redirect( wp_login_url( gp_url_profile() ) ); return; } $this->tmpl( 'profile' ); } /** * Displays the profile page for a given user. * * @param string $user A user nicename. */ public function profile_view( $user = '' ) { if ( '' == $user ) { // WPCS: loose comparison ok. $user = wp_get_current_user(); } else { $user = get_user_by( 'slug', $user ); } if ( ! $user || ( is_object( $user ) && $user instanceof WP_User && ! $user->exists() ) ) { return $this->die_with_404(); } $recent_projects = $this->get_recent_translation_sets( $user, 5 ); $locales = $this->locales_known( $user ); // validate to. $permissions = $this->get_permissions( $user ); $this->tmpl( 'profile-public', get_defined_vars() ); } /** * Gets an array of recent translation sets the user has worked on. * * @param WP_User $user A user object. * @param int $amount Number of recent translations to return. * * @return array $translation_sets An array of translation set objects */ private function get_recent_translation_sets( $user, $amount = 5 ) { global $wpdb; $translations = GP::$translation_set->many_no_map( "SELECT translation_set_id, date_added FROM $wpdb->gp_translations as t WHERE date_added >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 MONTH) AND user_id = %s AND status != 'rejected' ORDER BY date_added DESC", $user->ID ); $set_ids = array(); $translation_sets = array(); $i = 0; foreach ( $translations as $translation ) { if ( in_array( $translation->translation_set_id, $set_ids, true ) ) { continue; } $set_ids[] = $translation->translation_set_id; $set = GP::$translation_set->find_one( array( 'id' => (int) $translation->translation_set_id ) ); if ( $set ) { $translation_set = $this->get_translation_set( $set ); if ( ! $translation_set ) { continue; } $translation_set->set_id = $set->id; $translation_set->last_updated = $translation->date_added; $translation_set->count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->gp_translations WHERE user_id = %s AND status != 'rejected' AND translation_set_id = %s", $user->ID, $translation->translation_set_id ) ); $translation_sets[] = $translation_set; $i++; // Bail early if we have already the amount requested if ( $i >= $amount ) { break; } } } return $translation_sets; } /** * Gets an array of locales the user has contributed to. * * @param WP_User $user A user object. * * @return array $locales An array of locale objects */ private function locales_known( $user ) { global $wpdb; $translations = GP::$translation_set->many_no_map( "SELECT ts.locale, count(*) AS count FROM $wpdb->gp_translations as t INNER JOIN $wpdb->gp_translation_sets AS ts ON = t.translation_set_id WHERE user_id = %s GROUP BY ts.locale ORDER BY count DESC", $user->ID ); $locales = array(); foreach ( $translations as $data ) { $locale = GP_Locales::by_slug( $data->locale ); $locales[ $locale->english_name ] = array( 'locale' => $data->locale, 'count' => (int) $data->count, ); } return $locales; } /** * Retrieve a users permissions. * * @param WP_User $user The user object. * * @return array Array of permissions */ private function get_permissions( $user ) { $permissions = GP::$permission->find_many_no_map( array( 'user_id' => $user->ID, 'action' => 'approve', ) ); foreach ( $permissions as $key => &$permission ) { $object_id = GP::$validator_permission->project_id_locale_slug_set_slug( $permission->object_id ); // Skip admin permissions if ( ! isset( $object_id[1] ) ) { unset( $permissions[ $key ] ); continue; } $set = GP::$translation_set->find_one( array( 'project_id' => $object_id[0], 'locale' => $object_id[1], 'slug' => $object_id[2], ) ); // Skip permissions for non existing sets if ( ! $set ) { unset( $permissions[ $key ] ); continue; } unset( $permission->id, $permission->action, $permission->object_type, $permission->object_id ); $translation_set = $this->get_translation_set( $set ); if ( $set && $translation_set ) { $permission = (object) array_merge( (array) $permission, (array) $translation_set ); $permission->set_id = $set->id; } else { unset( $permissions[ $key ] ); } } return $permissions; } /** * Gets an object representing the project id, project url and translation set name of the supplied set. * * @param GP_Translation_set $set A translation set object. * * @return object */ private function get_translation_set( $set ) { if ( ! isset( $this->projects[ $set->project_id ] ) ) { $this->projects[ $set->project_id ] = GP::$project->get( $set->project_id ); } $project = $this->projects[ $set->project_id ]; if ( ! $project ) { return false; } $project_url = gp_url_project( $project, gp_url_join( $set->locale, $set->slug ) ); $set_name = gp_project_names_from_root( $project ) . ' | ' . $set->name_with_locale(); return (object) array( 'project_id' => $project->id, 'project_url' => $project_url, 'set_name' => $set_name, ); } }