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Memize options object.
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DecodeEntityParser:: (102 methods):
Class: DecodeEntityParser - X-Ref
Subsitute EntityParser class for `simple-html-tokenizer` which uses thegetTextPiecesSplitOnWhitespace(text) X-Ref |
Given a specified string, returns an array of strings split by consecutive whitespace, ignoring leading or trailing whitespace. return: {string[]} Text pieces split on whitespace. param: {string} text Original text. |
getTextWithCollapsedWhitespace(text) X-Ref |
Given a specified string, returns a new trimmed string where all consecutive whitespace is collapsed to a single space. return: {string} Trimmed text with consecutive whitespace collapsed. param: {string} text Original text. |
getMeaningfulAttributePairs(token) X-Ref |
Returns attribute pairs of the given StartTag token, including only pairs where the value is non-empty or the attribute is a boolean attribute, an enumerated attribute, or a custom data- attribute. return: {Array[]} Attribute pairs. param: {Object} token StartTag token. |
isEquivalentTextTokens(actual, expected) X-Ref |
Returns true if two text tokens (with `chars` property) are equivalent, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether two text tokens are equivalent. param: {Object} actual Actual token. param: {Object} expected Expected token. param: {Object} logger Validation logger object. |
getNormalizedLength(value) X-Ref |
Given a CSS length value, returns a normalized CSS length value for strict equality comparison. return: {string} Normalized CSS length value. param: {string} value CSS length value. |
getNormalizedStyleValue(value) X-Ref |
Given a style value, returns a normalized style value for strict equality comparison. return: {string} Normalized style value. param: {string} value Style value. |
getStyleProperties(text) X-Ref |
Given a style attribute string, returns an object of style properties. return: {Object} Style properties. param: {string} text Style attribute. |
isEqualTagAttributePairs(actual, expected) X-Ref |
Given two sets of attribute tuples, returns true if the attribute sets are equivalent. return: {boolean} Whether attributes are equivalent. param: {Array[]} actual Actual attributes tuples. param: {Array[]} expected Expected attributes tuples. param: {Object} logger Validation logger object. |
getNextNonWhitespaceToken(tokens) X-Ref |
Given an array of tokens, returns the first token which is not purely whitespace. Mutates the tokens array. return: {Object} Next non-whitespace token. param: {Object[]} tokens Set of tokens to search. |
getHTMLTokens(html) X-Ref |
Tokenize an HTML string, gracefully handling any errors thrown during underlying tokenization. return: {Object[]|null} Array of valid tokenized HTML elements, or null on error param: {string} html HTML string to tokenize. param: {Object} logger Validation logger object. |
isClosedByToken(currentToken, nextToken) X-Ref |
Returns true if the next HTML token closes the current token. return: {boolean} true if `nextToken` closes `currentToken`, false otherwise param: {Object} currentToken Current token to compare with. param: {Object|undefined} nextToken Next token to compare against. |
isEquivalentHTML(actual, expected) X-Ref |
Returns true if the given HTML strings are effectively equivalent, or false otherwise. Invalid HTML is not considered equivalent, even if the strings directly match. return: {boolean} Whether HTML strings are equivalent. param: {string} actual Actual HTML string. param: {string} expected Expected HTML string. param: {Object} logger Validation logger object. |
validateBlock(block) X-Ref |
Returns an object with `isValid` property set to `true` if the parsed block is valid given the input content. A block is considered valid if, when serialized with assumed attributes, the content matches the original value. If block is invalid, this function returns all validations issues as well. return: {[boolean,Array<LoggerItem>]} validation results. param: {WPBlock} block block object. param: {WPBlockType|string} [blockTypeOrName = block.name] Block type or name, inferred from block if not given. |
isValidBlockContent(blockTypeOrName, attributes, originalBlockContent) X-Ref |
Returns true if the parsed block is valid given the input content. A block is considered valid if, when serialized with assumed attributes, the content matches the original value. Logs to console in development environments when invalid. return: {boolean} Whether block is valid. param: {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type. param: {Object} attributes Parsed block attributes. param: {string} originalBlockContent Original block content. |
convertLegacyBlockNameAndAttributes(name, attributes) X-Ref |
Convert legacy blocks to their canonical form. This function is used both in the parser level for previous content and to convert such blocks used in Custom Post Types templates. return: {[string, Object]} The block's name and attributes, changed accordingly if a match was found param: {string} name The block's name param: {Object} attributes The block's attributes |
getPath(object, path) X-Ref |
Given object and string of dot-delimited path segments, returns value at path or undefined if path cannot be resolved. return: {?*} Resolved value param: {Object} object Lookup object param: {string} path Path to resolve |
parse(source, matchers) X-Ref |
Given a markup string or DOM element, creates an object aligning with the shape of the matchers object, or the value returned by the matcher. return: {(Object|*)} Matched value(s), shaped by object param: {(string|Element)} source Source content param: {(Object|Function)} matchers Matcher function or object of matchers |
prop(selector, name) X-Ref |
Generates a function which matches node of type selector, returning an attribute by property if the attribute exists. If no selector is passed, returns property of the query element. return: {*} Property value param: {?string} selector Optional selector param: {string} name Property name |
attr(selector, name) X-Ref |
Generates a function which matches node of type selector, returning an attribute by name if the attribute exists. If no selector is passed, returns attribute of the query element. return: {?string} Attribute value param: {?string} selector Optional selector param: {string} name Attribute name |
html(selector) X-Ref |
Convenience for `prop( selector, 'innerHTML' )`. return: {string} Inner HTML param: {?string} selector Optional selector |
es_text(selector) X-Ref |
Convenience for `prop( selector, 'textContent' )`. return: {string} Text content param: {?string} selector Optional selector |
query(selector, matchers) X-Ref |
Creates a new matching context by first finding elements matching selector using querySelectorAll before then running another `parse` on `matchers` scoped to the matched elements. return: {Array.<*,Object>} Array of matched value(s) param: {string} selector Selector to match param: {(Object|Function)} matchers Matcher function or object of matchers |
matchers_html(selector, multilineTag) X-Ref |
No description |
isNodeOfType(node, type) X-Ref |
Given a single node and a node type (e.g. `'br'`), returns true if the node corresponds to that type, false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether node is of intended type. param: {WPBlockNode} node Block node to test param: {string} type Node to type to test against. |
getNamedNodeMapAsObject(nodeMap) X-Ref |
Given an object implementing the NamedNodeMap interface, returns a plain object equivalent value of name, value key-value pairs. return: {Object} Object equivalent value of NamedNodeMap. param: {NamedNodeMap} nodeMap NamedNodeMap to convert to object. |
fromDOM(domNode) X-Ref |
Given a DOM Element or Text node, returns an equivalent block node. Throws if passed any node type other than element or text. return: {WPBlockNode} Block node equivalent to DOM node. param: {Node} domNode DOM node to convert. |
toHTML(node) X-Ref |
Given a block node, returns its HTML string representation. return: {string} String HTML representation of block node. param: {WPBlockNode} node Block node to convert to string. |
node_matcher(selector) X-Ref |
Given a selector, returns an hpq matcher generating a WPBlockNode value matching the selector result. return: {Function} hpq matcher. param: {string} selector DOM selector. |
getSerializeCapableElement(children) X-Ref |
Given block children, returns a serialize-capable WordPress element. return: {WPElement} A serialize-capable element. param: {WPBlockChildren} children Block children object to convert. |
getChildrenArray(children) X-Ref |
Given block children, returns an array of block nodes. return: {Array<WPBlockNode>} An array of individual block nodes. param: {WPBlockChildren} children Block children object to convert. |
concat() X-Ref |
Given two or more block nodes, returns a new block node representing a concatenation of its values. return: {WPBlockChildren} Concatenated block node. param: {...WPBlockChildren} blockNodes Block nodes to concatenate. |
children_fromDOM(domNodes) X-Ref |
Given an iterable set of DOM nodes, returns equivalent block children. Ignores any non-element/text nodes included in set. return: {WPBlockChildren} Block children equivalent to DOM nodes. param: {Iterable.<Node>} domNodes Iterable set of DOM nodes to convert. |
children_toHTML(children) X-Ref |
Given a block node, returns its HTML string representation. return: {string} String HTML representation of block node. param: {WPBlockChildren} children Block node(s) to convert to string. |
children_matcher(selector) X-Ref |
Given a selector, returns an hpq matcher generating a WPBlockChildren value matching the selector result. return: {Function} hpq matcher. param: {string} selector DOM selector. |
isOfType(value, type) X-Ref |
Returns true if value is of the given JSON schema type, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether value is of type. param: {*} value Value to test. param: {string} type Type to test. |
isOfTypes(value, types) X-Ref |
Returns true if value is of an array of given JSON schema types, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether value is of types. param: {*} value Value to test. param: {string[]} types Types to test. |
getBlockAttribute(attributeKey, attributeSchema, innerHTML, commentAttributes) X-Ref |
Given an attribute key, an attribute's schema, a block's raw content and the commentAttributes returns the attribute value depending on its source definition of the given attribute key. return: {*} Attribute value. param: {string} attributeKey Attribute key. param: {Object} attributeSchema Attribute's schema. param: {string|Node} innerHTML Block's raw content. param: {Object} commentAttributes Block's comment attributes. |
isValidByType(value, type) X-Ref |
Returns true if value is valid per the given block attribute schema type definition, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether value is valid. param: {*} value Value to test. param: {?(Array<string>|string)} type Block attribute schema type. |
isValidByEnum(value, enumSet) X-Ref |
Returns true if value is valid per the given block attribute schema enum definition, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether value is valid. param: {*} value Value to test. param: {?Array} enumSet Block attribute schema enum. |
parseHtml(innerHTML) X-Ref |
Parse a HTML string into DOM tree. return: {Node} Parsed DOM node. param: {string|Node} innerHTML HTML string or already parsed DOM node. |
parseWithAttributeSchema(innerHTML, attributeSchema) X-Ref |
Given a block's raw content and an attribute's schema returns the attribute's value depending on its source. return: {*} Attribute value. param: {string|Node} innerHTML Block's raw content. param: {Object} attributeSchema Attribute's schema. |
getBlockAttributes(blockTypeOrName, innerHTML) X-Ref |
Returns the block attributes of a registered block node given its type. return: {Object} All block attributes. param: {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. param: {string|Node} innerHTML Raw block content. param: {?Object} attributes Known block attributes (from delimiters). |
getHTMLRootElementClasses(innerHTML) X-Ref |
Given an HTML string, returns an array of class names assigned to the root element in the markup. return: {string[]} Array of class names assigned to the root element. param: {string} innerHTML Markup string from which to extract classes. |
fixCustomClassname(blockAttributes, blockType, innerHTML) X-Ref |
Given a parsed set of block attributes, if the block supports custom class names and an unknown class (per the block's serialization behavior) is found, the unknown classes are treated as custom classes. This prevents the block from being considered as invalid. return: {Object} Filtered block attributes. param: {Object} blockAttributes Original block attributes. param: {Object} blockType Block type settings. param: {string} innerHTML Original block markup. |
applyBuiltInValidationFixes(block, blockType) X-Ref |
Attempts to fix block invalidation by applying build-in validation fixes like moving all extra classNames to the className attribute. return: {WPBlock} Fixed block object param: {WPBlock} block block object. param: {import('../registration').WPBlockType} blockType Block type. This is normalize not necessary and |
applyBlockDeprecatedVersions(block, rawBlock, blockType) X-Ref |
Given a block object, returns a new copy of the block with any applicable deprecated migrations applied, or the original block if it was both valid and no eligible migrations exist. return: {import(".").WPBlock} Migrated block object. param: {import(".").WPBlock} block Parsed and invalid block object. param: {import(".").WPRawBlock} rawBlock Raw block object. param: {import('../registration').WPBlockType} blockType Block type. This is normalize not necessary and |
convertLegacyBlocks(rawBlock) X-Ref |
Convert legacy blocks to their canonical form. This function is used both in the parser level for previous content and to convert such blocks used in Custom Post Types templates. return: {WPRawBlock} The block's name and attributes, changed accordingly if a match was found param: {WPRawBlock} rawBlock |
normalizeRawBlock(rawBlock) X-Ref |
Normalize the raw block by applying the fallback block name if none given, sanitize the parsed HTML... return: {WPRawBlock} The normalized block object. param: {WPRawBlock} rawBlock The raw block object. |
createMissingBlockType(rawBlock) X-Ref |
Uses the "unregistered blockType" to create a block object. return: {WPRawBlock} The unregistered block object. param: {WPRawBlock} rawBlock block. |
applyBlockValidation(unvalidatedBlock, blockType) X-Ref |
Validates a block and wraps with validation meta. The name here is regrettable but `validateBlock` is already taken. return: {WPBlock} validated block, with auto-fixes if initially invalid param: {WPBlock} unvalidatedBlock param: {import('../registration').WPBlockType} blockType |
parseRawBlock(rawBlock, options) X-Ref |
Given a raw block returned by grammar parsing, returns a fully parsed block. return: {WPBlock} Fully parsed block. param: {WPRawBlock} rawBlock The raw block object. param: {ParseOptions} options Extra options for handling block parsing. |
parser_parse(content, options) X-Ref |
Utilizes an optimized token-driven parser based on the Gutenberg grammar spec defined through a parsing expression grammar to take advantage of the regular cadence provided by block delimiters -- composed syntactically through HTML comments -- which, given a general HTML document as an input, returns a block list array representation. This is a recursive-descent parser that scans linearly once through the input document. Instead of directly recursing it utilizes a trampoline mechanism to prevent stack overflow. This initial pass is mainly interested in separating and isolating the blocks serialized in the document and manifestly not in the content within the blocks. return: {Array} Block list. param: {string} content The post content. param: {ParseOptions} options Extra options for handling block parsing. |
getRawTransforms() X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
htmlToBlocks(html) X-Ref |
Converts HTML directly to blocks. Looks for a matching transform for each top-level tag. The HTML should be filtered to not have any text between top-level tags and formatted in a way that blocks can handle the HTML. return: {Array} An array of blocks. param: {string} html HTML to convert. |
normaliseBlocks(HTML) X-Ref |
WordPress dependencies |
specialCommentConverter(node, doc) X-Ref |
Looks for `<!--nextpage-->` and `<!--more-->` comments, as well as the `<!--more Some text-->` variant and its `<!--noteaser-->` companion, and replaces them with a custom element representing a future block. The custom element is a way to bypass the rest of the `raw-handling` transforms, which would eliminate other kinds of node with which to carry `<!--more-->`'s data: nodes with `data` attributes, empty paragraphs, etc. The custom element is then expected to be recognized by any registered block's `raw` transform. return: {void} param: {Node} node The node to be processed. param: {Document} doc The document of the node. |
createMore(customText, noTeaser, doc) X-Ref |
No description |
createNextpage(doc) X-Ref |
No description |
isList(node) X-Ref |
WordPress dependencies |
shallowTextContent(element) X-Ref |
No description |
listReducer(node) X-Ref |
No description |
blockquoteNormaliser(node) X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
isFigureContent(node, schema) X-Ref |
Whether or not the given node is figure content. return: {boolean} True if figure content, false if not. param: {Node} node The node to check. param: {Object} schema The schema to use. |
canHaveAnchor(node, schema) X-Ref |
Whether or not the given node can have an anchor. return: {boolean} True if it can, false if not. param: {Node} node The node to check. param: {Object} schema The schema to use. |
wrapFigureContent(element) X-Ref |
Wraps the given element in a figure element. param: {Element} element The element to wrap. param: {Element} beforeElement The element before which to place the figure. |
figureContentReducer(node, doc, schema) X-Ref |
This filter takes figure content out of paragraphs, wraps it in a figure element, and moves any anchors with it if needed. return: {void} param: {Node} node The node to filter. param: {Document} doc The document of the node. param: {Object} schema The schema to use. |
segmentHTMLToShortcodeBlock(HTML) X-Ref |
No description |
getBlockContentSchemaFromTransforms(transforms, context) X-Ref |
No description |
getBlockContentSchema(context) X-Ref |
Gets the block content schema, which is extracted and merged from all registered blocks with raw transfroms. return: {Object} A complete block content schema. param: {string} context Set to "paste" when in paste context, where the |
isPlain(HTML) X-Ref |
Checks whether HTML can be considered plain text. That is, it does not contain any elements that are not line breaks. return: {boolean} Whether the HTML can be considered plain text. param: {string} HTML The HTML to check. |
deepFilterNodeList(nodeList, filters, doc, schema) X-Ref |
Given node filters, deeply filters and mutates a NodeList. param: {NodeList} nodeList The nodeList to filter. param: {Array} filters An array of functions that can mutate with the provided node. param: {Document} doc The document of the nodeList. param: {Object} schema The schema to use. |
deepFilterHTML(HTML) X-Ref |
Given node filters, deeply filters HTML tags. Filters from the deepest nodes to the top. return: {string} The filtered HTML. param: {string} HTML The HTML to filter. param: {Array} filters An array of functions that can mutate with the provided node. param: {Object} schema The schema to use. |
getSibling(node, which) X-Ref |
Gets a sibling within text-level context. param: {Element} node The subject node. param: {string} which "next" or "previous". |
deprecatedGetPhrasingContentSchema(context) X-Ref |
No description |
rawHandler(_ref) X-Ref |
Converts an HTML string to known blocks. return: {Array} A list of blocks. param: {Object} $1 param: {string} $1.HTML The HTML to convert. |
commentRemover(node) X-Ref |
Looks for comments, and removes them. return: {void} param: {Node} node The node to be processed. |
isInline(node, contextTag) X-Ref |
Checks if the given node should be considered inline content, optionally depending on a context tag. return: {boolean} True if the node is inline content, false if nohe. param: {Node} node Node name. param: {string} contextTag Tag name. |
deepCheck(nodes, contextTag) X-Ref |
No description |
isDoubleBR(node) X-Ref |
No description |
isInlineContent(HTML, contextTag) X-Ref |
No description |
phrasingContentReducer(node, doc) X-Ref |
WordPress dependencies |
headRemover(node) X-Ref |
No description |
ms_list_converter_isList(node) X-Ref |
No description |
msListConverter(node, doc) X-Ref |
No description |
imageCorrector(node) X-Ref |
No description |
divNormaliser(node) X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
slackMarkdownVariantCorrector(text) X-Ref |
Corrects the Slack Markdown variant of the code block. If uncorrected, it will be converted to inline code. return: {string} The corrected Markdown. param: {string} text The potential Markdown text to correct. |
markdownConverter(text) X-Ref |
Converts a piece of text into HTML based on any Markdown present. Also decodes any encoded HTML. return: {string} HTML. param: {string} text The plain text to convert. |
iframeRemover(node) X-Ref |
Removes iframes. return: {void} param: {Node} node The node to check. |
googleDocsUIdRemover(node) X-Ref |
WordPress dependencies |
isFormattingSpace(character) X-Ref |
Internal dependencies |
htmlFormattingRemover(node) X-Ref |
Removes spacing that formats HTML. return: {void} param: {Node} node The node to be processed. |
brRemover(node) X-Ref |
Removes trailing br elements from text-level content. param: {Element} node Node to check. |
emptyParagraphRemover(node) X-Ref |
Removes empty paragraph elements. param: {Element} node Node to check. |
filterInlineHTML(HTML, preserveWhiteSpace) X-Ref |
Filters HTML to only contain phrasing content. return: {string} HTML only containing phrasing content. param: {string} HTML The HTML to filter. param: {boolean} preserveWhiteSpace Whether or not to preserve consequent white space. |
pasteHandler(_ref) X-Ref |
Converts an HTML string to known blocks. Strips everything else. return: {Array|string} A list of blocks or a string, depending on `handlerMode`. param: {Object} options param: {string} [options.HTML] The HTML to convert. param: {string} [options.plainText] Plain text version. param: {string} [options.mode] Handle content as blocks or inline content. param: {Array} [options.tagName] The tag into which content will be inserted. param: {boolean} [options.preserveWhiteSpace] Whether or not to preserve consequent white space. |
categories_getCategories() X-Ref |
Returns all the block categories. return: {WPBlockCategory[]} Block categories. |
categories_setCategories(categories) X-Ref |
Sets the block categories. param: {WPBlockCategory[]} categories Block categories. |
categories_updateCategory(slug, category) X-Ref |
Updates a category. param: {string} slug Block category slug. param: {WPBlockCategory} category Object containing the category properties |
doBlocksMatchTemplate() X-Ref |
Checks whether a list of blocks matches a template by comparing the block names. return: {boolean} Whether the list of blocks matches a templates. param: {Array} blocks Block list. param: {Array} template Block template. |
synchronizeBlocksWithTemplate() X-Ref |
Synchronize a block list with a block template. Synchronizing a block list with a block template means that we loop over the blocks keep the block as is if it matches the block at the same position in the template (If it has the same name) and if doesn't match, we create a new block based on the template. Extra blocks not present in the template are removed. return: {Array} Updated Block list. param: {Array} blocks Block list. param: {Array} template Block template. |
_extends() X-Ref |
No description |
memize( fn, options ) X-Ref |
Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with optional options. return: {F & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function. param: {F} fn Function to memoize. param: {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object. |
memoized( ) X-Ref |
No description |
getDefaultOpts(simple) X-Ref |
Created by Tivie on 13-07-2015. |
allOptionsOn() X-Ref |
No description |
validate(extension, name) X-Ref |
Validate extension returns: {{valid: boolean, error: string}} param: {array} extension param: {string} name |
escapeCharactersCallback(wholeMatch, m1) X-Ref |
No description |
_constructor() X-Ref |
No description |
_parseExtension(ext, name) X-Ref |
Parse extension param: {*} ext param: {string} [name=''] |
legacyExtensionLoading(ext, name) X-Ref |
LEGACY_SUPPORT param: {*} ext param: {string} name |
listen(name, callback) X-Ref |
Listen to an event param: {string} name param: {function} callback |
rTrimInputText(text) X-Ref |
No description |
clean(node) X-Ref |
No description |
substitutePreCodeTags(doc) X-Ref |
No description |
hashHTMLSpan(html) X-Ref |
No description |
headerId(m) X-Ref |
No description |
writeImageTagBase64(wholeMatch, altText, linkId, url, width, height, m5, title) X-Ref |
No description |
writeImageTag(wholeMatch, altText, linkId, url, width, height, m5, title) X-Ref |
No description |
parseInside(txt, left, right) X-Ref |
No description |
processListItems(listStr, trimTrailing) X-Ref |
Process the contents of a single ordered or unordered list, splitting it into individual list items. returns: {string} param: {string} listStr param: {boolean} trimTrailing |
styleStartNumber(list, listType) X-Ref |
No description |
parseConsecutiveLists(list, listType, trimTrailing) X-Ref |
Check and parse consecutive lists (better fix for issue #142) returns: {string} param: {string} list param: {string} listType param: {boolean} trimTrailing |
parseMetadataContents(content) X-Ref |
No description |
parseInside(txt) X-Ref |
No description |
parseStyles(sLine) X-Ref |
No description |
parseHeaders(header, style) X-Ref |
No description |
parseCells(cell, style) X-Ref |
No description |
buildTable(headers, cells) X-Ref |
No description |
parseTable(rawTable) X-Ref |
No description |
__webpack_require__(moduleId) X-Ref |
No description |
unprocessedBlockTypes() X-Ref |
No description |
blockTypes() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the processed block types with all filters applied. The state is derived from the `unprocessedBlockTypes` reducer. return: {Object} Updated state. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. |
blockStyles() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the block style variations. return: {Object} Updated state. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. |
blockVariations() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the block variations. return: {Object} Updated state. param: {Object} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. |
createBlockNameSetterReducer(setActionType) X-Ref |
Higher-order Reducer creating a reducer keeping track of given block name. return: {Function} Reducer. param: {string} setActionType Action type. |
categories() X-Ref |
Reducer managing the categories return: {WPBlockCategory[]} Updated state. param: {WPBlockCategory[]} state Current state. param: {Object} action Dispatched action. |
collections() X-Ref |
No description |
arrayOf( value ) X-Ref |
Returns the first argument as the sole entry in an array. return: {Array} Value returned as entry in array. param: {*} value Value to return. |
isObjectLike( value ) X-Ref |
Returns true if the value passed is object-like, or false otherwise. A value is object-like if it can support property assignment, e.g. object or array. return: {boolean} Whether value is object-like. param: {*} value Value to test. |
createCache() X-Ref |
Creates and returns a new cache object. return: {Object} Cache object. |
isShallowEqual( a, b, fromIndex ) X-Ref |
Returns true if entries within the two arrays are strictly equal by reference from a starting index. return: {boolean} Whether arrays are shallowly equal. param: {Array} a First array. param: {Array} b Second array. param: {number} fromIndex Index from which to start comparison. |
rememo(selector, getDependants ) X-Ref |
Returns a memoized selector function. The getDependants function argument is called before the memoized selector and is expected to return an immutable reference or array of references on which the selector depends for computing its own return value. The memoize cache is preserved only as long as those dependant references remain the same. If getDependants returns a different reference(s), the cache is cleared and the selector value regenerated. return: {Function} Memoized selector. param: {Function} selector Selector function. param: {Function} getDependants Dependant getter returning an immutable |
getRootCache() X-Ref |
Returns the root cache. If WeakMap is supported, this is assigned to the root WeakMap cache set, otherwise it is a shared instance of the default cache object. return: {(WeakMap|Object)} Root cache object. |
getWeakMapCache( dependants ) X-Ref |
Returns the cache for a given dependants array. When possible, a WeakMap will be used to create a unique cache for each set of dependants. This is feasible due to the nature of WeakMap in allowing garbage collection to occur on entries where the key object is no longer referenced. Since WeakMap requires the key to be an object, this is only possible when the dependant is object-like. The root cache is created as a hierarchy where each top-level key is the first entry in a dependants set, the value a WeakMap where each key is the next dependant, and so on. This continues so long as the dependants are object-like. If no dependants are object- like, then the cache is shared across all invocations. return: {Object} Cache object. param: {Array} dependants Selector dependants. |
clear() X-Ref |
Resets root memoization cache. |
callSelector( ) X-Ref |
The augmented selector call, considering first whether dependants have changed before passing it to underlying memoize function. return: {*} Selector result. param: {Object} source Source object for derivation. param: {...*} extraArgs Additional arguments to pass to selector. |
__experimentalGetUnprocessedBlockTypes(state) X-Ref |
Returns all the unprocessed block types as passed during the registration. return: {Array} Unprocessed block types. param: {Object} state Data state. |
getBlockType(state, name) X-Ref |
Returns a block type by name. return: {Object?} Block Type. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} name Block type name. |
getBlockStyles(state, name) X-Ref |
Returns block styles by block name. return: {Array?} Block Styles. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} name Block type name. |
getActiveBlockVariation(state, blockName, attributes, scope) X-Ref |
Returns the active block variation for a given block based on its attributes. Variations are determined by their `isActive` property. Which is either an array of block attribute keys or a function. In case of an array of block attribute keys, the `attributes` are compared to the variation's attributes using strict equality check. In case of function type, the function should accept a block's attributes and the variation's attributes and determines if a variation is active. A function that accepts a block's attributes and the variation's attributes and determines if a variation is active. return: {(WPBlockVariation|undefined)} Active block variation. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} blockName Name of block (example: “core/columns”). param: {Object} attributes Block attributes used to determine active variation. param: {WPBlockVariationScope} [scope] Block variation scope name. |
getDefaultBlockVariation(state, blockName, scope) X-Ref |
Returns the default block variation for the given block type. When there are multiple variations annotated as the default one, the last added item is picked. This simplifies registering overrides. When there is no default variation set, it returns the first item. return: {?WPBlockVariation} The default block variation. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {string} blockName Block type name. param: {WPBlockVariationScope} [scope] Block variation scope name. |
getCategories(state) X-Ref |
Returns all the available categories. return: {WPBlockCategory[]} Categories list. param: {Object} state Data state. |
getCollections(state) X-Ref |
Returns all the available collections. return: {Object} Collections list. param: {Object} state Data state. |
getDefaultBlockName(state) X-Ref |
Returns the name of the default block name. return: {string?} Default block name. param: {Object} state Data state. |
getFreeformFallbackBlockName(state) X-Ref |
Returns the name of the block for handling non-block content. return: {string?} Name of the block for handling non-block content. param: {Object} state Data state. |
getUnregisteredFallbackBlockName(state) X-Ref |
Returns the name of the block for handling unregistered blocks. return: {string?} Name of the block for handling unregistered blocks. param: {Object} state Data state. |
getGroupingBlockName(state) X-Ref |
Returns the name of the block for handling unregistered blocks. return: {string?} Name of the block for handling unregistered blocks. param: {Object} state Data state. |
hasBlockSupport(state, nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) X-Ref |
Returns true if the block defines support for a feature, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether block supports feature. param: {Object} state Data state. param: {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object. param: {string} feature Feature to test. param: {boolean} defaultSupports Whether feature is supported by |
isMatchingSearchTerm(state, nameOrType, searchTerm) X-Ref |
Returns true if the block type by the given name or object value matches a search term, or false otherwise. return: {Object[]} Whether block type matches search term. param: {Object} state Blocks state. param: {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object. param: {string} searchTerm Search term by which to filter. |
names(e,f) X-Ref |
No description |
unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions(definitions) X-Ref |
Sets the server side block definition of blocks. param: {Object} definitions Server-side block definitions |
getBlockSettingsFromMetadata(_ref) X-Ref |
Gets block settings from metadata loaded from `block.json` file. return: {Object} Block settings. param: {Object} metadata Block metadata loaded from `block.json`. param: {string} metadata.textdomain Textdomain to use with translations. |
registerBlockType(blockNameOrMetadata, settings) X-Ref |
Registers a new block provided a unique name and an object defining its behavior. Once registered, the block is made available as an option to any editor interface where blocks are implemented. return: {?WPBlockType} The block, if it has been successfully registered; param: {string|Object} blockNameOrMetadata Block type name or its metadata. param: {Object} settings Block settings. |
translateBlockSettingUsingI18nSchema(i18nSchema, settingValue, textdomain) X-Ref |
Translates block settings provided with metadata using the i18n schema. return: {string|string[]|Object[]} Translated setting. param: {string|string[]|Object[]} i18nSchema I18n schema for the block setting. param: {string|string[]|Object[]} settingValue Value for the block setting. param: {string} textdomain Textdomain to use with translations. |
registerBlockCollection(namespace, _ref2) X-Ref |
Registers a new block collection to group blocks in the same namespace in the inserter. param: {string} namespace The namespace to group blocks by in the inserter; corresponds to the block namespace. param: {Object} settings The block collection settings. param: {string} settings.title The title to display in the block inserter. param: {Object} [settings.icon] The icon to display in the block inserter. |
unregisterBlockCollection(namespace) X-Ref |
Unregisters a block collection param: {string} namespace The namespace to group blocks by in the inserter; corresponds to the block namespace |
unregisterBlockType(name) X-Ref |
Unregisters a block. return: {?WPBlockType} The previous block value, if it has been successfully param: {string} name Block name. |
setFreeformContentHandlerName(blockName) X-Ref |
Assigns name of block for handling non-block content. param: {string} blockName Block name. |
getFreeformContentHandlerName() X-Ref |
Retrieves name of block handling non-block content, or undefined if no handler has been defined. return: {?string} Block name. |
registration_getGroupingBlockName() X-Ref |
Retrieves name of block used for handling grouping interactions. return: {?string} Block name. |
setUnregisteredTypeHandlerName(blockName) X-Ref |
Assigns name of block handling unregistered block types. param: {string} blockName Block name. |
getUnregisteredTypeHandlerName() X-Ref |
Retrieves name of block handling unregistered block types, or undefined if no handler has been defined. return: {?string} Block name. |
setDefaultBlockName(name) X-Ref |
Assigns the default block name. param: {string} name Block name. |
setGroupingBlockName(name) X-Ref |
Assigns name of block for handling block grouping interactions. param: {string} name Block name. |
registration_getDefaultBlockName() X-Ref |
Retrieves the default block name. return: {?string} Block name. |
registration_getBlockType(name) X-Ref |
Returns a registered block type. return: {?Object} Block type. param: {string} name Block name. |
registration_getBlockTypes() X-Ref |
Returns all registered blocks. return: {Array} Block settings. |
registration_getBlockSupport(nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) X-Ref |
Returns the block support value for a feature, if defined. return: {?*} Block support value param: {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object param: {string} feature Feature to retrieve param: {*} defaultSupports Default value to return if not |
registration_hasBlockSupport(nameOrType, feature, defaultSupports) X-Ref |
Returns true if the block defines support for a feature, or false otherwise. return: {boolean} Whether block supports feature. param: {(string|Object)} nameOrType Block name or type object. param: {string} feature Feature to test. param: {boolean} defaultSupports Whether feature is supported by |
isReusableBlock(blockOrType) X-Ref |
Determines whether or not the given block is a reusable block. This is a special block type that is used to point to a global block stored via the API. return: {boolean} Whether the given block is a reusable block. param: {Object} blockOrType Block or Block Type to test. |
isTemplatePart(blockOrType) X-Ref |
Determines whether or not the given block is a template part. This is a special block type that allows composing a page template out of reusable design elements. return: {boolean} Whether the given block is a template part. param: {Object} blockOrType Block or Block Type to test. |
rng() X-Ref |
No description |
validate(uuid) X-Ref |
No description |
stringify(arr) X-Ref |
No description |
v4(options, buf, offset) X-Ref |
No description |
createBlock(name) X-Ref |
Returns a block object given its type and attributes. return: {Object} Block object. param: {string} name Block name. param: {Object} attributes Block attributes. param: {?Array} innerBlocks Nested blocks. |
createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate() X-Ref |
Given an array of InnerBlocks templates or Block Objects, returns an array of created Blocks from them. It handles the case of having InnerBlocks as Blocks by converting them to the proper format to continue recursively. return: {Object[]} Array of Block objects. param: {Array} innerBlocksOrTemplate Nested blocks or InnerBlocks templates. |
__experimentalCloneSanitizedBlock(block) X-Ref |
Given a block object, returns a copy of the block object while sanitizing its attributes, optionally merging new attributes and/or replacing its inner blocks. return: {Object} A cloned block. param: {Object} block Block instance. param: {Object} mergeAttributes Block attributes. param: {?Array} newInnerBlocks Nested blocks. |
cloneBlock(block) X-Ref |
Given a block object, returns a copy of the block object, optionally merging new attributes and/or replacing its inner blocks. return: {Object} A cloned block. param: {Object} block Block instance. param: {Object} mergeAttributes Block attributes. param: {?Array} newInnerBlocks Nested blocks. |
getPossibleBlockTransformations(blocks) X-Ref |
Returns an array of block types that the set of blocks received as argument can be transformed into. return: {Array} Block types that the blocks argument can be transformed to. param: {Array} blocks Blocks array. |
findTransform(transforms, predicate) X-Ref |
Given an array of transforms, returns the highest-priority transform where the predicate function returns a truthy value. A higher-priority transform is one with a lower priority value (i.e. first in priority order). Returns null if the transforms set is empty or the predicate function returns a falsey value for all entries. return: {?Object} Highest-priority transform candidate. param: {Object[]} transforms Transforms to search. param: {Function} predicate Function returning true on matching transform. |
getBlockTransforms(direction, blockTypeOrName) X-Ref |
Returns normal block transforms for a given transform direction, optionally for a specific block by name, or an empty array if there are no transforms. If no block name is provided, returns transforms for all blocks. A normal transform object includes `blockName` as a property. return: {Array} Block transforms for direction. param: {string} direction Transform direction ("to", "from"). param: {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. |
switchToBlockType(blocks, name) X-Ref |
Switch one or more blocks into one or more blocks of the new block type. return: {?Array} Array of blocks or null. param: {Array|Object} blocks Blocks array or block object. param: {string} name Block name. |
isUnmodifiedDefaultBlock(block) X-Ref |
Determines whether the block is a default block and its attributes are equal to the default attributes which means the block is unmodified. return: {boolean} Whether the block is an unmodified default block param: {WPBlock} block Block Object |
isValidIcon(icon) X-Ref |
Function that checks if the parameter is a valid icon. return: {boolean} True if the parameter is a valid icon and false otherwise. param: {*} icon Parameter to be checked. |
normalizeIconObject(icon) X-Ref |
Function that receives an icon as set by the blocks during the registration and returns a new icon object that is normalized so we can rely on just on possible icon structure in the codebase. return: {WPBlockTypeIconDescriptor} Object describing the icon. param: {WPBlockTypeIconRender} icon Render behavior of a block type icon; |
normalizeBlockType(blockTypeOrName) X-Ref |
Normalizes block type passed as param. When string is passed then it converts it to the matching block type object. It passes the original object otherwise. return: {?Object} Block type. param: {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. |
getBlockLabel(blockType, attributes) X-Ref |
Get the label for the block, usually this is either the block title, or the value of the block's `label` function when that's specified. return: {string} The block label. param: {Object} blockType The block type. param: {Object} attributes The values of the block's attributes. param: {Object} context The intended use for the label. |
getAccessibleBlockLabel(blockType, attributes, position) X-Ref |
Get a label for the block for use by screenreaders, this is more descriptive than the visual label and includes the block title and the value of the `getLabel` function if it's specified. return: {string} The block label. param: {Object} blockType The block type. param: {Object} attributes The values of the block's attributes. param: {?number} position The position of the block in the block list. param: {string} [direction='vertical'] The direction of the block layout. |
__experimentalSanitizeBlockAttributes(name, attributes) X-Ref |
Ensure attributes contains only values defined by block type, and merge default values for missing attributes. return: {Object} The sanitized attributes. param: {string} name The block's name. param: {Object} attributes The block's attributes. |
__experimentalGetBlockAttributesNamesByRole(name, role) X-Ref |
Filter block attributes by `role` and return their names. return: {string[]} The attribute names that have the provided role. param: {string} name Block attribute's name. param: {string} role The role of a block attribute. |
addBlockTypes(blockTypes) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that block types have been added. return: {Object} Action object. param: {Array|Object} blockTypes Block types received. |
removeBlockTypes(names) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to remove a registered block type. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string|Array} names Block name. |
addBlockStyles(blockName, styles) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that new block styles have been added. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} blockName Block name. param: {Array|Object} styles Block styles. |
removeBlockStyles(blockName, styleNames) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that block styles have been removed. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} blockName Block name. param: {Array|string} styleNames Block style names. |
addBlockVariations(blockName, variations) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that new block variations have been added. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} blockName Block name. param: {WPBlockVariation|WPBlockVariation[]} variations Block variations. |
removeBlockVariations(blockName, variationNames) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used in signalling that block variations have been removed. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} blockName Block name. param: {string|string[]} variationNames Block variation names. |
actions_setDefaultBlockName(name) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to set the default block name. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} name Block name. |
setFreeformFallbackBlockName(name) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to set the name of the block used as a fallback for non-block content. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} name Block name. |
setUnregisteredFallbackBlockName(name) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to set the name of the block used as a fallback for unregistered blocks. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} name Block name. |
actions_setGroupingBlockName(name) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to set the name of the block used when grouping other blocks eg: in "Group/Ungroup" interactions return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} name Block name. |
setCategories(categories) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to set block categories. return: {Object} Action object. param: {Object[]} categories Block categories. |
updateCategory(slug, category) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to update a category. return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} slug Block category slug. param: {Object} category Object containing the category properties that should be updated. |
addBlockCollection(namespace, title, icon) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to add block collections return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} namespace The namespace of the blocks to put in the collection param: {string} title The title to display in the block inserter param: {Object} icon (optional) The icon to display in the block inserter |
removeBlockCollection(namespace) X-Ref |
Returns an action object used to remove block collections return: {Object} Action object. param: {string} namespace The namespace of the blocks to put in the collection |
serializeRawBlock(rawBlock) X-Ref |
Serializes a block node into the native HTML-comment-powered block format. CAVEAT: This function is intended for re-serializing blocks as parsed by valid parsers and skips any validation steps. This is NOT a generic serialization function for in-memory blocks. For most purposes, see the following functions available in the `@wordpress/blocks` package: return: {string} An HTML string representing a block. param: {WPRawBlock} rawBlock A block node as returned by a valid parser. param: {Options} [options={}] Serialization options. |
getBlockDefaultClassName(blockName) X-Ref |
Returns the block's default classname from its name. return: {string} The block's default class. param: {string} blockName The block name. |
getBlockMenuDefaultClassName(blockName) X-Ref |
Returns the block's default menu item classname from its name. return: {string} The block's default menu item class. param: {string} blockName The block name. |
getBlockProps() X-Ref |
Call within a save function to get the props for the block wrapper. param: {Object} props Optional. Props to pass to the element. |
getInnerBlocksProps() X-Ref |
Call within a save function to get the props for the inner blocks wrapper. param: {Object} props Optional. Props to pass to the element. |
getSaveElement(blockTypeOrName, attributes) X-Ref |
Given a block type containing a save render implementation and attributes, returns the enhanced element to be saved or string when raw HTML expected. return: {Object|string} Save element or raw HTML string. param: {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. param: {Object} attributes Block attributes. param: {?Array} innerBlocks Nested blocks. |
getSaveContent(blockTypeOrName, attributes, innerBlocks) X-Ref |
Given a block type containing a save render implementation and attributes, returns the static markup to be saved. return: {string} Save content. param: {string|Object} blockTypeOrName Block type or name. param: {Object} attributes Block attributes. param: {?Array} innerBlocks Nested blocks. |
getCommentAttributes(blockType, attributes) X-Ref |
Returns attributes which are to be saved and serialized into the block comment delimiter. When a block exists in memory it contains as its attributes both those parsed the block comment delimiter _and_ those which matched from the contents of the block. This function returns only those attributes which are needed to persist and which cannot be matched from the block content. return: {Object<string,*>} Subset of attributes for comment serialization. param: {Object<string,*>} blockType Block type. param: {Object<string,*>} attributes Attributes from in-memory block data. |
serializeAttributes(attributes) X-Ref |
Given an attributes object, returns a string in the serialized attributes format prepared for post content. return: {string} Serialized attributes. param: {Object} attributes Attributes object. |
getBlockInnerHTML(block) X-Ref |
Given a block object, returns the Block's Inner HTML markup. return: {string} HTML. param: {Object} block Block instance. |
getCommentDelimitedContent(rawBlockName, attributes, content) X-Ref |
Returns the content of a block, including comment delimiters. return: {string} Comment-delimited block content. param: {string} rawBlockName Block name. param: {Object} attributes Block attributes. param: {string} content Block save content. |
serializeBlock(block) X-Ref |
Returns the content of a block, including comment delimiters, determining serialized attributes and content form from the current state of the block. return: {string} Serialized block. param: {WPBlock} block Block instance. param: {WPBlockSerializationOptions} options Serialization options. |
__unstableSerializeAndClean(blocks) X-Ref |
No description |
serializer_serialize(blocks, options) X-Ref |
Takes a block or set of blocks and returns the serialized post content. return: {string} The post content. param: {Array} blocks Block(s) to serialize. param: {WPBlockSerializationOptions} options Serialization options. |
EntityParser(named) X-Ref |
No description |
isSpace(char) X-Ref |
No description |
isAlpha(char) X-Ref |
No description |
preprocessInput(input) X-Ref |
No description |
EventedTokenizer(delegate, entityParser, mode) X-Ref |
No description |
Tokenizer(entityParser, options) X-Ref |
No description |
tokenize(input, options) X-Ref |
No description |
createLogger() X-Ref |
createLogHandler(logger) X-Ref |
Creates a log handler with block validation prefix. return: {Function} Augmented logger function. param: {Function} logger Original logger function. |
createQueuedLogger() X-Ref |
No description |
isValidCharacterReference(text) X-Ref |
Returns true if the given string is a valid character reference segment, or false otherwise. The text should be stripped of `&` and `;` demarcations. return: {boolean} Whether text is valid character reference. param: {string} text Text to test. |
Generated: Thu Nov 21 01:00:03 2024 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |