last_modified( $translation_set ) . "+0000\n"; $result .= "# Plural-Forms: nplurals={$locale->nplurals}; plural={$locale->plural_expression};\n"; $result .= '# Generator: GlotPress/' . GP_VERSION . "\n"; $language_code = $this->get_language_code( $locale ); if ( false !== $language_code ) { $result .= '# Language: ' . $language_code . "\n"; } $result .= "\n"; $sorted_entries = $entries; usort( $sorted_entries, array( $this, 'sort_entries' ) ); foreach ( $sorted_entries as $entry ) { $entry->context = $this->escape( $entry->context ); if ( empty( $entry->translations ) ) { $translation = $entry->context; } else { $translation = $entry->translations[0]; } $translation = str_replace( "\n", "\\n", $translation ); $translation = $this->utf8_uni_encode( $translation ); if ( empty( $entry->context ) ) { $original = $entry->singular; } else { $original = $entry->context; } $original = str_replace( "\n", "\\n", $original ); $comment = preg_replace( '/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/us', '', $entry->extracted_comments ); if ( '' == $comment ) { $comment = 'No comment provided.'; } $comment_lines = explode( "\n", $comment ); foreach ( $comment_lines as $line ) { $result .= "# $line\n"; } $result .= $this->escape_key( $original ) . " = $translation\n\n"; } return $result; } /** * Encodes a PHP string in UTF8 format to a unicode escaped string (multi-byte characters are encoded in the \uXXXX format). * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param $string string The string to encode. * * @return string */ private function utf8_uni_encode( $string ) { $result = ''; $offset = 0; while ( $offset >= 0 ) { $val = $this->ordutf8( $string, $offset ); if ( false === $val ) { break; } elseif ( $val > 127 ) { $result .= sprintf( '\u%04x', $val ); } else { $result .= chr( $val ); } } return $result; } /** * Encodes a PHP string in ascii format to a unicode escaped string (multi-byte characters are encoded in the \uXXXX format). * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $string The string to encode. * * @return string */ private function ascii_uni_encode( $string ) { $result = ''; $string_length = strlen( $string ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++ ) { $val = ord( $string[ $i ] ); if ( $val > 127 ) { $result .= sprintf( '\u%04x', $val ); } else { $result .= $string[ $i ]; } } return $result; } /** * Decodes a unicode escaped string to a PHP string. * * @param string $string The string to decode. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return string */ private function uni_decode( $string ) { return preg_replace_callback( "/\\\\u([a-fA-F0-9]{4})/", array( $this, 'uni_decode_callback' ), $string ); } /** * Part of uni_decode(), this is the call back function that does the heavy lifting of converting a \uXXXX * value to a UTF-8 encoded character sequence. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param array $matches The array of matches from preg_replace_callback(). * * @return string */ private function uni_decode_callback( $matches ) { $binary = decbin( hexdec( $matches[1] ) ); $bin_length = strlen( $binary ); $byte = array(); // UTF-8 encoding is a little complex, see for details of the below values. if ( $bin_length > 16 ) { // > 16 bits, need 4 unicode bytes to encode. $byte[0] = chr( bindec( '11110' . sprintf( '%03s', substr( $binary, 0, $bin_length - 18 ) ) ) ); $byte[1] = chr( bindec( '10' . sprintf( '%06s', substr( $binary, -( 6 * 3 ), 6 ) ) ) ); $byte[2] = chr( bindec( '10' . sprintf( '%06s', substr( $binary, -( 6 * 2 ), 6 ) ) ) ); $byte[3] = chr( bindec( '10' . sprintf( '%06s', substr( $binary, -( 6 * 1 ), 6 ) ) ) ); } elseif ( $bin_length > 11 ) { // > 11 bits, need 3 unicode bytes to encode. $byte[0] = chr( bindec( '1110' . sprintf( '%04s', substr( $binary, 0, $bin_length - 12 ) ) ) ); $byte[1] = chr( bindec( '10' . sprintf( '%06s', substr( $binary, -( 6 * 2 ), 6 ) ) ) ); $byte[2] = chr( bindec( '10' . sprintf( '%06s', substr( $binary, -( 6 * 1 ), 6 ) ) ) ); } elseif ( $bin_length > 7 ) { // > 7 bites, need 2 unicode bytes to encode. $byte[0] = chr( bindec( '110' . sprintf( '%05s', substr( $binary, 0, $bin_length - 6 ) ) ) ); $byte[1] = chr( bindec( '10' . sprintf( '%06s', substr( $binary, -( 6 * 1 ), 6 ) ) ) ); } else { // < 8 bites, need 1 unicode bytes to encode. $byte[0] = chr( bindec( '0' . sprintf( '%07s', $binary ) ) ); } /* * This is an alternate way to encode the character but it needs the iconv functions available: * * iconv( 'UCS-4LE', 'UTF-8', pack( 'V', hexdec( $matches[ 1 ] ) ) ); * */ return implode( $byte ); } /** * Part of utf8_uni_encode(), this returns the character value of a UTF-8 encoded string. * * From * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $string The UTF-8 string to process. * @param int $offset The offset of the string to return the character value of. * * @return int|bool */ private function ordutf8( $string, &$offset ) { $character = substr( $string, $offset, 1 ); // If substr returned false, we are past the end of line so no need to process it. if ( false === $character ) { // Set the offset back to -1 to indicate we're done. $offset = -1; return false; } $code = ord( $character ); $bytesnumber = 1; if ( $code >= 128 ) { // Otherwise 0xxxxxxx $codetemp = $code - 192; if ( $code < 224 ) { $bytesnumber = 2; // 110xxxxx } elseif ( $code < 240 ) { $bytesnumber = 3; // 1110xxxx $codetemp -= 32; } elseif ( $code < 248 ) { $bytesnumber = 4; // 11110xxx $codetemp -= ( 32 + 16 ); } for ( $i = 2; $i <= $bytesnumber; $i++ ) { $offset ++; $code2 = ord( substr( $string, $offset, 1 ) ) - 128; // 10xxxxxx $codetemp = ( $codetemp * 64 ) + $code2; } $code = $codetemp; } $offset += 1; if ( $offset >= strlen( $string ) ) { $offset = -1; } return $code; } /** * Splits a properties file line on the = or : character. * * Skips escaped values (\= or \:) in the key and matches the first unescaped instance. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $line The line to split. * @param string $key The key part of the properties file string if found. * @param string $value The value part of the properties file string if found. * * @return bool Returns true if the line was split successfully, false otherwise. */ private function split_properties_line( $line, &$key, &$value ) { // Make sure to reset the key/value before continuing. $key = ''; $value = ''; // Split the string on any = or :, get back where the string was split. $matches = preg_split( '/[=|:]/', $line, null, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); // Check the number of matches. $num_matches = count( $matches ); // There's always one match (the entire line) so if we matched more than one, let's see if we can split the line. if ( $num_matches > 1 ) { // Loop through the matches, starting at the second one. for ( $i = 1; $i < $num_matches; $i ++ ) { // Get the location of the current match. $location = $matches[ $i ][1]; // If the location of the separator is the first character of the string it's an invalid location so skip it. if ( $location < 2 ) { continue; } // If the character before it (-2 as the separator character is still part of the match) // is an escape, we don't have a match yet. if ( '\\' != $line[ $location - 2 ] ) { // Set the return values for the key and value. $key = substr( $line, 0, $location - 1 ); $value = substr( $line, $location ); // Handle the special case where the separator is actually " = " or " : ". if ( gp_endswith( $key, ' ' ) && gp_startswith( $value, ' ' ) ) { $key = substr( $key, 0, -1 ); $value = substr( $value, 1 ); } return true; } } } // Return false since we didn't find a valid line to split. return false; } /** * Reads a set of translations from a properties file. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $file_name The filename of the uploaded properties file. * @param GP_Project $project The project object to read the translations in to. * * @return Translations|bool */ public function read_translations_from_file( $file_name, $project = null ) { if ( is_null( $project ) ) { return false; } $translations = $this->read_originals_from_file( $file_name ); if ( ! $translations ) { return false; } $originals = GP::$original->by_project_id( $project->id ); $new_translations = new Translations(); foreach ( $translations->entries as $key => $entry ) { // we have been using read_originals_from_file to parse the file // so we need to swap singular and translation $entry->translations = array( $entry->singular ); $entry->singular = null; foreach ( $originals as $original ) { if ( $original->context == $entry->context ) { $entry->singular = $original->singular; $entry->context = $original->context; break; } } if ( ! $entry->singular ) { error_log( sprintf( /* translators: 1: Context. 2: Project ID. */ __( 'Missing context %1$s in project #%2$d', 'glotpress' ), $entry->context, $project->id ) ); continue; } $new_translations->add_entry( $entry ); } return $new_translations; } /** * Reads a set of original strings from a properties file. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $file_name The filename of the uploaded properties file. * * @return Translations|bool */ public function read_originals_from_file( $file_name ) { $entries = new Translations(); $file = file_get_contents( $file_name ); if ( false === $file ) { return false; } $entry = $comment = null; $inline = false; $lines = explode( "\n", $file ); $key = ''; $value = ''; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^(#|!)\s*(.*)\s*$/', $line, $matches ) ) { // If we have been processing a multi-line entry, save it now. if ( true === $inline ) { $entries->add_entry( $entry ); $inline = false; } $matches[1] = trim( $matches[1] ); if ( 'No comment provided.' !== $matches[1] ) { if ( null !== $comment ) { $comment = $comment . "\n" . $matches[2]; } else { $comment = $matches[2]; } } else { $comment = null; } } elseif ( false === $inline && $this->split_properties_line( $line, $key, $value ) ) { // Check to see if this line continues on to the next if ( gp_endswith( $line, '\\' ) ) { $inline = true; $value = trim( $value, '\\' ); } $entry = new Translation_Entry(); $entry->context = rtrim( $this->unescape( $key ) ); /* * So the following line looks a little weird, why encode just to decode? * * The reason is simple, properties files are in ISO-8859-1 aka Latin-1 format * and can have extended characters above 127 but below 256 represented by a * single byte. That will break things later as PHP/MySQL will not accept * a mixed encoding string with these high single byte characters in them. * * So let's convert everything to escaped unicode first and then decode * the whole kit and kaboodle to UTF-8. */ $entry->singular = $this->uni_decode( $this->ascii_uni_encode( $value ) ); if ( ! is_null( $comment ) ) { $entry->extracted_comments = $comment; $comment = null; } $entry->translations = array(); // Only save this entry if we're not in a multi line translation. if ( false === $inline ) { $entries->add_entry( $entry ); } } else { // If we're processing a multi-line entry, add the line to the translation. if ( true === $inline ) { // Check to make sure we're not a blank line. if ( '' != trim( $line ) ) { // If there's still more lines to add, trim off the trailing slash. if ( gp_endswith( $line, '\\' ) ) { $line = rtrim( $line, '\\' ); } // Strip off leading spaces. $line = ltrim( $line ); // Decode the translation and add it to the current entry. $entry->singular = $entry->singular . $this->uni_decode( $line ); } else { // Any blank line signals end of the entry. $entries->add_entry( $entry ); $inline = false; } } else { // If we hit a blank line and are not processing a multi-line entry, reset the comment. $comment = null; } } } // Make sure we save the last entry if it is a multi-line entry. if ( true === $inline ) { $entries->add_entry( $entry ); } return $entries; } /** * The callback to sort the entries by, used above in print_exported_file(). * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param Translations $a The first translation to compare. * @param Translations $b The second translation to compare. * * @return int */ private function sort_entries( $a, $b ) { if ( $a->context == $b->context ) { return 0; } return ( $a->context > $b->context ) ? +1 : -1; } /** * Unescape a string to be used as a value in the properties file. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $string The string to unescape. * * @return string */ private function unescape( $string ) { return stripcslashes( $string ); } /** * Escape a string to be used as a value in the properties file. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $string The string to escape. * * @return string */ private function escape( $string ) { return addcslashes( $string, '"\\/' ); } /** * Escape a string to be used as a key name in the properties file. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $string The string to escape. * * @return string */ private function escape_key( $string ) { return addcslashes( $string, '=: ' ); } } GP::$formats['properties'] = new GP_Format_Properties();