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Administration API: WP_List_Table class
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WP_List_Table:: (46 methods):
Class: WP_List_Table - X-Ref
Base class for displaying a list of items in an ajaxified HTML table.__construct( $args = array() X-Ref |
Constructor. The child class should call this constructor from its own constructor to override the default $args. since: 3.1.0 param: array|string $args { |
__get( $name ) X-Ref |
Make private properties readable for backward compatibility. return: mixed Property. since: 4.0.0 param: string $name Property to get. |
__set( $name, $value ) X-Ref |
Make private properties settable for backward compatibility. return: mixed Newly-set property. since: 4.0.0 param: string $name Property to check if set. param: mixed $value Property value. |
__isset( $name ) X-Ref |
Make private properties checkable for backward compatibility. return: bool Whether the property is a back-compat property and it is set. since: 4.0.0 param: string $name Property to check if set. |
__unset( $name ) X-Ref |
Make private properties un-settable for backward compatibility. since: 4.0.0 param: string $name Property to unset. |
__call( $name, $arguments ) X-Ref |
Make private/protected methods readable for backward compatibility. return: mixed|bool Return value of the callback, false otherwise. since: 4.0.0 param: string $name Method to call. param: array $arguments Arguments to pass when calling. |
ajax_user_can() X-Ref |
Checks the current user's permissions since: 3.1.0 |
prepare_items() X-Ref |
Prepares the list of items for displaying. since: 3.1.0 |
set_pagination_args( $args ) X-Ref |
An internal method that sets all the necessary pagination arguments since: 3.1.0 param: array|string $args Array or string of arguments with information about the pagination. |
get_pagination_arg( $key ) X-Ref |
Access the pagination args. return: int Number of items that correspond to the given pagination argument. since: 3.1.0 param: string $key Pagination argument to retrieve. Common values include 'total_items', |
has_items() X-Ref |
Whether the table has items to display or not return: bool since: 3.1.0 |
no_items() X-Ref |
Message to be displayed when there are no items since: 3.1.0 |
search_box( $text, $input_id ) X-Ref |
Displays the search box. since: 3.1.0 param: string $text The 'submit' button label. param: string $input_id ID attribute value for the search input field. |
get_views() X-Ref |
Gets the list of views available on this table. The format is an associative array: - `'id' => 'link'` return: array since: 3.1.0 |
views() X-Ref |
Displays the list of views available on this table. since: 3.1.0 |
get_bulk_actions() X-Ref |
Retrieves the list of bulk actions available for this table. The format is an associative array where each element represents either a top level option value and label, or an array representing an optgroup and its options. For a standard option, the array element key is the field value and the array element value is the field label. For an optgroup, the array element key is the label and the array element value is an associative array of options as above. Example: [ 'edit' => 'Edit', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'Change State' => [ 'feature' => 'Featured', 'sale' => 'On Sale', ] ] return: array since: 3.1.0 since: 5.6.0 A bulk action can now contain an array of options in order to create an optgroup. |
bulk_actions( $which = '' ) X-Ref |
Displays the bulk actions dropdown. since: 3.1.0 param: string $which The location of the bulk actions: 'top' or 'bottom'. |
current_action() X-Ref |
Gets the current action selected from the bulk actions dropdown. return: string|false The action name. False if no action was selected. since: 3.1.0 |
row_actions( $actions, $always_visible = false ) X-Ref |
Generates the required HTML for a list of row action links. return: string The HTML for the row actions. since: 3.1.0 param: string[] $actions An array of action links. param: bool $always_visible Whether the actions should be always visible. |
months_dropdown( $post_type ) X-Ref |
Displays a dropdown for filtering items in the list table by month. since: 3.1.0 param: string $post_type The post type. |
view_switcher( $current_mode ) X-Ref |
Displays a view switcher. since: 3.1.0 param: string $current_mode |
comments_bubble( $post_id, $pending_comments ) X-Ref |
Displays a comment count bubble. since: 3.1.0 param: int $post_id The post ID. param: int $pending_comments Number of pending comments. |
get_pagenum() X-Ref |
Gets the current page number. return: int since: 3.1.0 |
get_items_per_page( $option, $default_value = 20 ) X-Ref |
Gets the number of items to display on a single page. return: int since: 3.1.0 param: string $option User option name. param: int $default_value Optional. The number of items to display. Default 20. |
pagination( $which ) X-Ref |
Displays the pagination. since: 3.1.0 param: string $which |
get_columns() X-Ref |
Gets a list of columns. The format is: - `'internal-name' => 'Title'` return: array since: 3.1.0 |
get_sortable_columns() X-Ref |
Gets a list of sortable columns. The format is: - `'internal-name' => 'orderby'` - `'internal-name' => array( 'orderby', 'asc' )` - The second element sets the initial sorting order. - `'internal-name' => array( 'orderby', true )` - The second element makes the initial order descending. return: array since: 3.1.0 |
get_default_primary_column_name() X-Ref |
Gets the name of the default primary column. return: string Name of the default primary column, in this case, an empty string. since: 4.3.0 |
get_primary_column() X-Ref |
Public wrapper for WP_List_Table::get_default_primary_column_name(). return: string Name of the default primary column. since: 4.4.0 |
get_primary_column_name() X-Ref |
Gets the name of the primary column. return: string The name of the primary column. since: 4.3.0 |
get_column_info() X-Ref |
Gets a list of all, hidden, and sortable columns, with filter applied. return: array since: 3.1.0 |
get_column_count() X-Ref |
Returns the number of visible columns. return: int since: 3.1.0 |
print_column_headers( $with_id = true ) X-Ref |
Prints column headers, accounting for hidden and sortable columns. since: 3.1.0 param: bool $with_id Whether to set the ID attribute or not |
display() X-Ref |
Displays the table. since: 3.1.0 |
get_table_classes() X-Ref |
Gets a list of CSS classes for the WP_List_Table table tag. return: string[] Array of CSS classes for the table tag. since: 3.1.0 |
display_tablenav( $which ) X-Ref |
Generates the table navigation above or below the table since: 3.1.0 param: string $which |
extra_tablenav( $which ) X-Ref |
Extra controls to be displayed between bulk actions and pagination. since: 3.1.0 param: string $which |
display_rows_or_placeholder() X-Ref |
Generates the tbody element for the list table. since: 3.1.0 |
display_rows() X-Ref |
Generates the table rows. since: 3.1.0 |
single_row( $item ) X-Ref |
Generates content for a single row of the table. since: 3.1.0 param: object|array $item The current item |
column_default( $item, $column_name ) X-Ref |
param: object|array $item param: string $column_name |
column_cb( $item ) X-Ref |
param: object|array $item |
single_row_columns( $item ) X-Ref |
Generates the columns for a single row of the table. since: 3.1.0 param: object|array $item The current item. |
handle_row_actions( $item, $column_name, $primary ) X-Ref |
Generates and display row actions links for the list table. return: string The row actions HTML, or an empty string since: 4.3.0 param: object|array $item The item being acted upon. param: string $column_name Current column name. param: string $primary Primary column name. |
ajax_response() X-Ref |
Handles an incoming ajax request (called from admin-ajax.php) since: 3.1.0 |
_js_vars() X-Ref |
Sends required variables to JavaScript land. since: 3.1.0 |
Generated: Mon Mar 31 01:00:02 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |