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/wp-includes/js/dist/ -> escape-html.js (summary)

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File Size: 193 lines (6 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 8 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

__unstableEscapeGreaterThan(value)   X-Ref
Returns a string with greater-than sign replaced.

Note that if a resolution for Trac#45387 comes to fruition, it is no longer
necessary for `__unstableEscapeGreaterThan` to exist.

See: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/45387

return: {string} Escaped string.
param: {string} value Original string.

escapeAmpersand(value)   X-Ref
Returns a string with ampersands escaped. Note that this is an imperfect
implementation, where only ampersands which do not appear as a pattern of
named, decimal, or hexadecimal character references are escaped. Invalid
named references (i.e. ambiguous ampersand) are are still permitted.

return: {string} Escaped string.
param: {string} value Original string.

escapeQuotationMark(value)   X-Ref
Returns a string with quotation marks replaced.

return: {string} Escaped string.
param: {string} value Original string.

escapeLessThan(value)   X-Ref
Returns a string with less-than sign replaced.

return: {string} Escaped string.
param: {string} value Original string.

escapeAttribute(value)   X-Ref
Returns an escaped attribute value.

return: {string} Escaped attribute value.
param: {string} value Attribute value.

escapeHTML(value)   X-Ref
Returns an escaped HTML element value.

return: {string} Escaped HTML element value.
param: {string} value Element value.

escapeEditableHTML(value)   X-Ref
Returns an escaped Editable HTML element value. This is different from
`escapeHTML`, because for editable HTML, ALL ampersands must be escaped in
order to render the content correctly on the page.

return: {string} Escaped HTML element value.
param: {string} value Element value.

isValidAttributeName(name)   X-Ref
Returns true if the given attribute name is valid, or false otherwise.

return: {boolean} Whether attribute is valid.
param: {string} name Attribute name to test.

Generated: Tue Mar 4 01:00:08 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1