name_should_not_be( 'empty' ); $rules->slug_should_not_be( 'empty' ); $rules->locale_should_not_be( 'empty' ); $rules->project_id_should_not_be( 'empty' ); } /** * Normalizes an array with key-value pairs representing * a GP_Translation_Set object. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $args Arguments for a GP_Translation_Set object. * @return array Normalized arguments for a GP_Translation_Set object. */ public function normalize_fields( $args ) { $args = parent::normalize_fields( $args ); if ( isset( $args['name'] ) && empty( $args['name'] ) ) { if ( isset( $args['locale'] ) && ! empty( $args['locale'] ) ) { $locale = GP_locales::by_slug( $args['locale'] ); $args['name'] = $locale->english_name; } } if ( isset( $args['slug'] ) && ! $args['slug'] ) { $args['slug'] = 'default'; } if ( ! empty( $args['slug'] ) ) { $args['slug'] = gp_sanitize_slug( $args['slug'] ); } return $args; } /** * Returns the English name of a locale. * * If the slug of the locale is not 'default' then the name of the * current translation sets gets added as a suffix. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $separator Separator, in case the slug is not 'default'. Default: '→'. * @return string The English name of a locale. */ public function name_with_locale( $separator = '→' ) { $locale = GP_Locales::by_slug( $this->locale ); $parts = array( $locale->english_name ); if ( 'default' !== $this->slug ) { $parts[] = $this->name; } return implode( ' ' . $separator . ' ', $parts ); } public function by_project_id_slug_and_locale( $project_id, $slug, $locale_slug ) { $result = $this->one( "SELECT * FROM $this->table WHERE slug = %s AND project_id= %d AND locale = %s", $slug, $project_id, $locale_slug ); if ( ! $result && 0 === $project_id ) { $result = $this->create( array( 'project_id' => $project_id, 'name' => GP_Locales::by_slug( $locale_slug )->english_name, 'slug' => $slug, 'locale' => $locale_slug, ) ); } return $result; } public function by_locale( $locale_slug ) { return $this->many( "SELECT * FROM $this->table WHERE locale = %s", $locale_slug ); } public function existing_locales() { global $wpdb; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared return $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT DISTINCT(locale) FROM $this->table" ); } public function existing_slugs() { global $wpdb; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared return $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT DISTINCT(slug) FROM $this->table" ); } public function by_project_id( $project_id ) { return $this->many( "SELECT * FROM $this->table WHERE project_id = %d ORDER BY name ASC", $project_id ); } /** * Import translations from a Translations object. * * @param Translations $translations the translations to be imported to this translation-set. * @param string $desired_status 'current', 'waiting' or 'fuzzy'. * @return boolean or void */ public function import( $translations, $desired_status = 'current' ) { wp_raise_memory_limit( 'gp_translations_import' ); if ( ! isset( $this->project ) || ! $this->project ) { $this->project = GP::$project->get( $this->project_id ); } // Fuzzy is also checked in the flags, but if all strings in an import are fuzzy, fuzzy status can be forced. if ( ! in_array( $desired_status, array( 'current', 'waiting', 'fuzzy' ), true ) ) { return false; } $locale = GP_Locales::by_slug( $this->locale ); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $existing_translations = array(); $current_translations_list = GP::$translation->for_translation( $this->project, $this, 'no-limit', array( 'status' => 'current', ) ); $existing_translations['current'] = new Translations(); foreach ( $current_translations_list as $entry ) { $existing_translations['current']->add_entry( $entry ); } unset( $current_translations_list ); $translations_added = 0; foreach ( $translations->entries as $entry ) { if ( empty( $entry->translations ) ) { continue; } $is_fuzzy = in_array( 'fuzzy', $entry->flags, true ); /** * Filter whether to import fuzzy translations. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param bool $import_over Import fuzzy translation. Default true. * @param Translation_Entry $entry Translation entry object to import. * @param Translations $translations Translations collection. */ if ( $is_fuzzy && ! apply_filters( 'gp_translation_set_import_fuzzy_translations', true, $entry, $translations ) ) { continue; } /** * Filters the the status of imported translations of a translation set. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 2.3.0 Added `$new_translation` and `$old_translation` parameters. * * @param string $status The status of imported translations. * @param Translation_Entry $new_translation Translation entry object to import. * @param GP_Translation|null $old_translation The previous translation. */ $entry->status = apply_filters( 'gp_translation_set_import_status', $is_fuzzy ? 'fuzzy' : $desired_status, $entry, null ); $entry->warnings = maybe_unserialize( GP::$translation_warnings->check( $entry->singular, $entry->plural, $entry->translations, $locale ) ); if ( ! empty( $entry->warnings ) && 'current' === $entry->status ) { $entry->status = 'waiting'; } // Lazy load other entries. if ( ! isset( $existing_translations[ $entry->status ] ) ) { $existing_translations_list = GP::$translation->for_translation( $this->project, $this, 'no-limit', array( 'status' => $entry->status, ) ); $existing_translations[ $entry->status ] = new Translations(); foreach ( $existing_translations_list as $_entry ) { $existing_translations[ $entry->status ]->add_entry( $_entry ); } unset( $existing_translations_list ); } $create = false; $translated = $existing_translations[ $entry->status ]->translate_entry( $entry ); if ( 'current' !== $entry->status && ! $translated ) { // Don't create an entry if it already exists as current. $translated = $existing_translations['current']->translate_entry( $entry ); } if ( $translated ) { // We have the same string translated, so create a new one if they don't match. $entry->original_id = $translated->original_id; $translated_is_different = array_pad( $entry->translations, $locale->nplurals, null ) !== $translated->translations; /** * Filter whether to import over an existing translation on a translation set. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param bool $import_over Import over an existing translation. */ $create = apply_filters( 'gp_translation_set_import_over_existing', $translated_is_different ); } else { // we don't have the string translated, let's see if the original is there $original = GP::$original->by_project_id_and_entry( $this->project->id, $entry, '+active' ); if ( $original ) { $entry->original_id = $original->id; $create = true; } } if ( $create ) { if ( $user ) { $entry->user_id = $user->ID; } $entry->translation_set_id = $this->id; $entry->status = apply_filters( 'gp_translation_set_import_status', $entry->status, $entry, $translated ); // Check for errors. $translation = GP::$translation->create( $entry ); if ( is_object( $translation ) ) { $translation->set_status( $entry->status ); $translations_added += 1; } } } gp_clean_translation_set_cache( $this->id ); /** * Fires after translations have been imported to a translation set. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param int $translation_set The ID of the translation set the import was made into. */ do_action( 'gp_translations_imported', $this->id ); return $translations_added; } /** * Retrieves the number of waiting translations. * * @return int Number of waiting translations. */ public function waiting_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->waiting_count ) ) { $this->update_status_breakdown(); } return $this->waiting_count; } /** * Retrieves the number of untranslated originals. * * @return int Number of untranslated originals. */ public function untranslated_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->untranslated_count ) ) { $this->update_status_breakdown(); } return $this->untranslated_count; } /** * Retrieves the number of fuzzy translations. * * @return int Number of fuzzy translations. */ public function fuzzy_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->fuzzy_count ) ) { $this->update_status_breakdown(); } return $this->fuzzy_count; } /** * Retrieves the number of current translations. * * @return int Number of current translations. */ public function current_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->current_count ) ) { $this->update_status_breakdown(); } return $this->current_count; } /** * Retrieves the number of translations with warnings. * * @return int Number of translations with warnings. */ public function warnings_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->warnings_count ) ) { $this->update_status_breakdown(); } return $this->warnings_count; } /** * Retrieves the number of all originals. * * @return int Number of all originals. */ public function all_count() { if ( ! isset( $this->all_count ) ) { $this->update_status_breakdown(); } return $this->all_count; } /** * Populates the count properties. */ public function update_status_breakdown() { $counts = wp_cache_get( $this->id, 'translation_set_status_breakdown' ); /* * The format was changed in 2.1 and 3.0. * * In 2.1 the format was changed to an array of objects in the following sequence, * however not all may exist in the array, so for example, the array may only be 3 * entries long and skip any of the values: * * [0] = Current translations * [1] = Fuzzy translations * [2] = Rejected translations * [3] = Old translations * [4] = Translations with warnings * [5] = All translations * * In 3.0 the untranslated object was added: * * [0] = Current translations * [1] = Fuzzy translations * [2] = Rejected translations * [3] = Old translations * [4] = Translations with warnings * [5] = Untranslated originals * [6] = All translations * * Version 3.0 also introduced the cache 'version' array entry to allow for easy * detection of when the cache should be expired due to changes in the cache. * * Note: The _version key is unset after the cache is loaded so that it does not * get used in the for loops when setting the object properties. * */ if ( ! is_array( $counts ) || ! array_key_exists( '_version', $counts ) || GP_CACHE_VERSION !== $counts['_version'] ) { global $wpdb; $counts = array(); $status_counts = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.status AS translation_status, COUNT(*) AS total, COUNT( CASE WHEN o.priority = '-2' THEN o.priority END ) AS `hidden`, COUNT( CASE WHEN o.priority <> '-2' THEN o.priority END ) AS `public` FROM {$wpdb->gp_translations} AS t INNER JOIN {$wpdb->gp_originals} AS o ON t.original_id = WHERE t.translation_set_id = %d AND o.status = '+active' GROUP BY t.status", $this->id ) ); if ( $status_counts ) { $counts = $status_counts; } $warnings_counts = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, COUNT( CASE WHEN o.priority = '-2' THEN o.priority END ) AS `hidden`, COUNT( CASE WHEN o.priority <> '-2' THEN o.priority END ) AS `public` FROM {$wpdb->gp_translations} AS t INNER JOIN {$wpdb->gp_originals} AS o ON t.original_id = WHERE t.translation_set_id = %d AND o.status = '+active' AND ( t.status = 'current' OR t.status = 'waiting' ) AND warnings IS NOT NULL AND warnings != ''", $this->id ) ); if ( $warnings_counts ) { $counts[] = (object) array( 'translation_status' => 'warnings', 'total' => (int) $warnings_counts->total, 'hidden' => (int) $warnings_counts->hidden, 'public' => (int) $warnings_counts->public, ); } $untranslated_counts = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, COUNT( CASE WHEN o.priority = '-2' THEN o.priority END ) AS `hidden`, COUNT( CASE WHEN o.priority <> '-2' THEN o.priority END ) AS `public` FROM {$wpdb->gp_originals} AS o LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->gp_translations} AS t ON = t.original_id AND t.translation_set_id = %d AND t.status != 'rejected' AND t.status != 'old' WHERE o.project_id = %d AND o.status = '+active' AND t.translation_0 IS NULL", $this->id, $this->project_id ) ); if ( $untranslated_counts ) { $counts[] = (object) array( 'translation_status' => 'untranslated', 'total' => (int) $untranslated_counts->total, 'public' => (int) $untranslated_counts->public, 'hidden' => (int) $untranslated_counts->hidden, ); } $counts['_version'] = GP_CACHE_VERSION; wp_cache_set( $this->id, $counts, 'translation_set_status_breakdown' ); } if ( array_key_exists( '_version', $counts ) ) { unset( $counts['_version'] ); } $all_count = GP::$original->count_by_project_id( $this->project_id, 'all' ); $counts[] = (object) array( 'translation_status' => 'all', 'total' => $all_count->total, 'hidden' => $all_count->hidden, 'public' => $all_count->public, ); $statuses = GP::$translation->get_static( 'statuses' ); $statuses[] = 'warnings'; $statuses[] = 'untranslated'; $statuses[] = 'all'; foreach ( $statuses as $status ) { $this->{$status . '_count'} = 0; } $user_can_view_hidden = GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'write', 'project', $this->project_id ); foreach ( $counts as $count ) { if ( in_array( $count->translation_status, $statuses, true ) ) { $this->{$count->translation_status . '_count'} = $user_can_view_hidden ? (int) $count->total : (int) $count->public; } } } /** * Copies translations from a translation set to the current one * * This function doesn't merge then, just copies unconditionally. If a translation already exists, it will be duplicated. * When copying translations from another project, it will search to find the original first. */ public function copy_translations_from( $source_translation_set_id ) { global $wpdb; $current_date = $this->now_in_mysql_format(); $source_set = GP::$translation_set->get( $source_translation_set_id ); if ( $source_set->project_id != $this->project_id ) { $translations = GP::$translation->find_many_no_map( "translation_set_id = '{$source_set->id}'" ); foreach ( $translations as $entry ) { $source_original = GP::$original->get( $entry->original_id ); $original = GP::$original->by_project_id_and_entry( $this->project_id, $source_original ); if ( $original ) { $entry->original_id = $original->id; $entry->translation_set_id = $this->id; GP::$translation->create( $entry ); } } } else { return $this->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->gp_translations ( original_id, translation_set_id, translation_0, translation_1, translation_2, user_id, status, date_added, date_modified, warnings ) SELECT original_id, %s AS translation_set_id, translation_0, translation_1, translation_2, user_id, status, date_added, %s AS date_modified, warnings FROM $wpdb->gp_translations WHERE translation_set_id = %s", $this->id, $current_date, $source_translation_set_id ); } } public function percent_translated() { $original_counts = GP::$original->count_by_project_id( $this->project_id, 'all' ); if ( GP::$permission->current_user_can( 'write', 'project', $this->project_id ) ) { $original_count = $original_counts->total; } else { $original_count = $original_counts->public; } return $original_count ? floor( $this->current_count() / $original_count * 100 ) : 0; } /** * Retrieves the last modified date of a translation in this translation set. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string|false The last modified date on success, false on failure. */ public function last_modified() { return GP::$translation->last_modified( $this ); } /** * Deletes a translation set and all of its translations and glossaries. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return bool */ public function delete() { GP::$translation->delete_many( array( 'translation_set_id' => $this->id ) ); GP::$glossary->delete_many( array( 'translation_set_id', $this->id ) ); return parent::delete(); } /** * Executes after creating a translation set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool */ public function after_create() { /** * Fires after creating a translation set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param GP_Translation_Set $translation_set The translation set that was created. */ do_action( 'gp_translation_set_created', $this ); return true; } /** * Executes after saving a translation set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param GP_Translation_Set $translation_set_before Translation set before the update. * @return bool */ public function after_save( $translation_set_before ) { /** * Fires after saving a translation set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param GP_Translation_Set $translation_set Translation set following the update. * @param GP_Translation_Set $translation_set_before Translation set before the update. */ do_action( 'gp_translation_set_saved', $this, $translation_set_before ); return true; } /** * Executes after deleting a translation set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return bool */ public function after_delete() { /** * Fires after deleting a translation set. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param GP_Translation_Set $translation_set The translation set that was deleted. */ do_action( 'gp_translation_set_deleted', $this ); return true; } } GP::$translation_set = new GP_Translation_Set();