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Server-side rendering of the `core/pages` block.
File Size: | 342 lines (13 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
block_core_page_list_build_css_colors( $attributes, $context ) X-Ref |
Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the colors which will be applied to the pages markup in the front-end when it is a descendant of navigation. return: array Colors CSS classes and inline styles. param: array $attributes Block attributes. param: array $context Navigation block context. |
block_core_page_list_build_css_font_sizes( $context ) X-Ref |
Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the font sizes which will be applied to the pages markup in the front-end when it is a descendant of navigation. return: array Font size CSS classes and inline styles. param: array $context Navigation block context. |
block_core_page_list_render_nested_page_list( $open_submenus_on_click, $show_submenu_icons, $is_navigation_child, $nested_pages, $active_page_ancestor_ids = array() X-Ref |
Outputs Page list markup from an array of pages with nested children. return: string List markup. param: boolean $open_submenus_on_click Whether to open submenus on click instead of hover. param: boolean $show_submenu_icons Whether to show submenu indicator icons. param: boolean $is_navigation_child If block is a child of Navigation block. param: array $nested_pages The array of nested pages. param: array $active_page_ancestor_ids An array of ancestor ids for active page. param: array $colors Color information for overlay styles. param: integer $depth The nesting depth. |
block_core_page_list_nest_pages( $current_level, $children ) X-Ref |
Outputs nested array of pages return: array The nested array of pages. param: array $current_level The level being iterated through. param: array $children The children grouped by parent post ID. |
render_block_core_page_list( $attributes, $content, $block ) X-Ref |
Renders the `core/page-list` block on server. return: string Returns the page list markup. param: array $attributes The block attributes. param: string $content The saved content. param: WP_Block $block The parsed block. |
register_block_core_page_list() X-Ref |
Registers the `core/pages` block on server. |
Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |