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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress




/wp-includes/js/ -> wp-auth-check.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * Interim login dialog.
   3   *
   4   * @output wp-includes/js/wp-auth-check.js
   5   */
   7  ( function( $ ) {
   8      var wrap,
   9          tempHidden,
  10          tempHiddenTimeout;
  12      /**
  13       * Shows the authentication form popup.
  14       *
  15       * @since 3.6.0
  16       * @private
  17       */
  18  	function show() {
  19          var parent = $( '#wp-auth-check' ),
  20              form = $( '#wp-auth-check-form' ),
  21              noframe = wrap.find( '.wp-auth-fallback-expired' ),
  22              frame, loaded = false;
  24          if ( form.length ) {
  25              // Add unload confirmation to counter (frame-busting) JS redirects.
  26              $( window ).on( 'beforeunload.wp-auth-check', function( event ) {
  27                  event.originalEvent.returnValue = window.wp.i18n.__( 'Your session has expired. You can log in again from this page or go to the login page.' );
  28              });
  30              frame = $( '<iframe id="wp-auth-check-frame" frameborder="0">' ).attr( 'title', noframe.text() );
  31              frame.on( 'load', function() {
  32                  var height, body;
  34                  loaded = true;
  35                  // Remove the spinner to avoid unnecessary CPU/GPU usage.
  36                  form.removeClass( 'loading' );
  38                  try {
  39                      body = $( this ).contents().find( 'body' );
  40                      height = body.height();
  41                  } catch( er ) {
  42                      wrap.addClass( 'fallback' );
  43                      parent.css( 'max-height', '' );
  44                      form.remove();
  45                      noframe.focus();
  46                      return;
  47                  }
  49                  if ( height ) {
  50                      if ( body && body.hasClass( 'interim-login-success' ) ) {
  51                          hide();
  52                      } else {
  53                          parent.css( 'max-height', height + 40 + 'px' );
  54                      }
  55                  } else if ( ! body || ! body.length ) {
  56                      // Catch "silent" iframe origin exceptions in WebKit
  57                      // after another page is loaded in the iframe.
  58                      wrap.addClass( 'fallback' );
  59                      parent.css( 'max-height', '' );
  60                      form.remove();
  61                      noframe.focus();
  62                  }
  63              }).attr( 'src', form.data( 'src' ) );
  65              form.append( frame );
  66          }
  68          $( 'body' ).addClass( 'modal-open' );
  69          wrap.removeClass( 'hidden' );
  71          if ( frame ) {
  72              frame.focus();
  73              /*
  74               * WebKit doesn't throw an error if the iframe fails to load
  75               * because of "X-Frame-Options: DENY" header.
  76               * Wait for 10 seconds and switch to the fallback text.
  77               */
  78              setTimeout( function() {
  79                  if ( ! loaded ) {
  80                      wrap.addClass( 'fallback' );
  81                      form.remove();
  82                      noframe.focus();
  83                  }
  84              }, 10000 );
  85          } else {
  86              noframe.focus();
  87          }
  88      }
  90      /**
  91       * Hides the authentication form popup.
  92       *
  93       * @since 3.6.0
  94       * @private
  95       */
  96  	function hide() {
  97          var adminpage = window.adminpage,
  98              wp        = window.wp;
 100          $( window ).off( 'beforeunload.wp-auth-check' );
 102          // When on the Edit Post screen, speed up heartbeat
 103          // after the user logs in to quickly refresh nonces.
 104          if ( ( adminpage === 'post-php' || adminpage === 'post-new-php' ) && wp && wp.heartbeat ) {
 105              wp.heartbeat.connectNow();
 106          }
 108          wrap.fadeOut( 200, function() {
 109              wrap.addClass( 'hidden' ).css( 'display', '' );
 110              $( '#wp-auth-check-frame' ).remove();
 111              $( 'body' ).removeClass( 'modal-open' );
 112          });
 113      }
 115      /**
 116       * Set or reset the tempHidden variable used to pause showing of the modal
 117       * after a user closes it without logging in.
 118       *
 119       * @since 5.5.0
 120       * @private
 121       */
 122  	function setShowTimeout() {
 123          tempHidden = true;
 124          window.clearTimeout( tempHiddenTimeout );
 125          tempHiddenTimeout = window.setTimeout(
 126              function() {
 127                  tempHidden = false;
 128              },
 129              300000 // 5 min.
 130          );
 131      }
 133      /**
 134       * Binds to the Heartbeat Tick event.
 135       *
 136       * - Shows the authentication form popup if user is not logged in.
 137       * - Hides the authentication form popup if it is already visible and user is
 138       *   logged in.
 139       *
 140       * @ignore
 141       *
 142       * @since 3.6.0
 143       *
 144       * @param {Object} e The heartbeat-tick event that has been triggered.
 145       * @param {Object} data Response data.
 146       */
 147      $( function() {
 149          /**
 150           * Hides the authentication form popup when the close icon is clicked.
 151           *
 152           * @ignore
 153           *
 154           * @since 3.6.0
 155           */
 156          wrap = $( '#wp-auth-check-wrap' );
 157          wrap.find( '.wp-auth-check-close' ).on( 'click', function() {
 158              hide();
 159              setShowTimeout();
 160          });
 161      }).on( 'heartbeat-tick.wp-auth-check', function( e, data ) {
 162          if ( 'wp-auth-check' in data ) {
 163              if ( ! data['wp-auth-check'] && wrap.hasClass( 'hidden' ) && ! tempHidden ) {
 164                  show();
 165              } else if ( data['wp-auth-check'] && ! wrap.hasClass( 'hidden' ) ) {
 166                  hide();
 167              }
 168          }
 169      });
 171  }(jQuery));

Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1