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/wp-admin/includes/ -> class-ftp-pure.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * PemFTP - An Ftp implementation in pure PHP
   4   *
   5   * @package PemFTP
   6   * @since 2.5.0
   7   *
   8   * @version 1.0
   9   * @copyright Alexey Dotsenko
  10   * @author Alexey Dotsenko
  11   * @link https://www.phpclasses.org/package/1743-PHP-FTP-client-in-pure-PHP.html
  12   * @license LGPL https://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html
  13   */
  15  /**
  16   * FTP implementation using fsockopen to connect.
  17   *
  18   * @package PemFTP
  19   * @subpackage Pure
  20   * @since 2.5.0
  21   *
  22   * @version 1.0
  23   * @copyright Alexey Dotsenko
  24   * @author Alexey Dotsenko
  25   * @link https://www.phpclasses.org/package/1743-PHP-FTP-client-in-pure-PHP.html
  26   * @license LGPL https://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html
  27   */
  28  class ftp_pure extends ftp_base {
  30  	function __construct($verb=FALSE, $le=FALSE) {
  31          parent::__construct(false, $verb, $le);
  32      }
  34  // <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
  35  // <!--       Private functions                                                                 -->
  36  // <!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
  38  	function _settimeout($sock) {
  39          if(!@stream_set_timeout($sock, $this->_timeout)) {
  40              $this->PushError('_settimeout','socket set send timeout');
  41              $this->_quit();
  42              return FALSE;
  43          }
  44          return TRUE;
  45      }
  47  	function _connect($host, $port) {
  48          $this->SendMSG("Creating socket");
  49          $sock = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->_timeout);
  50          if (!$sock) {
  51              $this->PushError('_connect','socket connect failed', $errstr." (".$errno.")");
  52              return FALSE;
  53          }
  54          $this->_connected=true;
  55          return $sock;
  56      }
  58  	function _readmsg($fnction="_readmsg"){
  59          if(!$this->_connected) {
  60              $this->PushError($fnction, 'Connect first');
  61              return FALSE;
  62          }
  63          $result=true;
  64          $this->_message="";
  65          $this->_code=0;
  66          $go=true;
  67          do {
  68              $tmp=@fgets($this->_ftp_control_sock, 512);
  69              if($tmp===false) {
  70                  $go=$result=false;
  71                  $this->PushError($fnction,'Read failed');
  72              } else {
  73                  $this->_message.=$tmp;
  74                  if(preg_match("/^([0-9]{3})(-(.*[".CRLF."]{1,2})+\\1)? [^".CRLF."]+[".CRLF."]{1,2}$/", $this->_message, $regs)) $go=false;
  75              }
  76          } while($go);
  77          if($this->LocalEcho) echo "GET < ".rtrim($this->_message, CRLF).CRLF;
  78          $this->_code=(int)$regs[1];
  79          return $result;
  80      }
  82  	function _exec($cmd, $fnction="_exec") {
  83          if(!$this->_ready) {
  84              $this->PushError($fnction,'Connect first');
  85              return FALSE;
  86          }
  87          if($this->LocalEcho) echo "PUT > ",$cmd,CRLF;
  88          $status=@fputs($this->_ftp_control_sock, $cmd.CRLF);
  89          if($status===false) {
  90              $this->PushError($fnction,'socket write failed');
  91              return FALSE;
  92          }
  93          $this->_lastaction=time();
  94          if(!$this->_readmsg($fnction)) return FALSE;
  95          return TRUE;
  96      }
  98  	function _data_prepare($mode=FTP_ASCII) {
  99          if(!$this->_settype($mode)) return FALSE;
 100          if($this->_passive) {
 101              if(!$this->_exec("PASV", "pasv")) {
 102                  $this->_data_close();
 103                  return FALSE;
 104              }
 105              if(!$this->_checkCode()) {
 106                  $this->_data_close();
 107                  return FALSE;
 108              }
 109              $ip_port = explode(",", preg_replace("/^.+ \\(?([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]+,[0-9]+)\\)?.*$/s", "\\1", $this->_message));
 110              $this->_datahost=$ip_port[0].".".$ip_port[1].".".$ip_port[2].".".$ip_port[3];
 111              $this->_dataport=(((int)$ip_port[4])<<8) + ((int)$ip_port[5]);
 112              $this->SendMSG("Connecting to ".$this->_datahost.":".$this->_dataport);
 113              $this->_ftp_data_sock=@fsockopen($this->_datahost, $this->_dataport, $errno, $errstr, $this->_timeout);
 114              if(!$this->_ftp_data_sock) {
 115                  $this->PushError("_data_prepare","fsockopen fails", $errstr." (".$errno.")");
 116                  $this->_data_close();
 117                  return FALSE;
 118              }
 119              else $this->_ftp_data_sock;
 120          } else {
 121              $this->SendMSG("Only passive connections available!");
 122              return FALSE;
 123          }
 124          return TRUE;
 125      }
 127  	function _data_read($mode=FTP_ASCII, $fp=NULL) {
 128          if(is_resource($fp)) $out=0;
 129          else $out="";
 130          if(!$this->_passive) {
 131              $this->SendMSG("Only passive connections available!");
 132              return FALSE;
 133          }
 134          while (!feof($this->_ftp_data_sock)) {
 135              $block=fread($this->_ftp_data_sock, $this->_ftp_buff_size);
 136              if($mode!=FTP_BINARY) $block=preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/", $this->_eol_code[$this->OS_local], $block);
 137              if(is_resource($fp)) $out+=fwrite($fp, $block, strlen($block));
 138              else $out.=$block;
 139          }
 140          return $out;
 141      }
 143  	function _data_write($mode=FTP_ASCII, $fp=NULL) {
 144          if(is_resource($fp)) $out=0;
 145          else $out="";
 146          if(!$this->_passive) {
 147              $this->SendMSG("Only passive connections available!");
 148              return FALSE;
 149          }
 150          if(is_resource($fp)) {
 151              while(!feof($fp)) {
 152                  $block=fread($fp, $this->_ftp_buff_size);
 153                  if(!$this->_data_write_block($mode, $block)) return false;
 154              }
 155          } elseif(!$this->_data_write_block($mode, $fp)) return false;
 156          return TRUE;
 157      }
 159  	function _data_write_block($mode, $block) {
 160          if($mode!=FTP_BINARY) $block=preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n/", $this->_eol_code[$this->OS_remote], $block);
 161          do {
 162              if(($t=@fwrite($this->_ftp_data_sock, $block))===FALSE) {
 163                  $this->PushError("_data_write","Can't write to socket");
 164                  return FALSE;
 165              }
 166              $block=substr($block, $t);
 167          } while(!empty($block));
 168          return true;
 169      }
 171  	function _data_close() {
 172          @fclose($this->_ftp_data_sock);
 173          $this->SendMSG("Disconnected data from remote host");
 174          return TRUE;
 175      }
 177  	function _quit($force=FALSE) {
 178          if($this->_connected or $force) {
 179              @fclose($this->_ftp_control_sock);
 180              $this->_connected=false;
 181              $this->SendMSG("Socket closed");
 182          }
 183      }
 184  }
 186  ?>

Generated: Sat Oct 26 01:00:02 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1