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/wp-admin/includes/ -> class-theme-upgrader.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Upgrade API: Theme_Upgrader class
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage Upgrader
   7   * @since 4.6.0
   8   */
  10  /**
  11   * Core class used for upgrading/installing themes.
  12   *
  13   * It is designed to upgrade/install themes from a local zip, remote zip URL,
  14   * or uploaded zip file.
  15   *
  16   * @since 2.8.0
  17   * @since 4.6.0 Moved to its own file from wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php.
  18   *
  19   * @see WP_Upgrader
  20   */
  21  class Theme_Upgrader extends WP_Upgrader {
  23      /**
  24       * Result of the theme upgrade offer.
  25       *
  26       * @since 2.8.0
  27       * @var array|WP_Error $result
  28       * @see WP_Upgrader::$result
  29       */
  30      public $result;
  32      /**
  33       * Whether multiple themes are being upgraded/installed in bulk.
  34       *
  35       * @since 2.9.0
  36       * @var bool $bulk
  37       */
  38      public $bulk = false;
  40      /**
  41       * New theme info.
  42       *
  43       * @since 5.5.0
  44       * @var array $new_theme_data
  45       *
  46       * @see check_package()
  47       */
  48      public $new_theme_data = array();
  50      /**
  51       * Initialize the upgrade strings.
  52       *
  53       * @since 2.8.0
  54       */
  55  	public function upgrade_strings() {
  56          $this->strings['up_to_date'] = __( 'The theme is at the latest version.' );
  57          $this->strings['no_package'] = __( 'Update package not available.' );
  58          /* translators: %s: Package URL. */
  59          $this->strings['downloading_package'] = sprintf( __( 'Downloading update from %s&#8230;' ), '<span class="code">%s</span>' );
  60          $this->strings['unpack_package']      = __( 'Unpacking the update&#8230;' );
  61          $this->strings['remove_old']          = __( 'Removing the old version of the theme&#8230;' );
  62          $this->strings['remove_old_failed']   = __( 'Could not remove the old theme.' );
  63          $this->strings['process_failed']      = __( 'Theme update failed.' );
  64          $this->strings['process_success']     = __( 'Theme updated successfully.' );
  65      }
  67      /**
  68       * Initialize the installation strings.
  69       *
  70       * @since 2.8.0
  71       */
  72  	public function install_strings() {
  73          $this->strings['no_package'] = __( 'Installation package not available.' );
  74          /* translators: %s: Package URL. */
  75          $this->strings['downloading_package'] = sprintf( __( 'Downloading installation package from %s&#8230;' ), '<span class="code">%s</span>' );
  76          $this->strings['unpack_package']      = __( 'Unpacking the package&#8230;' );
  77          $this->strings['installing_package']  = __( 'Installing the theme&#8230;' );
  78          $this->strings['remove_old']          = __( 'Removing the old version of the theme&#8230;' );
  79          $this->strings['remove_old_failed']   = __( 'Could not remove the old theme.' );
  80          $this->strings['no_files']            = __( 'The theme contains no files.' );
  81          $this->strings['process_failed']      = __( 'Theme installation failed.' );
  82          $this->strings['process_success']     = __( 'Theme installed successfully.' );
  83          /* translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme version. */
  84          $this->strings['process_success_specific'] = __( 'Successfully installed the theme <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>.' );
  85          $this->strings['parent_theme_search']      = __( 'This theme requires a parent theme. Checking if it is installed&#8230;' );
  86          /* translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme version. */
  87          $this->strings['parent_theme_prepare_install'] = __( 'Preparing to install <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>&#8230;' );
  88          /* translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme version. */
  89          $this->strings['parent_theme_currently_installed'] = __( 'The parent theme, <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>, is currently installed.' );
  90          /* translators: 1: Theme name, 2: Theme version. */
  91          $this->strings['parent_theme_install_success'] = __( 'Successfully installed the parent theme, <strong>%1$s %2$s</strong>.' );
  92          /* translators: %s: Theme name. */
  93          $this->strings['parent_theme_not_found'] = sprintf( __( '<strong>The parent theme could not be found.</strong> You will need to install the parent theme, %s, before you can use this child theme.' ), '<strong>%s</strong>' );
  94          /* translators: %s: Theme error. */
  95          $this->strings['current_theme_has_errors'] = __( 'The active theme has the following error: "%s".' );
  97          if ( ! empty( $this->skin->overwrite ) ) {
  98              if ( 'update-theme' === $this->skin->overwrite ) {
  99                  $this->strings['installing_package'] = __( 'Updating the theme&#8230;' );
 100                  $this->strings['process_failed']     = __( 'Theme update failed.' );
 101                  $this->strings['process_success']    = __( 'Theme updated successfully.' );
 102              }
 104              if ( 'downgrade-theme' === $this->skin->overwrite ) {
 105                  $this->strings['installing_package'] = __( 'Downgrading the theme&#8230;' );
 106                  $this->strings['process_failed']     = __( 'Theme downgrade failed.' );
 107                  $this->strings['process_success']    = __( 'Theme downgraded successfully.' );
 108              }
 109          }
 110      }
 112      /**
 113       * Check if a child theme is being installed and we need to install its parent.
 114       *
 115       * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_post_install'} filter by Theme_Upgrader::install().
 116       *
 117       * @since 3.4.0
 118       *
 119       * @param bool  $install_result
 120       * @param array $hook_extra
 121       * @param array $child_result
 122       * @return bool
 123       */
 124  	public function check_parent_theme_filter( $install_result, $hook_extra, $child_result ) {
 125          // Check to see if we need to install a parent theme.
 126          $theme_info = $this->theme_info();
 128          if ( ! $theme_info->parent() ) {
 129              return $install_result;
 130          }
 132          $this->skin->feedback( 'parent_theme_search' );
 134          if ( ! $theme_info->parent()->errors() ) {
 135              $this->skin->feedback( 'parent_theme_currently_installed', $theme_info->parent()->display( 'Name' ), $theme_info->parent()->display( 'Version' ) );
 136              // We already have the theme, fall through.
 137              return $install_result;
 138          }
 140          // We don't have the parent theme, let's install it.
 141          $api = themes_api(
 142              'theme_information',
 143              array(
 144                  'slug'   => $theme_info->get( 'Template' ),
 145                  'fields' => array(
 146                      'sections' => false,
 147                      'tags'     => false,
 148                  ),
 149              )
 150          ); // Save on a bit of bandwidth.
 152          if ( ! $api || is_wp_error( $api ) ) {
 153              $this->skin->feedback( 'parent_theme_not_found', $theme_info->get( 'Template' ) );
 154              // Don't show activate or preview actions after installation.
 155              add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', array( $this, 'hide_activate_preview_actions' ) );
 156              return $install_result;
 157          }
 159          // Backup required data we're going to override:
 160          $child_api             = $this->skin->api;
 161          $child_success_message = $this->strings['process_success'];
 163          // Override them.
 164          $this->skin->api = $api;
 166          $this->strings['process_success_specific'] = $this->strings['parent_theme_install_success'];
 168          $this->skin->feedback( 'parent_theme_prepare_install', $api->name, $api->version );
 170          add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', '__return_false', 999 ); // Don't show any actions after installing the theme.
 172          // Install the parent theme.
 173          $parent_result = $this->run(
 174              array(
 175                  'package'           => $api->download_link,
 176                  'destination'       => get_theme_root(),
 177                  'clear_destination' => false, // Do not overwrite files.
 178                  'clear_working'     => true,
 179              )
 180          );
 182          if ( is_wp_error( $parent_result ) ) {
 183              add_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', array( $this, 'hide_activate_preview_actions' ) );
 184          }
 186          // Start cleaning up after the parent's installation.
 187          remove_filter( 'install_theme_complete_actions', '__return_false', 999 );
 189          // Reset child's result and data.
 190          $this->result                     = $child_result;
 191          $this->skin->api                  = $child_api;
 192          $this->strings['process_success'] = $child_success_message;
 194          return $install_result;
 195      }
 197      /**
 198       * Don't display the activate and preview actions to the user.
 199       *
 200       * Hooked to the {@see 'install_theme_complete_actions'} filter by
 201       * Theme_Upgrader::check_parent_theme_filter() when installing
 202       * a child theme and installing the parent theme fails.
 203       *
 204       * @since 3.4.0
 205       *
 206       * @param array $actions Preview actions.
 207       * @return array
 208       */
 209  	public function hide_activate_preview_actions( $actions ) {
 210          unset( $actions['activate'], $actions['preview'] );
 211          return $actions;
 212      }
 214      /**
 215       * Install a theme package.
 216       *
 217       * @since 2.8.0
 218       * @since 3.7.0 The `$args` parameter was added, making clearing the update cache optional.
 219       *
 220       * @param string $package The full local path or URI of the package.
 221       * @param array  $args {
 222       *     Optional. Other arguments for installing a theme package. Default empty array.
 223       *
 224       *     @type bool $clear_update_cache Whether to clear the updates cache if successful.
 225       *                                    Default true.
 226       * }
 227       *
 228       * @return bool|WP_Error True if the installation was successful, false or a WP_Error object otherwise.
 229       */
 230  	public function install( $package, $args = array() ) {
 231          $defaults    = array(
 232              'clear_update_cache' => true,
 233              'overwrite_package'  => false, // Do not overwrite files.
 234          );
 235          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 237          $this->init();
 238          $this->install_strings();
 240          add_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) );
 241          add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'check_parent_theme_filter' ), 10, 3 );
 243          if ( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ) {
 244              // Clear cache so wp_update_themes() knows about the new theme.
 245              add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_themes_cache', 9, 0 );
 246          }
 248          $this->run(
 249              array(
 250                  'package'           => $package,
 251                  'destination'       => get_theme_root(),
 252                  'clear_destination' => $parsed_args['overwrite_package'],
 253                  'clear_working'     => true,
 254                  'hook_extra'        => array(
 255                      'type'   => 'theme',
 256                      'action' => 'install',
 257                  ),
 258              )
 259          );
 261          remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_themes_cache', 9 );
 262          remove_filter( 'upgrader_source_selection', array( $this, 'check_package' ) );
 263          remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'check_parent_theme_filter' ) );
 265          if ( ! $this->result || is_wp_error( $this->result ) ) {
 266              return $this->result;
 267          }
 269          // Refresh the Theme Update information.
 270          wp_clean_themes_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] );
 272          if ( $parsed_args['overwrite_package'] ) {
 273              /** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-plugin-upgrader.php */
 274              do_action( 'upgrader_overwrote_package', $package, $this->new_theme_data, 'theme' );
 275          }
 277          return true;
 278      }
 280      /**
 281       * Upgrade a theme.
 282       *
 283       * @since 2.8.0
 284       * @since 3.7.0 The `$args` parameter was added, making clearing the update cache optional.
 285       *
 286       * @param string $theme The theme slug.
 287       * @param array  $args {
 288       *     Optional. Other arguments for upgrading a theme. Default empty array.
 289       *
 290       *     @type bool $clear_update_cache Whether to clear the update cache if successful.
 291       *                                    Default true.
 292       * }
 293       * @return bool|WP_Error True if the upgrade was successful, false or a WP_Error object otherwise.
 294       */
 295  	public function upgrade( $theme, $args = array() ) {
 296          $defaults    = array(
 297              'clear_update_cache' => true,
 298          );
 299          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 301          $this->init();
 302          $this->upgrade_strings();
 304          // Is an update available?
 305          $current = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );
 306          if ( ! isset( $current->response[ $theme ] ) ) {
 307              $this->skin->before();
 308              $this->skin->set_result( false );
 309              $this->skin->error( 'up_to_date' );
 310              $this->skin->after();
 311              return false;
 312          }
 314          $r = $current->response[ $theme ];
 316          add_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'current_before' ), 10, 2 );
 317          add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'current_after' ), 10, 2 );
 318          add_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_theme' ), 10, 4 );
 319          if ( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ) {
 320              // Clear cache so wp_update_themes() knows about the new theme.
 321              add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_themes_cache', 9, 0 );
 322          }
 324          $this->run(
 325              array(
 326                  'package'           => $r['package'],
 327                  'destination'       => get_theme_root( $theme ),
 328                  'clear_destination' => true,
 329                  'clear_working'     => true,
 330                  'hook_extra'        => array(
 331                      'theme'  => $theme,
 332                      'type'   => 'theme',
 333                      'action' => 'update',
 334                  ),
 335              )
 336          );
 338          remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_themes_cache', 9 );
 339          remove_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'current_before' ) );
 340          remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'current_after' ) );
 341          remove_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_theme' ) );
 343          if ( ! $this->result || is_wp_error( $this->result ) ) {
 344              return $this->result;
 345          }
 347          wp_clean_themes_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] );
 349          // Ensure any future auto-update failures trigger a failure email by removing
 350          // the last failure notification from the list when themes update successfully.
 351          $past_failure_emails = get_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', array() );
 353          if ( isset( $past_failure_emails[ $theme ] ) ) {
 354              unset( $past_failure_emails[ $theme ] );
 355              update_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', $past_failure_emails );
 356          }
 358          return true;
 359      }
 361      /**
 362       * Upgrade several themes at once.
 363       *
 364       * @since 3.0.0
 365       * @since 3.7.0 The `$args` parameter was added, making clearing the update cache optional.
 366       *
 367       * @param string[] $themes Array of the theme slugs.
 368       * @param array    $args {
 369       *     Optional. Other arguments for upgrading several themes at once. Default empty array.
 370       *
 371       *     @type bool $clear_update_cache Whether to clear the update cache if successful.
 372       *                                    Default true.
 373       * }
 374       * @return array[]|false An array of results, or false if unable to connect to the filesystem.
 375       */
 376  	public function bulk_upgrade( $themes, $args = array() ) {
 377          $defaults    = array(
 378              'clear_update_cache' => true,
 379          );
 380          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 382          $this->init();
 383          $this->bulk = true;
 384          $this->upgrade_strings();
 386          $current = get_site_transient( 'update_themes' );
 388          add_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'current_before' ), 10, 2 );
 389          add_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'current_after' ), 10, 2 );
 390          add_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_theme' ), 10, 4 );
 392          $this->skin->header();
 394          // Connect to the filesystem first.
 395          $res = $this->fs_connect( array( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) );
 396          if ( ! $res ) {
 397              $this->skin->footer();
 398              return false;
 399          }
 401          $this->skin->bulk_header();
 403          /*
 404           * Only start maintenance mode if:
 405           * - running Multisite and there are one or more themes specified, OR
 406           * - a theme with an update available is currently in use.
 407           * @todo For multisite, maintenance mode should only kick in for individual sites if at all possible.
 408           */
 409          $maintenance = ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $themes ) );
 410          foreach ( $themes as $theme ) {
 411              $maintenance = $maintenance || get_stylesheet() === $theme || get_template() === $theme;
 412          }
 413          if ( $maintenance ) {
 414              $this->maintenance_mode( true );
 415          }
 417          $results = array();
 419          $this->update_count   = count( $themes );
 420          $this->update_current = 0;
 421          foreach ( $themes as $theme ) {
 422              $this->update_current++;
 424              $this->skin->theme_info = $this->theme_info( $theme );
 426              if ( ! isset( $current->response[ $theme ] ) ) {
 427                  $this->skin->set_result( true );
 428                  $this->skin->before();
 429                  $this->skin->feedback( 'up_to_date' );
 430                  $this->skin->after();
 431                  $results[ $theme ] = true;
 432                  continue;
 433              }
 435              // Get the URL to the zip file.
 436              $r = $current->response[ $theme ];
 438              $result = $this->run(
 439                  array(
 440                      'package'           => $r['package'],
 441                      'destination'       => get_theme_root( $theme ),
 442                      'clear_destination' => true,
 443                      'clear_working'     => true,
 444                      'is_multi'          => true,
 445                      'hook_extra'        => array(
 446                          'theme' => $theme,
 447                      ),
 448                  )
 449              );
 451              $results[ $theme ] = $result;
 453              // Prevent credentials auth screen from displaying multiple times.
 454              if ( false === $result ) {
 455                  break;
 456              }
 457          } // End foreach $themes.
 459          $this->maintenance_mode( false );
 461          // Refresh the Theme Update information.
 462          wp_clean_themes_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] );
 464          /** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php */
 465          do_action(
 466              'upgrader_process_complete',
 467              $this,
 468              array(
 469                  'action' => 'update',
 470                  'type'   => 'theme',
 471                  'bulk'   => true,
 472                  'themes' => $themes,
 473              )
 474          );
 476          $this->skin->bulk_footer();
 478          $this->skin->footer();
 480          // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does a upgrade on this connection.
 481          remove_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'current_before' ) );
 482          remove_filter( 'upgrader_post_install', array( $this, 'current_after' ) );
 483          remove_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_theme' ) );
 485          // Ensure any future auto-update failures trigger a failure email by removing
 486          // the last failure notification from the list when themes update successfully.
 487          $past_failure_emails = get_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', array() );
 489          foreach ( $results as $theme => $result ) {
 490              // Maintain last failure notification when themes failed to update manually.
 491              if ( ! $result || is_wp_error( $result ) || ! isset( $past_failure_emails[ $theme ] ) ) {
 492                  continue;
 493              }
 495              unset( $past_failure_emails[ $theme ] );
 496          }
 498          update_option( 'auto_plugin_theme_update_emails', $past_failure_emails );
 500          return $results;
 501      }
 503      /**
 504       * Checks that the package source contains a valid theme.
 505       *
 506       * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_source_selection'} filter by Theme_Upgrader::install().
 507       *
 508       * @since 3.3.0
 509       *
 510       * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 511       * @global string             $wp_version    The WordPress version string.
 512       *
 513       * @param string $source The path to the downloaded package source.
 514       * @return string|WP_Error The source as passed, or a WP_Error object on failure.
 515       */
 516  	public function check_package( $source ) {
 517          global $wp_filesystem, $wp_version;
 519          $this->new_theme_data = array();
 521          if ( is_wp_error( $source ) ) {
 522              return $source;
 523          }
 525          // Check that the folder contains a valid theme.
 526          $working_directory = str_replace( $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir(), trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ), $source );
 527          if ( ! is_dir( $working_directory ) ) { // Sanity check, if the above fails, let's not prevent installation.
 528              return $source;
 529          }
 531          // A proper archive should have a style.css file in the single subdirectory.
 532          if ( ! file_exists( $working_directory . 'style.css' ) ) {
 533              return new WP_Error(
 534                  'incompatible_archive_theme_no_style',
 535                  $this->strings['incompatible_archive'],
 536                  sprintf(
 537                      /* translators: %s: style.css */
 538                      __( 'The theme is missing the %s stylesheet.' ),
 539                      '<code>style.css</code>'
 540                  )
 541              );
 542          }
 544          // All these headers are needed on Theme_Installer_Skin::do_overwrite().
 545          $info = get_file_data(
 546              $working_directory . 'style.css',
 547              array(
 548                  'Name'        => 'Theme Name',
 549                  'Version'     => 'Version',
 550                  'Author'      => 'Author',
 551                  'Template'    => 'Template',
 552                  'RequiresWP'  => 'Requires at least',
 553                  'RequiresPHP' => 'Requires PHP',
 554              )
 555          );
 557          if ( empty( $info['Name'] ) ) {
 558              return new WP_Error(
 559                  'incompatible_archive_theme_no_name',
 560                  $this->strings['incompatible_archive'],
 561                  sprintf(
 562                      /* translators: %s: style.css */
 563                      __( 'The %s stylesheet does not contain a valid theme header.' ),
 564                      '<code>style.css</code>'
 565                  )
 566              );
 567          }
 569          // If it's not a child theme, it must have at least an index.php to be legit.
 570          if ( empty( $info['Template'] ) && ! file_exists( $working_directory . 'index.php' ) ) {
 571              return new WP_Error(
 572                  'incompatible_archive_theme_no_index',
 573                  $this->strings['incompatible_archive'],
 574                  sprintf(
 575                      /* translators: %s: index.php */
 576                      __( 'The theme is missing the %s file.' ),
 577                      '<code>index.php</code>'
 578                  )
 579              );
 580          }
 582          $requires_php = isset( $info['RequiresPHP'] ) ? $info['RequiresPHP'] : null;
 583          $requires_wp  = isset( $info['RequiresWP'] ) ? $info['RequiresWP'] : null;
 585          if ( ! is_php_version_compatible( $requires_php ) ) {
 586              $error = sprintf(
 587                  /* translators: 1: Current PHP version, 2: Version required by the uploaded theme. */
 588                  __( 'The PHP version on your server is %1$s, however the uploaded theme requires %2$s.' ),
 589                  phpversion(),
 590                  $requires_php
 591              );
 593              return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_php_required_version', $this->strings['incompatible_archive'], $error );
 594          }
 595          if ( ! is_wp_version_compatible( $requires_wp ) ) {
 596              $error = sprintf(
 597                  /* translators: 1: Current WordPress version, 2: Version required by the uploaded theme. */
 598                  __( 'Your WordPress version is %1$s, however the uploaded theme requires %2$s.' ),
 599                  $wp_version,
 600                  $requires_wp
 601              );
 603              return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_wp_required_version', $this->strings['incompatible_archive'], $error );
 604          }
 606          $this->new_theme_data = $info;
 608          return $source;
 609      }
 611      /**
 612       * Turn on maintenance mode before attempting to upgrade the active theme.
 613       *
 614       * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_pre_install'} filter by Theme_Upgrader::upgrade() and
 615       * Theme_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade().
 616       *
 617       * @since 2.8.0
 618       *
 619       * @param bool|WP_Error $response The installation response before the installation has started.
 620       * @param array         $theme    Theme arguments.
 621       * @return bool|WP_Error The original `$response` parameter or WP_Error.
 622       */
 623  	public function current_before( $response, $theme ) {
 624          if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
 625              return $response;
 626          }
 628          $theme = isset( $theme['theme'] ) ? $theme['theme'] : '';
 630          // Only run if active theme.
 631          if ( get_stylesheet() !== $theme ) {
 632              return $response;
 633          }
 635          // Change to maintenance mode. Bulk edit handles this separately.
 636          if ( ! $this->bulk ) {
 637              $this->maintenance_mode( true );
 638          }
 640          return $response;
 641      }
 643      /**
 644       * Turn off maintenance mode after upgrading the active theme.
 645       *
 646       * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_post_install'} filter by Theme_Upgrader::upgrade()
 647       * and Theme_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade().
 648       *
 649       * @since 2.8.0
 650       *
 651       * @param bool|WP_Error $response The installation response after the installation has finished.
 652       * @param array         $theme    Theme arguments.
 653       * @return bool|WP_Error The original `$response` parameter or WP_Error.
 654       */
 655  	public function current_after( $response, $theme ) {
 656          if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
 657              return $response;
 658          }
 660          $theme = isset( $theme['theme'] ) ? $theme['theme'] : '';
 662          // Only run if active theme.
 663          if ( get_stylesheet() !== $theme ) {
 664              return $response;
 665          }
 667          // Ensure stylesheet name hasn't changed after the upgrade:
 668          if ( get_stylesheet() === $theme && $theme !== $this->result['destination_name'] ) {
 669              wp_clean_themes_cache();
 670              $stylesheet = $this->result['destination_name'];
 671              switch_theme( $stylesheet );
 672          }
 674          // Time to remove maintenance mode. Bulk edit handles this separately.
 675          if ( ! $this->bulk ) {
 676              $this->maintenance_mode( false );
 677          }
 678          return $response;
 679      }
 681      /**
 682       * Delete the old theme during an upgrade.
 683       *
 684       * Hooked to the {@see 'upgrader_clear_destination'} filter by Theme_Upgrader::upgrade()
 685       * and Theme_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade().
 686       *
 687       * @since 2.8.0
 688       *
 689       * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem Subclass
 690       *
 691       * @param bool   $removed
 692       * @param string $local_destination
 693       * @param string $remote_destination
 694       * @param array  $theme
 695       * @return bool
 696       */
 697  	public function delete_old_theme( $removed, $local_destination, $remote_destination, $theme ) {
 698          global $wp_filesystem;
 700          if ( is_wp_error( $removed ) ) {
 701              return $removed; // Pass errors through.
 702          }
 704          if ( ! isset( $theme['theme'] ) ) {
 705              return $removed;
 706          }
 708          $theme      = $theme['theme'];
 709          $themes_dir = trailingslashit( $wp_filesystem->wp_themes_dir( $theme ) );
 710          if ( $wp_filesystem->exists( $themes_dir . $theme ) ) {
 711              if ( ! $wp_filesystem->delete( $themes_dir . $theme, true ) ) {
 712                  return false;
 713              }
 714          }
 716          return true;
 717      }
 719      /**
 720       * Get the WP_Theme object for a theme.
 721       *
 722       * @since 2.8.0
 723       * @since 3.0.0 The `$theme` argument was added.
 724       *
 725       * @param string $theme The directory name of the theme. This is optional, and if not supplied,
 726       *                      the directory name from the last result will be used.
 727       * @return WP_Theme|false The theme's info object, or false `$theme` is not supplied
 728       *                        and the last result isn't set.
 729       */
 730  	public function theme_info( $theme = null ) {
 731          if ( empty( $theme ) ) {
 732              if ( ! empty( $this->result['destination_name'] ) ) {
 733                  $theme = $this->result['destination_name'];
 734              } else {
 735                  return false;
 736              }
 737          }
 739          $theme = wp_get_theme( $theme );
 740          $theme->cache_delete();
 742          return $theme;
 743      }
 745  }

Generated: Sat Oct 26 01:00:02 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1