resx = new GP_Format_ResX; $this->entries = array( array('normal_string', 'Normal String', 'Just A Normal String', ''), array('with_a_quote', 'I\'m with a quote', 'I\'m with a quote', ''), array('with_newlines', "new\nlines", "I\nhave\nnew\nlines", ''), array('with_doublequotes', 'double "quotes"', 'I have double "quotes"', ''), array('with_utf8', 'питка', 'баба ми омеси питка', ''), array('with_lt', 'you < me', 'ти < аз', ''), array('with_gt', 'me > you', "аз > ти", ''), array('with_amps', 'me & you are not &', 'аз & ти не сме &', ''), array('with_comment', 'baba', 'баба', 'Me, myself & Irene'), ); } function test_export() { $set = $this->factory->translation_set->create_with_project_and_locale(); $project = $set->project; $locale = $this->factory->locale->create(); $entries_for_export = array(); foreach( $this->entries as $sample ) { list( $context, $original, $translation, $comment ) = $sample; $entries_for_export[] = (object)array( 'context' => $context, 'singular' => $original, 'translations' => array($translation), 'extracted_comments' => $comment, ); } $file_contents = file_get_contents( GP_DIR_TESTDATA . '/translation.resx.xml' ); $file_contents = str_replace( '[GP VERSION]', GP_VERSION, $file_contents ); $this->assertEquals( $file_contents, $this->resx->print_exported_file( $project, $locale, $set, $entries_for_export ) ); } function test_read_originals() { $translations = $this->resx->read_originals_from_file( GP_DIR_TESTDATA . '/originals.resx.xml' ); $this->assertEquals( count($this->entries ), count( $translations->entries ), 'number of read originals is different from the expected' ); foreach( $this->entries as $sample ) { list( $context, $original, $translation, $comment ) = $sample; $translatable_entry = new Translation_Entry( array('singular' => $original, 'context' => $context, 'extracted_comments' => $comment ) ); $entry = $translations->translate_entry( $translatable_entry ); $this->assertEquals( $original, $entry->singular ); $this->assertEquals( $context, $entry->context ); $this->assertEquals( $comment, $entry->extracted_comments ); } } function test_read_translations() { $stubbed_originals = array(); foreach( $this->entries as $sample ) { list( $context, $original, $translation ) = $sample; $stubbed_originals[] = new GP_Original( array( 'singular' => $original, 'context' => $context ) ); } GP::$original = $this->getMockBuilder( 'GP_Original' )->setMethods( array('by_project_id') )->getMock(); GP::$original->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'by_project_id' ) ->with( $this->equalTo(2) ) ->will( $this->returnValue($stubbed_originals) ); $translations = $this->resx->read_translations_from_file( GP_DIR_TESTDATA . '/translation.resx.xml', (object)array( 'id' => 2 ) ); foreach( $this->entries as $sample ) { list( $context, $original, $translation ) = $sample; $this->assertEquals( $translation, $translations->translate( $original, $context ) ); } } }