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WordPress Administration Privacy Tools API.
File Size: | 970 lines (33 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
_wp_privacy_resend_request( $request_id ) X-Ref |
Resend an existing request and return the result. param: int $request_id Request ID. return: true|WP_Error Returns true if sending the email was successful, or a WP_Error object. since: 4.9.6 |
_wp_privacy_completed_request( $request_id ) X-Ref |
Marks a request as completed by the admin and logs the current timestamp. param: int $request_id Request ID. return: int|WP_Error Request ID on success, or a WP_Error on failure. since: 4.9.6 |
_wp_personal_data_handle_actions() X-Ref |
Handle list table actions. since: 4.9.6 |
_wp_personal_data_cleanup_requests() X-Ref |
Cleans up failed and expired requests before displaying the list table. since: 4.9.6 |
wp_privacy_generate_personal_data_export_group_html( $group_data, $group_id = '', $groups_count = 1 ) X-Ref |
Generate a single group for the personal data export report. param: array $group_data { param: string $group_id The group identifier. param: int $groups_count The number of all groups return: string The HTML for this group and its items. since: 4.9.6 since: 5.4.0 Added the `$group_id` and `$groups_count` parameters. |
wp_privacy_generate_personal_data_export_file( $request_id ) X-Ref |
Generate the personal data export file. param: int $request_id The export request ID. since: 4.9.6 |
wp_privacy_send_personal_data_export_email( $request_id ) X-Ref |
Send an email to the user with a link to the personal data export file param: int $request_id The request ID for this personal data export. return: true|WP_Error True on success or `WP_Error` on failure. since: 4.9.6 |
wp_privacy_process_personal_data_export_page( $response, $exporter_index, $email_address, $page, $request_id, $send_as_email, $exporter_key ) X-Ref |
Intercept personal data exporter page Ajax responses in order to assemble the personal data export file. param: array $response The response from the personal data exporter for the given page. param: int $exporter_index The index of the personal data exporter. Begins at 1. param: string $email_address The email address of the user whose personal data this is. param: int $page The page of personal data for this exporter. Begins at 1. param: int $request_id The request ID for this personal data export. param: bool $send_as_email Whether the final results of the export should be emailed to the user. param: string $exporter_key The slug (key) of the exporter. return: array The filtered response. since: 4.9.6 |
wp_privacy_process_personal_data_erasure_page( $response, $eraser_index, $email_address, $page, $request_id ) X-Ref |
Mark erasure requests as completed after processing is finished. This intercepts the Ajax responses to personal data eraser page requests, and monitors the status of a request. Once all of the processing has finished, the request is marked as completed. param: array $response The response from the personal data eraser for param: int $eraser_index The index of the personal data eraser. Begins param: string $email_address The email address of the user whose personal param: int $page The page of personal data for this eraser. param: int $request_id The request ID for this personal data erasure. return: array The filtered response. since: 4.9.6 |
Generated: Thu Feb 13 01:00:03 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |