: string $taxonomy The taxonomy to transform terms in types for. param: array $types Existing types to merge with the types found into the database. |
bp_get_email( $email_type ) X-Ref |
Get an BP_Email object for the specified email type. This function pre-populates the object with the subject, content, and template from the appropriate email post type item. It does not replace placeholder tokens in the content with real values. return: BP_Email|WP_Error BP_Email object, or WP_Error if there was a problem. since: 2.5.0 param: string $email_type Unique identifier for a particular type of email. |
bp_send_email( $email_type, $to, $args = array() X-Ref |
Send email, similar to WordPress' wp_mail(). A true return value does not automatically mean that the user received the email successfully. It just only means that the method used was able to process the request without any errors. return: bool|WP_Error True if the email was sent successfully. Otherwise, a WP_Error object since: 2.5.0 param: string $email_type Type of email being sent. param: string|array|int|WP_User $to Either a email address, user ID, WP_User object, param: array $args { |
bp_email_get_appearance_settings() X-Ref |
Return email appearance settings. return: array since: 2.5.0 since: 3.0.0 Added "direction" parameter for LTR/RTL email support, and |
bp_email_get_template( WP_Post $object ) X-Ref |
Get the paths to possible templates for the specified email object. return: array since: 2.5.0 param: WP_Post $object Post to get email template for. |
bp_core_replace_tokens_in_text( $text, $tokens ) X-Ref |
Replace all tokens in the input text with appropriate values. Intended for use with the email system introduced in BuddyPress 2.5.0. return: string since: 2.5.0 param: string $text Text to replace tokens in. param: array $tokens Token names and replacement values for the $text. |
bp_email_get_schema() X-Ref |
Get a list of emails for populating the email post type. return: array since: 2.5.1 since: 10.0.0 Added members-membership-request and |
bp_email_get_type_schema( $field = 'description' ) X-Ref |
Get a list of emails for populating email type taxonomy terms. return: array { since: 2.5.1 since: 2.7.0 $field argument added. param: string $field Optional; defaults to "description" for backwards compatibility. Other values: "all". |
bp_email_unsubscribe_handler() X-Ref |
Handles unsubscribing user from notification emails. since: 2.7.0 |
bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $args ) X-Ref |
Creates unsubscribe link for notification emails. return: string The unsubscribe link. since: 2.7.0 param: string $redirect_to The URL to which the unsubscribe query string is appended. param: array $args { |
bp_email_get_salt() X-Ref |
Get a persistent salt for email unsubscribe links. return: string|null Returns null if value isn't set, otherwise string. since: 2.7.0 |
bp_email_get_unsubscribe_type_schema() X-Ref |
Get a list of emails for use in our unsubscribe functions. return: array The array of email types and their schema. since: 2.8.0 |
bp_email_get_type( $email = null ) X-Ref |
Gets the BP Email type of a BP Email ID or object. return: string The type of the BP Email object. since: 8.0.0 param: int|WP_Post $email Optional. BP Email ID or BP Email object. Defaults to global $post. |
bp_get_allowedtags() X-Ref |
Get BuddyPress content allowed tags. return: array BuddyPress content allowed tags. since: 3.0.0 |
bp_strip_script_and_style_tags( $string ) X-Ref |
Remove script and style tags from a string. return: string The stripped tags string. since: 3.0.1 param: string $string The string to strip tags from. |
bp_is_large_install() X-Ref |
Checks whether the current installation is "large". By default, an installation counts as "large" if there are 10000 users or more. Filter 'bp_is_large_install' to adjust. return: bool since: 4.1.0 |
bp_get_widget_max_count_limit( $widget_class = '' ) X-Ref |
Returns the upper limit on the "max" item count, for widgets that support it. return: int since: 5.0.0 param: string $widget_class Optional. Class name of the calling widget. |
bp_add_optout( $args = array() X-Ref |
Add a new BP_Optout. return: false|int False on failure, ID of new (or existing) opt-out if successful. since: 8.0.0 param: array $args { |
bp_get_optouts( $args = array() X-Ref |
Find matching BP_Optouts. return: array See {@link BP_Optout::get()}. since: 8.0.0 param: array $args See {@link BP_Optout::get()}. |
bp_user_has_opted_out( $email_address = '' ) X-Ref |
Check an email address to see if that individual has opted out. return: bool True if the user has opted out, false otherwise. since: 8.0.0 param: string $email_address Email address to check. |
bp_delete_optout_by_id( $id = 0 ) X-Ref |
Delete a BP_Optout by ID. return: bool True on success, false on failure. since: 8.0.0 param: int $id ID of the optout to delete. |
Generated: Wed Feb 5 01:01:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |