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Server-side rendering of the `core/navigation` block.
File Size: | 650 lines (25 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
block_core_navigation_get_menu_items_at_location( $location ) X-Ref |
Returns the menu items for a WordPress menu location. param: string $location The menu location. return: array Menu items for the location. |
block_core_navigation_sort_menu_items_by_parent_id( $menu_items ) X-Ref |
Sorts a standard array of menu items into a nested structure keyed by the id of the parent menu. param: array $menu_items Menu items to sort. return: array An array keyed by the id of the parent menu where each element |
block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items( $menu_items, $menu_items_by_parent_id ) X-Ref |
Turns menu item data into a nested array of parsed blocks param: array $menu_items An array of menu items that represent param: array $menu_items_by_parent_id An array keyed by the id of the return: array An array of parsed block data. |
block_core_navigation_build_css_colors( $attributes ) X-Ref |
Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the colors which will be applied to the navigation markup in the front-end. param: array $attributes Navigation block attributes. return: array Colors CSS classes and inline styles. |
block_core_navigation_build_css_font_sizes( $attributes ) X-Ref |
Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the font sizes which will be applied to the navigation markup in the front-end. param: array $attributes Navigation block attributes. return: array Font size CSS classes and inline styles. |
block_core_navigation_render_submenu_icon() X-Ref |
Returns the top-level submenu SVG chevron icon. return: string |
block_core_navigation_get_first_non_empty_navigation() X-Ref |
Finds the first non-empty `wp_navigation` Post. return: WP_Post|null the first non-empty Navigation or null. |
block_core_navigation_filter_out_empty_blocks( $parsed_blocks ) X-Ref |
Filter out empty "null" blocks from the block list. 'parse_blocks' includes a null block with '\n\n' as the content when it encounters whitespace. This is not a bug but rather how the parser is designed. param: array $parsed_blocks the parsed blocks to be normalized. return: array the normalized parsed blocks. |
block_core_navigation_get_fallback_blocks() X-Ref |
No description |
render_block_core_navigation( $attributes, $content, $block ) X-Ref |
Renders the `core/navigation` block on server. param: array $attributes The block attributes. param: string $content The saved content. param: WP_Block $block The parsed block. return: string Returns the post content with the legacy widget added. |
register_block_core_navigation() X-Ref |
Register the navigation block. |
block_core_navigation_typographic_presets_backcompatibility( $parsed_block ) X-Ref |
Filter that changes the parsed attribute values of navigation blocks contain typographic presets to contain the values directly. param: array $parsed_block The block being rendered. return: array The block being rendered without typographic presets. |
Generated: Fri Feb 7 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |