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Memize options object.
File Size: | 600 lines (17 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
memize( fn, options ) X-Ref |
Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with optional options. return: {F & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. param: {F} fn Function to memoize. param: {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. |
memoized( ) X-Ref |
No description |
__webpack_require__(moduleId) X-Ref |
No description |
next(tag, text) X-Ref |
No description |
replace(tag, text, callback) X-Ref |
Replace matching shortcodes in a block of text. return: {string} Text with shortcodes replaced. param: {string} tag Shortcode tag. param: {string} text Text to search. param: {Function} callback Function to process the match and return |
string(options) X-Ref |
Generate a string from shortcode parameters. Creates a shortcode instance and returns a string. Accepts the same `options` as the `shortcode()` constructor, containing a `tag` string, a string or object of `attrs`, a boolean indicating whether to format the shortcode using a `single` tag, and a `content` string. return: {string} String representation of the shortcode. param: {Object} options |
regexp(tag) X-Ref |
Generate a RegExp to identify a shortcode. The base regex is functionally equivalent to the one found in `get_shortcode_regex()` in `wp-includes/shortcodes.php`. Capture groups: 1. An extra `[` to allow for escaping shortcodes with double `[[]]` 2. The shortcode name 3. The shortcode argument list 4. The self closing `/` 5. The content of a shortcode when it wraps some content. 6. The closing tag. 7. An extra `]` to allow for escaping shortcodes with double `[[]]` return: {RegExp} Shortcode RegExp. param: {string} tag Shortcode tag. |
fromMatch(match) X-Ref |
Generate a Shortcode Object from a RegExp match. Accepts a `match` object from calling `regexp.exec()` on a `RegExp` generated by `regexp()`. `match` can also be set to the `arguments` from a callback passed to `regexp.replace()`. return: {WPShortcode} Shortcode instance. param: {Array} match Match array. |
Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |