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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress




/wp-admin/includes/ -> list-table.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Helper functions for displaying a list of items in an ajaxified HTML table.
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage List_Table
   7   * @since 3.1.0
   8   */
  10  /**
  11   * Fetches an instance of a WP_List_Table class.
  12   *
  13   * @access private
  14   * @since 3.1.0
  15   *
  16   * @global string $hook_suffix
  17   *
  18   * @param string $class_name The type of the list table, which is the class name.
  19   * @param array  $args       Optional. Arguments to pass to the class. Accepts 'screen'.
  20   * @return WP_List_Table|false List table object on success, false if the class does not exist.
  21   */
  22  function _get_list_table( $class_name, $args = array() ) {
  23      $core_classes = array(
  24          // Site Admin.
  25          'WP_Posts_List_Table'                         => 'posts',
  26          'WP_Media_List_Table'                         => 'media',
  27          'WP_Terms_List_Table'                         => 'terms',
  28          'WP_Users_List_Table'                         => 'users',
  29          'WP_Comments_List_Table'                      => 'comments',
  30          'WP_Post_Comments_List_Table'                 => array( 'comments', 'post-comments' ),
  31          'WP_Links_List_Table'                         => 'links',
  32          'WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table'                => 'plugin-install',
  33          'WP_Themes_List_Table'                        => 'themes',
  34          'WP_Theme_Install_List_Table'                 => array( 'themes', 'theme-install' ),
  35          'WP_Plugins_List_Table'                       => 'plugins',
  36          'WP_Application_Passwords_List_Table'         => 'application-passwords',
  38          // Network Admin.
  39          'WP_MS_Sites_List_Table'                      => 'ms-sites',
  40          'WP_MS_Users_List_Table'                      => 'ms-users',
  41          'WP_MS_Themes_List_Table'                     => 'ms-themes',
  43          // Privacy requests tables.
  44          'WP_Privacy_Data_Export_Requests_List_Table'  => 'privacy-data-export-requests',
  45          'WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_List_Table' => 'privacy-data-removal-requests',
  46      );
  48      if ( isset( $core_classes[ $class_name ] ) ) {
  49          foreach ( (array) $core_classes[ $class_name ] as $required ) {
  50              require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-' . $required . '-list-table.php';
  51          }
  53          if ( isset( $args['screen'] ) ) {
  54              $args['screen'] = convert_to_screen( $args['screen'] );
  55          } elseif ( isset( $GLOBALS['hook_suffix'] ) ) {
  56              $args['screen'] = get_current_screen();
  57          } else {
  58              $args['screen'] = null;
  59          }
  61          return new $class_name( $args );
  62      }
  64      return false;
  65  }
  67  /**
  68   * Register column headers for a particular screen.
  69   *
  70   * @see get_column_headers(), print_column_headers(), get_hidden_columns()
  71   *
  72   * @since 2.7.0
  73   *
  74   * @param string    $screen The handle for the screen to register column headers for. This is
  75   *                          usually the hook name returned by the `add_*_page()` functions.
  76   * @param string[] $columns An array of columns with column IDs as the keys and translated
  77   *                          column names as the values.
  78   */
  79  function register_column_headers( $screen, $columns ) {
  80      new _WP_List_Table_Compat( $screen, $columns );
  81  }
  83  /**
  84   * Prints column headers for a particular screen.
  85   *
  86   * @since 2.7.0
  87   *
  88   * @param string|WP_Screen $screen  The screen hook name or screen object.
  89   * @param bool             $with_id Whether to set the ID attribute or not.
  90   */
  91  function print_column_headers( $screen, $with_id = true ) {
  92      $wp_list_table = new _WP_List_Table_Compat( $screen );
  94      $wp_list_table->print_column_headers( $with_id );
  95  }

Generated: Fri Feb 7 01:00:02 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1