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List Table API: WP_Privacy_Requests_Table class
File Size: | 563 lines (14 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
get_columns() X-Ref |
Get columns to show in the list table. since: 4.9.6 return: string[] Array of column titles keyed by their column name. |
get_admin_url() X-Ref |
Normalize the admin URL to the current page (by request_type). since: 5.3.0 return: string URL to the current admin page. |
get_sortable_columns() X-Ref |
Get a list of sortable columns. since: 4.9.6 return: array Default sortable columns. |
get_default_primary_column_name() X-Ref |
Default primary column. since: 4.9.6 return: string Default primary column name. |
get_request_counts() X-Ref |
Count number of requests for each status. since: 4.9.6 return: object Number of posts for each status. |
get_views() X-Ref |
Get an associative array ( id => link ) with the list of views available on this table. since: 4.9.6 return: string[] An array of HTML links keyed by their view. |
get_bulk_actions() X-Ref |
Get bulk actions. since: 4.9.6 return: array Array of bulk action labels keyed by their action. |
process_bulk_action() X-Ref |
Process bulk actions. since: 4.9.6 since: 5.6.0 Added support for the `complete` action. |
prepare_items() X-Ref |
Prepare items to output. since: 4.9.6 since: 5.1.0 Added support for column sorting. |
column_cb( $item ) X-Ref |
Checkbox column. since: 4.9.6 return: string Checkbox column markup. param: WP_User_Request $item Item being shown. |
column_status( $item ) X-Ref |
Status column. since: 4.9.6 return: string Status column markup. param: WP_User_Request $item Item being shown. |
get_timestamp_as_date( $timestamp ) X-Ref |
Convert timestamp for display. since: 4.9.6 return: string Human readable date. param: int $timestamp Event timestamp. |
column_default( $item, $column_name ) X-Ref |
Default column handler. since: 4.9.6 since: 5.7.0 Added `manage_{$this->screen->id}_custom_column` action. param: WP_User_Request $item Item being shown. param: string $column_name Name of column being shown. |
column_created_timestamp( $item ) X-Ref |
Created timestamp column. Overridden by children. since: 5.7.0 return: string Human readable date. param: WP_User_Request $item Item being shown. |
column_email( $item ) X-Ref |
Actions column. Overridden by children. since: 4.9.6 return: string Email column markup. param: WP_User_Request $item Item being shown. |
column_next_steps( $item ) X-Ref |
Next steps column. Overridden by children. since: 4.9.6 param: WP_User_Request $item Item being shown. |
single_row( $item ) X-Ref |
Generates content for a single row of the table, since: 4.9.6 param: WP_User_Request $item The current item. |
embed_scripts() X-Ref |
Embed scripts used to perform actions. Overridden by children. since: 4.9.6 |
Generated: Sat Feb 22 01:00:03 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |